USMB Coffee Shop IV

Speaking of exercising, just got back in from a dip in the pool, pushed it today, 2 sets of 4 overhand laps and 1 set of 2 backstroke laps, about double what I've been doing...... my shoulders hurt and I could lay down and go to sleep right now.......

Well, my PC is still running. My second HD isn't showing up, I had it unplugged when I started and I'm afraid to restart to access it. :p It's not a big deal, nothing on it is too important.

I've spent too much of the day browsing newegg. Right now I've got a new, full PC in the cart, plus a new motherboard for this one, with Win 10, for $640. If I don't want to worry about keeping this PC going, just transfer the HDs to the new PC and use my current case, that goes down to $500. If I decide to try Linux (Ubuntu seems to be the most popular) it goes down to $400. Hopefully I have plenty of time to decide (assuming this PC doesn't freeze up on me again) and, of course, the prices could change in the next couple of months as PC hardware does.

I usually end up spending a lot of time trying to figure out what to get, get frustrated, and eventually just say, "Screw it! Get this stuff!". :lol:

I'm leaning towards going ahead and getting Windows right now, but I might do some more Linux research and change that before I need to buy. So far it sounds like my games, at least, would likely run fine using WINE.

As though PC problems aren't annoying enough, the puppy is having digestive issues and pooping all over the house the last couple of days. :mad:
Well, my PC is still running. My second HD isn't showing up, I had it unplugged when I started and I'm afraid to restart to access it. :p It's not a big deal, nothing on it is too important.

I've spent too much of the day browsing newegg. Right now I've got a new, full PC in the cart, plus a new motherboard for this one, with Win 10, for $640. If I don't want to worry about keeping this PC going, just transfer the HDs to the new PC and use my current case, that goes down to $500. If I decide to try Linux (Ubuntu seems to be the most popular) it goes down to $400. Hopefully I have plenty of time to decide (assuming this PC doesn't freeze up on me again) and, of course, the prices could change in the next couple of months as PC hardware does.

I usually end up spending a lot of time trying to figure out what to get, get frustrated, and eventually just say, "Screw it! Get this stuff!". :lol:

I'm leaning towards going ahead and getting Windows right now, but I might do some more Linux research and change that before I need to buy. So far it sounds like my games, at least, would likely run fine using WINE.

As though PC problems aren't annoying enough, the puppy is having digestive issues and pooping all over the house the last couple of days. :mad:
Ubuntu and Linux Mint are the top two distributions for beginners, supposedly Ubuntu is more OS X related, Mint is closer to Windows. Distro "testers" have tried both with non or low tech saavy Windows and OS X users, almost all said that Mint was faster and easier to use particularly because of Ubuntu's Dash which most found a little confusing at first. Once they learned to use Dash they almost all said they prefer Ubuntu except the more techie ones who preferred Mint. The Ubuntu Software Center is easier (more intuitive) to use and has more applications but a slightly higher initial learning curve. Both have a huge support network, there's more help available then you will probably ever need.
Here's a quick comparison of both:

As for WINE you need to check if your games are compatible, the other option is to install VMware then install Windows inside VMware but you better have a fast and powerful machine and both have their pros and cons.

WineHQ - Wine Application Database

You can also use Steam but even there your selections are limited (so far).

Personally I like the look and feel of both, both have different aspects to them that appeal to me so every once in a while I replace one with the other but my first Linux love has always been Ubuntu, it's what I started my Linux experience on.
They both have Terminal (in Windows it's the command screen) You may never have to use it but I taught myself some commands and after a while learned to use it for updates and some downloads/installs (I like it better than the GUI for some things). A lot of sites give the exact commands to use and all ya have to do is copy the command and past it into Terminal and hit enter, it will ask for your password on the first entry, a security feature.

BTW Ubuntu 15.4 and Mint 17.2 are the newest releases, Mint is actually built off of Ubuntu.

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ernie,
WQ's mom Dorothy and Aunt Bev,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Spoonman, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Well, headed up on the ridge to an auction this morning and might buy a Ford 755B Utility Tractor Backhoe. Kinda old but looks to be in pretty nice shape, and it's a big bruiser of a tractor. I sure could use it around here, then sell it. Depends on what it goes for.


Well good luck. Not just everybody aspires to own a backhoe. :)
That's not a backhoe,


Now that's a backhoe..........

Weird, mine has a 5' handle and a chisel edge...
My PC is across the street in the shop. Supposedly it can't access the driver for the internet. Personally, I blame Windows 8.1 and Acer.
Good morning everybody. I've been trying to get my motor running for over an hour now. But oh well. Nothing on tap that absolutely HAS to get done today except I HAVE to water my plants. But Merry Monday to all. Looks like we're all in for a sweltering day before the next cold front washes over the country in a day or two.
Good morning everybody. I've been trying to get my motor running for over an hour now. But oh well. Nothing on tap that absolutely HAS to get done today except I HAVE to water my plants. But Merry Monday to all. Looks like we're all in for a sweltering day before the next cold front washes over the country in a day or two.
Me too, 5 1/2 hours of sleep, still working on my first pot of coffee. Considering opening up the IV dip into a flood......... :D
I'm back.......... finally ! :)

We lost our home phone and internet in the wee morning hours of last Wed.
2 million Arizonian's without internet for 2 days. Then when it was restored late Thursday morning we still did not have a phone or internet. Grrrrrrr..........
Called the company last Thursday afternoon in Florida and found out our power supply cord was fried from the electrical storm surge.
They mailed out a new one and we just got it today in the mail.
I'm back.......... finally ! :)

We lost our home phone and internet in the wee morning hours of last Wed.
2 million Arizonian's without internet for 2 days. Then when it was restored late Thursday morning we still did not have a phone or internet. Grrrrrrr..........
Called the company last Thursday afternoon in Florida and found out our power supply cord was fried from the electrical storm surge.
They mailed out a new one and we just got it today in the mail.

Wow Peach. I had missed you recently but hoped you were just off doing something really fun. That does not sound like fun though.
I'm back.......... finally ! :)

We lost our home phone and internet in the wee morning hours of last Wed.
2 million Arizonian's without internet for 2 days. Then when it was restored late Thursday morning we still did not have a phone or internet. Grrrrrrr..........
Called the company last Thursday afternoon in Florida and found out our power supply cord was fried from the electrical storm surge.
They mailed out a new one and we just got it today in the mail.

Wow Peach. I had missed you recently but hoped you were just off doing something really fun. That does not sound like fun though.

Yeah, real bummer and was very upset and angry for a little while.
Things are Ok now and smoothed over.
Happy to be back and we got a really good more expensive surge protector.
I'm back.......... finally ! :)

We lost our home phone and internet in the wee morning hours of last Wed.
2 million Arizonian's without internet for 2 days. Then when it was restored late Thursday morning we still did not have a phone or internet. Grrrrrrr..........
Called the company last Thursday afternoon in Florida and found out our power supply cord was fried from the electrical storm surge.
They mailed out a new one and we just got it today in the mail.

Wow Peach. I had missed you recently but hoped you were just off doing something really fun. That does not sound like fun though.

Yeah, real bummer and was very upset and angry for a little while.
Things are Ok now and smoothed over.
Happy to be back and we got a really good more expensive surge protector.

That should help. I haven't had much problem here in town, but Hombre's computer got knocked out by lightning three times until we finally wised up and bought the pricy fancy surge protectors and we have had no problems since.

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