USMB Coffee Shop IV

Well, we have a date for the bi-annual Pig Roast! Saturday August 6.

My oldest and dearest friend throws a huge party every two years. It falls to me and my brother to actually roast the pig for the big hootenanny. We'll go up to his house in Austintown Friday evening and mount, tie, season and secure the pig to the spit. It takes a little skill and a lot of experience and a fair share of lubrication by way of adult beverages to successfully tie a 110 pound pig to a spit.

Way way back in 1988, we had a pig roast at the local Shriner's Club. The Shriners hold an annual Fishing Derby at their club each summer. They have kids over to fish the small lake there. The oldest fisherman is usually 12 or 13. A local sporting goods store provides a couple arm loads of fishing tackle and the Shriners stock the lake with over $10,000 worth of game fish. Large and small mouth bass, lake trout, a few walleye and other tasty varieties are stocked in the lake two weeks before the derby.

Our party was set for one week before the derby.

We got out to the Shrine Club at 6:00 that morning. We built a fire and developed a good hot bed of coals then retired to the clubhouse for breakfast. I cooked bacon, sausages and eggs for our gang of eleven and took my plate to one of the picnic tables overlooking the lake.

I saw a Grandfather and his grandson fishing. Grandpa was really working the lake while the little shaver was goofing off, tangling his reel and generally having a blast.

One of the Shriners who unlocked the clubhouse and then enjoyed breakfast with us went down to Grandpa and kicked him and his charge off the lake.

Meanwhile, we had carried the pig, already mounted to the spit up to the fire and started the electric motor that ran the spit.

Grandpa packed up his gear and took his grandson by the hand up to where we were cooking the pig.

Now, after a half hour or so, a fresh pig on a spit begins to warm up. This means that any of the fluids in the head warm up to the point they start to ooze out of the nose. It looks like strawberry jam. This particular pig was felled by a .22 in the back of the head. That wound began to ooze blood too.

I am not being intentionally graphic here. I'm just setting the scene that the little boy confronted.

I watched him as he watched the pig. This was probably the first real pig he had ever seen. It was nothing like Porky Pig at all.

The skin was now sweating grease and glistened in the morning sun.

The legs of the pig are drawn back and secured to the spit so they resemble the legs of a rather pudgy four year old. The flesh of the pig looks just like the flesh of any Caucasian, giving the scene an even more realistic look than a little boy could comprehend.

His eyes were the size of saucers as he watched the pig rotate. Sinus goo coming from the nose, a hole that was clearly a bullet hole dripping blood and those fat thighs, the hams, shining like an overheated fat kid.

I could tell that this was a memory being tattooed onto this kid's mind.

That was nearly thirty years ago. I wonder if that child ever ate pork again?

We no longer use the open spit method. It's just too difficult to maintain a fire and make sure the pig cooks evenly. The rib cage always cooked first and as that meat softened up, it caused the pig to basically break at that point. The shoulders and hams need a longer cooking time. Our method these days involves an old fuel oil tank we had split in two horizontally and reattached with hinges. There are wire baskets welded inside where we can put fifty pounds of charcoal along each side and move it away from the ribs about two thirds through the cooking process. Once the lid is closed, the pig cooks in about two thirds the time it takes on an open spit.

That's experience talking there! Once the adult beverages kick in, it becomes rote, muscle memory, automatic.

You painted such a graphic image of that I had the same reaction as the child did and in addition to deep sympathy for the pig, I don't know if I'll ever look at pork the same way again. But then I grew up in little Texas in the southeast corner of the state where calf and pig roasting were common things but they always removed the head, tail, and feet before roasting. Not quite so gruesome.
Well, we have a date for the bi-annual Pig Roast! Saturday August 6.

My oldest and dearest friend throws a huge party every two years. It falls to me and my brother to actually roast the pig for the big hootenanny. We'll go up to his house in Austintown Friday evening and mount, tie, season and secure the pig to the spit. It takes a little skill and a lot of experience and a fair share of lubrication by way of adult beverages to successfully tie a 110 pound pig to a spit.

Way way back in 1988, we had a pig roast at the local Shriner's Club. The Shriners hold an annual Fishing Derby at their club each summer. They have kids over to fish the small lake there. The oldest fisherman is usually 12 or 13. A local sporting goods store provides a couple arm loads of fishing tackle and the Shriners stock the lake with over $10,000 worth of game fish. Large and small mouth bass, lake trout, a few walleye and other tasty varieties are stocked in the lake two weeks before the derby.

Our party was set for one week before the derby.

We got out to the Shrine Club at 6:00 that morning. We built a fire and developed a good hot bed of coals then retired to the clubhouse for breakfast. I cooked bacon, sausages and eggs for our gang of eleven and took my plate to one of the picnic tables overlooking the lake.

I saw a Grandfather and his grandson fishing. Grandpa was really working the lake while the little shaver was goofing off, tangling his reel and generally having a blast.

One of the Shriners who unlocked the clubhouse and then enjoyed breakfast with us went down to Grandpa and kicked him and his charge off the lake.

Meanwhile, we had carried the pig, already mounted to the spit up to the fire and started the electric motor that ran the spit.

Grandpa packed up his gear and took his grandson by the hand up to where we were cooking the pig.

Now, after a half hour or so, a fresh pig on a spit begins to warm up. This means that any of the fluids in the head warm up to the point they start to ooze out of the nose. It looks like strawberry jam. This particular pig was felled by a .22 in the back of the head. That wound began to ooze blood too.

I am not being intentionally graphic here. I'm just setting the scene that the little boy confronted.

I watched him as he watched the pig. This was probably the first real pig he had ever seen. It was nothing like Porky Pig at all.

The skin was now sweating grease and glistened in the morning sun.

The legs of the pig are drawn back and secured to the spit so they resemble the legs of a rather pudgy four year old. The flesh of the pig looks just like the flesh of any Caucasian, giving the scene an even more realistic look than a little boy could comprehend.

His eyes were the size of saucers as he watched the pig rotate. Sinus goo coming from the nose, a hole that was clearly a bullet hole dripping blood and those fat thighs, the hams, shining like an overheated fat kid.

I could tell that this was a memory being tattooed onto this kid's mind.

That was nearly thirty years ago. I wonder if that child ever ate pork again?

We no longer use the open spit method. It's just too difficult to maintain a fire and make sure the pig cooks evenly. The rib cage always cooked first and as that meat softened up, it caused the pig to basically break at that point. The shoulders and hams need a longer cooking time. Our method these days involves an old fuel oil tank we had split in two horizontally and reattached with hinges. There are wire baskets welded inside where we can put fifty pounds of charcoal along each side and move it away from the ribs about two thirds through the cooking process. Once the lid is closed, the pig cooks in about two thirds the time it takes on an open spit.

That's experience talking there! Once the adult beverages kick in, it becomes rote, muscle memory, automatic.

You painted such a graphic image of that I had the same reaction as the child did and in addition to deep sympathy for the pig, I don't know if I'll ever look at pork the same way again. But then I grew up in little Texas in the southeast corner of the state where calf and pig roasting were common things but they always removed the head, tail, and feet before roasting. Not quite so gruesome.
Where do they put the apple?
I have been reading on twitter that pigs are very intelligent. Apparently, they are smarter than dogs.
I have been reading on twitter that pigs are very intelligent. Apparently, they are smarter than dogs.

Well, according to at least one sources, pigs are the fourth most intelligent animals on the planet, but I question that as I did not witness as much scheming or figuring out things from the pigs on the farm as I witnessed among the dog,s cats, and goats. And I can't believe a pig is smarter than an elephant. The important thing I think is that all are sentient beings that deserve humane and painless treatment as much as is humanly possible:

  • Pigs are smarter than dogs! In fact pigs are very intelligent animals. They are the fourth smartest animal on the planet
1. Humans
2. Primates
3. Whales/Dolphins

4. Pigs

  • Like humans pigs are mammals.
  • They can life on average up to the age of 15.
  • Pigs are very clean animals. They do not like to use the bathroom where they sleep or eat.
  • A male pig is called a boar.
  • A female pig is called a sow.
  • A baby pig is called a piglet.
  • A group of pigs is called a herd.
  • Pigs have an excellent sense of smell.
  • A pig uses their snout to find food, dig holes and to sense what’s around them.


    Pig on Leash

  • Pigs have small lungs.
  • Pigs roll around in the mud to keep cool because they do not have sweat glands.
  • Piglet’s are about 2.5 pounds when they are born.
  • An adult pig on average weighs 300-700 pounds!
  • Pigs have 44 teeth.
  • Pigs communicate with other pigs with different sounds such as squealing or grunting.
  • A mother pig sings to her piglet while nursing.
  • Pigs have 15,000 taste buds! Humans have 9,000.
  • An adult pig can run up to 11 miles per hour.
  • Pigs are omnivores meaning they eat plants and meat. Most domesticated pigs living on farms eat corn.
  • Pigs drink up to 14 gallons of water every day.
  • There are about 2 billion pigs on earth!
  • Pigs live on every continent except for Antarctica.
  • Pigs have 4 toes on each foot but they only walk on 2.


    Pig Feet

  • China has the most domesticated pigs in the world! The United States is 2nd.
  • Some people have pigs as pets.
  • People with allergies sometimes have pigs as pets because they have hair not fur and they do not shed.
  • Pigs are easily trained to walk on a leash, use a litter box and do tricks.
  • The first book written on raising pigs was in 3468 BC by Emperor Fo Hi in China.
  • In Denmark there twice as many pigs as people!
  • Pig hearts have been used in human heart transplants.
  • Pork products such as ham and bacon comes from pigs.
  • Leather, lard, glue, fertilizer and medicines can also come from pigs.
  • It is physically impossible for a pig to look up into the sky because their eyes are on the side of their head.
Pyrenees dogs? You got some? Or are there such things as pyrenees goats? I must confess..I don't know much about goats at all except they will head butt ya or try to climb you like yer a mountain, lol.
Great Pyrenees, they are LGDs (livestock guardian dogs) bred for generations to take care of flocks and herds in the Pyrenees Mountains between Spain and France. My Roxie is primo at her job. They are not herding dogs. Big, white and beautiful, they are...
Goats don't buttcha, and only the poorly educated goats will try to climb you. They are really kinda cool.
I know abot Pyrenees. HUGE dogs. beautiful. A lady here in town rescues the senior dogs she finds in this county and the counties around us. Hers are very old, wobble alot, but so huggable!
It's funny, my Pyr (Roxie) was pretty aloof around people until my granddaughters taught her about people and affection. She's a read leg-leaner now and has finally decided she can accept treats out-of-hand. She still hates being inside...anything. Trying to load her into the trailer I move the goats in is even quite a feat. But she's very good at her "job". She ignores other dogs, as long as they are outside the fence. She loves her goats, though. It's getting time to find another Pyr she can "train" to replace her.
I have been reading on twitter that pigs are very intelligent. Apparently, they are smarter than dogs.

Well, according to at least one sources, pigs are the fourth most intelligent animals on the planet, but I question that as I did not witness as much scheming or figuring out things from the pigs on the farm as I witnessed among the dog,s cats, and goats. And I can't believe a pig is smarter than an elephant. The important thing I think is that all are sentient beings that deserve humane and painless treatment as much as is humanly possible:

  • Pigs are smarter than dogs! In fact pigs are very intelligent animals. They are the fourth smartest animal on the planet
1. Humans
2. Primates
3. Whales/Dolphins

4. Pigs

  • Like humans pigs are mammals.
  • They can life on average up to the age of 15.
  • Pigs are very clean animals. They do not like to use the bathroom where they sleep or eat.
  • A male pig is called a boar.
  • A female pig is called a sow.
  • A baby pig is called a piglet.
  • A group of pigs is called a herd.
  • Pigs have an excellent sense of smell.
  • A pig uses their snout to find food, dig holes and to sense what’s around them.


    Pig on Leash

  • Pigs have small lungs.
  • Pigs roll around in the mud to keep cool because they do not have sweat glands.
  • Piglet’s are about 2.5 pounds when they are born.
  • An adult pig on average weighs 300-700 pounds!
  • Pigs have 44 teeth.
  • Pigs communicate with other pigs with different sounds such as squealing or grunting.
  • A mother pig sings to her piglet while nursing.
  • Pigs have 15,000 taste buds! Humans have 9,000.
  • An adult pig can run up to 11 miles per hour.
  • Pigs are omnivores meaning they eat plants and meat. Most domesticated pigs living on farms eat corn.
  • Pigs drink up to 14 gallons of water every day.
  • There are about 2 billion pigs on earth!
  • Pigs live on every continent except for Antarctica.
  • Pigs have 4 toes on each foot but they only walk on 2.


    Pig Feet

  • China has the most domesticated pigs in the world! The United States is 2nd.
  • Some people have pigs as pets.
  • People with allergies sometimes have pigs as pets because they have hair not fur and they do not shed.
  • Pigs are easily trained to walk on a leash, use a litter box and do tricks.
  • The first book written on raising pigs was in 3468 BC by Emperor Fo Hi in China.
  • In Denmark there twice as many pigs as people!
  • Pig hearts have been used in human heart transplants.
  • Pork products such as ham and bacon comes from pigs.
  • Leather, lard, glue, fertilizer and medicines can also come from pigs.
  • It is physically impossible for a pig to look up into the sky because their eyes are on the side of their head.
Pigs will wallow in a clean pool to keep cool before they will wallow in mud. Mud does keep the biting insects at bay, though. They can make good pets, but the owner has to understand they are not dogs, and they are certainly not cats. Mot prey animals don't look up for the same reason, eyes on the sides of their heads. But they do make up for the lack of visual acuity by the position of their ears, which allow for great sound reception.
No time to be here much today--trying to get details worked out for our Senior Saints field trip and lunch next Tuesday, lunch and 42 with friends mid day, the debate--ugh--tonight plus marathon phone calls from others. Tired now but it is a good tired.

Good night darlinks! I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Chris's new job,
GW's new job,
Mr. Kat
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
Sherry’s Mom,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Againsheila, Alan, Noomi, Spoonman, Freedombecki, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

That's my kind of's away from everywhere else.
Tough day today, or is it yesterday? Sick to my stomach all day... never did get dressed left my bedroom only for the coffee I couldn't keep down. I finally managed to eat an English muffin an hour ago and I believe it will stay put.
I think it's the stress with both the strange woman who has taken up residence here and my daughter's hospitalization yesterday.
She went to the ER with dizziness and shortness of breath along with her odd ball jerky epileptic seizures I forget what they call them, but she's fully conscious and aware but has violent movements like Turette's syndrome of the extremities rather than of the mouth.

After all kinds of tests, the doctors wrote it off as an extreme anxiety attack. She's fine today and we spoke for an hour.

OK tried to post this just before 3 AM. Why does the board go down every night about this time?
Goodness, Ernie, I hope things turn around for the better for you and yours!
Tough day today, or is it yesterday? Sick to my stomach all day... never did get dressed left my bedroom only for the coffee I couldn't keep down. I finally managed to eat an English muffin an hour ago and I believe it will stay put.
I think it's the stress with both the strange woman who has taken up residence here and my daughter's hospitalization yesterday.
She went to the ER with dizziness and shortness of breath along with her odd ball jerky epileptic seizures I forget what they call them, but she's fully conscious and aware but has violent movements like Turette's syndrome of the extremities rather than of the mouth.

After all kinds of tests, the doctors wrote it off as an extreme anxiety attack. She's fine today and we spoke for an hour.

OK tried to post this just before 3 AM. Why does the board go down every night about this time?

Does your daughter live close to you? Can you stay there and watch her for a few days?
She's in Connecticut. Her mom is close by.
Johannes Stötter is an artist unlike any other. Many of her paintings are just fascinating because they make you think like this one:


But the ones so cleverly designed that the person incorporated into the picture are so difficult to detect. I think I found the person in the leaves, but I am still looking for the body of the model in the rocks. They swear it is there.


The model in the rocks is easy...he/she is mid-screen, nose and mouth white, thighs pink-white with tan on the outside at the bottom of the photo.
Johannes Stötter is an artist unlike any other. Many of her paintings are just fascinating because they make you think like this one:


But the ones so cleverly designed that the person incorporated into the picture are so difficult to detect. I think I found the person in the leaves, but I am still looking for the body of the model in the rocks. They swear it is there.


here ya go:

Dang Hossfly, I'm pretty good at these but I cannot see it. Of course once I do I will wonder how I missed it

I saw a face in the stones straight away, with my artists eye. But it took longer for me to see the following picture disappear. You have to stare at the middle of it until the picture fades away.
View attachment 65892
That's freaky
Tough day today, or is it yesterday? Sick to my stomach all day... never did get dressed left my bedroom only for the coffee I couldn't keep down. I finally managed to eat an English muffin an hour ago and I believe it will stay put.
I think it's the stress with both the strange woman who has taken up residence here and my daughter's hospitalization yesterday.
She went to the ER with dizziness and shortness of breath along with her odd ball jerky epileptic seizures I forget what they call them, but she's fully conscious and aware but has violent movements like Turette's syndrome of the extremities rather than of the mouth.

After all kinds of tests, the doctors wrote it off as an extreme anxiety attack. She's fine today and we spoke for an hour.

OK tried to post this just before 3 AM. Why does the board go down every night about this time?

Prayers going your way Ernie.
Calm down and take things one at a time.
Get yourself well first, then you can deal with your daughter and the rest of everything else.
Jessie is fine today, but that English muffin finally got away from me. 2nd day in bed, but unlike yesterday, I didn't even get pants on today. I drank a cup of milk about an hour ago. feeling hopeful.
I hate people. Sorry. Gotta vent for a minute.

I have to rent the room out for a couple of months until we figure out what we are doing. Down south with my friend kinda fell thru and I have had my doubts from the get go, so its no surprise. So...we are just gonna hang here as long as possible until other arrangements are found.

Meanwhile...I have an ad running in CL. It is very clear, what my ad says. VERY CLEAR. And when someone calls, I ask questions before even bothering telling them what the address is for them to come look. So today, a guy calls...and after answering all my questions to my satisfaction and answering his, I give him the address. He says he is coming shortly, so I am eager to meet him cuz he says he will give me the deposit if he likes his room, etc. Now, keep in mind, I said ONE PERSON ONLY. No overnight guests, not friends over all the time, quiet person wanted that keeps their social life out of the house, etc.

So this fucker shows up with 3 kids. I open the door and he says "Hi. I am here to see the room. These are my kids. But don't worry. They will only be here on weekends". My reply? "Um, no they won't, because you won't be living here. I asked you specifically if you had kids or family BEFORE you came and you said NO" and he said "Well, they are just kids. They don't count". I said yes they do. Bye.

Dang Hossfly, I'm pretty good at these but I cannot see it. Of course once I do I will wonder how I missed it

I saw a face in the stones straight away, with my artists eye. But it took longer for me to see the following picture disappear. You have to stare at the middle of it until the picture fades away.
View attachment 65892
It didn't fade for me all the way. Lots of yellow.
Ernie...I am sorry you are going thru all this. Isn't there some way you can get the lady out? Maybe a restraining order or something? Are you guys still legally married? She did abandon you and the home as well. Like, if you moved into another place, she has no rights to just barge in and live there if that happened. Is her name on the house where you live now? Or her name on the utilities?
Johannes Stötter is an artist unlike any other. Many of her paintings are just fascinating because they make you think like this one:


But the ones so cleverly designed that the person incorporated into the picture are so difficult to detect. I think I found the person in the leaves, but I am still looking for the body of the model in the rocks. They swear it is there.



I could see the one in the leaves fine. I saw the face in the rock one, but the body took a little while to find. You can follow the body up from the bottom middle of the page where you can notice two legs.
I got a new cord for my computer today, and that seems to have taken care of my problem. My wire was split right where the little plug is from being twisted because I sit with it on the couch and everywhere. The cords tend to get all tangled up and twisted, and I don't use the battery when I'm at home. I just plug it into my modem which is right next to my couch. I've burned out batteries in other laptops, and I don't want that to happen to this one.

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