USMB Coffee Shop IV

Just got back from the VA Clinic, was strapped down and stuffed into a noisy tube for almost an hour and a half........
Just got back from the VA Clinic, was strapped down and stuffed into a noisy tube for almost an hour and a half........

Those tubes make noise? Isn't the claustrophobia sufficient trauma?
Didn't have that problem, they did give me ear plugs...... thankfully..... :lol:
Heck when I used to spelunk I would occasionally pull myself through cracks that required I had my arms outstretched over my head and I was pulling with my finger tips and pushing with my toes.
Just got back from the VA Clinic, was strapped down and stuffed into a noisy tube for almost an hour and a half........

Those tubes make noise? Isn't the claustrophobia sufficient trauma?
Didn't have that problem, they did give me ear plugs...... thankfully..... :lol:
Heck when I used to spelunk I would occasionally pull myself through cracks that required I had my arms outstretched over my head and I was pulling with my finger tips and pushing with my toes.

Ugh, I couldn't do that. I have pretty mild claustrophobia, but it's enough that thinking about something like that is uncomfortable. :p
Just got back from the VA Clinic, was strapped down and stuffed into a noisy tube for almost an hour and a half........

Those tubes make noise? Isn't the claustrophobia sufficient trauma?
Didn't have that problem, they did give me ear plugs...... thankfully..... :lol:
Heck when I used to spelunk I would occasionally pull myself through cracks that required I had my arms outstretched over my head and I was pulling with my finger tips and pushing with my toes.

Ugh, I couldn't do that. I have pretty mild claustrophobia, but it's enough that thinking about something like that is uncomfortable. :p
Believe it or not so do I. I also have mild acrophobia but I used to rock climb. Brian, my best friend, had a severe case of acrophobia and was a fighter jockey, didn't bother him when he was in the cockpit.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
ChrisL's interview,
Mrs. Ernie,
Gracie's procedure,
Foxfyre's sprained shoulder
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Spoonman, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Surgery started 2.75 hours late yesterday, so Harper ended up going over 14 hours without food. All in all everything went well. Pretty humbling at U of M hospital to see all the other kids with much worse troubles.
Kinda puts things in perspective, don't it.
I have some problems but every time I go to the VA Clinic I'm thankful those problems aren't really near as bad as I see some people suffering from. :thup:
Downs Syndrome child diagnosed with leukemia was top of the list yesterday. Followed by a boy about eight with some type of tumor that made it look like the right side of his face was sliding off.
Good morning everyone! Happy Thursday! I can't wait for this weekend. It has been hellish here all week and I've had a margarine since Sunday. Thank goodness it has finally started to subside.
Surgery started 2.75 hours late yesterday, so Harper ended up going over 14 hours without food. All in all everything went well. Pretty humbling at U of M hospital to see all the other kids with much worse troubles.

That's hard to watch with an adult and agonizing when you have to go through it with a child that you love. But Harper came through it okay?
Good morning everyone! Happy Thursday! I can't wait for this weekend. It has been hellish here all week and I've had a margarine since Sunday. Thank goodness it has finally started to subside.

So sorry mdk--certainly miserable to go through. Glad you're starting to see your way out of it.
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I could relate to Harper, because I go into battle mode and didn't eat from 7:45am to 10:30pm. Didn't use the facilities during that time either. I can be pretty focused.
Today is starve day. So with no cream for breakfast....lunch was hot tea and lime jello. Dinner will be amazing chicken broth with a delicious dessert of more lime jello and hot tea again. Then at 6pm, the creme de la creme super dessert of Go-Lytely to the tune of half a gallon, then a nice visit in the bathroom for a couple of hours, then maybe another cup of tea (green tea, decaf with sugar), off to bed.

Tomorrow morning at 6:30am, lucky me gets to drink the other half gallon of Go-Lytely, another visit to the bathroom for awhile, then sitting in the yard waiting until 9am to start off to the medical building where the excavating will begin at 10:30am.

I just called them to MAKE SURE I will NOT be getting the twilight this go round....and that I will be OUT completely. Asleep. No more waking up. They said I would be getting Propowhateveritscalled and nope..I won't feel a thing. Ok. Good. Cuz this time I will break something other than their damn bedrail like last time. THIS time, I will aim for an expensive gadget if I wake up before I'm supposed to. They said it won't happen....fact. So...I'm good with that assurance.

But being me....y'all say a little prayer or whatever that I sleep thru it all and when next I get online, I come here and say "all done and didn't feel a thing!" :lol:

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