USMB Coffee Shop IV

Woke up, fell out of bed, Dragged a comb across my head. Found my way downstairs and drank a cup,
And looking up I noticed I was late. Found my coat and grabbed my hat.Made the bus in seconds flat
Found my way upstairs and had a smoke, Somebody spoke and I went into a dream
I saw a picture yesterday Of a pair of glasses sitting on a balcony rail yesterday. One lens of them had a brownish substance on it and through the other, one could see a clearer, but smaller version of the buildings in the background. It became clear to me exactly where the photo was taken, namely fairly high up above Central Park in New York City. Then I read below and find that these glasses were the ones worn by John Lennon when he was shot.
I actually posted the photo to facebook, only asking friends to help me sort out my feelings. I was between fascinated and disgusted. Thoughts?

I had all the early Beatles records, and when the band broke up I purchased most of John Lennon's albums. Even the one with Yoko Ono on every other track, which I felt ruined his record. I also purchased Paul's solo albums, and most of Wings. I also purchased George Harrisons solo albums, and figured he was far more of an influence in the Beatles that he was given credit for. Those were the days. I wonder how much great music we missed from John because of some mad bastard shooting him.
I never cared for McCartney's solo stuff, including Wings. Lennon's was always good and occasionally brilliant, but Harrison? He never disappointed me and actually got far better vocally and on guitar as he aged. His guitar was influenced greatly by his odd friendship with Eric Clapton, but always maintained his odd quirks and one could always listen to a riff and say, "That's George."
Maybe I've overdosed on iced coffees. :lol:
Never had one. I just imagine they taste like my coffee when it cools off in my cup, and I don't really care for that.

But besides that, I have no where near me to buy them. No fast food joints in this little hick town.

You pour that cooled off coffee over ice in a glass, maybe add a little sweetener, and voila! Iced coffee. Chris is right though--most people like their iced coffee a little stronger than their hot coffee probably because the melting ice thins the mix a bit.
I never cared for iced coffee and not all that big on hot tea.
Maybe I've overdosed on iced coffees. :lol:
Never had one. I just imagine they taste like my coffee when it cools off in my cup, and I don't really care for that.

But besides that, I have no where near me to buy them. No fast food joints in this little hick town.

You pour that cooled off coffee over ice in a glass, maybe add a little sweetener, and voila! Iced coffee. Chris is right though--most people like their iced coffee a little stronger than their hot coffee probably because the melting ice thins the mix a bit.
I never cared for iced coffee and not all that big on hot tea.

Same here. Hot coffee, and unsweet iced tea for me.
If I don't get enough sleep, I'm wiped out. I need a nap or something, or I'll be falling asleep the first time I sit down. I have those nights where it doesn't seem I ever sleep too, but I know I must have, because what seemed liked laying there a couple hours was actually all night, so I know I must have slept. Not very restful nights. I usually sleep pretty darn good.

I've literally only slept for a couple of hours in the last 48 hours. I feel wide awake though! I don't know what's going on. Lol. I'll just hope that I can sleep tomorrow.
I hope you can too. Sleep deprivation isn't good for the brain.

TV is like sleeping medicine for me though. I just get in bed and watch tv, and usually within a few minutes I'm out. I set the tv's timer for 15 minutes to shut off and I usually never see it shut off.

Not me. I need to have my fan on all the time, but I find voices to be very disruptive when I'm trying to sleep for some reason.
One of my brothers had to have a fan running in order to sleep. Me, I have to have the TV making noise. Weird thing, sometimes the soundtracks find their way into my dreams.
I gotta have a fan too. But during the winter, I use this:

SimplyNoise -- The Best Free White Noise Generator on the Internet.

And I just shut off the monitor (screen saver is too bright) but let the website run all night.

I use white noise too. A machine though.
I've literally only slept for a couple of hours in the last 48 hours. I feel wide awake though! I don't know what's going on. Lol. I'll just hope that I can sleep tomorrow.
I hope you can too. Sleep deprivation isn't good for the brain.

TV is like sleeping medicine for me though. I just get in bed and watch tv, and usually within a few minutes I'm out. I set the tv's timer for 15 minutes to shut off and I usually never see it shut off.

Not me. I need to have my fan on all the time, but I find voices to be very disruptive when I'm trying to sleep for some reason.
One of my brothers had to have a fan running in order to sleep. Me, I have to have the TV making noise. Weird thing, sometimes the soundtracks find their way into my dreams.
I gotta have a fan too. But during the winter, I use this:

SimplyNoise -- The Best Free White Noise Generator on the Internet.

And I just shut off the monitor (screen saver is too bright) but let the website run all night.

I use white noise too. A machine though.
Mine's a machine too, lol. On the internet, lol.
I combine the two...the link above, AND the rain sound both together. Love them going at the same time.
Apparently the gain from using both 4GB memory cards is 5-10% and there all sorts of frequency, latency and other specifics to check.
Tomorrow is Good Friday and the last chance this Lenten season to get a great fish sandwich. Not from a restaurant, but from a church basement. The babushka clad church women throw their hearts and souls into their cooking and during Lent, they focus all that passion into fund raising efforts for their parishes and churches.

Pirogues, panchke (little Polish donuts warm from the fryer, stuffed with jam and smothered in powdered sugar), and fish sandwiches about the size of Shaquille O'Neill's shoe.

All the Catholic churches serve tasty, cholesterol boosting foods on Fridays during Lent. The Episcopalians do it too as well as the soulful Baptists. My Presbyterian church, Spartan, cold and funless does not offer any food. If we did, my bet it would be a slice of boiled ham sliced so thin it looks and feels like a deflated balloon stretch across a sandwich bun with a hint of mustard for effect only. Such is the cuisine of the Presbyterians.

But the ethnic groups from eastern and southern Europe as the Baptist church ladies with their southern style cooking bona fides in tact serve up some real delights.

It's something to behold once Ash Wednesday comes and the church kitchens throw open their doors. Some folks look forward to an Easter basket brimming with marshmallow peeps, jelly beans and chocolate bunnies. Some folks embrace the spiritual side of the holiday. Count me in with those two groups. But Easter fish sandwiches and pirogie dinners is what makes early Spring so special for me.
Good morning all. Pie crust (for the quiche) is chilling in the fridge - pound cake in the oven - bacon (for the quiche) thawing - strawberries for the dessert thawing. . .It is not quick 9:30 and I'm pooped. :) But I will recover and looking forward to entertaining guests for lunch and playing 42 this afternoon. COLD outside this morning and a stiff breeze isn't helping. But maybe the last cold snap before summer? Who knows.
Does your ham have that greenish sheen to it also? The final touch is a dried out quality.
The thin slices of ham look like an oil slick! All the colors of the rainbow.

We do have great ham here, but the Presbyterians won't kick in the extra cash to get it. Our congregation is made up of a lot of second and third generation Americans whose folks, like mine, immigrated from Scotland. Now, while the Scots invented everything on earth from the steam engine to golf, we cannot claim any cuisine. Have you ever seen a Scottish restaurant? Thai, French, Italian, Chinese, even an Irish pub, but never a Scottish restaurant. There's a damn fine reason why: Scottish cooking sucks!

I'm so grateful our neighbors brought their cuisine with them.
Does your ham have that greenish sheen to it also? The final touch is a dried out quality.
The thin slices of ham look like an oil slick! All the colors of the rainbow.

We do have great ham here, but the Presbyterians won't kick in the extra cash to get it. Our congregation is made up of a lot of second and third generation Americans whose folks, like mine, immigrated from Scotland. Now, while the Scots invented everything on earth from the steam engine to golf, we cannot claim any cuisine. Have you ever seen a Scottish restaurant? Thai, French, Italian, Chinese, even an Irish pub, but never a Scottish restaurant. There's a damn fine reason why: Scottish cooking sucks!

I'm so grateful our neighbors brought their cuisine with them.

Not claiming plaid I see. :lol:
I've literally only slept for a couple of hours in the last 48 hours. I feel wide awake though! I don't know what's going on. Lol. I'll just hope that I can sleep tomorrow.
I hope you can too. Sleep deprivation isn't good for the brain.

TV is like sleeping medicine for me though. I just get in bed and watch tv, and usually within a few minutes I'm out. I set the tv's timer for 15 minutes to shut off and I usually never see it shut off.

Not me. I need to have my fan on all the time, but I find voices to be very disruptive when I'm trying to sleep for some reason.
One of my brothers had to have a fan running in order to sleep. Me, I have to have the TV making noise. Weird thing, sometimes the soundtracks find their way into my dreams.
I gotta have a fan too. But during the winter, I use this:

SimplyNoise -- The Best Free White Noise Generator on the Internet.

And I just shut off the monitor (screen saver is too bright) but let the website run all night.

I use white noise too. A machine though.

Like others a radio, if I don't have TV in the bedroom, provides my necessary white noise--I just tune to a station with soothing music. But I usually depend on those movies previously described for my white noise. Last night I put on "Titanic" and the last thing I remember in the movie was the 100-year-old Rose and her granddaughter and Pomeranian and gold fish arriving on the Keldysh.
Does your ham have that greenish sheen to it also? The final touch is a dried out quality.
The thin slices of ham look like an oil slick! All the colors of the rainbow.

We do have great ham here, but the Presbyterians won't kick in the extra cash to get it. Our congregation is made up of a lot of second and third generation Americans whose folks, like mine, immigrated from Scotland. Now, while the Scots invented everything on earth from the steam engine to golf, we cannot claim any cuisine. Have you ever seen a Scottish restaurant? Thai, French, Italian, Chinese, even an Irish pub, but never a Scottish restaurant. There's a damn fine reason why: Scottish cooking sucks!

I'm so grateful our neighbors brought their cuisine with them.

Not claiming plaid I see. :lol:
Presbyterian prosciutto:

Hubby has his appointment with the Doc late this afternoon.
I think that the penicillin took care of it. :biggrin:

We think that the mysterious infections that he gets every 5 to 7 years was caught early this time, before it went completely though his system and got to his blood this time. Hubby hates hospitals and I don't blame him, He has been in them to many times since his late twenties.

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