USMB Coffee Shop IV

Hey, this looks like lot more fun than walking on running on the treadmill:

I actually like Bruno Mars, which puzzles my daughter...

I need to listen to more modern music I guess because gradually they are beginning to restore melody and song styling instead of it just being tuneless noise with a beat. After watching ya'lls discussion on this, I pulled up some Bruno Mars and Santana and Ricky Martin and yes, some of their stuff I can warm up to. So maybe I'll not hold onto to my prejudices re all modern music so tightly. :)
Hey, this looks like lot more fun than walking on running on the treadmill:

I actually like Bruno Mars, which puzzles my daughter...

I need to listen to more modern music I guess because gradually they are beginning to restore melody and song styling instead of it just being tuneless noise with a beat. After watching ya'lls discussion on this, I pulled up some Bruno Mars and Santana and Ricky Martin and yes, some of their stuff I can warm up to. So maybe I'll not hold onto to my prejudices re all modern music so tightly. :)

This was Ricky Martin's main American hit.

Hey, this looks like lot more fun than walking on running on the treadmill:

I actually like Bruno Mars, which puzzles my daughter...

You sound like me, I like all kinds of music, I've added that song to a list for an new CD I'm putting together. It's a Mark Ronson song with Bruno Mars, he has another great one with Keyone Starr called I Can't Lose. Kinda does what Santana does, write the songs, play the musical instrument and someone else does the vocals like Smooth with Rob Thomas from Matchbox Twenty.
Personally I don't think that song would be as awesome as it is without Robs' vocals, not that it's not awesome enough...... :D

Awesome tune! I love Santana. This is a really good one too that you might enjoy. :)

OOOO Brings back memories. I was dating a woman from Spanish Harlem named Maria when that came out.
Back from vacation... Actually, I got back home around 4:00 pm on Saturday. Had a great time. The RV performed flawlessly. I actually averaged 10.5 mpg for gas which for a RV is pretty good. Didn't go to Montana as originally planned. Instead we went to Virginia to visit with an old friend who is getting on in years and health is declining a tad. Had a great three day visit with him and his wife and then went to Williamsburg, VA and spent a day there. We ate at the King's Arms Inn again because it's where Mrs. BBD and I ate supper on the day we were married. Left Williamsburg and went to Monticello - Thomas Jefferson's home and looked the place over. Then we went to Appomattox and visited the McClean House where Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered to Gen. Grant to end the Civil War. From there we went to Beckley, WV and visited the Exhibition Coal Mine. They turned off the lights while we were inside of the mine and I tell you, with those lights out, it was darker than the inside of a cow! Next day went into Kentucky and visited the Claiborne Farm in Paris, KY. While there I got to rub Orb on the noggin. If you remember, he won the Kentucky Derby in 2013. He is a rather handsome fellow! Also got to see Secretariat's grave and the stall he used to hang out in. I have to tell you that the Claiborne Farm is simply breath-taking. I can't describe how nice the place looks. Later that day we visited Old Friends which is a retirement home for thoroughbreds and got to see many retired race horses just hanging out in the pasture having a good time. The next day we went to see Henry Clay's home, Ashland. From there we drove to Paducah, KY and visited the National Quilt Museum and Mrs. BBD then went to Hancock's of Paducah and spent over 3 hours inside shopping while I napped inside of the RV. The next day we drove home. Had a great time and it was nice to get away for a little bit. Haven't decided on it for sure yet but we might take a little trip up to New England again this fall. So, any coffee left? I could use a cup! Forgot to mention that we also went to the Wild Turkey Distillery and took their tour there. Quite an operation going on there!
Back from vacation... Actually, I got back home around 4:00 pm on Saturday. Had a great time. The RV performed flawlessly. I actually averaged 10.5 mpg for gas which for a RV is pretty good. Didn't go to Montana as originally planned. Instead we went to Virginia to visit with an old friend who is getting on in years and health is declining a tad. Had a great three day visit with him and his wife and then went to Williamsburg, VA and spent a day there. We ate at the King's Arms Inn again because it's where Mrs. BBD and I ate supper on the day we were married. Left Williamsburg and went to Monticello - Thomas Jefferson's home and looked the place over. Then we went to Appomattox and visited the McClean House where Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered to Gen. Grant to end the Civil War. From there we went to Beckley, WV and visited the Exhibition Coal Mine. They turned off the lights while we were inside of the mine and I tell you, with those lights out, it was darker than the inside of a cow! Next day went into Kentucky and visited the Claiborne Farm in Paris, KY. While there I got to rub Orb on the noggin. If you remember, he won the Kentucky Derby in 2013. He is a rather handsome fellow! Also got to see Secretariat's grave and the stall he used to hang out in. I have to tell you that the Claiborne Farm is simply breath-taking. I can't describe how nice the place looks. Later that day we visited Old Friends which is a retirement home for thoroughbreds and got to see many retired race horses just hanging out in the pasture having a good time. The next day we went to see Henry Clay's home, Ashland. From there we drove to Paducah, KY and visited the National Quilt Museum and Mrs. BBD then went to Hancock's of Paducah and spent over 3 hours inside shopping while I napped inside of the RV. The next day we drove home. Had a great time and it was nice to get away for a little bit. Haven't decided on it for sure yet but we might take a little trip up to New England again this fall. So, any coffee left? I could use a cup! Forgot to mention that we also went to the Wild Turkey Distillery and took their tour there. Quite an operation going on there!

I find myself wondering how many cows you have been inside of for comparison. :p

Glad you had a good trip!
I'm concerned about Daisy the Mutt. Ever since Sunday afternoon, she has refused to put any weight on her left rear leg. She limps around Pimplebutt and looks absolutely pitiful. When I put her outside, she walks around on her front paws exclusively. I called the Veterinarian's office and made an appointment for he tomorrow at 10:30. Mom, meanwhile, implored me to call the Vet back and explain that this is an emergency. Daisy is not bleeding, she's awake and ready to lick out any bowl that had contained ice cream. It's not an emergency by any stretch except Mom's.

But, you're long over due for a story. Back in the mid 1980s I lived in sunny Sarasota, Florida. While it is truly a beautiful place, it's not for me. I need the change of seasons to remain sane. I remember Christmastime there when they would light up the palm trees in red and green floodlights. Yuck! Christmas there to me was as Christmas must be for a Hindu.

I was relatively fresh out of The Ohio State University and embarking on my career as an engineer. My first assignment was to gather topographical data on a 5,000 acre plot of land that was to be developed into 36 holes of golf and luxury homes. But when I first saw it, it was nothing more than billiard table flat ground with scrub palms, live oaks and wild boar.

One lunchtime, I took my seat on the tailgate of the pickup truck we were using as a survey vehicle. I opened my lunch and the newspaper and partook of both. A little background information. My real first name is Scott, not Nosmo. This is germane to the story as you will see later on.

One of the fellows on the survey crew was named Jim. Jim was a very pleasant guy, but he was also profoundly deaf. He sported hearing aids in both ears and suffered from a severe speech impediment. His "s" sounds came out like "Ds". Jim was from Daginaw Micdigan.

Jim wandered off into the scrub while I ate and read the paper. About five minutes later I heard Jim call out "Hey Dot!" "What is it Jim?" I answered.

"Ya got any dope?" he called to me.

"Dope?!? What would I have any dope out here for?"

Jim emerged from the cover of the scrub palms, lifted his left hand to the sky and said "'Cause I got dit on my hand!"
Been watching/listening to music videos for a while. Used to listen to Andre Segovia (Spanish guitar master back in the 70s), just found a "new" master to listen to, Al Marconi.

Have you heard John Williams playing Villa Lobos? I tried to play it myself but I only managed to learn the first page of five pages, before giving up. I just got sick of having to play the same thing every day and I still made mistakes.

Back from vacation... Actually, I got back home around 4:00 pm on Saturday. Had a great time. The RV performed flawlessly. I actually averaged 10.5 mpg for gas which for a RV is pretty good. Didn't go to Montana as originally planned. Instead we went to Virginia to visit with an old friend who is getting on in years and health is declining a tad. Had a great three day visit with him and his wife and then went to Williamsburg, VA and spent a day there. We ate at the King's Arms Inn again because it's where Mrs. BBD and I ate supper on the day we were married. Left Williamsburg and went to Monticello - Thomas Jefferson's home and looked the place over. Then we went to Appomattox and visited the McClean House where Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered to Gen. Grant to end the Civil War. From there we went to Beckley, WV and visited the Exhibition Coal Mine. They turned off the lights while we were inside of the mine and I tell you, with those lights out, it was darker than the inside of a cow! Next day went into Kentucky and visited the Claiborne Farm in Paris, KY. While there I got to rub Orb on the noggin. If you remember, he won the Kentucky Derby in 2013. He is a rather handsome fellow! Also got to see Secretariat's grave and the stall he used to hang out in. I have to tell you that the Claiborne Farm is simply breath-taking. I can't describe how nice the place looks. Later that day we visited Old Friends which is a retirement home for thoroughbreds and got to see many retired race horses just hanging out in the pasture having a good time. The next day we went to see Henry Clay's home, Ashland. From there we drove to Paducah, KY and visited the National Quilt Museum and Mrs. BBD then went to Hancock's of Paducah and spent over 3 hours inside shopping while I napped inside of the RV. The next day we drove home. Had a great time and it was nice to get away for a little bit. Haven't decided on it for sure yet but we might take a little trip up to New England again this fall. So, any coffee left? I could use a cup! Forgot to mention that we also went to the Wild Turkey Distillery and took their tour there. Quite an operation going on there!

Sounds like a wonderful trip BBD. The summer we spent in West Virginia included many excursion into Virginia including many of the places you mentioned. We did miss the Claiborne Farm though coming and going through KY though I thought that was in Virginia?--that I would have loved being a life long horse lover. We were staying in White Sulphur Springs just a stone's throw from the Virginia state line--not far from Beckley where we also visited the coal mine. So I was tracing the route as you were relating and it brought back a lot of great memories. I wouldn't take for that summer.
Also, I used Resolve carpet cleaner on my carpet where there was a big brown trail from where people walk from the living room area to the slider. My gosh, that stuff works great! You can still tell it's a high traffic area, but it really cleaned it up well. :) I really do need to rent a cleaner or something and clean the carpets though. I probably should have done it at the end of winter. They get so dirty during winter time.
I use resolve alla time! Great stuff! In between using that, I spritz my carpet with vinegar mixed with equal amounts of water, let dry, then sprinkle baking soda on it, let sit, then vac.
Been watching/listening to music videos for a while. Used to listen to Andre Segovia (Spanish guitar master back in the 70s), just found a "new" master to listen to, Al Marconi.

Have you heard John Williams playing Villa Lobos? I tried to play it myself but I only managed to learn the first page of five pages, before giving up. I just got sick of having to play the same thing every day and I still made mistakes.

A little too slow for my tastes. Eons ago I unsuccessfully did try to emulate Andre Segovia...... very unsuccessfully. :lol:
Back from vacation... Actually, I got back home around 4:00 pm on Saturday. Had a great time. The RV performed flawlessly. I actually averaged 10.5 mpg for gas which for a RV is pretty good. Didn't go to Montana as originally planned. Instead we went to Virginia to visit with an old friend who is getting on in years and health is declining a tad. Had a great three day visit with him and his wife and then went to Williamsburg, VA and spent a day there. We ate at the King's Arms Inn again because it's where Mrs. BBD and I ate supper on the day we were married. Left Williamsburg and went to Monticello - Thomas Jefferson's home and looked the place over. Then we went to Appomattox and visited the McClean House where Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered to Gen. Grant to end the Civil War. From there we went to Beckley, WV and visited the Exhibition Coal Mine. They turned off the lights while we were inside of the mine and I tell you, with those lights out, it was darker than the inside of a cow! Next day went into Kentucky and visited the Claiborne Farm in Paris, KY. While there I got to rub Orb on the noggin. If you remember, he won the Kentucky Derby in 2013. He is a rather handsome fellow! Also got to see Secretariat's grave and the stall he used to hang out in. I have to tell you that the Claiborne Farm is simply breath-taking. I can't describe how nice the place looks. Later that day we visited Old Friends which is a retirement home for thoroughbreds and got to see many retired race horses just hanging out in the pasture having a good time. The next day we went to see Henry Clay's home, Ashland. From there we drove to Paducah, KY and visited the National Quilt Museum and Mrs. BBD then went to Hancock's of Paducah and spent over 3 hours inside shopping while I napped inside of the RV. The next day we drove home. Had a great time and it was nice to get away for a little bit. Haven't decided on it for sure yet but we might take a little trip up to New England again this fall. So, any coffee left? I could use a cup! Forgot to mention that we also went to the Wild Turkey Distillery and took their tour there. Quite an operation going on there!
Looks like you two had fun. Good to see ya.
I'm concerned about Daisy the Mutt. Ever since Sunday afternoon, she has refused to put any weight on her left rear leg. She limps around Pimplebutt and looks absolutely pitiful. When I put her outside, she walks around on her front paws exclusively. I called the Veterinarian's office and made an appointment for he tomorrow at 10:30. Mom, meanwhile, implored me to call the Vet back and explain that this is an emergency. Daisy is not bleeding, she's awake and ready to lick out any bowl that had contained ice cream. It's not an emergency by any stretch except Mom's.

But, you're long over due for a story. Back in the mid 1980s I lived in sunny Sarasota, Florida. While it is truly a beautiful place, it's not for me. I need the change of seasons to remain sane. I remember Christmastime there when they would light up the palm trees in red and green floodlights. Yuck! Christmas there to me was as Christmas must be for a Hindu.

I was relatively fresh out of The Ohio State University and embarking on my career as an engineer. My first assignment was to gather topographical data on a 5,000 acre plot of land that was to be developed into 36 holes of golf and luxury homes. But when I first saw it, it was nothing more than billiard table flat ground with scrub palms, live oaks and wild boar.

One lunchtime, I took my seat on the tailgate of the pickup truck we were using as a survey vehicle. I opened my lunch and the newspaper and partook of both. A little background information. My real first name is Scott, not Nosmo. This is germane to the story as you will see later on.

One of the fellows on the survey crew was named Jim. Jim was a very pleasant guy, but he was also profoundly deaf. He sported hearing aids in both ears and suffered from a severe speech impediment. His "s" sounds came out like "Ds". Jim was from Daginaw Micdigan.

Jim wandered off into the scrub while I ate and read the paper. About five minutes later I heard Jim call out "Hey Dot!" "What is it Jim?" I answered.

"Ya got any dope?" he called to me.

"Dope?!? What would I have any dope out here for?"

Jim emerged from the cover of the scrub palms, lifted his left hand to the sky and said "'Cause I got dit on my hand!"
Ohio State? I knew there was a reason I didn't like you........ :eusa_whistle:


Hope it's nothing serious with Daisy. :thup:
So I decided to try Zorin OS on this PC. It is supposed to be very close to Windows in the desktop look and function, but it still is described as a stable Linux OS. I tried to use the Vista shrink function to create a new partition and it tells me I have 5 megs of free space. 5 megs! I have 118 gigs free on this HD. I'm running a defrag with a program called Auslogics now hoping it will free up space at the end of the drive and allow me to create a reasonable partition. Damn you, annoying PC stuff! :p
I'm concerned about Daisy the Mutt. Ever since Sunday afternoon, she has refused to put any weight on her left rear leg. She limps around Pimplebutt and looks absolutely pitiful. When I put her outside, she walks around on her front paws exclusively. I called the Veterinarian's office and made an appointment for he tomorrow at 10:30. Mom, meanwhile, implored me to call the Vet back and explain that this is an emergency. Daisy is not bleeding, she's awake and ready to lick out any bowl that had contained ice cream. It's not an emergency by any stretch except Mom's.

But, you're long over due for a story. Back in the mid 1980s I lived in sunny Sarasota, Florida. While it is truly a beautiful place, it's not for me. I need the change of seasons to remain sane. I remember Christmastime there when they would light up the palm trees in red and green floodlights. Yuck! Christmas there to me was as Christmas must be for a Hindu.

I was relatively fresh out of The Ohio State University and embarking on my career as an engineer. My first assignment was to gather topographical data on a 5,000 acre plot of land that was to be developed into 36 holes of golf and luxury homes. But when I first saw it, it was nothing more than billiard table flat ground with scrub palms, live oaks and wild boar.

One lunchtime, I took my seat on the tailgate of the pickup truck we were using as a survey vehicle. I opened my lunch and the newspaper and partook of both. A little background information. My real first name is Scott, not Nosmo. This is germane to the story as you will see later on.

One of the fellows on the survey crew was named Jim. Jim was a very pleasant guy, but he was also profoundly deaf. He sported hearing aids in both ears and suffered from a severe speech impediment. His "s" sounds came out like "Ds". Jim was from Daginaw Micdigan.

Jim wandered off into the scrub while I ate and read the paper. About five minutes later I heard Jim call out "Hey Dot!" "What is it Jim?" I answered.

"Ya got any dope?" he called to me.

"Dope?!? What would I have any dope out here for?"

Jim emerged from the cover of the scrub palms, lifted his left hand to the sky and said "'Cause I got dit on my hand!"

Great story, but so sorry about Daisy, Nosmo. Sometimes they get a sticker so deeply embedded you can't see or feel it but it causes them pain. Hopefully the vet will figure that out. Our daughter's Beagle/pug mix somehow injured her back some months ago causing her to lose function in both back legs. The vet was able to relieve her pain but not able to fix the problem so she could walk. So daughter has been give her physical therapy, moves her around in a baby stroller, and has a little 'wheel chair' so the dog can propel herself using her front legs but it is still a massive chore taking care of this dog all these many many weeks. The dog is too heavy to use only her front legs or even drag herself very far without benefit of her rear end wheel chair.

So daughter posted on Facebook a little while ago that Snooky had supported herself on her back legs for six whole second before she gradually sunk back to the floor. That's a first. We really expected that the outcome for this was to put the dog down, but they didn't give up on her. And it looks like she may make it back after all.

And we had to have both back knees replace on our Lhasa/Keeshound mix but that was accomplished successfully and he was as good as new.
So I decided to try Zorin OS on this PC. It is supposed to be very close to Windows in the desktop look and function, but it still is described as a stable Linux OS. I tried to use the Vista shrink function to create a new partition and it tells me I have 5 megs of free space. 5 megs! I have 118 gigs free on this HD. I'm running a defrag with a program called Auslogics now hoping it will free up space at the end of the drive and allow me to create a reasonable partition. Damn you, annoying PC stuff! :p
Careful loading any Auslogic software on you system, they are one of the worst for adding other unwanted software, specifically Ask. Once loaded Ask is a major pain to get rid of, it will hijack your browser and not let you use any other search engine.
Zorin OS is a great operating system but doesn't have the community or software choices Ubuntu, Mint and Fedora/RedHat have. Had it on an old computer that I eventually got rid of.

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Back from vacation... Actually, I got back home around 4:00 pm on Saturday. Had a great time. The RV performed flawlessly. I actually averaged 10.5 mpg for gas which for a RV is pretty good. Didn't go to Montana as originally planned. Instead we went to Virginia to visit with an old friend who is getting on in years and health is declining a tad. Had a great three day visit with him and his wife and then went to Williamsburg, VA and spent a day there. We ate at the King's Arms Inn again because it's where Mrs. BBD and I ate supper on the day we were married. Left Williamsburg and went to Monticello - Thomas Jefferson's home and looked the place over. Then we went to Appomattox and visited the McClean House where Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered to Gen. Grant to end the Civil War. From there we went to Beckley, WV and visited the Exhibition Coal Mine. They turned off the lights while we were inside of the mine and I tell you, with those lights out, it was darker than the inside of a cow! Next day went into Kentucky and visited the Claiborne Farm in Paris, KY. While there I got to rub Orb on the noggin. If you remember, he won the Kentucky Derby in 2013. He is a rather handsome fellow! Also got to see Secretariat's grave and the stall he used to hang out in. I have to tell you that the Claiborne Farm is simply breath-taking. I can't describe how nice the place looks. Later that day we visited Old Friends which is a retirement home for thoroughbreds and got to see many retired race horses just hanging out in the pasture having a good time. The next day we went to see Henry Clay's home, Ashland. From there we drove to Paducah, KY and visited the National Quilt Museum and Mrs. BBD then went to Hancock's of Paducah and spent over 3 hours inside shopping while I napped inside of the RV. The next day we drove home. Had a great time and it was nice to get away for a little bit. Haven't decided on it for sure yet but we might take a little trip up to New England again this fall. So, any coffee left? I could use a cup! Forgot to mention that we also went to the Wild Turkey Distillery and took their tour there. Quite an operation going on there!

BBD....glad you had a good trip. :) Sherry and me did a Virginia trip in April. It was Sherry's first time at Monticello and Colonial Williamsburg. I have never been to Appomattox. As a native Virginian I am a little embarrassed to admit that.

Sounds like you and Mrs BBD had some cool adventures. :)
You just know someone wouldn't believe it and keep going.
So I decided to try Zorin OS on this PC. It is supposed to be very close to Windows in the desktop look and function, but it still is described as a stable Linux OS. I tried to use the Vista shrink function to create a new partition and it tells me I have 5 megs of free space. 5 megs! I have 118 gigs free on this HD. I'm running a defrag with a program called Auslogics now hoping it will free up space at the end of the drive and allow me to create a reasonable partition. Damn you, annoying PC stuff! :p
Careful loading any Auslogic software on you system, they are one of the worst for adding other unwanted software, specifically Ask. Once loaded Ask is a major pain to get rid of, it will hijack your browser and not let you use any other search engine.
Zorin OS is a great operating system but doesn't have the community or software choices Ubuntu, Mint and Fedora/RedHat have. Had it on an old computer that I eventually got rid of.

Free partition managers;
15 Best Free Partitioning Software To Manage Partitions

Auslogic did the defrag and it gave me an extra 21G of space. I am now shrinking my drive. I don't know how long it will take, will probably end up leaving it going overnight and try loading Zorin tomorrow to see how I like it (assuming my PC will reboot :lol:)

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