USMB Coffee Shop IV

FINALLY!!! He paid the rent! Tomorrow...I go talk to the landlord. Please send prayers he is open to Plan A!

I was thinking about you today. Of course I thought you would talk to the LL today. Still in my prayers Gracie
Tomorrow is the day. Just gotta catch him before he goes wherever he goes, which lately has been doctors or lawyers offices or work..which he has to quit and he doesn't want to but has to due to his health. So....I am hoping he goes for Plan A. If not...Plan B. If not...then I still have C & D and possibly E. However, Plan B is not a permanent solution but will give us much much more time. Actually, Plan A is the same. Either one would suffice though. C, D & E are backup plans.
Tomorrow is the day. Just gotta catch him before he goes wherever he goes, which lately has been doctors or lawyers offices or work..which he has to quit and he doesn't want to but has to due to his health. So....I am hoping he goes for Plan A. If not...Plan B. If not...then I still have C & D and possibly E. However, Plan B is not a permanent solution but will give us much much more time. Actually, Plan A is the same. Either one would suffice though. C, D & E are backup plans.

Okay. Will be waiting to find out how it goes..
I figure that whatever happens..will happen for a reason. God closes one door..another one opens. Let go, let God. That's been my mantra to stay sane.
Put my new vest lining and facing together then started pinning the two together to sew....... One side of the lining is 1 inch too short...... Don't yet know how that happened as I matched the pieces together before I constructed the lining and facing. Looking it over I could not see anything obvious so I'll sleep on it and take another look tomorrow. :dunno:
Me too! :smiliehug:

I guarantee you guys...if I ever win the lottery....NOBODY will go thru what we have these past few days. NOBODY. I'll buy a shitload of land, some RV places to park or little cabins like GW is doing or a BIG assed manor house with 50 fuckin rooms and y'all will have a roof. Til yer dead. Safety. For you and your furkids and human kids. Pinky swear promise!
Me too! :smiliehug:

I guarantee you guys...if I ever win the lottery....NOBODY will go thru what we have these past few days. NOBODY. I'll buy a shitload of land, some RV places to park or little cabins like GW is doing or a BIG assed manor house with 50 fuckin rooms and y'all will have a roof. Til yer dead. Safety. For you and your furkids and human kids. Pinky swear promise!

Hopefully your landlord will be amenable to your plan A.
Good morning everybody. Hombre and I are making out a short grocery list for the lemon pie and a new recipe for a Mexican casserole that I will make for our luncheon guests who will be here to play 42 tomorrow. It is fun to have friends who enjoy trying new recipes so we both do our experimenting with each other. So far there hasn't been a total disaster but there's always a first time, so positive vibes will be appreciated. :)
My buddy and I like trying new recipes when our turn rolls around to cook Sunday night dinner. It's just a real shame his GF isn't as adventurous. It's easier to keep the short list of things she will eat than to try to remember everything she won't eat. As for her nights to cook, I've grown accustomed to readjusting my expectations.
What is 42, Foxy? Is that like 21 doubled-down?

It's a domino bidding game with 5 and 10 count dominos the only ones you count. Each player draws 7 dominos and bids starting at 30 according to how many points they think they and their partner can collect. They have to call trump aces through sixes or some other variations of the game. If you bid 42 (or doubles of 42) you and your partner have to take every trick or in the case of nello, you cannot catch any trick. And there are some other variations.

It is actually a Texas game--I've never known anybody who never lived in Texas or who doesn't have Texas relatives who play it. Great fast paced game though.
Good night darlinks! I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Chris's new job,
GW's new job,
Mr. Kat
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
Sherry’s Mom,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Againsheila, Alan, Noomi, Spoonman, Freedombecki, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

tiny-glamping-cabin.jpg, but not much different than original news.
Went and paid the rent. He answered the door and looked like death walking. I was shocked but hid it. In his PJ's, unwashed hair, teeth out, red eyes, grumpy as hell. I asked if he had like 3 minutes to talk and he said no. I said ok, but...does he want more rent starting April 1st to make him more at ease? He said no. I asked "are you sure? It will not be a problem" and he said no. Then he started to shut the door then re opened it and said "when things get better on my end, I will be ready to chat with you. Just keep doing what you have been doing..paying the rent and taking care of my house as we originally agreed 10 years ago", then shut the door...quite firmly. In other words...GO AWAY. So I did.

I give him 6 months to a year. He is REALLY sick and has been for some time. So...since my roomie gave notice, I just placed another ad. I guess I will go to Plan B...which is to do exactly what he said...stay put until he says otherwise or until his family comes banging on the door with a For Sale sign in their hand. But I might put Plan C into action before that happens by prepping ourselves to move "some time in the future" and have less to haul or sell or worry about.

So in essence..I guess it is good news? We have as long as he lives...which is uncertain. But have a nose for these things. He does not have long. So we must be prepared for that day. Or just give him his house back sooner rather than later while he is still upright. that that is out of the way....I plan to go thru every room in this house and cram it in the enclosed patio room for my upcoming yard sale. Precious things..I will box up neatly and stuff in my walk-in closet. MrG has time to go thru his millions of tools and choose which ones he doesn't need for the sale. We can clean out both sheds and that stuff will go in the yard sale. In short....major spring cleaning of getting rid of stuff we don't want to put in a storage unit or haul with us when we decide which way to go. North, South, or East. We DO know we cannot stay HERE in the west. That's a given.
"It's hell to get old." Pop would say to me in hushed tones as we left some dying relative's hospital bed. I've thought about that a lot since Pop passed away 8 years ago next month. It's hell to get old.

My hairline has been beating a steady retreat from my scalp. I now part my hair with a wash cloth. As it falls, some of it takes new roots in my ears, a place this swarthy guy never had hair before. But, there it is begging to be tweezed away on a weekly basis.

My left knee was blown to smithereens on the high school gridiron. But my right knee has caught up and now accurately predicts the next cold front approaching from the west. Rising from chairs and beds is now an Olympic endeavor. I am no longer confident in the cat like reflexes that served me so well forty years ago.

My back is fine. I can continue to lift and carry and I think I'd make a confident and able footman at Downton Abbey. But there it is. I watch Downton Abbey and programs sponsored by pharmaceutical companies. They know who their audience is. None of the shows I watch seem to be sponsored by Gatoraide or Nike.

I've been watching this Presidential campaign play out and that makes me feel older. I miss gentlemen discussing great issues. These days I'm watching fifth graders play insult games on the playground. I miss civility.

My hands are at ten and two on the steering wheel and my car radio is tuned to NPR. Tramps like us, baby we were born to use a turn signal. Oddly enough though, the size Levi's I wore in high school is only 4 inches smaller than the ones I wear today. I see so many of my contemporaries looking rounder, fuller , more fully packed than I.

I stagger to the bathroom at regular intervals. Like Dr. Pepper, 10, 2 and 4. This does not disturb Daisy the Mutt who could sleep through anything except a visit by the mailman.

A week from tomorrow I go for a second opinion on the state of my vision. My previous optometrist put the big gizmo up to my face, twisted a few knobs and asked "better, worse?" Well, none of them were better, that is to say none of them significantly improved my ability to read that vision test card. Everything still appears to be shrouded in wax paper (an item found in the grocery store that used to be popular for wrapping food).

It's hell to get old, said Pop. Gettin' old ain't for sissies, says I.
I am now in the stages of Plan F. What is Plan F, you ask?

Whether the landlord likes it or not..he is getting an extra 100 bucks rent per month on top of what we are paying now.
So...I have been getting stuff ready for our yard sale in 2 weeks. DAYUM, I had no clue I had so much stuff in the walk in closet! The shed is STUFFED. We want to get rid of everything we do not need or want that badly, so when the time does come.....we won't have that much to pack and load.
Meanwhile, the phone has been ringing off the hook with potential room renters. I nixed all of them just from the phone convos. One only has been working 2 months and is living with his mom cuz he and his lady just broke up (um...DRAMA), the other wanted to know how old the carpet is (hello? Rooms here are going for 700+, this one is 500, and he wants to know how old the fucking carpet is? Um... Possible PAIN IN THE ASS roomie)...the rest were for just a month or two, one wanted it furnished, another one said it was just her and her KIDS (knock knock anyone home says in the AD they REFUSE TO READ that it is for ONE PERSON ONLY..I guess kids aren't persons?), one said they can't afford it and will I lower the rent to 300 and in general....a shitload of not only hell no's but HAYELL NO's! OY!

Anyway... Plan F=....Fucking Be Prepared, lol.

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