USMB Coffee Shop IV

One more. This was particularly funny to me because my doctor once wrote out some special instructions for me re some issue I was having and when I got home I could not make out what he had written. I took it to the local pharmacist and he translated it for me. :)

Well March came in like a lamb yesterday. Daisy the Mutt and I strolled around the park without a concern of wind chill temperatures. I left my jacket open and reveled in the first Pirates Spring training game win against the Detroit Tigers.

Then the second day dawned. The temperature did its level best to climb above freezing but failed. The wind howled all day bringing in a few light snow flurries along for the ride.

The Easter Pageant on the Hillside began rehearsal after a year in hiatus. Last winter combined with an early Easter ran us off the hill and under the covers!

So, with renewed vigor, we will try it again this year. We just read through our parts last Sunday, but hopefully, we will get outside, brave whatever elements are thrown our way, and see what shape our efforts produce.

My garage door springs gave up the ghost last weekend. Springs, brackets, cables abnd connectors were strewn all over the basement. My brother, bless his heart, has been over the last two nights working with me to rebuild the system. I bought two new springs, two new pulleys, tow new cable kits and a couple of brackets. In spite of our best efforts last night, we found that the way we had secured the brackets to the floor joists above was untenable. When we closed the door, the brackets flew from the joists, the cables went limp and the springs fell to the floor.

New bolts, nuts and washers tonight should fix that. But I'm skeptical about the even distribution of tension between the springs. Trial and error will make us smarter, but considerably frustrated in the meantime.

Mom is doing well. She's now interested in trading in her car for a newer model. Some things to take into account. Mom just turned 82 last month. Her car is a 2001 Chevrolet and the Kelly Blue Book value is less than $2,000.00. I think Mom would be better served by leasing a new car rather than making payments on a late model used one. If she can drive for another three or four years, her lease would cover that and she would be driving a new car under full warranty.

But Mom thinks this is 1975 as far as car prices go. The monthly lease would be more than her mortgage payment on the Big House when she and Pop bought it in 1966!
Well March came in like a lamb yesterday. Daisy the Mutt and I strolled around the park without a concern of wind chill temperatures. I left my jacket open and reveled in the first Pirates Spring training game win against the Detroit Tigers.

Then the second day dawned. The temperature did its level best to climb above freezing but failed. The wind howled all day bringing in a few light snow flurries along for the ride.

The Easter Pageant on the Hillside began rehearsal after a year in hiatus. Last winter combined with an early Easter ran us off the hill and under the covers!

So, with renewed vigor, we will try it again this year. We just read through our parts last Sunday, but hopefully, we will get outside, brave whatever elements are thrown our way, and see what shape our efforts produce.

My garage door springs gave up the ghost last weekend. Springs, brackets, cables abnd connectors were strewn all over the basement. My brother, bless his heart, has been over the last two nights working with me to rebuild the system. I bought two new springs, two new pulleys, tow new cable kits and a couple of brackets. In spite of our best efforts last night, we found that the way we had secured the brackets to the floor joists above was untenable. When we closed the door, the brackets flew from the joists, the cables went limp and the springs fell to the floor.

New bolts, nuts and washers tonight should fix that. But I'm skeptical about the even distribution of tension between the springs. Trial and error will make us smarter, but considerably frustrated in the meantime.

Mom is doing well. She's now interested in trading in her car for a newer model. Some things to take into account. Mom just turned 82 last month. Her car is a 2001 Chevrolet and the Kelly Blue Book value is less than $2,000.00. I think Mom would be better served by leasing a new car rather than making payments on a late model used one. If she can drive for another three or four years, her lease would cover that and she would be driving a new car under full warranty.

But Mom thinks this is 1975 as far as car prices go. The monthly lease would be more than her mortgage payment on the Big House when she and Pop bought it in 1966!

I have enjoyed the annual sagas of your Easter pageant over the years Nosmo. I think Easter is March 27 this year? Not as early as it could be but not as comforting as an April date. Somehow Easter and winter coats seem incongruous. But we'll send good vibes for warm weather for you.
Suppose to hit 65 late next week, expecting tornado weather.

I noticed Birmingham got hit last night--no deaths but a lot of damage and some injuries. So bump up your weather eye and pay attention. Though I never thought of Michigan as being a tornado prone state. Sort of like New Mexico where they can happen but except for the far eastern tier of counties that are technically in Tornado Alley, they are really rare.

I was just thinking though that the "Pure Michigan" ads we have seen promoting your state for some time are absolutely wonderful. Unlike most ads, I enjoy watching them.
Suppose to hit 65 late next week, expecting tornado weather.

I noticed Birmingham got hit last night--no deaths but a lot of damage and some injuries. So bump up your weather eye and pay attention. Though I never thought of Michigan as being a tornado prone state. Sort of like New Mexico where they can happen but except for the far eastern tier of counties that are technically in Tornado Alley, they are really rare.

I was just thinking though that the "Pure Michigan" ads we have seen promoting your state for some time are absolutely wonderful. Unlike most ads, I enjoy watching them.

Michigan has a very diverse climate and landscapes. Sleeping Bear sand dunes, Taquemenon Falls, Painted Rocks, Great Lakes to name a few. In 1965 a tornado ripped through where I live and killed several.

Peek Through Time: Killer Palm Sunday tornadoes strike Lenawee, Hillsdale, Branch counties in 1965
I'm back to freak out mode. Roomie that is moving STILL has not paid the rent, which was due yesterday. I'm stuck. Landlord is delicate right now, and it doesn't help being LATE on paying him his rent. I can't re rent the room or put my Plan A into action because roomie is taking his sweet ass time. He is in for it tonight. MrG is waiting for him to come in the door then is going to ask WTF?
Meanwhile...clouds are rolling in. We are supposed to get rain Saturday, Sunday and Monday but I think it might hit earlier cuz thems some big assed BLACK clouds on the horizon. And temp dropped to 56 just now.
Mr & Mrs Hossfly spent the last 1 1/2 days touring The Big Easy, mostly in the French Quarter.Headed back to Charlotte tomorrow after 2 1/2 months in Ft Worth.

New Orleans is a fun place to visit. But 2-1/2 months in Ft Worth?
I have a house on my daughters property and we spend 2-3 months there and then 2-3 months in Charlotte. We have grandsons in both places. Ft Worth is in the best part of Texas.
Good morning everybody. Hombre and I are making out a short grocery list for the lemon pie and a new recipe for a Mexican casserole that I will make for our luncheon guests who will be here to play 42 tomorrow. It is fun to have friends who enjoy trying new recipes so we both do our experimenting with each other. So far there hasn't been a total disaster but there's always a first time, so positive vibes will be appreciated. :)
My buddy and I like trying new recipes when our turn rolls around to cook Sunday night dinner. It's just a real shame his GF isn't as adventurous. It's easier to keep the short list of things she will eat than to try to remember everything she won't eat. As for her nights to cook, I've grown accustomed to readjusting my expectations.
What is 42, Foxy? Is that like 21 doubled-down?
Don't take offense, but every time I see a goat pic now in Pinterest or Google...I always think of my gallantwarrior on usmb. :lol:
Pyrenees dogs? You got some? Or are there such things as pyrenees goats? I must confess..I don't know much about goats at all except they will head butt ya or try to climb you like yer a mountain, lol.

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