USMB Coffee Shop IV

We don't have tornadoes around here either. I've never seen one before in real life. Nature can be awesome (not necessarily in a good way). I've seen people on the news who have filmed tornadoes and they almost seem hypnotized by them. The power of them is amazing, and I would like to see one from a great distance of course. :D
I've never experienced a tornado. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and my mom told me I was born the night of a massive hurricane (might explain some about my nature), but never a tornado.

As far as natural disasters go, I've only experienced hurricanes. I guess I should consider myself lucky. Lol. :D
Definitely not something you want to see or experience first hand. You go outside to enjoy a nice spring day...30 minutes later huge trees are being ripped out of the ground and cars are flying through air. If you can see one, then you need to be in the basement.

I still want to see one. :D They are awesome. There is no denying that. I used to watch a storm chasers show years ago where these crazy people would go and chase tornadoes. I wouldn't want to get THAT close of course. Lol.
Yeah. Those people are freakin' nuts in my opinion.

Have you ever posted here at the Coffee Shop? :) If not, you get a complimentary beverage!
I've never experienced a tornado. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and my mom told me I was born the night of a massive hurricane (might explain some about my nature), but never a tornado.

As far as natural disasters go, I've only experienced hurricanes. I guess I should consider myself lucky. Lol. :D
Definitely not something you want to see or experience first hand. You go outside to enjoy a nice spring day...30 minutes later huge trees are being ripped out of the ground and cars are flying through air. If you can see one, then you need to be in the basement.

I still want to see one. :D They are awesome. There is no denying that. I used to watch a storm chasers show years ago where these crazy people would go and chase tornadoes. I wouldn't want to get THAT close of course. Lol.
Yeah. Those people are freakin' nuts in my opinion.

Have you ever posted here at the Coffee Shop? :) If not, you get a complimentary beverage!
I don't think so. How does that work? Or am I missing some sort of joke which is usually the case.
As far as natural disasters go, I've only experienced hurricanes. I guess I should consider myself lucky. Lol. :D
Definitely not something you want to see or experience first hand. You go outside to enjoy a nice spring day...30 minutes later huge trees are being ripped out of the ground and cars are flying through air. If you can see one, then you need to be in the basement.

I still want to see one. :D They are awesome. There is no denying that. I used to watch a storm chasers show years ago where these crazy people would go and chase tornadoes. I wouldn't want to get THAT close of course. Lol.
Yeah. Those people are freakin' nuts in my opinion.

Have you ever posted here at the Coffee Shop? :) If not, you get a complimentary beverage!
I don't think so. How does that work? Or am I missing some sort of joke which is usually the case.

It's the Coffee Shop, so you get a virtual coffee! Lol. That is customary procedure of the Coffee Shop. Usually Foxy does it, but since she's not here and it's just you and I, here you go . . . :)

I guess it would be ok to say who.

Our very own Drifter lost Arnie the fur child tonight. Hit and run truck. Arnie died on the way to ER vet. :(

ok who was it>?

Actually drifter is a Coffee Shopper though he hasn't posted here in a long time. Sorry I didn't see this, but I fell asleep last night before getting the vigil list posted. But prayers and comforting vibes sent because that is such a cruel way to lose one of our fur babies.
We have been running? No wonder people dropped out. Good Lord we are going to cause heart attacks. Let's tone it down to a long jog with frequent walk breaks.
Jog 5 feet walk for 10 feet, rest 1/2 hour, repeat........
A little much for some of us veteran members

Oh come on. I'm older than you are, and I could do that. Well maybe not the jog five feet part but the rest looks about right.
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As far as natural disasters go, I've only experienced hurricanes. I guess I should consider myself lucky. Lol. :D
Definitely not something you want to see or experience first hand. You go outside to enjoy a nice spring day...30 minutes later huge trees are being ripped out of the ground and cars are flying through air. If you can see one, then you need to be in the basement.

I still want to see one. :D They are awesome. There is no denying that. I used to watch a storm chasers show years ago where these crazy people would go and chase tornadoes. I wouldn't want to get THAT close of course. Lol.
Yeah. Those people are freakin' nuts in my opinion.

Have you ever posted here at the Coffee Shop? :) If not, you get a complimentary beverage!
I don't think so. How does that work? Or am I missing some sort of joke which is usually the case.

No joke CremeBrulee. It is the way we welcome first timers into the Coffee Shop family. Thanks to ChrisL for giving you the standard warm Coffee Shop welcome. Be sure to read over the OP to get the gist of what we're all about in here and join right in. The more the merrier.

Actually in my younger years, I wanted to be a storm chaser. Growing up in Eastern New Mexico and living a lot of my adult life in West Texas and Kansas, tornadoes are simply the way things are in the spring and early summer and they have always fascinated me. At least after I got over my irrational and uncontrollable panic over thunderstorms in general. I decided storm chasing was not practical for a working gal and mom though so I only did that on a very limited basis. But they still fascinate me even as they horrify me at their ability to cause injury, death, destruction.
Hi everybody!

Yesterday was one awful day.
My cat got sick Wed. night and we had to take her to the vet in Sierra Vista.
We had to have her put down because of kidney failure.
She had a really good long life though, she was 17.
Then when we got out from the vets office my car wouldn't start.
We called Lawley's Ford to have it towed to the dealer less than a mile away.
It took an hour and the tow truck still was a no show.
By that time the car started again so we drove down to the dealer.
The head guy at the service shop was really hot because the one tow driver went to lunch and the 2nd driver never showed up so he didn't charge us.
Hopefully they can find what is really wrong with the car this time.
I was a wet noodle by the time we got back home.
I'm very glad that we had a good friend who came and picked us up.
My husband took him out for a big steak and eggs breakfast this morning, doing that favor for us. :)
No more cats or dogs for us any longer, it's just too heartbreaking.
I still have my pet turtle though and that's enough for me to take care of now.
Hi everybody!

Yesterday was one awful day.
My cat got sick Wed. night and we had to take her to the vet in Sierra Vista.
We had to have her put down because of kidney failure.
She had a really good long life though, she was 17.
Then when we got out from the vets office my car wouldn't start.
We called Lawley's Ford to have it towed to the dealer less than a mile away.
It took an hour and the tow truck still was a no show.
By that time the car started again so we drove down to the dealer.
The head guy at the service shop was really hot because the one tow driver went to lunch and the 2nd driver never showed up so he didn't charge us.
Hopefully they can find what is really wrong with the car this time.
I was a wet noodle by the time we got back home.
I'm very glad that we had a good friend who came and picked us up.
My husband took him out for a big steak and eggs breakfast this morning, doing that favor for us. :)
No more cats or dogs for us any longer, it's just too heartbreaking.
I still have my pet turtle though and that's enough for me to take care of now.
Sorry for your loss.
So far we've lost 3 cats over the years, Mugsy to thyroid cancer at age 13, Baby (her sister) to congestive heart failure at age 18 and Little Boy to old age at age 20. Hurt badly with each one but we have three more, a 1 year old kitten (Gizmo), Boo who's 9 and Jasper who's 13. Even knowing we will lose them at some time and that we will grieve doesn't mean we won't do it again, having them in our lives is worth the ultimate pain of the loss.
Hi everybody!

Yesterday was one awful day.
My cat got sick Wed. night and we had to take her to the vet in Sierra Vista.
We had to have her put down because of kidney failure.
She had a really good long life though, she was 17.
Then when we got out from the vets office my car wouldn't start.
We called Lawley's Ford to have it towed to the dealer less than a mile away.
It took an hour and the tow truck still was a no show.
By that time the car started again so we drove down to the dealer.
The head guy at the service shop was really hot because the one tow driver went to lunch and the 2nd driver never showed up so he didn't charge us.
Hopefully they can find what is really wrong with the car this time.
I was a wet noodle by the time we got back home.
I'm very glad that we had a good friend who came and picked us up.
My husband took him out for a big steak and eggs breakfast this morning, doing that favor for us. :)
No more cats or dogs for us any longer, it's just too heartbreaking.
I still have my pet turtle though and that's enough for me to take care of now.

Aw Peach, so sorry about your fur baby. Putting them down can be the most loving thing you can do, but it is one of the toughest things any of us ever have to do too. Sending you a comforting hug. I understand about not wanting to replace the departed fur baby too--that's been where we have been, especially Hombre, since we had to put our last little dog down. Plus now in our retirement years, it is extremely expensive to register and license a dog or cat and we can no longer easily handle the vet bills if something goes wrong. And I can appreciate that sometimes the bad stuff does seem to just pile on.

Ringel is right though that the pain of losing our fur babies when it happens is worth it for all those years of unconditional love.
We had something interesting happen yesterday though. The dealership where we leased our new car on Wednesday called us and asked us to come in. They found an extra bonus somewhere that allowed more discount on the car, so they lowered our lease payment $28 and change. So that's $28 I don't have to figure out how to cut from the budget elsewhere.
Thank you guy's for your support. I really appreciate it.

We may have to get a new car to replace this one. I hope we can find a good deal on one if we have to.
Lawley's is a good honest car dealer. I knew the owner's grandma, she was one really great lady, she was 99 when she passed away a few years back.
We have been running? No wonder people dropped out. Good Lord we are going to cause heart attacks. Let's tone it down to a long jog with frequent walk breaks.
Jog 5 feet walk for 10 feet, rest 1/2 hour, repeat........
A little much for some of us veteran members

Oh come on. I'm older than you are, and I could do that. Well maybe not the jog five feet part but the rest looks about right.
I've got the half hour rest part down pat. I may even be able to last a bit longer on a good day.
Hi everybody!

Yesterday was one awful day.
My cat got sick Wed. night and we had to take her to the vet in Sierra Vista.
We had to have her put down because of kidney failure.
She had a really good long life though, she was 17.
Then when we got out from the vets office my car wouldn't start.
We called Lawley's Ford to have it towed to the dealer less than a mile away.
It took an hour and the tow truck still was a no show.
By that time the car started again so we drove down to the dealer.
The head guy at the service shop was really hot because the one tow driver went to lunch and the 2nd driver never showed up so he didn't charge us.
Hopefully they can find what is really wrong with the car this time.
I was a wet noodle by the time we got back home.
I'm very glad that we had a good friend who came and picked us up.
My husband took him out for a big steak and eggs breakfast this morning, doing that favor for us. :)
No more cats or dogs for us any longer, it's just too heartbreaking.
I still have my pet turtle though and that's enough for me to take care of now.

Aw Peach, so sorry about your fur baby. Putting them down can be the most loving thing you can do, but it is one of the toughest things any of us ever have to do too. Sending you a comforting hug. I understand about not wanting to replace the departed fur baby too--that's been where we have been, especially Hombre, since we had to put our last little dog down. Plus now in our retirement years, it is extremely expensive to register and license a dog or cat and we can no longer easily handle the vet bills if something goes wrong. And I can appreciate that sometimes the bad stuff does seem to just pile on.

Ringel is right though that the pain of losing our fur babies when it happens is worth it for all those years of unconditional love.

That's the worst part about pets. They die. :(
Just pulled the darks out of the wash......... Forgot to take my wallet out of my jeans pocket, the jeans that just got washed........ *sigh*
Hi everybody!

Yesterday was one awful day.
My cat got sick Wed. night and we had to take her to the vet in Sierra Vista.
We had to have her put down because of kidney failure.
She had a really good long life though, she was 17.
Then when we got out from the vets office my car wouldn't start.
We called Lawley's Ford to have it towed to the dealer less than a mile away.
It took an hour and the tow truck still was a no show.
By that time the car started again so we drove down to the dealer.
The head guy at the service shop was really hot because the one tow driver went to lunch and the 2nd driver never showed up so he didn't charge us.
Hopefully they can find what is really wrong with the car this time.
I was a wet noodle by the time we got back home.
I'm very glad that we had a good friend who came and picked us up.
My husband took him out for a big steak and eggs breakfast this morning, doing that favor for us. :)
No more cats or dogs for us any longer, it's just too heartbreaking.
I still have my pet turtle though and that's enough for me to take care of now.

Aw Peach, so sorry about your fur baby. Putting them down can be the most loving thing you can do, but it is one of the toughest things any of us ever have to do too. Sending you a comforting hug. I understand about not wanting to replace the departed fur baby too--that's been where we have been, especially Hombre, since we had to put our last little dog down. Plus now in our retirement years, it is extremely expensive to register and license a dog or cat and we can no longer easily handle the vet bills if something goes wrong. And I can appreciate that sometimes the bad stuff does seem to just pile on.

Ringel is right though that the pain of losing our fur babies when it happens is worth it for all those years of unconditional love.

That's the worst part about pets. They die. :(

I used to think my ex birdy would be waiting for me in the spirit world, but I have given that idea up since she has been dead for five years already, and I might live another twenty years. A little bird cannot be expected to remember me after all that time, and in any case she should be with another bird, not a weird old man.
I hope she is in birdy heaven surrounded by other birds.
Winter has finally arrived in England today, its bloody cold for the first time this year.
As for running to keep fit I am more likely to have a heart attack if I run. I no longer run to catch a bus, I just keep walking toward one that is waiting at a stop, and hope it will still be there when I get to it. If not I wait for the next one. I carry bread with me to feed the pigeons while I wait.
Thank you guy's for your support. I really appreciate it.

We may have to get a new car to replace this one. I hope we can find a good deal on one if we have to.
Lawley's is a good honest car dealer. I knew the owner's grandma, she was one really great lady, she was 99 when she passed away a few years back.

We are leasing our new car for the first time ever, but when we figured it up, almost all the lease payments are subtracted from what the balance will be on the car after three years. And because Subarus hold their value so well, a good three-year-old Legacy that has been cared for as we will care for ours will easily retail as much or more than the balance we would owe if we buy it at that time. And because so much of the maintenance is included in the lease deal, we just couldn't see how we could really lose. Most especially since the monthly lease is so low and we really couldn't afford the car payments on a new one if we bought it right now.
I was just out back doing the finish touches painting the deck rocker and 4 Blackhawks flew right over the house in formation not more than 60 feet up....... That's what one gets living blocks away from Biggs Army Airfield........ :D


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