USMB Coffee Shop IV

Blood bleeding under the skin....via the surgery.
So, unfortunately for my little black and white buddy, she is the subject of my trial pics as I learn the new camera...

Hug her and enjoy her as long as possible. Yep...they know everything, the little buggers. :lol:
Yup... I do... she's spoiled... I had a male cat, Buttons, that lived to be almost 20 before her. I bled my heart out about his passing right here on this board. This little critter came creeping out of the bushes at a campfire not 3 weeks after Buttons passed away, and they both have the same little spot on their nose, same side... coincidence, fate, or divine?

We have kitties in common! He looks like my cat before the black and white cat! FattyCat lived to 23. Bone cancer got him in the end. That was a painful passing. I wasn't here when he was put down. Kinda glad I wasn't since so much "fun" was made when I brought my grief here for my last cat...the one I posted above. Never again. I'll keep it to myself.

Meanwhile.....this is Fatty Cat!

One eye, no teeth, MEAN assed claws he was so proud of but he loved to pat my face ever so gently with them when we cuddled at bedtime, him on the pillow next to me, other paw clamped firmly but softly on my thumb.


I loved this cat so much. I miss him.
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I think I have had 3 cats in my lifetime. When I was a kid, I had Bennie. I've always had dogs. I never went looking for a cat. They always found ME. Then FattyCat showed up wild as wild...and I tamed him. We became best buds. Had him 23 years. Then he passed and sent me Pretties..the black and white cat. She found me...not I her. Had her about 11 years? 10? She has passed to. more cats. I won't go looking. If I am meant to have a will find me..just like the others did.
I thought it was against the Coffee Shop rules to discuss cats in a post... Mrs. BBD has four cats - two inside the house and two outside barn cats. I personally do not own any cats. Owning a cat does not make you a "bad person" per sey but it does make me wonder. With the exception of 007, I think cat owners all are prone to mental difficulties. To be a truly well-rounded person in today's world, you must own at least one dog. I will use Nosmo King and SFC Ollie as examples. Each is a very fine gentleman, intelligent, kind, trustworthy, thrifty and all the other things that any good Boy Scout would be noted for. I won't mention myself because this post isn't about me... So, with all of this said, I will quickly run and hide for a few days until the cat lovers forget that I made this post!
I had to skim past the sad story Nosmo posted. Seeing/reading that stuff freaks me out into a major depression.:(

Kinda like this:


and this


Which is a shame cuz nobody watches her begging and the ones missing out are the animals.
Meanwhile....when Moki got to where he couldn't get up on the bed, we put a footstool there for him. He gets up there easily now but most of the time he wants UNDER make it easier on him so he doesn't have to scrunch, we raised the bed so all he has to do is walk under it.
Karma is not at that stage yet..but when she does, I have a spare footstool for her. :)

Don't be depressed for Daisy the Mutt. On February 9 the mattress store delivers a low profile box spring. That way I won't have to do a high jump to get into bed and Daisy will be able to make the leap by way of the upholstered bench at the foot of the bed. Our natural order will be resumed.

If there is anything to this Karma stuff, I will be recycled as a pet in my family where all the pampering and privledges are honored and respected.

For now, Daisy goes into her pet box lined with scraps of flannel blankets over an old pad from one of Mom's dining room chairs.
Thank you Foxy. Mister Kat is coming along well, even if he is black and purple. So happy to have this behind us. One week ago today was surgery. Another week or so and back to work. :)

We'll keep him on the vigil list through the rehab process in confidence it will continue to go well. It can't hurt. :)

Yes please. Ended up the afternoon into the evening in the ER. He has a hematoma...pretty big one too. Should be okay..hope anyhow. Tired...

Oh for sure. We all probably get them from time to time, but when it might involve bleeding from the heart area, I can see why you would be concerned. But that it was diagnosed as a hematoma and not bleeding is pretty good news.
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Just to catch everybody up on all the latest news, Mrs. BBD will have knee replacement surgery at the Mayo Clinic on Feb. 22nd. Hope the weather in Rochester is good that week!

Oh good. I know she (and you) are not looking forward to going through the ordeal that involves, but the prognosis is so good that she will emerge much more pain free and mobile. Mrs. BBD's knee has been on the vigil list since we knew this was in her future and there it shall remain until she is as good as new.
Yup... I do... she's spoiled... I had a male cat, Buttons, that lived to be almost 20 before her. I bled my heart out about his passing right here on this board. This little critter came creeping out of the bushes at a campfire not 3 weeks after Buttons passed away, and they both have the same little spot on their nose, same side... coincidence, fate, or divine?


Yes we did mourn the loss of Buttons with you. And then welcomed Bootsie into the family. I think sometimes the angels send us a fur friend when we most need one.
Well, we've gotten a tiny dusting of snow. Not enough to play in, and the little one isn't even here. :( Hopefully she gets to see it, it didn't start until she might have already been in bed. It's supposed to be cold enough for it tomorrow, too, so maybe we'll get a little more or there might be enough to stay on the ground for her. *crosses fingers*

Oh I hope so. While it seems real strange to think of snow in Georgia, I know how much you have wanted the little one to experience it.

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