USMB Coffee Shop IV

Tornado warnings here until 4PM. It started storming just after 2 this morning as I was outside washing mats, scrubbing trash cans, emptying garbage, etc.
!5 minutes in pouring rain only to come back inside to my freshly mopped floor.
Tornado warnings here until 4PM. It started storming just after 2 this morning as I was outside washing mats, scrubbing trash cans, emptying garbage, etc.
!5 minutes in pouring rain only to come back inside to my freshly mopped floor.

Well at least the only one who would yell at you for tracking up your freshly mopped floor is you. :) Do stay safe though. Even November tornadoes are deadly.
Tornado warnings here until 4PM. It started storming just after 2 this morning as I was outside washing mats, scrubbing trash cans, emptying garbage, etc.
!5 minutes in pouring rain only to come back inside to my freshly mopped floor.

Well at least the only one who would yell at you for tracking up your freshly mopped floor is you. :) Do stay safe though. Even November tornadoes are deadly.

We worry in Britain when it is a bit windy, we do not get tornadoes. I think it was wind blowing though the air brick that brought down my toilet ceiling the other night. I finally took your advice and rang the landlord and they came within half and hour and pulled down all the loose plaster. They are coming back tomorrow to re-plaster it.
I just sneaked up the road with three bags of lumps of plaster and dumped them in somebody's skip.
We don't have tornadoes around here either. I've never seen one before in real life. Nature can be awesome (not necessarily in a good way). I've seen people on the news who have filmed tornadoes and they almost seem hypnotized by them. The power of them is amazing, and I would like to see one from a great distance of course. :D
I wanted to have a picnic with the little one when she got home from school yesterday. I put some food in a basket and covered it up, got a blanket, wrapped the basket inside the blanket, and put them outside to wait for the bus. I waited outside for a bit before I realized she has an after-school thing she does on Tuesdays. :eusa_doh: Of course it proceeded to rain last night, so doing it today was out. We had a little picnic in the living room instead. She liked it well enough, but I wish we could have done it outside.
Finally have most of the debris out of the pool from the wind storm we had, now I'll have to brush and vacuum all the sand and dirt at the bottom of the pool........ Considering draining it but if I do there's always the possibility of cracks forming which I would have to pay to fix.
We don't have tornadoes around here either. I've never seen one before in real life. Nature can be awesome (not necessarily in a good way). I've seen people on the news who have filmed tornadoes and they almost seem hypnotized by them. The power of them is amazing, and I would like to see one from a great distance of course. :D

I've seen and experienced my share of tornadoes. But I would like to experience an earthquake just once--not a big, destructive one, but one just strong enough to feel it. We've been to California several times for prolonged visits, but so far nothing was shaking so that's an experience I have not had. Haven't experienced a hurricane either, but 100-mph straight winds in west Texas and New Mexico were close enough to satisfy my curiosity about that.
Hombre and I have had an interesting day. It started with my physical therapy appointment for which I arrived on time and dutifully signed in. Thirty five minutes later I hadn't been called and asked the staff what the hold up was. Seems nobody bothered to check me in from the sign up sheet so the therapist didn't know I was there. She offered to give me a session then but Hombre hadn't eaten all morning, it was after 12 noon, and I didn't want him to have to wait another 45 minutes. So they cancelled the appointment, showed me where they admitted it was their error, and I left without therapy this week.

So we go on to lunch at Furrs Fresh Buffet and immensely enjoyed it. And just for a lark decided to stop in at the Subaru place petty much next door to see what the offerings there were. We were just going to look. So there is now a new Subaru sitting in our garage. And I'm looking to see where we can cut our budget other places to pay for it.
We don't have tornadoes around here either. I've never seen one before in real life. Nature can be awesome (not necessarily in a good way). I've seen people on the news who have filmed tornadoes and they almost seem hypnotized by them. The power of them is amazing, and I would like to see one from a great distance of course. :D

I've seen and experienced my share of tornadoes. But I would like to experience an earthquake just once--not a big, destructive one, but one just strong enough to feel it. We've been to California several times for prolonged visits, but so far nothing was shaking so that's an experience I have not had. Haven't experienced a hurricane either, but 100-mph straight winds in west Texas and New Mexico were close enough to satisfy my curiosity about that.

I know what 120 mile an hour winds feel like from my time as a motorcyclist. If you turn your head sideways to glance over your shoulder at 120 miles an hour the wind hits the side of your helmet, and it almost blows your head off.
We don't have tornadoes around here either. I've never seen one before in real life. Nature can be awesome (not necessarily in a good way). I've seen people on the news who have filmed tornadoes and they almost seem hypnotized by them. The power of them is amazing, and I would like to see one from a great distance of course. :D

I've seen and experienced my share of tornadoes. But I would like to experience an earthquake just once--not a big, destructive one, but one just strong enough to feel it. We've been to California several times for prolonged visits, but so far nothing was shaking so that's an experience I have not had. Haven't experienced a hurricane either, but 100-mph straight winds in west Texas and New Mexico were close enough to satisfy my curiosity about that.

I've never experienced a earthquake either. The news has said we've had small ones before, but I didn't feel anything. :dunno:
Hombre and I have had an interesting day. It started with my physical therapy appointment for which I arrived on time and dutifully signed in. Thirty five minutes later I hadn't been called and asked the staff what the hold up was. Seems nobody bothered to check me in from the sign up sheet so the therapist didn't know I was there. She offered to give me a session then but Hombre hadn't eaten all morning, it was after 12 noon, and I didn't want him to have to wait another 45 minutes. So they cancelled the appointment, showed me where they admitted it was their error, and I left without therapy this week.

So we go on to lunch at Furrs Fresh Buffet and immensely enjoyed it. And just for a lark decided to stop in at the Subaru place petty much next door to see what the offerings there were. We were just going to look. So there is now a new Subaru sitting in our garage. And I'm looking to see where we can cut our budget other places to pay for it.

It must be shiny! :D
We don't have tornadoes around here either. I've never seen one before in real life. Nature can be awesome (not necessarily in a good way). I've seen people on the news who have filmed tornadoes and they almost seem hypnotized by them. The power of them is amazing, and I would like to see one from a great distance of course. :D

I've seen and experienced my share of tornadoes. But I would like to experience an earthquake just once--not a big, destructive one, but one just strong enough to feel it. We've been to California several times for prolonged visits, but so far nothing was shaking so that's an experience I have not had. Haven't experienced a hurricane either, but 100-mph straight winds in west Texas and New Mexico were close enough to satisfy my curiosity about that.
Been through everything but a volcano and a tsunami, pretty sure I'd pass on those. Earthquakes are pretty scary at first but then you get used to them (Taiwan, we had earthquakes all the time), floods are just plain scary especially in the mountains and high plains. Tornadoes? Seems when I was a kid in Oklahoma one jumped the house we were living in, couldn't tell you about it as I slept through the whole thing, wasn't a big one cause it did very little damage to the houses around us.
We don't have tornadoes around here either. I've never seen one before in real life. Nature can be awesome (not necessarily in a good way). I've seen people on the news who have filmed tornadoes and they almost seem hypnotized by them. The power of them is amazing, and I would like to see one from a great distance of course. :D

I've seen and experienced my share of tornadoes. But I would like to experience an earthquake just once--not a big, destructive one, but one just strong enough to feel it. We've been to California several times for prolonged visits, but so far nothing was shaking so that's an experience I have not had. Haven't experienced a hurricane either, but 100-mph straight winds in west Texas and New Mexico were close enough to satisfy my curiosity about that.

I've never experienced a earthquake either. The news has said we've had small ones before, but I didn't feel anything. :dunno:

We are pretty lucky in England, we have mostly mild weather and occasional very small earthquakes. I have never felt an earthquake myself. The main problem we get is flooding which can be bad for the people in flatlands. For myself I live on the top of a hill and am immune to floods.
Hombre and I have had an interesting day. It started with my physical therapy appointment for which I arrived on time and dutifully signed in. Thirty five minutes later I hadn't been called and asked the staff what the hold up was. Seems nobody bothered to check me in from the sign up sheet so the therapist didn't know I was there. She offered to give me a session then but Hombre hadn't eaten all morning, it was after 12 noon, and I didn't want him to have to wait another 45 minutes. So they cancelled the appointment, showed me where they admitted it was their error, and I left without therapy this week.

So we go on to lunch at Furrs Fresh Buffet and immensely enjoyed it. And just for a lark decided to stop in at the Subaru place petty much next door to see what the offerings there were. We were just going to look. So there is now a new Subaru sitting in our garage. And I'm looking to see where we can cut our budget other places to pay for it.

It must be shiny! :D

It was one of those things--we had discussed that our major car was 10 years old and has over 100,000 miles on it and while like all Subarus it has been a mostly maintenance and trouble free vehicle, it was developing a few problems here and there. So yesterday Hombre says just for fun, lets look at the new Subarus. . . And yes it is shiny and I think beautiful - they call the color champagne gold but it is just barely gold. You really have to think about it to know what color it is.
We tend to get winter tornadoes here. Had on in Mobile on Christmas Day a couple years ago.
We get a shitload of dust devils down here during the summer. On our first drive out to Deming on I10 probably saw 100 of em.
I remember heading out I 20 around Amarillo when I saw this "thing" coming across the field. It was maybe a mile away when I first saw it and about 100 yards in diameter. It had the classic funnel shape and there was a bunch of plant material and debris flying around. I was fascinated!
As I got closer, I realized that it was an actual tornado. I pulled over about 1/4 mile away and watched it cross the highway.
It shook the rental truck a bit as it went by and exploded a deer blind out in the field to my left It never occurred to me to grab my camera.
Hombre and I have had an interesting day. It started with my physical therapy appointment for which I arrived on time and dutifully signed in. Thirty five minutes later I hadn't been called and asked the staff what the hold up was. Seems nobody bothered to check me in from the sign up sheet so the therapist didn't know I was there. She offered to give me a session then but Hombre hadn't eaten all morning, it was after 12 noon, and I didn't want him to have to wait another 45 minutes. So they cancelled the appointment, showed me where they admitted it was their error, and I left without therapy this week.

So we go on to lunch at Furrs Fresh Buffet and immensely enjoyed it. And just for a lark decided to stop in at the Subaru place petty much next door to see what the offerings there were. We were just going to look. So there is now a new Subaru sitting in our garage. And I'm looking to see where we can cut our budget other places to pay for it.

The appointment might have been less expensive.

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