USMB Coffee Shop IV

I just noticed that I've been hanging out here for 5 years.

Seems more like 20..... :D

Yes, counting all the closures and reopenings--that was USMB's doing and not ours--the Coffee Shop was five years old last May, coming up on six years next spring. We've seen a lot of friends come and go in all that time, some who are no longer with us that I still miss terribly and some of you still here who have become like family to me. I hate that changes in the board software and other reasons have run folks off--of course the board goes on regardless and doesn't miss anybody in particular, but we in the Coffee Shop grieve when that happens. Others just got bored with it or got too busy with their real lives or for whatever reason don't come by anymore. I'll be here as long as I can and as long as anybody appreciates the community we have here. And when that is no longer the case, I'll close it with gratitude for all the grins and giggles and support and sharing of your lives all these years. However long it lasts, it has been a helluva run.
We have been running? No wonder people dropped out. Good Lord we are going to cause heart attacks. Let's tone it down to a long jog with frequent walk breaks.
I just watched a flick, "Maleficent". A different twist to an old story. And the added bonus of having Angelina Jolie in a starring role! She's an extremely attractive woman who actually puts her money where her mouth is when it comes to trying to make the world better.
Try to find this one. Sigourney Weaver as the bad girl. Loved it. I liked Maleficent too.

Snow White: A Tale of Terror (1997) - IMDb
Will do! Right now I'm on my second season of "Downtowne Abbey". OK, OK...I'm a bit "strange". It's actually pretty interesting.

Yeah. That karma thing. I am hunkered in front of my heater and still freezing. It's about 59 degrees today. For us californies...that is COLD.
59 cold?!! Yeah...not buying that. Up until this morning we were experiencing single- and minus-digit temps. It got 40 degrees warmer in just a couple of hours. It's a temperate and comfortable +32 here now.
Good morning, coffee shop people! It is really chilly this morning, only in the 20s. Brrr.

Chris!!! Been missing you. And yes, it is cold lots of places today. We still have snow on the ground from yesterday's snow storm which was welcome, but high winds are forecast for today which makes the chill extra fun.

But what about the new job? Any chance to really work it to see how you'll like it yet?

Thanks, sweetie! :smiliehug: I hope things are going well for you and yours!

I'm finishing my training this week. It's been a long training session because I had to train for a few days on each shift. I'm exhausted though. Working all of these different shifts is really messing with my sleep schedule!

No snow here yet, but we did have some frost on the ground yesterday and today.

Ah still training. That no doubt adds to the stress and that will exacerbate the fatigue. But I do hope you are enjoying the experience anyway.

Yeah, I've learned a lot. Tomorrow is my last day training though! :eusa_dance: I will probably be covering a lot for people taking holiday vacations in the next couple/few months. We'll see how it goes. My regular job is pretty flexible when it comes to hours, so that is a plus. :)

A little nosy none-of-her-business Mama Fox advice: You need to take very good care of you while working two jobs. You already indicated it is changing your sleep patterns and you can't do much about that other than to do your best to get your normal ration of sleep somehow. But do watch your diet--keep refined sugars/processed foods to a minimum and get plenty of good protein and veggies. And get some positive exercise--a brisk 20-minute walks, work out on a treadmill or cycle, go for a swim if you have access etc. It will make a difference in your stamina and alleviate the fatigue.

(I worked more than one job at a time for a lot of years. GW also can probably empathize with the difficulty of juggling sleep cycles and managing your health holding multiple jobs.)
I'm definitely one with Momma Fox on is critical. But once you establish some rountine, it's loads easier. It's easy for me because I live alone and have no family relying on my interaction. Well, cats are pretty flexible...
We don't have tornadoes around here either. I've never seen one before in real life. Nature can be awesome (not necessarily in a good way). I've seen people on the news who have filmed tornadoes and they almost seem hypnotized by them. The power of them is amazing, and I would like to see one from a great distance of course. :D
I've never experienced a tornado. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and my mom told me I was born the night of a massive hurricane (might explain some about my nature), but never a tornado.
We don't have tornadoes around here either. I've never seen one before in real life. Nature can be awesome (not necessarily in a good way). I've seen people on the news who have filmed tornadoes and they almost seem hypnotized by them. The power of them is amazing, and I would like to see one from a great distance of course. :D

I've seen and experienced my share of tornadoes. But I would like to experience an earthquake just once--not a big, destructive one, but one just strong enough to feel it. We've been to California several times for prolonged visits, but so far nothing was shaking so that's an experience I have not had. Haven't experienced a hurricane either, but 100-mph straight winds in west Texas and New Mexico were close enough to satisfy my curiosity about that.

I've never experienced a earthquake either. The news has said we've had small ones before, but I didn't feel anything. :dunno:
Take my word for it...not something you really want to never know how bad it was or you are digging your way out.
Hombre and I have had an interesting day. It started with my physical therapy appointment for which I arrived on time and dutifully signed in. Thirty five minutes later I hadn't been called and asked the staff what the hold up was. Seems nobody bothered to check me in from the sign up sheet so the therapist didn't know I was there. She offered to give me a session then but Hombre hadn't eaten all morning, it was after 12 noon, and I didn't want him to have to wait another 45 minutes. So they cancelled the appointment, showed me where they admitted it was their error, and I left without therapy this week.

So we go on to lunch at Furrs Fresh Buffet and immensely enjoyed it. And just for a lark decided to stop in at the Subaru place petty much next door to see what the offerings there were. We were just going to look. So there is now a new Subaru sitting in our garage. And I'm looking to see where we can cut our budget other places to pay for it.

It must be shiny! :D

It was one of those things--we had discussed that our major car was 10 years old and has over 100,000 miles on it and while like all Subarus it has been a mostly maintenance and trouble free vehicle, it was developing a few problems here and there. So yesterday Hombre says just for fun, lets look at the new Subarus. . . And yes it is shiny and I think beautiful - they call the color champagne gold but it is just barely gold. You really have to think about it to know what color it is.
You could have done lots worse than a Subaru. I loved my Subbie!
Prayers please, for a friend that just lost a loved fur child tonight. Pain. Loss. Anguish.
Needs some comforting thoughts sent their way.

Thank you.
Chris!!! Been missing you. And yes, it is cold lots of places today. We still have snow on the ground from yesterday's snow storm which was welcome, but high winds are forecast for today which makes the chill extra fun.

But what about the new job? Any chance to really work it to see how you'll like it yet?

Thanks, sweetie! :smiliehug: I hope things are going well for you and yours!

I'm finishing my training this week. It's been a long training session because I had to train for a few days on each shift. I'm exhausted though. Working all of these different shifts is really messing with my sleep schedule!

No snow here yet, but we did have some frost on the ground yesterday and today.

Ah still training. That no doubt adds to the stress and that will exacerbate the fatigue. But I do hope you are enjoying the experience anyway.

Yeah, I've learned a lot. Tomorrow is my last day training though! :eusa_dance: I will probably be covering a lot for people taking holiday vacations in the next couple/few months. We'll see how it goes. My regular job is pretty flexible when it comes to hours, so that is a plus. :)

A little nosy none-of-her-business Mama Fox advice: You need to take very good care of you while working two jobs. You already indicated it is changing your sleep patterns and you can't do much about that other than to do your best to get your normal ration of sleep somehow. But do watch your diet--keep refined sugars/processed foods to a minimum and get plenty of good protein and veggies. And get some positive exercise--a brisk 20-minute walks, work out on a treadmill or cycle, go for a swim if you have access etc. It will make a difference in your stamina and alleviate the fatigue.

(I worked more than one job at a time for a lot of years. GW also can probably empathize with the difficulty of juggling sleep cycles and managing your health holding multiple jobs.)
I'm definitely one with Momma Fox on is critical. But once you establish some rountine, it's loads easier. It's easy for me because I live alone and have no family relying on my interaction. Well, cats are pretty flexible...

I don't feel bad. Just tired. :D Thanks though. Again, I was up at 3:30 AM. That is so annoying. I usually sleep until 5 to 7 AM, depending on when I have to start work (my regular job). My training period is over now though, so hopefully my sleeping will get back to normal. It's mostly because I had to work all three shifts for a couple/few days in the last 2 weeks.
We don't have tornadoes around here either. I've never seen one before in real life. Nature can be awesome (not necessarily in a good way). I've seen people on the news who have filmed tornadoes and they almost seem hypnotized by them. The power of them is amazing, and I would like to see one from a great distance of course. :D
I've never experienced a tornado. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and my mom told me I was born the night of a massive hurricane (might explain some about my nature), but never a tornado.

As far as natural disasters go, I've only experienced hurricanes. I guess I should consider myself lucky. Lol. :D
We don't have tornadoes around here either. I've never seen one before in real life. Nature can be awesome (not necessarily in a good way). I've seen people on the news who have filmed tornadoes and they almost seem hypnotized by them. The power of them is amazing, and I would like to see one from a great distance of course. :D
I've never experienced a tornado. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and my mom told me I was born the night of a massive hurricane (might explain some about my nature), but never a tornado.

As far as natural disasters go, I've only experienced hurricanes. I guess I should consider myself lucky. Lol. :D
Definitely not something you want to see or experience first hand. You go outside to enjoy a nice spring day...30 minutes later huge trees are being ripped out of the ground and cars are flying through air. If you can see one, then you need to be in the basement.
We don't have tornadoes around here either. I've never seen one before in real life. Nature can be awesome (not necessarily in a good way). I've seen people on the news who have filmed tornadoes and they almost seem hypnotized by them. The power of them is amazing, and I would like to see one from a great distance of course. :D
I've never experienced a tornado. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and my mom told me I was born the night of a massive hurricane (might explain some about my nature), but never a tornado.

As far as natural disasters go, I've only experienced hurricanes. I guess I should consider myself lucky. Lol. :D
Definitely not something you want to see or experience first hand. You go outside to enjoy a nice spring day...30 minutes later huge trees are being ripped out of the ground and cars are flying through air. If you can see one, then you need to be in the basement.

I still want to see one. :D They are awesome. There is no denying that. I used to watch a storm chasers show years ago where these crazy people would go and chase tornadoes. I wouldn't want to get THAT close of course. Lol.
We don't have tornadoes around here either. I've never seen one before in real life. Nature can be awesome (not necessarily in a good way). I've seen people on the news who have filmed tornadoes and they almost seem hypnotized by them. The power of them is amazing, and I would like to see one from a great distance of course. :D
I've never experienced a tornado. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and my mom told me I was born the night of a massive hurricane (might explain some about my nature), but never a tornado.

As far as natural disasters go, I've only experienced hurricanes. I guess I should consider myself lucky. Lol. :D
Definitely not something you want to see or experience first hand. You go outside to enjoy a nice spring day...30 minutes later huge trees are being ripped out of the ground and cars are flying through air. If you can see one, then you need to be in the basement.

I still want to see one. :D They are awesome. There is no denying that. I used to watch a storm chasers show years ago where these crazy people would go and chase tornadoes. I wouldn't want to get THAT close of course. Lol.
Yeah. Those people are freakin' nuts in my opinion.
We don't have tornadoes around here either. I've never seen one before in real life. Nature can be awesome (not necessarily in a good way). I've seen people on the news who have filmed tornadoes and they almost seem hypnotized by them. The power of them is amazing, and I would like to see one from a great distance of course. :D
I've never experienced a tornado. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and my mom told me I was born the night of a massive hurricane (might explain some about my nature), but never a tornado.

As far as natural disasters go, I've only experienced hurricanes. I guess I should consider myself lucky. Lol. :D
Definitely not something you want to see or experience first hand. You go outside to enjoy a nice spring day...30 minutes later huge trees are being ripped out of the ground and cars are flying through air. If you can see one, then you need to be in the basement.

I still want to see one. :D They are awesome. There is no denying that. I used to watch a storm chasers show years ago where these crazy people would go and chase tornadoes. I wouldn't want to get THAT close of course. Lol.
Yeah. Those people are freakin' nuts in my opinion.

Makes for some exciting TV watching though! :D

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