USMB Coffee Shop IV

For today's zoology lesson:

Looks like a Humming Hossfly.
Ernie...I am sorry you are going thru all this. Isn't there some way you can get the lady out? Maybe a restraining order or something? Are you guys still legally married? She did abandon you and the home as well. Like, if you moved into another place, she has no rights to just barge in and live there if that happened. Is her name on the house where you live now? Or her name on the utilities?
Her name is on nothing but since I bought the house while we were married, Alabama sees it as "the marital home" abandonment is 2 years in this state. I'm working with a lawyer to get a court order forcing her to abide by the agreement she signed, but we're in the beginning phase of that.
Oh, gosh, Ernie! Good luck. I know all too well what a pain in the butt it is to dislodge an uncooperative ex, or soon-to-be ex. I had one who broke into the place after a restraining order had been issued, a bifurcated divorce had been granted but property had not settled. Because the house (and stuff) was still legally jointly owned, it was all OK with the court. Best of luck!
Pouring down rain here since last night, non stop. MrG and I had to go out front and dig a trench from the side of the house to the middle of the yard cuz the roofers squashed it all down and it was high enough to seep in to roomies room, who is not at home. We took turns with the shovel while the other one held the flashlight. Both of us are panting like old farts and gasping for breath. We are just too old for this shit.
The little one had her first soccer practice today. She seemed to really enjoy it. Of course, it was mostly playing around. We'll have to see how it goes as she gets more practices and some actual games. Still, I'm hoping she'll continue to have a good time.

Unfortunately, it's been pretty regularly wet here of late, so they already cancelled the first two practices because the field they were supposed to use was too wet (today would normally be a game day, not a practice day). It's also supposed to stay wet for a lot of this month apparently. Well, as long as they get to practice somewhere, the worst that should happen is she gets muddy. :)
Pouring down rain here since last night, non stop. MrG and I had to go out front and dig a trench from the side of the house to the middle of the yard cuz the roofers squashed it all down and it was high enough to seep in to roomies room, who is not at home. We took turns with the shovel while the other one held the flashlight. Both of us are panting like old farts and gasping for breath. We are just too old for this shit.
Wait, aren't you both old farts? That pretty much sucks, having to trench to drain the rain away from the house. That's why I'm glad we put the cabin on concrete footings with a crawl space.
The little one had her first soccer practice today. She seemed to really enjoy it. Of course, it was mostly playing around. We'll have to see how it goes as she gets more practices and some actual games. Still, I'm hoping she'll continue to have a good time.

Unfortunately, it's been pretty regularly wet here of late, so they already cancelled the first two practices because the field they were supposed to use was too wet (today would normally be a game day, not a practice day). It's also supposed to stay wet for a lot of this month apparently. Well, as long as they get to practice somewhere, the worst that should happen is she gets muddy. :)
What is the heading policy with your sprite's league?
Pouring down rain here since last night, non stop. MrG and I had to go out front and dig a trench from the side of the house to the middle of the yard cuz the roofers squashed it all down and it was high enough to seep in to roomies room, who is not at home. We took turns with the shovel while the other one held the flashlight. Both of us are panting like old farts and gasping for breath. We are just too old for this shit.
Wait, aren't you both old farts? That pretty much sucks, having to trench to drain the rain away from the house. That's why I'm glad we put the cabin on concrete footings with a crawl space.
Yep. We is old farts. But, it worked. I just got back from outside and I am drenched...but the carpet isn't! The trench goes to the middle of the yard, then across the driveway, thru the neighbors yard and on down to the lot next door. They were prepared along with us, but the roofers messed up our "mound" where the drain spout is and it was backing up instead of flowing out.
I just checked..all is well out there. Except me. I am soaked.
Pouring down rain here since last night, non stop. MrG and I had to go out front and dig a trench from the side of the house to the middle of the yard cuz the roofers squashed it all down and it was high enough to seep in to roomies room, who is not at home. We took turns with the shovel while the other one held the flashlight. Both of us are panting like old farts and gasping for breath. We are just too old for this shit.
Wait, aren't you both old farts? That pretty much sucks, having to trench to drain the rain away from the house. That's why I'm glad we put the cabin on concrete footings with a crawl space.
Yep. We is old farts. But, it worked. I just got back from outside and I am drenched...but the carpet isn't! The trench goes to the middle of the yard, then across the driveway, thru the neighbors yard and on down to the lot next door. They were prepared along with us, but the roofers messed up our "mound" where the drain spout is and it was backing up instead of flowing out.
I just checked..all is well out there. Except me. I am soaked.
Say goodnight Gracie.

The little one had her first soccer practice today. She seemed to really enjoy it. Of course, it was mostly playing around. We'll have to see how it goes as she gets more practices and some actual games. Still, I'm hoping she'll continue to have a good time.

Unfortunately, it's been pretty regularly wet here of late, so they already cancelled the first two practices because the field they were supposed to use was too wet (today would normally be a game day, not a practice day). It's also supposed to stay wet for a lot of this month apparently. Well, as long as they get to practice somewhere, the worst that should happen is she gets muddy. :)
What is the heading policy with your sprite's league?

Er, they do them? :p
Not yet. Still checking the front of the house and looks like I'm gonna have to do that every couple of hours. So..I'm watching season 4 of House Of Cards.
Good almost afternoon (in New Mexico) everybody. We've been up for the early church service and then to brunch. Noticing that all the blooming trees all over town are in full bloom. Really pretty as there are a lot of them. Not much in store today but have enough to do away from the computer I probably won't be here much. Hope everybody is having a great Sunday. We could get some of that California rain on Tuesday but supposed to be in the low 70's and mostly sunny today. All is well except just before we left for church I dumped a half glass of water into my lower desk drawer - that was a pain. Hoping Gracie's place stayed high and dry.
Good almost afternoon (in New Mexico) everybody. We've been up for the early church service and then to brunch. Noticing that all the blooming trees all over town are in full bloom. Really pretty as there are a lot of them. Not much in store today but have enough to do away from the computer I probably won't be here much. Hope everybody is having a great Sunday. We could get some of that California rain on Tuesday but supposed to be in the low 70's and mostly sunny today. All is well except just before we left for church I dumped a half glass of water into my lower desk drawer - that was a pain. Hoping Gracie's place stayed high and dry.

Blooming plants just reminds me I'm going to have to start mowing the lawn again soon. :crybaby:
Good almost afternoon (in New Mexico) everybody. We've been up for the early church service and then to brunch. Noticing that all the blooming trees all over town are in full bloom. Really pretty as there are a lot of them. Not much in store today but have enough to do away from the computer I probably won't be here much. Hope everybody is having a great Sunday. We could get some of that California rain on Tuesday but supposed to be in the low 70's and mostly sunny today. All is well except just before we left for church I dumped a half glass of water into my lower desk drawer - that was a pain. Hoping Gracie's place stayed high and dry.

Blooming plants just reminds me I'm going to have to start mowing the lawn again soon. :crybaby:
When I'm in Texas my son-in- law mows my yard. In N.Carolina, Jose and Jesus does my mowing.
Good almost afternoon (in New Mexico) everybody. We've been up for the early church service and then to brunch. Noticing that all the blooming trees all over town are in full bloom. Really pretty as there are a lot of them. Not much in store today but have enough to do away from the computer I probably won't be here much. Hope everybody is having a great Sunday. We could get some of that California rain on Tuesday but supposed to be in the low 70's and mostly sunny today. All is well except just before we left for church I dumped a half glass of water into my lower desk drawer - that was a pain. Hoping Gracie's place stayed high and dry.

Blooming plants just reminds me I'm going to have to start mowing the lawn again soon. :crybaby:

Hombre has already been out to spray a bumper crop of dandelions sprouting all over the yard.

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