USMB Coffee Shop IV

For Ringel05 :

Sherry and I saw the movie 13 hours yesterday. I highly recommend it. The film was apolitical in my opinion, but you get an excellent feel for what the men and women in Benghazi went through. It was a mixture of the amazing bravery of the men who defended the compounds, and the stunning incompetence of our Federal Government to help and support them. I don't know how anyone could see the film and be unaffected.
Good Morning all !


Batten down the hatches there Ernie, for those strong wind & rain storms !
You and yours stay safe. :)

The ones up north stay safe too, from the blizzard headed your way.
A bit of rain and 25 MPH winds is pretty common here. right now, the wind is 2 MPH with gusts to 7. Not raining at the moment, but it has been on and off since midnight.
And while we are on the subject of birthdays, today is our own dear Sherry 's birthday.



Thanks, Foxy.:) I took the day off work. WQ and I went up to the courthouse to apply for our marriage license. It was a beautiful sunny day in the mid 60's. We had a great evening out with a movie and dinner. I don't want to mess with WQ's man card, but I've gotten him hooked on Downton Abbey and have been enjoying seeing the episodes again. Tonight we will watch season 3 finale Christmas special.:thup:

Whoa, marriage license already? I thought you guys were planning a summer wedding? But if youre ready, you're ready.

WQ proposed last Fourth of July, after one year of courting.:D We both quickly settled then on a Spring wedding to represent a new beginning.:)
And while we are on the subject of birthdays, today is our own dear Sherry 's birthday.



Thanks, Foxy.:) I took the day off work. WQ and I went up to the courthouse to apply for our marriage license. It was a beautiful sunny day in the mid 60's. We had a great evening out with a movie and dinner. I don't want to mess with WQ's man card, but I've gotten him hooked on Downton Abbey and have been enjoying seeing the episodes again. Tonight we will watch season 3 finale Christmas special.:thup:

This is easily fixed with the Downton Abbey issue. You are simply required to watch a four hour historical perspective on the Super Bowl followed by a three pregame show for Super Bowl 50.

I've been very good about watching more football, and even genuinely rooted for the Redskins.:thup:
That would be Jan 22, this coming Friday Nosmo King ?
Actually, this Friday is Daisy the Mutt's seventh birthday. Mine is Friday January 29. We're both Aquarises (Aquariae?) Or, more to the point, we were both born under the sign of Feces, the Turd.

My son turned 21 on the 15th. He's a Capricorn.
YOU have a 21 year old son??? Were you NINE?

Well Ernie, I was a young mom but not quite THAT young. :D Lol!
Cold here today. No beach due to that. Movie day instead! Gonna find something to watch and hunker down with the furkids and veg out.
Good Morning all !


Batten down the hatches there Ernie, for those strong wind & rain storms !
You and yours stay safe. :)

The ones up north stay safe too, from the blizzard headed your way.
A bit of rain and 25 MPH winds is pretty common here. right now, the wind is 2 MPH with gusts to 7. Not raining at the moment, but it has been on and off since midnight.

Weather reports were saying you will be getting 125 MPH gusts and some coastal flooding by this weekend.
You know better because you live there. :)
Same has happened here for bad weather reports and then nothing happens. It just fizzels out. Then they act like it was never said from the 10:00 p.m. broadcast from the night before. :biggrin:
Sorry if I got it wrong.
Good Morning all !


Batten down the hatches there Ernie, for those strong wind & rain storms !
You and yours stay safe. :)

The ones up north stay safe too, from the blizzard headed your way.
A bit of rain and 25 MPH winds is pretty common here. right now, the wind is 2 MPH with gusts to 7. Not raining at the moment, but it has been on and off since midnight.

Weather reports were saying you will be getting 125 MPH gusts and some coastal flooding by this weekend.
You know better because you live there. :)
Same has happened here for bad weather reports and then nothing happens. It just fizzels out. Then they act like it was never said from the 10:00 p.m. broadcast from the night before. :biggrin:
Sorry if I got it wrong.
I think they got a 1 in there that they didn't mean. The outlook is for 25 MPH winds tomorrow afternoon through Saturday evening.
Good Morning all !


Batten down the hatches there Ernie, for those strong wind & rain storms !
You and yours stay safe. :)

The ones up north stay safe too, from the blizzard headed your way.
A bit of rain and 25 MPH winds is pretty common here. right now, the wind is 2 MPH with gusts to 7. Not raining at the moment, but it has been on and off since midnight.

Weather reports were saying you will be getting 125 MPH gusts and some coastal flooding by this weekend.
You know better because you live there. :)
Same has happened here for bad weather reports and then nothing happens. It just fizzels out. Then they act like it was never said from the 10:00 p.m. broadcast from the night before. :biggrin:
Sorry if I got it wrong.
I think they got a 1 in there that they didn't mean. The outlook is for 25 MPH winds tomorrow afternoon through Saturday evening.

or else I did.
More than likely it was me who read 125 instead of 25. :rofl:
I glad that you don't have any bad weather.
It's been getting pretty cold here at night. Getting down to the 20's, but it is still nice here during the days.
Last edited:
And while we are on the subject of birthdays, today is our own dear Sherry 's birthday.



Thanks, Foxy.:) I took the day off work. WQ and I went up to the courthouse to apply for our marriage license. It was a beautiful sunny day in the mid 60's. We had a great evening out with a movie and dinner. I don't want to mess with WQ's man card, but I've gotten him hooked on Downton Abbey and have been enjoying seeing the episodes again. Tonight we will watch season 3 finale Christmas special.:thup:

This is easily fixed with the Downton Abbey issue. You are simply required to watch a four hour historical perspective on the Super Bowl followed by a three pregame show for Super Bowl 50.

I've been very good about watching more football, and even genuinely rooted for the Redskins.:thup:

He has you rooting for the Redskins? Maybe you should rethink this marriage....... :lol:

Happy Birthday, BTW. :D
And while we are on the subject of birthdays, today is our own dear Sherry 's birthday.



Thanks, Foxy.:) I took the day off work. WQ and I went up to the courthouse to apply for our marriage license. It was a beautiful sunny day in the mid 60's. We had a great evening out with a movie and dinner. I don't want to mess with WQ's man card, but I've gotten him hooked on Downton Abbey and have been enjoying seeing the episodes again. Tonight we will watch season 3 finale Christmas special.:thup:

This is easily fixed with the Downton Abbey issue. You are simply required to watch a four hour historical perspective on the Super Bowl followed by a three pregame show for Super Bowl 50.

I've been very good about watching more football, and even genuinely rooted for the Redskins.:thup:

He has you rooting for the Redskins? Maybe you should rethink this marriage....... :lol:

Happy Birthday, BTW. :D
I always root for the redskins........

Was chatting on line with a friend in DC yesterday--there was an inch of snow that had fallen for the afternoon commute and she said it was horrendous. DC people do not do snow well. I can't imagine it being worse than Albuquerque drivers who panic in the rain, but she was worried about the 19 more inches of snow predicted for DC. So ya'll in the east, whether violent weather, heavy snow, or bitter cold, batten down and stay safe.

Serious wind and heavy surf on the entire west coast too so Gracie might not have a pleasant outing on the beach with her fur friends.
Those on the "other left coast" are definitely not equipped to deal with that kind of frozen precipitation. Best of luck to all our CS denizens in that locale.
Good Morning all !


Batten down the hatches there Ernie, for those strong wind & rain storms !
You and yours stay safe. :)

The ones up north stay safe too, from the blizzard headed your way.
A bit of rain and 25 MPH winds is pretty common here. right now, the wind is 2 MPH with gusts to 7. Not raining at the moment, but it has been on and off since midnight.

Weather reports were saying you will be getting 125 MPH gusts and some coastal flooding by this weekend.
You know better because you live there. :)
Same has happened here for bad weather reports and then nothing happens. It just fizzels out. Then they act like it was never said from the 10:00 p.m. broadcast from the night before. :biggrin:
Sorry if I got it wrong.

You too? I thought that was a New Mexico thing.
And while we are on the subject of birthdays, today is our own dear Sherry 's birthday.



Thanks, Foxy.:) I took the day off work. WQ and I went up to the courthouse to apply for our marriage license. It was a beautiful sunny day in the mid 60's. We had a great evening out with a movie and dinner. I don't want to mess with WQ's man card, but I've gotten him hooked on Downton Abbey and have been enjoying seeing the episodes again. Tonight we will watch season 3 finale Christmas special.:thup:

This is easily fixed with the Downton Abbey issue. You are simply required to watch a four hour historical perspective on the Super Bowl followed by a three pregame show for Super Bowl 50.

I've been very good about watching more football, and even genuinely rooted for the Redskins.:thup:

Now why would two lovable intelligent people from Florida root for the Redskins? I could see Tampa or Miami or Atlanta. . .but the Redskins?????

But then Ollie is a long time resident of Ohio and I don't believe he has ever lived in Texas, but he is a diehard Cowboys fan. So you never know why people pick this or that team I guess.
Sherry and I saw the movie 13 hours yesterday. I highly recommend it. The film was apolitical in my opinion, but you get an excellent feel for what the men and women in Benghazi went through. It was a mixture of the amazing bravery of the men who defended the compounds, and the stunning incompetence of our Federal Government to help and support them. I don't know how anyone could see the film and be unaffected.

I had heard that they really kept the politics out of it. But I am happy to hear the opinion of people I respect and I am more likely to be inclined to see it when I get the chance now.
And while we are on the subject of birthdays, today is our own dear Sherry 's birthday.



Thanks, Foxy.:) I took the day off work. WQ and I went up to the courthouse to apply for our marriage license. It was a beautiful sunny day in the mid 60's. We had a great evening out with a movie and dinner. I don't want to mess with WQ's man card, but I've gotten him hooked on Downton Abbey and have been enjoying seeing the episodes again. Tonight we will watch season 3 finale Christmas special.:thup:

This is easily fixed with the Downton Abbey issue. You are simply required to watch a four hour historical perspective on the Super Bowl followed by a three pregame show for Super Bowl 50.

I've been very good about watching more football, and even genuinely rooted for the Redskins.:thup:

Now why would two lovable intelligent people from Florida root for the Redskins? I could see Tampa or Miami or Atlanta. . .but the Redskins?????

But then Ollie is a long time resident of Ohio and I don't believe he has ever lived in Texas, but he is a diehard Cowboys fan. So you never know why people pick this or that team I guess.

WQ is a Virginian...his whole family are die-hard fans.
And while we are on the subject of birthdays, today is our own dear Sherry 's birthday.



Thanks, Foxy.:) I took the day off work. WQ and I went up to the courthouse to apply for our marriage license. It was a beautiful sunny day in the mid 60's. We had a great evening out with a movie and dinner. I don't want to mess with WQ's man card, but I've gotten him hooked on Downton Abbey and have been enjoying seeing the episodes again. Tonight we will watch season 3 finale Christmas special.:thup:

This is easily fixed with the Downton Abbey issue. You are simply required to watch a four hour historical perspective on the Super Bowl followed by a three pregame show for Super Bowl 50.

I've been very good about watching more football, and even genuinely rooted for the Redskins.:thup:

Now why would two lovable intelligent people from Florida root for the Redskins? I could see Tampa or Miami or Atlanta. . .but the Redskins?????

But then Ollie is a long time resident of Ohio and I don't believe he has ever lived in Texas, but he is a diehard Cowboys fan. So you never know why people pick this or that team I guess.

WQ is a Virginian...his whole family are die-hard fans.

He tells everyone he's a Virginian...

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