USMB Coffee Shop IV

At 7" of snow and headed for 8 or 9. Wet heavy stuff that should prove a good test of my heart's condition. Spent an hour plowing the used car lot, so we have a chance of a good Monday. Sorry for your losses drifter and peach. We beat OSU today and Michigan earlier in the season, so football heaven has already been achieved in Spartan Land!
Aren't the Spartans Michigan State? :eusa_eh:
We have only had some very light flurries once so far this year. No snow at all yet, and I'm pretty happy about that. I'm not missing the snow at all. Lol. :D

The prediction is that we will get unusual amounts of snow this winter and you guys will get less due to the strong El Nino. But weather predictions not being very predictable, we'll see. :)

Good morning all. Having my first cup of coffee and we will leave for the early service at church in about a half hour, and then brunch. A beautiful cloudless morning here but pretty nippy....temp about 30 at our house right now.
Have a back yard full of grackles, pigeons and wrens going to town on the morning popcorn feeding........ I have an old (large) planter base I use as a bird bath, the grackles grab the popcorn, fly over to the bird bath, dip the popcorn in it then eat the wet popcorn.
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Have a back yard full of grackles, pigeons and wrens going to town on the morning popcorn feeding........ I have an old (large) planter base I use as a bird bath, the grackles grab the popcorn, fly over to the bird bath, dip the popcorn in it then eat the wet popcorn.

I've always hated the grackles. . .obnoxious, noisy birds and in Kansas they traveled in flocks of hundreds and hundreds, terrorized the song birds and sometimes raided their nests. But I suppose they were just being who they are.
At 7" of snow and headed for 8 or 9. Wet heavy stuff that should prove a good test of my heart's condition. Spent an hour plowing the used car lot, so we have a chance of a good Monday. Sorry for your losses drifter and peach. We beat OSU today and Michigan earlier in the season, so football heaven has already been achieved in Spartan Land!
Aren't the Spartans Michigan State? :eusa_eh:

Yes Spartans are MSU and we have beaten OSU AND Michigan in football this season.
At 7" of snow and headed for 8 or 9. Wet heavy stuff that should prove a good test of my heart's condition. Spent an hour plowing the used car lot, so we have a chance of a good Monday. Sorry for your losses drifter and peach. We beat OSU today and Michigan earlier in the season, so football heaven has already been achieved in Spartan Land!
Aren't the Spartans Michigan State? :eusa_eh:

Yes Spartans are MSU and we have beaten OSU AND Michigan in football this season.
That's what I thought though I had to ask, I don't keep up with football (or any sport for that matter). :dunno:
We have only had some very light flurries once so far this year. No snow at all yet, and I'm pretty happy about that. I'm not missing the snow at all. Lol. :D

The prediction is that we will get unusual amounts of snow this winter and you guys will get less due to the strong El Nino. But weather predictions not being very predictable, we'll see. :)

Good morning all. Having my first cup of coffee and we will leave for the early service at church in about a half hour, and then brunch. A beautiful cloudless morning here but pretty nippy....temp about 30 at our house right now.

I hope you're right! :)
We don't have tornadoes around here either. I've never seen one before in real life. Nature can be awesome (not necessarily in a good way). I've seen people on the news who have filmed tornadoes and they almost seem hypnotized by them. The power of them is amazing, and I would like to see one from a great distance of course. :D
I've never experienced a tornado. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and my mom told me I was born the night of a massive hurricane (might explain some about my nature), but never a tornado.

As far as natural disasters go, I've only experienced hurricanes. I guess I should consider myself lucky. Lol. :D
Definitely not something you want to see or experience first hand. You go outside to enjoy a nice spring day...30 minutes later huge trees are being ripped out of the ground and cars are flying through air. If you can see one, then you need to be in the basement.

I still want to see one. :D They are awesome. There is no denying that. I used to watch a storm chasers show years ago where these crazy people would go and chase tornadoes. I wouldn't want to get THAT close of course. Lol.
YouTube is your friend...all the excitement without the...stress?
Hi everybody!

Yesterday was one awful day.
My cat got sick Wed. night and we had to take her to the vet in Sierra Vista.
We had to have her put down because of kidney failure.
She had a really good long life though, she was 17.
Then when we got out from the vets office my car wouldn't start.
We called Lawley's Ford to have it towed to the dealer less than a mile away.
It took an hour and the tow truck still was a no show.
By that time the car started again so we drove down to the dealer.
The head guy at the service shop was really hot because the one tow driver went to lunch and the 2nd driver never showed up so he didn't charge us.
Hopefully they can find what is really wrong with the car this time.
I was a wet noodle by the time we got back home.
I'm very glad that we had a good friend who came and picked us up.
My husband took him out for a big steak and eggs breakfast this morning, doing that favor for us. :)
No more cats or dogs for us any longer, it's just too heartbreaking.
I still have my pet turtle though and that's enough for me to take care of now.
Sorry for your loss.
So far we've lost 3 cats over the years, Mugsy to thyroid cancer at age 13, Baby (her sister) to congestive heart failure at age 18 and Little Boy to old age at age 20. Hurt badly with each one but we have three more, a 1 year old kitten (Gizmo), Boo who's 9 and Jasper who's 13. Even knowing we will lose them at some time and that we will grieve doesn't mean we won't do it again, having them in our lives is worth the ultimate pain of the loss.
The longer they last, the harder it is. I'm still luvin' on my 20+ year old Sugarfoot.

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