USMB Coffee Shop IV

I was just out back doing the finish touches painting the deck rocker and 4 Blackhawks flew right over the house in formation not more than 60 feet up....... That's what one gets living blocks away from Biggs Army Airfield........ :D

Some folks would see that as a disadvantage. Not me. I would love that. :)
Was out back and notice the wife's passenger door on the Prius was slightly ajar, sure enough someone was able to open it and rifled through the car but it looks like all they stole was about 20 CDs. The last time we drove it was Thursday morning and now it won't even start, don't know if they used an electronic device to unlock it and that damaged something in the computer or the battery drained down that much.
I'm so sorry Peaches about your Fur Baby cat. :(
Like you...once the last of the fur children are gone...MrG and I are done. No more. Too old for the heart pain now.

Dajjal, your birdy will remember you and will be there when you arrive, along with all those you loved that have passed before you. :)
Was out back and notice the wife's passenger door on the Prius was slightly ajar, sure enough someone was able to open it and rifled through the car but it looks like all they stole was about 20 CDs. The last time we drove it was Thursday morning and now it won't even start, don't know if they used an electronic device to unlock it and that damaged something in the computer or the battery drained down that much.

Well that sucks. You did report it to the police, yes? Depending on your deductible, your homeowner's or renter's insurance likely will cover at least some of the cost of the stolen CDs, and if the car was damaged from breaking and entering, and you have full coverage, that should be covered too but most insurance companies do require a police report.
Was out back and notice the wife's passenger door on the Prius was slightly ajar, sure enough someone was able to open it and rifled through the car but it looks like all they stole was about 20 CDs. The last time we drove it was Thursday morning and now it won't even start, don't know if they used an electronic device to unlock it and that damaged something in the computer or the battery drained down that much.

Well that sucks. You did report it to the police, yes? Depending on your deductible, your homeowner's or renter's insurance likely will cover at least some of the cost of the stolen CDs, and if the car was damaged from breaking and entering, and you have full coverage, that should be covered too but most insurance companies do require a police report.
I'm waiting for the cops to arrive now. Most likely it was done Thurday night and with the door left ajar the battery ran down enough that it won't start. Unfortunately there's a $17 electronic device that can read wireless key fobs up to 100 meters away and use the code to unlock the vehicle. Currently it works with Toyota and Lexus vehicles. As for forgetting to lock a Prius...... once the fob is a certain distance away the car will lock itself after a few minutes.
They also have devices that will not only unlock BMWs but also let the thief start it up and drive away with it......
From what I've read the best way to prevent it is to keep your fob in the freezer, it blocks the signal.
They also have devices that will not only unlock BMWs but also let the thief start it up and drive away with it......
From what I've read the best way to prevent it is to keep your fob in the freezer, it blocks the signal.

I've seen those warnings about thieves intercepting the code from your FOB, but according to our local Police, they need more than that to break into your car and the chances of them guessing the rest of it are slim to nil??? I have no clue how all that works. Here is one commentary on that which may or may not be accurate:

Can Thieves Steal Your Keyless-Entry Codes? - Feature
They also have devices that will not only unlock BMWs but also let the thief start it up and drive away with it......
From what I've read the best way to prevent it is to keep your fob in the freezer, it blocks the signal.

I've seen those warnings about thieves intercepting the code from your FOB, but according to our local Police, they need more than that to break into your car and the chances of them guessing the rest of it are slim to nil??? I have no clue how all that works. Here is one commentary on that which may or may not be accurate:

Can Thieves Steal Your Keyless-Entry Codes? - Feature
Thieves using a $17 device to break into cars with keyless systems

The Google search page 1;

They also have devices that will not only unlock BMWs but also let the thief start it up and drive away with it......
From what I've read the best way to prevent it is to keep your fob in the freezer, it blocks the signal.

I've seen those warnings about thieves intercepting the code from your FOB, but according to our local Police, they need more than that to break into your car and the chances of them guessing the rest of it are slim to nil??? I have no clue how all that works. Here is one commentary on that which may or may not be accurate:

Can Thieves Steal Your Keyless-Entry Codes? - Feature
Thieves using a $17 device to break into cars with keyless systems

The Google search page 1;


LOL. Battle of the links. Okay here is one that supports your posted argument and also my posted argument. The last couple of paragraphs do make a lot of sense though re what probably and/or could have happened:
Lock Stalk
They also have devices that will not only unlock BMWs but also let the thief start it up and drive away with it......
From what I've read the best way to prevent it is to keep your fob in the freezer, it blocks the signal.

I've seen those warnings about thieves intercepting the code from your FOB, but according to our local Police, they need more than that to break into your car and the chances of them guessing the rest of it are slim to nil??? I have no clue how all that works. Here is one commentary on that which may or may not be accurate:

Can Thieves Steal Your Keyless-Entry Codes? - Feature
Thieves using a $17 device to break into cars with keyless systems

The Google search page 1;


LOL. Battle of the links. Okay here is one that supports your posted argument and also my posted argument. The last couple of paragraphs do make a lot of sense though re what probably and/or could have happened:
Lock Stalk
The problem is with wireless codes, it's 2015, the random code can still be easily broken with cheap, modern technology, crooks are always looking for easy ways to bypass modern security systems. Once they have the bypass the technology spreads rapidly till a new system/approach is developed and the cycle starts all over again.
Don't know how old the Snoops article is.
Hi everybody!

Yesterday was one awful day.
My cat got sick Wed. night and we had to take her to the vet in Sierra Vista.
We had to have her put down because of kidney failure.
She had a really good long life though, she was 17.
Then when we got out from the vets office my car wouldn't start.
We called Lawley's Ford to have it towed to the dealer less than a mile away.
It took an hour and the tow truck still was a no show.
By that time the car started again so we drove down to the dealer.
The head guy at the service shop was really hot because the one tow driver went to lunch and the 2nd driver never showed up so he didn't charge us.
Hopefully they can find what is really wrong with the car this time.
I was a wet noodle by the time we got back home.
I'm very glad that we had a good friend who came and picked us up.
My husband took him out for a big steak and eggs breakfast this morning, doing that favor for us. :)
No more cats or dogs for us any longer, it's just too heartbreaking.
I still have my pet turtle though and that's enough for me to take care of now.

At 7" of snow and headed for 8 or 9. Wet heavy stuff that should prove a good test of my heart's condition. Spent an hour plowing the used car lot, so we have a chance of a good Monday. Sorry for your losses drifter and peach. We beat OSU today and Michigan earlier in the season, so football heaven has already been achieved in Spartan Land!
They also have devices that will not only unlock BMWs but also let the thief start it up and drive away with it......
From what I've read the best way to prevent it is to keep your fob in the freezer, it blocks the signal.

I've seen those warnings about thieves intercepting the code from your FOB, but according to our local Police, they need more than that to break into your car and the chances of them guessing the rest of it are slim to nil??? I have no clue how all that works. Here is one commentary on that which may or may not be accurate:

Can Thieves Steal Your Keyless-Entry Codes? - Feature
Thieves using a $17 device to break into cars with keyless systems

The Google search page 1;


LOL. Battle of the links. Okay here is one that supports your posted argument and also my posted argument. The last couple of paragraphs do make a lot of sense though re what probably and/or could have happened:
Lock Stalk
The problem is with wireless codes, it's 2015, the random code can still be easily broken with cheap, modern technology, crooks are always looking for easy ways to bypass modern security systems. Once they have the bypass the technology spreads rapidly till a new system/approach is developed and the cycle starts all over again.
Don't know how old the Snoops article is.

Says it was last updated October 2014,
At 7" of snow and headed for 8 or 9. Wet heavy stuff that should prove a good test of my heart's condition. Spent an hour plowing the used car lot, so we have a chance of a good Monday. Sorry for your losses drifter and peach. We beat OSU today and Michigan earlier in the season, so football heaven has already been achieved in Spartan Land!

We saw that it looked like your part of the world is getting slammed. But you take care of your heart of whatever condition. We are rather fond of you and would like to keep you around.
At 7" of snow and headed for 8 or 9. Wet heavy stuff that should prove a good test of my heart's condition. Spent an hour plowing the used car lot, so we have a chance of a good Monday. Sorry for your losses drifter and peach. We beat OSU today and Michigan earlier in the season, so football heaven has already been achieved in Spartan Land!
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Foxfyre's sore back and painful shoulder,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Chris's new job,
GW's new job,
Gracie's sore hand,
Drifter's loss of his beloved fur friend,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.

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