USMB Coffee Shop IV

And while we are on the subject of birthdays, today is our own dear Sherry 's birthday.



Thanks, Foxy.:) I took the day off work. WQ and I went up to the courthouse to apply for our marriage license. It was a beautiful sunny day in the mid 60's. We had a great evening out with a movie and dinner. I don't want to mess with WQ's man card, but I've gotten him hooked on Downton Abbey and have been enjoying seeing the episodes again. Tonight we will watch season 3 finale Christmas special.:thup:

This is easily fixed with the Downton Abbey issue. You are simply required to watch a four hour historical perspective on the Super Bowl followed by a three pregame show for Super Bowl 50.

I've been very good about watching more football, and even genuinely rooted for the Redskins.:thup:

Now why would two lovable intelligent people from Florida root for the Redskins? I could see Tampa or Miami or Atlanta. . .but the Redskins?????

But then Ollie is a long time resident of Ohio and I don't believe he has ever lived in Texas, but he is a diehard Cowboys fan. So you never know why people pick this or that team I guess.

WQ is a Virginian...his whole family are die-hard fans.

Ah well, that explains it. Hombre hasn't lived in Texas for a very long time now but he grew up there and has never abandoned the Cowboys.
Good Morning all !


Batten down the hatches there Ernie, for those strong wind & rain storms !
You and yours stay safe. :)

The ones up north stay safe too, from the blizzard headed your way.
A bit of rain and 25 MPH winds is pretty common here. right now, the wind is 2 MPH with gusts to 7. Not raining at the moment, but it has been on and off since midnight.

Weather reports were saying you will be getting 125 MPH gusts and some coastal flooding by this weekend.
You know better because you live there. :)
Same has happened here for bad weather reports and then nothing happens. It just fizzels out. Then they act like it was never said from the 10:00 p.m. broadcast from the night before. :biggrin:
Sorry if I got it wrong.
I think they got a 1 in there that they didn't mean. The outlook is for 25 MPH winds tomorrow afternoon through Saturday evening.

or else I did.
More than likely it was me who read 125 instead of 25. :rofl:
I glad that you don't have any bad weather.
It's been getting pretty cold here at night. Getting down to the 20's, but it is still nice here during the days.
They did issue a tornado warning a few hours ago, but the system has passed without any problems. The rest of it should pass to our west.
And while we are on the subject of birthdays, today is our own dear Sherry 's birthday.



Thanks, Foxy.:) I took the day off work. WQ and I went up to the courthouse to apply for our marriage license. It was a beautiful sunny day in the mid 60's. We had a great evening out with a movie and dinner. I don't want to mess with WQ's man card, but I've gotten him hooked on Downton Abbey and have been enjoying seeing the episodes again. Tonight we will watch season 3 finale Christmas special.:thup:

This is easily fixed with the Downton Abbey issue. You are simply required to watch a four hour historical perspective on the Super Bowl followed by a three pregame show for Super Bowl 50.

I've been very good about watching more football, and even genuinely rooted for the Redskins.:thup:

Now why would two lovable intelligent people from Florida root for the Redskins? I could see Tampa or Miami or Atlanta. . .but the Redskins?????

But then Ollie is a long time resident of Ohio and I don't believe he has ever lived in Texas, but he is a diehard Cowboys fan. So you never know why people pick this or that team I guess.

I'm a long time 49ers fan and I've never been off the East coast. :) When I was young, the first football game I can remember watching was the 49ers/Dolphins Super Bowl. I wanted to root for one of the teams and picked the 49ers; I don't actually remember why. I just stuck with it from there.

I am an Islanders fan because of growing up on Long Island and my parents rooting for them when they were winning their Cups, but I have never liked the New York football teams. Maybe it's because they don't even play in NY? :p
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Foxfyre's sore back and painful shoulder,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Chris's new job,
GW's new job,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. Kat
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Againsheila, Alan, Noomi, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Thank you Foxy. Mister Kat is coming along well, even if he is black and purple. So happy to have this behind us. One week ago today was surgery. Another week or so and back to work. :)
Thank you Foxy. Mister Kat is coming along well, even if he is black and purple. So happy to have this behind us. One week ago today was surgery. Another week or so and back to work. :)

We'll keep him on the vigil list through the rehab process in confidence it will continue to go well. It can't hurt. :)
I climbed into bed last night and covered up. I had enough pillows to prop behind my back and neck and still make a little fort. The heated mattress pad was on and delivered warmth to every part of my body in contact with the plush mattress top. There were clean sheets on the bed. The bedroom television displayed my favorite offering. There was a cup of hot tea on my bedside table.

There was a commercial for the ASPCA on TV. It showed poor, abused dogs tied with about two feet of chain to a filthy dog box. It showed dogs abused by dog fighting rings run by thugs. There were dogs and cats licking an overturned hub cap filled with ice.

And then I heard Daisy the Mutt whine. The leap from the floor onto the upholstered bench and then to the top of the mattress was too high for her to make.

Daisy did not make the point the ASPCA commercial was trying to make. A thirteen pound groomed and trained and infinitely sweet poodle could not easily jump upon her master's cozy bed. A far cry from being chained to a filthy dog box with noting but ice in a hub cap for sustenance.

Today is her seventh birthday. She'll get special treats. She is God's way of telling me that maybe I'm too comfortable.
Mom has adopted a cat. A six toed calico she calls 'Ruthie' after her favorite aunt. The cat has, in the last few months, destroyed the screens on Mom's beautiful back porch, alienated both my brother's dog Teddy and Daisy the Mutt, established a litter box in the basement with all the ambience litter boxes bring to a home and generally puzzled and pissed off both my brother and me.

Mom made an appointment to spay the cat. The appointment is for 6:30 am sometime in February on the far side of the county. Weather is unpredictable and it seems silly for Mom (about to celebrate her 82nd birthday) to make that drive. So my brother and I decided to split the cost of spaying the cat and have the procedure performed at our local veterinarian's office.

Then Mom announced that the cat actually belongs to a neighbor. Mom still takes in the cat, feeds it and pampers it in the manner all in my family pamper their pets. But I'll be damned if I'm going to pay to spay someone else's cat! If Mom wants to take on the winter driving challenge to take someone else's cat to a clinic to have her spayed, fine. Let her do it. I'll feel guilty until she gets back to the Big House with someone else's cat, but I cannot see spending my own money on it.

By the way, Mom was supposed to watch Daisy the Mutt for me tonight as I will be out. But someone else's cat is in the house and Mom won't allow Daisy to visit and disrupt the peace and contentment of someone else's cat.
The massive snow storm hitting the Mid-Atlantic states is just to our south. We are getting some snow, but the weather experts assure us that it won't amount to much. An inch, maybe three tops.

But right now, great gobs of snow is falling.. The flakes have glued themselves together and are falling in clumps each the size of a slice of salami. According to radar and weathermen, this will finish up around 7:00 tonight. Let's hope they know what they're talking about at least this time.
I climbed into bed last night and covered up. I had enough pillows to prop behind my back and neck and still make a little fort. The heated mattress pad was on and delivered warmth to every part of my body in contact with the plush mattress top. There were clean sheets on the bed. The bedroom television displayed my favorite offering. There was a cup of hot tea on my bedside table.

There was a commercial for the ASPCA on TV. It showed poor, abused dogs tied with about two feet of chain to a filthy dog box. It showed dogs abused by dog fighting rings run by thugs. There were dogs and cats licking an overturned hub cap filled with ice.

And then I heard Daisy the Mutt whine. The leap from the floor onto the upholstered bench and then to the top of the mattress was too high for her to make.

Daisy did not make the point the ASPCA commercial was trying to make. A thirteen pound groomed and trained and infinitely sweet poodle could not easily jump upon her master's cozy bed. A far cry from being chained to a filthy dog box with noting but ice in a hub cap for sustenance.

Today is her seventh birthday. She'll get special treats. She is God's way of telling me that maybe I'm too comfortable.


Nosmo King , when I keep my aunt's Shih Tzu or our friend's miniature dachshund, both want to sleep on my bed but neither can jump high enough to get on it. I remedy that with a box or reasonable facsimile with a blanket folded on top of it at the foot of the bed which would be the shortest route for them to get to the bedroom door. Both immediately understood, when I patted the blanket on the box they were to jump up on it and then up onto the bed. And they both just naturally used the same path to exit the bed so I didn't have to worry about injury from them jumping off all the way to the floor.

The blanket is necessary so they don't slide on a slick surface when they jump up on the box or whatever as that frightens them and they won't be as inclined to use it.
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Nosmo King , when I keep my aunt's Shih Tzu or our friend's miniature dachshund, both want to sleep on my bed but neither can jump high enough to get on it. I remedy that with a box or reasonable facsimile with a blanket folded on top of it at the foot of the bed which would be the shortest route for them to get to the bedroom door. Both immediately understood, when I patted the blanket on the box they were to jump up on it and then up onto the bed. And they both just naturally used the same path to exit the bed so I didn't have to worry about injury from them jumping off all the way to the floor.

The blanket is necessary so they don't slide on a slick surface when the jump up on the box or whatever as that frightens them and they won't be as inclined to use it.
I wish our dogs were unable to get on my bed. :p
Well, we've gotten a tiny dusting of snow. Not enough to play in, and the little one isn't even here. :( Hopefully she gets to see it, it didn't start until she might have already been in bed. It's supposed to be cold enough for it tomorrow, too, so maybe we'll get a little more or there might be enough to stay on the ground for her. *crosses fingers*
I had to skim past the sad story Nosmo posted. Seeing/reading that stuff freaks me out into a major depression.:(

Kinda like this:


and this


Which is a shame cuz nobody watches her begging and the ones missing out are the animals.
Meanwhile....when Moki got to where he couldn't get up on the bed, we put a footstool there for him. He gets up there easily now but most of the time he wants UNDER make it easier on him so he doesn't have to scrunch, we raised the bed so all he has to do is walk under it.
Karma is not at that stage yet..but when she does, I have a spare footstool for her. :)
Thank you Foxy. Mister Kat is coming along well, even if he is black and purple. So happy to have this behind us. One week ago today was surgery. Another week or so and back to work. :)

We'll keep him on the vigil list through the rehab process in confidence it will continue to go well. It can't hurt. :)

Yes please. Ended up the afternoon into the evening in the ER. He has a hematoma...pretty big one too. Should be okay..hope anyhow. Tired...

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