USMB Coffee Shop IV

ChrisL , will the wild weather in DC up to Jersey get as far north as you are?

The only thing I've seen for your area is this. :)

"]Massive Blizzard to Hit Massachusetts on Saturday January 23, 2016 - YouTube
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Well, we've gotten a tiny dusting of snow. Not enough to play in, and the little one isn't even here. :( Hopefully she gets to see it, it didn't start until she might have already been in bed. It's supposed to be cold enough for it tomorrow, too, so maybe we'll get a little more or there might be enough to stay on the ground for her. *crosses fingers*

Oh I hope so. While it seems real strange to think of snow in Georgia, I know how much you have wanted the little one to experience it.

This part of GA gets snow every once in a while.....this is either the third or fourth time we've had some. Today barely counts, there's very little, but just having snow coming down is probably enough for the little one to be happy. She's at her dad's right now, but hopefully they got the little bit of snow there, too.

The one time we had good snow for the little one, she and her friend from next door did sledding down our driveway. They loved it, it gives our highly angled driveway a positive use, and unlike that year, I actually have gloves to keep my hands warm now! :lol:

I'm sure most of those north of us would be happy to send a bunch of snow here if they could!
We have kitties in common! He looks like my cat before the black and white cat! FattyCat lived to 23. Bone cancer got him in the end. That was a painful passing. I wasn't here when he was put down. Kinda glad I wasn't since so much "fun" was made when I brought my grief here for my last cat...the one I posted above. Never again. I'll keep it to myself.

Meanwhile.....this is Fatty Cat!

One eye, no teeth, MEAN assed claws he was so proud of but he loved to pat my face ever so gently with them when we cuddled at bedtime, him on the pillow next to me, other paw clamped firmly but softly on my thumb.


I loved this cat so much. I miss him.

I can't imagine any of the Coffee Shop regulars we now have making fun of anybody's pain at loss of a kitty friend or any other fur friend. The meanies moved on. I am pretty darnn sure every one of us have deep empathy and understanding for how much the fur babies are part of our lives. Well maybe not Montrovant :) who hasn't had a wonderful experience with the ones in his household, but he's never mean.
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I had to skim past the sad story Nosmo posted. Seeing/reading that stuff freaks me out into a major depression.:(

Kinda like this:


and this


Which is a shame cuz nobody watches her begging and the ones missing out are the animals.
Meanwhile....when Moki got to where he couldn't get up on the bed, we put a footstool there for him. He gets up there easily now but most of the time he wants UNDER make it easier on him so he doesn't have to scrunch, we raised the bed so all he has to do is walk under it.
Karma is not at that stage yet..but when she does, I have a spare footstool for her. :)

Don't be depressed for Daisy the Mutt. On February 9 the mattress store delivers a low profile box spring. That way I won't have to do a high jump to get into bed and Daisy will be able to make the leap by way of the upholstered bench at the foot of the bed. Our natural order will be resumed.

If there is anything to this Karma stuff, I will be recycled as a pet in my family where all the pampering and privledges are honored and respected.

For now, Daisy goes into her pet box lined with scraps of flannel blankets over an old pad from one of Mom's dining room chairs.
No no. You misunderstood me. I meant the stories you told of what you heard on the tv and repeated of what you saw on the show. Which is why I always turn the channel when ASPCA comes on. Not about Daisy! :)

Foxfyre, I didn't mean in the coffee shop. No, it happened "out there". By people who read "in here". Or, I spoke of it "out there" and they considered it free game. Hell, I dunno. I don't remember. But I do know I will not ever share the loss of a pet here at USMB.

Anyway..I just got up, had my coffee, see blue skies and some clouds but I'm off in a few to the beach anyway and will take my chances. Kinda nippy today, but I need my walk on the beach and so do the dogs so I will check in later.

Oh, and good morning everyone!
I saw thirteen mourning doves sitting in the persimmon tree in my backyard today. So pretty! I've never seen that many of them altogether before.
Just got back from Ruidoso, hit a couple of antique stores and junk shops, had lunch in Alomogordo before we drove up the mountain. Figured we'd only spend $10 to $20 on used books, etc......... Nope, I found a proper 1800s hat, a relatively modern copy of an original made by Bitterroot Buffalo hats (no longer in business), fits perfectly and is a 5X beaver....... $47 dollars, that's right a reproduction hat in awesome shape made of 5X beaver for $47 dollars....... Couldn't let it go as reproduction 5X beaver hats go from $250 to $500.........
Looks like this one only with matching color hatband and brim trim. :thup:


Mine is sand colored like the one in the picture tough mine has a proper same colored silk hat band and brim trim.
Just got back from Ruidoso, hit a couple of antique stores and junk shops, had lunch in Alomogordo before we drove up the mountain. Figured we'd only spend $10 to $20 on used books, etc......... Nope, I found a proper 1800s hat, a relatively modern copy of an original made by Bitterroot Buffalo hats (no longer in business), fits perfectly and is a 5X beaver....... $47 dollars, that's right a reproduction hat in awesome shape made of 5X beaver for $47 dollars....... Couldn't let it go as reproduction 5X beaver hats go from $250 to $500.........
Looks like this one only with matching color hatband and brim trim. :thup:


Mine is sand colored like the one in the picture tough mine has a proper same colored silk hat band and brim trim.

I'm happy for you getting plenty of beaver. It's nice that you got some matching colored trim.

I had to skim past the sad story Nosmo posted. Seeing/reading that stuff freaks me out into a major depression.:(

Kinda like this:


and this


Which is a shame cuz nobody watches her begging and the ones missing out are the animals.
Meanwhile....when Moki got to where he couldn't get up on the bed, we put a footstool there for him. He gets up there easily now but most of the time he wants UNDER make it easier on him so he doesn't have to scrunch, we raised the bed so all he has to do is walk under it.
Karma is not at that stage yet..but when she does, I have a spare footstool for her. :)
I feel really bad for my little doxie. She's deaf and almost blind. She tends to stand right in front of me, staring up and waiting for "cues". I try to keep her as warm and loved as I can, but somehow it doesn't seem to be enough. She can't jump or climb up on things any more, either.
My friendly barn kitten is a piebald like that. I actually got a "tails up" greeting from the little bugger this afternoon. I doubt she'd ever let me pet her, but she's pretty glad to see me when I come out to milk. Yes, I finally got a good enough look to determine the kitten is a 'she'. (Those tails-up greetings can be pretty revealing.)
I thought it was against the Coffee Shop rules to discuss cats in a post... Mrs. BBD has four cats - two inside the house and two outside barn cats. I personally do not own any cats. Owning a cat does not make you a "bad person" per sey but it does make me wonder. With the exception of 007, I think cat owners all are prone to mental difficulties. To be a truly well-rounded person in today's world, you must own at least one dog. I will use Nosmo King and SFC Ollie as examples. Each is a very fine gentleman, intelligent, kind, trustworthy, thrifty and all the other things that any good Boy Scout would be noted for. I won't mention myself because this post isn't about me... So, with all of this said, I will quickly run and hide for a few days until the cat lovers forget that I made this post!
Well-rounded persons own at least one of each, a cat and a dog. I wonder what you thing of people who add other things into the mix, like goats?
All flights to JFK from here are suspended. That means that any company thinking to get the drop on the others by staging their aircraft "forward" are just blocking traffic.
I was asked how I was enjoying the snow so far, and I had to admit, I'm liking it a lot. Of course, we've had almost no snow here, most of the white frosting is frost. You all know I adore snow when it happens someplace else. Especially when someplace else acts like a couple of inches of snow is a major catastrophe. Damned Alaskans!
First I have ever heard of the "no cat" rule for CS.

Which is fine. I didn't mean to turn it in to one.

So. Good to know.
I thought it was against the Coffee Shop rules to discuss cats in a post... Mrs. BBD has four cats - two inside the house and two outside barn cats. I personally do not own any cats. Owning a cat does not make you a "bad person" per sey but it does make me wonder. With the exception of 007, I think cat owners all are prone to mental difficulties. To be a truly well-rounded person in today's world, you must own at least one dog. I will use Nosmo King and SFC Ollie as examples. Each is a very fine gentleman, intelligent, kind, trustworthy, thrifty and all the other things that any good Boy Scout would be noted for. I won't mention myself because this post isn't about me... So, with all of this said, I will quickly run and hide for a few days until the cat lovers forget that I made this post!
Well-rounded persons own at least one of each, a cat and a dog. I wonder what you thing of people who add other things into the mix, like goats?
I think of people who own goats...awesome.

Or is there a no goat rule too?

Meh. Back to watching netflix.
Speaking of yawning. I am sleepy. But then I always am...especially in the winter.
On episode 7 of Daredevil.

Still not sure what I think of it. Nothing on tv worth watching, so I guess I will binge this tonight.
I think of it as a mix of The Matrix and Batman.

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