USMB Coffee Shop IV

Every time I quit....something happens and I start to freak out...and into my mouth goes a cig. I smoke outside. I make a lot of trips outside. Prolly why I am almost a whole pack a day smoker instead of a 2 packer a day like I used to be.
I was down to half a pack a day....but then...all this new shit started with the moving thing, so now I am back up to a pack..or almost a pack. Maybe 1 or 2 shy of a whole pack. Point's 40 bucks a carton. 4 times 40 is 120 bucks. I need to not spend that on cigs.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Chris's new job,
GW's new job,
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
Sherry’s Mom,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Againsheila, Alan, Noomi, Spoonman, Freedombecki, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

I know that place, very, very well! My partner works at Everts Air Cargo on the night shift. Northwest Airlines had their hangar there until they quit. Looks like the tide is out, too. And, I've done a fair amount of hiking in the mountains in the background.
Pleasant day here, warmer and sunny. I've been slowly getting the "day off" chores done. I should go get my laundry out of the dryer soon. The partner opted to stay at the place in town today so things are less...dramatic than when he comes around. Watching some kitchey b-flick about a flood that tells us that a low pressure zone pressing on the ocean is going to cause massive flooding. Ummm...yeah, right. Gotta love Hollyweird, they never let facts or reality get in the way of a story they think will make them some money.
MrG said he was surprised I started bawling too. Then he said its cuz of the stress probably. Yeah. Thats it. Stress.
Reno has the best hospital ever. I wound up in ER there many years ago when I fell at Tahoe lake.Treated me like a queen. Used to manage 90 rentals in Incline Village.
This one was a little tricky, but all turned out well.


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Reno has the best hospital ever. I wound up in ER there many years ago when I fell at Tahoe lake.Treated me like a queen. Used to manage 90 rentals in Incline Village.
I wonder whether that's the same hospital my brother died in? We were having problems getting any information until a nice nurse helped us. She had been one of my other brother's students years before and she went to bat for us.
How did you like Tahoe? It's a pretty place but they are proud enough to charge premium prices for just about everything. We did have our family reunion up there a couple of years ago...loved it!
Tahoe was nice. The property management company that hired us...not so much. We were only there 3 months. Came back to this area and got the small units we were at the last 17 years before landing in this house.
Incline Village has a dinky hospital, so they had to send me to Reno in a helicopter. I remember that trip although I was all drugged up from pain meds. The pilot had me strapped in the thingy bed, said hold on and don't be afraid but try to open my eyes cuz he wanted me to see the Reno Night lights. It was gorgeous. I don't remember much after that until after the surgery and how nice everyone was.
This was hard because I had no help and those beams were hard to get in place that far off the ground. Ended up running electricity to it which they use for lighting and music. I ran a top layer of stringers 16" apart, so squares were made.


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