USMB Coffee Shop IV

I have taken the night off tonight. I really need a nice restful night. I'm going to go to bed early and catch up on some zzzzz's. :)

You held out longer than I could before having to give yourself a break. :)

I am just exhausted, and I didn't feel very well earlier today. I actually threw up. I haven't been getting enough sleep, nor have I been eating well.
I have taken the night off tonight. I really need a nice restful night. I'm going to go to bed early and catch up on some zzzzz's. :)

You held out longer than I could before having to give yourself a break. :)

I am just exhausted, and I didn't feel very well earlier today. I actually threw up. I haven't been getting enough sleep, nor have I been eating well.

And that will take down anybody girl. You must treat yourself better. Ernie too.

Edit: I mean Ernie must treat himself better, not you treat him better. . . .
I have taken the night off tonight. I really need a nice restful night. I'm going to go to bed early and catch up on some zzzzz's. :)

You held out longer than I could before having to give yourself a break. :)

I am just exhausted, and I didn't feel very well earlier today. I actually threw up. I haven't been getting enough sleep, nor have I been eating well.

And that will take down anybody girl. You must treat yourself better. Ernie too.

Edit: I mean Ernie must treat himself better, not you treat him better. . . .

:lol: I knew what you meant!
Good almost afternoon (in New Mexico) everybody. We've been up for the early church service and then to brunch. Noticing that all the blooming trees all over town are in full bloom. Really pretty as there are a lot of them. Not much in store today but have enough to do away from the computer I probably won't be here much. Hope everybody is having a great Sunday. We could get some of that California rain on Tuesday but supposed to be in the low 70's and mostly sunny today. All is well except just before we left for church I dumped a half glass of water into my lower desk drawer - that was a pain. Hoping Gracie's place stayed high and dry.

Blooming plants just reminds me I'm going to have to start mowing the lawn again soon. :crybaby:
I've already had to mow and will have to again very soon........ The pollen counts here have been high for about 2 weeks, feel like sludge in the morning then get better by early evening. By then both the wife and I get a second wind and we're up till 2 or 3 in the morning.

I have taken the night off tonight. I really need a nice restful night. I'm going to go to bed early and catch up on some zzzzz's. :)

You held out longer than I could before having to give yourself a break. :)

I am just exhausted, and I didn't feel very well earlier today. I actually threw up. I haven't been getting enough sleep, nor have I been eating well.

And that will take down anybody girl. You must treat yourself better. Ernie too.

Edit: I mean Ernie must treat himself better, not you treat him better. . . .
I think Chris should come down here where it's nice and warm and nurse me back to health. That ought to tweak hell out of the woman in the other room.
Good morning. During these long lulls I just figure everybody is enjoying the springlike weather or are otherwise engaged in something more interesting, fun, or productive than playing on the computer.

Today I have quite a few projects to complete but will probably check in on breaks. Merry Monday all.
The skies are clear here in the Rust Belt today. One of our sixty days of clarity so far as weather goes. I know that alcoholics speak of a 'moment of clarity' in their quest for sobriety. Perhaps God intended us living here to be meteorological drunks who stagger from cloudy day to cloudy day until, every once in a while, we see the light.

My personal quest for clear vision goes on. Friday I find out when I can finally get these cataracts lasered off my head. I had to sit three feet from my television last night to see the shapes of the faces on the Downton Abbey conclusion. It's more like a radio program one listens to rather than focus on.

My furniture maker stopped by Saturday to drink the last of my single malt scotch and take photographs of his work. He pointed out a few flaws in the paint job, but my out of focus vision can easily dismiss those spots.

Work is going well. I got a call from a tenant Friday about her inspection scheduled for today. She asked me if I knew what bedbugs look like. A grand way to start a week!
The skies are clear here in the Rust Belt today. One of our sixty days of clarity so far as weather goes. I know that alcoholics speak of a 'moment of clarity' in their quest for sobriety. Perhaps God intended us living here to be meteorological drunks who stagger from cloudy day to cloudy day until, every once in a while, we see the light.

My personal quest for clear vision goes on. Friday I find out when I can finally get these cataracts lasered off my head. I had to sit three feet from my television last night to see the shapes of the faces on the Downton Abbey conclusion. It's more like a radio program one listens to rather than focus on.

My furniture maker stopped by Saturday to drink the last of my single malt scotch and take photographs of his work. He pointed out a few flaws in the paint job, but my out of focus vision can easily dismiss those spots.

Work is going well. I got a call from a tenant Friday about her inspection scheduled for today. She asked me if I knew what bedbugs look like. A grand way to start a week!

You'll love your cataract surgery Nosmo--it is truly a medical miracle going immediately from trying to see through a fogged over glass to the vision of your youth--sometimes even better than it ever was. You'll probably even see the flaws in that furniture. :)

Do you know what bedbugs look like?
The skies are clear here in the Rust Belt today. One of our sixty days of clarity so far as weather goes. I know that alcoholics speak of a 'moment of clarity' in their quest for sobriety. Perhaps God intended us living here to be meteorological drunks who stagger from cloudy day to cloudy day until, every once in a while, we see the light.

My personal quest for clear vision goes on. Friday I find out when I can finally get these cataracts lasered off my head. I had to sit three feet from my television last night to see the shapes of the faces on the Downton Abbey conclusion. It's more like a radio program one listens to rather than focus on.

My furniture maker stopped by Saturday to drink the last of my single malt scotch and take photographs of his work. He pointed out a few flaws in the paint job, but my out of focus vision can easily dismiss those spots.

Work is going well. I got a call from a tenant Friday about her inspection scheduled for today. She asked me if I knew what bedbugs look like. A grand way to start a week!

You'll love your cataract surgery Nosmo--it is truly a medical miracle going immediately from trying to see through a fogged over glass to the vision of your youth--sometimes even better than it ever was. You'll probably even see the flaws in that furniture. :)

Do you know what bedbugs look like?
I've heard some bad things about the multiple lens, ones that are supposed to correct both near and far sightedness. If I would rather wear evading glasses rather than glasses for driving. If I could just read highway signs and house numbers!

And, yes I do know more about bedbugs than I should.

My office is on the first floor of an eleven story apartment building that has been basically over run by bedbugs. Our extermination method is a heat treatment that warms up the apartment to a cozy 140 degrees followed by a chemical spray and a curious powder through which bedbugs refuse to walk.

But the idiots who live here keep bringing in furniture from disreputable sources! The extermination is like painting the Golden Gate bridge! Once you're finished, you have to start all over again!
The skies are clear here in the Rust Belt today. One of our sixty days of clarity so far as weather goes. I know that alcoholics speak of a 'moment of clarity' in their quest for sobriety. Perhaps God intended us living here to be meteorological drunks who stagger from cloudy day to cloudy day until, every once in a while, we see the light.

My personal quest for clear vision goes on. Friday I find out when I can finally get these cataracts lasered off my head. I had to sit three feet from my television last night to see the shapes of the faces on the Downton Abbey conclusion. It's more like a radio program one listens to rather than focus on.

My furniture maker stopped by Saturday to drink the last of my single malt scotch and take photographs of his work. He pointed out a few flaws in the paint job, but my out of focus vision can easily dismiss those spots.

Work is going well. I got a call from a tenant Friday about her inspection scheduled for today. She asked me if I knew what bedbugs look like. A grand way to start a week!

You'll love your cataract surgery Nosmo--it is truly a medical miracle going immediately from trying to see through a fogged over glass to the vision of your youth--sometimes even better than it ever was. You'll probably even see the flaws in that furniture. :)

Do you know what bedbugs look like?
I've heard some bad things about the multiple lens, ones that are supposed to correct both near and far sightedness. If I would rather wear evading glasses rather than glasses for driving. If I could just read highway signs and house numbers!

And, yes I do know more about bedbugs than I should.

My office is on the first floor of an eleven story apartment building that has been basically over run by bedbugs. Our extermination method is a heat treatment that warms up the apartment to a cozy 140 degrees followed by a chemical spray and a curious powder through which bedbugs refuse to walk.

But the idiots who live here keep bringing in furniture from disreputable sources! The extermination is like painting the Golden Gate bridge! Once you're finished, you have to start all over again!

I just have the basic lens myself. I could have gotten the lens that would correct my severe astigmatism but my insurance wouldn't cover it and I couldn't afford it. But the basic lens I swear has helped if not corrected the astigmatism. I still wear glasses to correct that and slightly improve close up vision. It's great. I see better than I have my entire life.
By the way people. If a Republican wins in November, I'm leaving the country. If a Democrat wins in November, I'm leaving the country. It has nothing to do with politics. I just want to travel somewhere.

(cough) Posted via executive privilege. Don't you guys dare use this as an excuse to start talking politics. I just saw it elsewhere and thought it funny because we do hope to travel out of country a bit next year. :)

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