USMB Coffee Shop IV

Hombre and I have had an interesting day. It started with my physical therapy appointment for which I arrived on time and dutifully signed in. Thirty five minutes later I hadn't been called and asked the staff what the hold up was. Seems nobody bothered to check me in from the sign up sheet so the therapist didn't know I was there. She offered to give me a session then but Hombre hadn't eaten all morning, it was after 12 noon, and I didn't want him to have to wait another 45 minutes. So they cancelled the appointment, showed me where they admitted it was their error, and I left without therapy this week.

So we go on to lunch at Furrs Fresh Buffet and immensely enjoyed it. And just for a lark decided to stop in at the Subaru place petty much next door to see what the offerings there were. We were just going to look. So there is now a new Subaru sitting in our garage. And I'm looking to see where we can cut our budget other places to pay for it.

The appointment might have been less expensive.

LOL. Yeah. I might have been in too much pain to agree to go window shopping at the dealership. :)
I've set up a little game for the little one. I put post-its in various places with rhyming clues on each one leading to the next. For the last 2 I am leaving her a chocolate bar under her pillow, that has a clue telling her to go to the laundry closet before she eats it, where I will be hiding. I hope it works!
Hombre and I have had an interesting day. It started with my physical therapy appointment for which I arrived on time and dutifully signed in. Thirty five minutes later I hadn't been called and asked the staff what the hold up was. Seems nobody bothered to check me in from the sign up sheet so the therapist didn't know I was there. She offered to give me a session then but Hombre hadn't eaten all morning, it was after 12 noon, and I didn't want him to have to wait another 45 minutes. So they cancelled the appointment, showed me where they admitted it was their error, and I left without therapy this week.

So we go on to lunch at Furrs Fresh Buffet and immensely enjoyed it. And just for a lark decided to stop in at the Subaru place petty much next door to see what the offerings there were. We were just going to look. So there is now a new Subaru sitting in our garage. And I'm looking to see where we can cut our budget other places to pay for it.

It must be shiny! :D

It was one of those things--we had discussed that our major car was 10 years old and has over 100,000 miles on it and while like all Subarus it has been a mostly maintenance and trouble free vehicle, it was developing a few problems here and there. So yesterday Hombre says just for fun, lets look at the new Subarus. . . And yes it is shiny and I think beautiful - they call the color champagne gold but it is just barely gold. You really have to think about it to know what color it is.

I had a Nissan Infiniti Q45 that was a gold color. It had all leather interior and power everything. A nice quality Bose stereo and speakers and a moon roof. It was the best car I've ever had. Very expensive to maintain though. That is why I got rid of it and now have my crappy Chevy Impala. Parts for the Infiniti were just outrageous and I couldn't afford to keep up with it anymore.
Been that kind of day.
Just got back from Beaumont Army Hospital, had a surgery consult to remove a huge cyst on my neck, it had grown to about half a golf ball size. The doc to a look at it and decided to take it out right then, 45 minutes later he was done and I was on my way home.
Been trying to get them to remove it for 3 years. :thup:
Hombre and I have had an interesting day. It started with my physical therapy appointment for which I arrived on time and dutifully signed in. Thirty five minutes later I hadn't been called and asked the staff what the hold up was. Seems nobody bothered to check me in from the sign up sheet so the therapist didn't know I was there. She offered to give me a session then but Hombre hadn't eaten all morning, it was after 12 noon, and I didn't want him to have to wait another 45 minutes. So they cancelled the appointment, showed me where they admitted it was their error, and I left without therapy this week.

So we go on to lunch at Furrs Fresh Buffet and immensely enjoyed it. And just for a lark decided to stop in at the Subaru place petty much next door to see what the offerings there were. We were just going to look. So there is now a new Subaru sitting in our garage. And I'm looking to see where we can cut our budget other places to pay for it.

It must be shiny! :D

It was one of those things--we had discussed that our major car was 10 years old and has over 100,000 miles on it and while like all Subarus it has been a mostly maintenance and trouble free vehicle, it was developing a few problems here and there. So yesterday Hombre says just for fun, lets look at the new Subarus. . . And yes it is shiny and I think beautiful - they call the color champagne gold but it is just barely gold. You really have to think about it to know what color it is.

I had a Nissan Infiniti Q45 that was a gold color. It had all leather interior and power everything. A nice quality Bose stereo and speakers and a moon roof. It was the best car I've ever had. Very expensive to maintain though. That is why I got rid of it and now have my crappy Chevy Impala. Parts for the Infiniti were just outrageous and I couldn't afford to keep up with it anymore.

Well we've decided it isn't gold after all but a metallic kind of grayish almost silver but not quite? But it does seem to change colors depending on what kind of light it is in. Pretty but not champagne gold. I kind of liked the idea of champagne gold. :)
Just got back from Beaumont Army Hospital, had a surgery consult to remove a huge cyst on my neck, it had grown to about half a golf ball size. The doc to a look at it and decided to take it out right then, 45 minutes later he was done and I was on my way home.
Been trying to get them to remove it for 3 years. :thup:

I can imagine that is a relief.
Just got back from Beaumont Army Hospital, had a surgery consult to remove a huge cyst on my neck, it had grown to about half a golf ball size. The doc to a look at it and decided to take it out right then, 45 minutes later he was done and I was on my way home.
Been trying to get them to remove it for 3 years. :thup:

I'd have been hard pressed not to try and do it myself. :p
Just got back from Beaumont Army Hospital, had a surgery consult to remove a huge cyst on my neck, it had grown to about half a golf ball size. The doc to a look at it and decided to take it out right then, 45 minutes later he was done and I was on my way home.
Been trying to get them to remove it for 3 years. :thup:

I can imagine that is a relief.
Took longer to stitch it up than to cut it out. He did have a surgery resident with him in training so I got cut on by an amateur........ :lol:
Yup the doc wiped his hands on his bloody apron, stuck a rawhide strip in my mouth to bite down on and started cutting........ Oh wait, wrong era....... :D
Just got back from Beaumont Army Hospital, had a surgery consult to remove a huge cyst on my neck, it had grown to about half a golf ball size. The doc to a look at it and decided to take it out right then, 45 minutes later he was done and I was on my way home.
Been trying to get them to remove it for 3 years. :thup:

I'd have been hard pressed not to try and do it myself. :p
Trust me, I considered it....... Briefly....... :lol:
I've set up a little game for the little one. I put post-its in various places with rhyming clues on each one leading to the next. For the last 2 I am leaving her a chocolate bar under her pillow, that has a clue telling her to go to the laundry closet before she eats it, where I will be hiding. I hope it works!

The little one loved it. :) She wants me to do it again tomorrow with new clues in new places.
When the boys were still home and too old for Easter egg hunting, we hid clues on paper and then hid each piece of paper all over the place. Now keep in mind they were in their teens by then, and we were managing an apartment complex, so they were free to go all over the place hunting those slips of paper. The one that found the final clue would bring it back to us and they would get a 50 dollar bill. It was a riot to watch them look all around the trash bin back in the parking lot, knock on doors to certain apartments (we got permission to get them in on the hunt), dig thru the laundry room on the property, check under cars in the parking lot (again, permission from tenant), poke thru bushes all around the property, back to the house to look in the bathrooms, back outside to climb a certain tree, back to another apartment on the other side of the property, down the street at the little liquor store (again, owner let on about the hunt and agreeing), back to our apartment to look in the spice cabinet...on and on and on. :lol: They loved it.
And of course...all 3 got 50 dollar bills but they didn't know it til the end of the game. ;)
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Foxfyre's sore back and painful shoulder,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Chris's new job,
GW's new job,
Gracie's sore hand,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern with a special RIP for Bert.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Up at 5am...... Yup the neck hurts but at least I got about 5 hours solid sleep. Feels like someone stabbed me in the neck......... Oh wait! Someone did....... so to speak....... :D
The cats are running around my feet wanting to get fed, ain't gonna happen for a couple of more hours. For some reason they still haven't learned to tell time. :dunno:
Yes I'm up too and that's about all I can say for it. Hombre and I got the kitchen cleaned up and made coffee and will team up to put something together for breakfast shortly. I need to do some major cleaning mostly in the office today. Trying to psyche myself into that.

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