USMB Coffee Shop IV

If blowing up sodas in the freezer ever becomes an Olympic sport I will make my country proud.

Rio 2016 gold

Have you had an extra adventure today Crème? :)
It's awful. I'm always forgetting about the pop I leave in the freezer. I don't keep them in the fridge because I want it really cold. Problem is I fall asleep or get all stoney baloney and forget they are in there. Wake up the next day and it's a syrup explosion in the freezer. Just went to put another one in there and sure enough...there is last night's. When they are in the ice box is the worst.

Could I recommend immersing them in ice in a portable cooler? They get really really cold but won't freeze.
That would definitely save me some money on paper towels. :rofl: Now all I need is a cooler.
If blowing up sodas in the freezer ever becomes an Olympic sport I will make my country proud.

Rio 2016 gold

Have you had an extra adventure today Crème? :)
It's awful. I'm always forgetting about the pop I leave in the freezer. I don't keep them in the fridge because I want it really cold. Problem is I fall asleep or get all stoney baloney and forget they are in there. Wake up the next day and it's a syrup explosion in the freezer. Just went to put another one in there and sure enough...there is last night's. When they are in the ice box is the worst.

Could I recommend immersing them in ice in a portable cooler? They get really really cold but won't freeze.
That would definitely save me some money on paper towels. :rofl: Now all I need is a cooler.

You can usually pick up a small styrofoam one for little or nothing at the local 7-11 or reasonable facsimile.
Either that or you have one heck of a case of insomnia, girl.

I slept a little bit, maybe for like an hour or two in the past 48 hours. It wasn't a good sleep though. I was plagued with dreams, and I felt as if I was still awake but dreaming. Weird. Lol.
If I don't get enough sleep, I'm wiped out. I need a nap or something, or I'll be falling asleep the first time I sit down. I have those nights where it doesn't seem I ever sleep too, but I know I must have, because what seemed liked laying there a couple hours was actually all night, so I know I must have slept. Not very restful nights. I usually sleep pretty darn good.

I've literally only slept for a couple of hours in the last 48 hours. I feel wide awake though! I don't know what's going on. Lol. I'll just hope that I can sleep tomorrow.
I hope you can too. Sleep deprivation isn't good for the brain.

TV is like sleeping medicine for me though. I just get in bed and watch tv, and usually within a few minutes I'm out. I set the tv's timer for 15 minutes to shut off and I usually never see it shut off.

I do the same thing except I pop an old VHS movie into the VCR--these are all movies I know every scene in detail and know the dialogue by heart. It is rarely more than 10 minutes into the movie that I'm out like a light. It's the white noise I think. So I wake up some hours later to a blue screen, get up for a pit stop, turn off the TV and go back to bed and usually get right back to sleep.
Sounds like me with 'The Outlaw Josey Wales'. I've watched that movie more times than I can recall, many of which I put it on and then quickly feel asleep.

We have quite the storm going up here, the same one that's just north of you, Ff. It extends all the way up into Vermont. We're JUST south of the ice/snow line, for now. I guess it's going to hook around and we might get some. Hopefully the ground is too warm for much to accumulate.
This is true except that I know from experience that West Texans also understand. The day Hombre and I got married was much like this:

Bought another desk top that is the same brand and tower case. I was able to put the old hard drive in the new one and it works fine. I will clone this drive, because the new one is 1 TB and the old one 500GB. It also looks like the new one has a 4GB DDR3 memory card like the old one. It also looks like there is a spot to add the old 4GB DDR3 card in a reversed position. Does that sound correct?
I like lots of sugar in my coffee too. That's probably why I can't sleep. The combination of sugar and coffee. I'm running on a coffee and sugar rush. That's okay. I'll work tonight and hopefully I'll be tired tomorrow and sleep all day.
Either that or you have one heck of a case of insomnia, girl.

I slept a little bit, maybe for like an hour or two in the past 48 hours. It wasn't a good sleep though. I was plagued with dreams, and I felt as if I was still awake but dreaming. Weird. Lol.
If I don't get enough sleep, I'm wiped out. I need a nap or something, or I'll be falling asleep the first time I sit down. I have those nights where it doesn't seem I ever sleep too, but I know I must have, because what seemed liked laying there a couple hours was actually all night, so I know I must have slept. Not very restful nights. I usually sleep pretty darn good.

I've literally only slept for a couple of hours in the last 48 hours. I feel wide awake though! I don't know what's going on. Lol. I'll just hope that I can sleep tomorrow.
I hope you can too. Sleep deprivation isn't good for the brain.

TV is like sleeping medicine for me though. I just get in bed and watch tv, and usually within a few minutes I'm out. I set the tv's timer for 15 minutes to shut off and I usually never see it shut off.
Computer Solitaire has the same effect on me, a few games and I'm falling asleep.
P.S. I hate you guys, you have me talking computer geek now. :)
01000001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110111 01110010 01101111 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110111 01101001 01110100 01101000 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00111111
Bought another desk top that is the same brand and tower case. I was able to put the old hard drive in the new one and it works fine. I will clone this drive, because the new one is 1 TB and the old one 500GB. It also looks like the new one has a 4GB DDR3 memory card like the old one. It also looks like there is a spot to add the old 4GB DDR3 card in a reversed position. Does that sound correct?

I'm not sure what you mean by reversed position. Are we talking about a RAM stick being seated facing a different way in this motherboard? You might need to check the specifics of the RAM; it's possible that the old stick is enough older than the new that you wouldn't gain from using both, I suppose. It can be one of any number of 'speeds' : DDR3 1333, DDR3 2800, etc. I would guess that using both is going to be better for you than just using the new stick, but I'd look that up if I were you to be sure (or maybe Ringel can give you a better answer).

I haven't upgraded my RAM by adding to what I already had in years. The last few times I got new RAM it was either building a new PC or getting entirely different RAM for a new motherboard. :dunno:
Was just visiting with friends in northwest Oklahoma and Kansas--terrible wild fires driven by strong wind--some homes lost and some will be up most of the night in case they have to evacuate. I-70 closed in parts of Kansas due to smoke, and from the western Kansas border to Denver due to blowing snow.

Our little dust storm seems pretty mild in comparison.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
Sherry’s Mom,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom,
Nosmo's eye surgery,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Againsheila, Alan, Noomi, Spoonman, Freedombecki, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

This fire now spans over 100 square miles in Oklahoma and Kansas just before sundown tonight:

Either that or you have one heck of a case of insomnia, girl.

I slept a little bit, maybe for like an hour or two in the past 48 hours. It wasn't a good sleep though. I was plagued with dreams, and I felt as if I was still awake but dreaming. Weird. Lol.
If I don't get enough sleep, I'm wiped out. I need a nap or something, or I'll be falling asleep the first time I sit down. I have those nights where it doesn't seem I ever sleep too, but I know I must have, because what seemed liked laying there a couple hours was actually all night, so I know I must have slept. Not very restful nights. I usually sleep pretty darn good.

I've literally only slept for a couple of hours in the last 48 hours. I feel wide awake though! I don't know what's going on. Lol. I'll just hope that I can sleep tomorrow.
I hope you can too. Sleep deprivation isn't good for the brain.

TV is like sleeping medicine for me though. I just get in bed and watch tv, and usually within a few minutes I'm out. I set the tv's timer for 15 minutes to shut off and I usually never see it shut off.

Not me. I need to have my fan on all the time, but I find voices to be very disruptive when I'm trying to sleep for some reason.
One of my brothers had to have a fan running in order to sleep. Me, I have to have the TV making noise. Weird thing, sometimes the soundtracks find their way into my dreams.
I slept a little bit, maybe for like an hour or two in the past 48 hours. It wasn't a good sleep though. I was plagued with dreams, and I felt as if I was still awake but dreaming. Weird. Lol.
If I don't get enough sleep, I'm wiped out. I need a nap or something, or I'll be falling asleep the first time I sit down. I have those nights where it doesn't seem I ever sleep too, but I know I must have, because what seemed liked laying there a couple hours was actually all night, so I know I must have slept. Not very restful nights. I usually sleep pretty darn good.

I've literally only slept for a couple of hours in the last 48 hours. I feel wide awake though! I don't know what's going on. Lol. I'll just hope that I can sleep tomorrow.
I hope you can too. Sleep deprivation isn't good for the brain.

TV is like sleeping medicine for me though. I just get in bed and watch tv, and usually within a few minutes I'm out. I set the tv's timer for 15 minutes to shut off and I usually never see it shut off.

Not me. I need to have my fan on all the time, but I find voices to be very disruptive when I'm trying to sleep for some reason.
One of my brothers had to have a fan running in order to sleep. Me, I have to have the TV making noise. Weird thing, sometimes the soundtracks find their way into my dreams.
I gotta have a fan too. But during the winter, I use this:

SimplyNoise -- The Best Free White Noise Generator on the Internet.

And I just shut off the monitor (screen saver is too bright) but let the website run all night.
I've literally only slept for a couple of hours in the last 48 hours. I feel wide awake though! I don't know what's going on. Lol. I'll just hope that I can sleep tomorrow.
I hope you can too. Sleep deprivation isn't good for the brain.

TV is like sleeping medicine for me though. I just get in bed and watch tv, and usually within a few minutes I'm out. I set the tv's timer for 15 minutes to shut off and I usually never see it shut off.

Not me. I need to have my fan on all the time, but I find voices to be very disruptive when I'm trying to sleep for some reason.
Aaaahh... well, I have the tinnitus, and I need background noise to make my brain ignore it. I don't concentrate on what's on tv, I just hear it... does that make sense? ... :lol:

That's probably the problem, I'm always trying to hear what they're saying! Lol! :D
I don't know when this sleeping with the tv on stuff started, but I can say a long time ago. I think it was when I was in the Air Force in Vegas. That's where I got my first dose of flight line noise and the obscene screech that emanates from the intake of an F-16, enough to damage hearing in an instant if close enough without ear protection, which I've been. That's the first I remember going to sleep listening to something. I think I started using a clock/radio and graduated to a tv.
Like you, I cannot remember when sleeping on the couch with the TV on started, but I've been doing it a long, long time. The only time I don't have TV to sleep is when I'm at my remote power for TV and the world is a much quieter place. And my ridiculously stupid partner wants to put a TV and DVD player into the cabin! The only place on Earth I can sleep without all the background noise.
Another windy dust filled day, just another day in the desert......

Here too except that it is cold today--at least the light jackets aren't working for us. It's about 50 here now but after 70 degree days and with the wind, that's brrrr. Blizzard conditions north of us in Colorado though. And going down to at least freezing for us tonight.
Temps above freezing all day, high 40's, low 50's and not expected to drop below freezing. Ah, yes, we hope Spring has arrived.
If I don't get enough sleep, I'm wiped out. I need a nap or something, or I'll be falling asleep the first time I sit down. I have those nights where it doesn't seem I ever sleep too, but I know I must have, because what seemed liked laying there a couple hours was actually all night, so I know I must have slept. Not very restful nights. I usually sleep pretty darn good.

I've literally only slept for a couple of hours in the last 48 hours. I feel wide awake though! I don't know what's going on. Lol. I'll just hope that I can sleep tomorrow.
I hope you can too. Sleep deprivation isn't good for the brain.

TV is like sleeping medicine for me though. I just get in bed and watch tv, and usually within a few minutes I'm out. I set the tv's timer for 15 minutes to shut off and I usually never see it shut off.

Not me. I need to have my fan on all the time, but I find voices to be very disruptive when I'm trying to sleep for some reason.
One of my brothers had to have a fan running in order to sleep. Me, I have to have the TV making noise. Weird thing, sometimes the soundtracks find their way into my dreams.
I gotta have a fan too. But during the winter, I use this:

SimplyNoise -- The Best Free White Noise Generator on the Internet.

And I just shut off the monitor (screen saver is too bright) but let the website run all night.
That might have helped my brother. Unfortunately, he died a few years ago. The first of eight siblings to cross the Rainbow Bridge and 16 months younger than me.
Bought another desk top that is the same brand and tower case. I was able to put the old hard drive in the new one and it works fine. I will clone this drive, because the new one is 1 TB and the old one 500GB. It also looks like the new one has a 4GB DDR3 memory card like the old one. It also looks like there is a spot to add the old 4GB DDR3 card in a reversed position. Does that sound correct?

I'm not sure what you mean by reversed position. Are we talking about a RAM stick being seated facing a different way in this motherboard? You might need to check the specifics of the RAM; it's possible that the old stick is enough older than the new that you wouldn't gain from using both, I suppose. It can be one of any number of 'speeds' : DDR3 1333, DDR3 2800, etc. I would guess that using both is going to be better for you than just using the new stick, but I'd look that up if I were you to be sure (or maybe Ringel can give you a better answer).

I haven't upgraded my RAM by adding to what I already had in years. The last few times I got new RAM it was either building a new PC or getting entirely different RAM for a new motherboard. :dunno:
Reversible card??? :dunno:
If it's RAM it's a "stick" and RAM sticks only go in one way unless some new configuration has been developed that I don't know about. As for determining which RAM works with each motherboard you can search stats for the motherboard make and model number, to find out exactly what kind you have on the motherboard download and install CPU-Z.
CPU-Z Download

There's a lot of information that even I don't completely understand but the "Memory" tab will tell you if it's DDR2, DDR3 or DDR4, the "SPD" tab will give you the frequency, example: PC3-12800 (800 MHz). The DDR and frequency number is what you need to know which RAM to buy, it will look like; DDR3 PC3-12800.
I've literally only slept for a couple of hours in the last 48 hours. I feel wide awake though! I don't know what's going on. Lol. I'll just hope that I can sleep tomorrow.
I hope you can too. Sleep deprivation isn't good for the brain.

TV is like sleeping medicine for me though. I just get in bed and watch tv, and usually within a few minutes I'm out. I set the tv's timer for 15 minutes to shut off and I usually never see it shut off.

Not me. I need to have my fan on all the time, but I find voices to be very disruptive when I'm trying to sleep for some reason.
One of my brothers had to have a fan running in order to sleep. Me, I have to have the TV making noise. Weird thing, sometimes the soundtracks find their way into my dreams.
I gotta have a fan too. But during the winter, I use this:

SimplyNoise -- The Best Free White Noise Generator on the Internet.

And I just shut off the monitor (screen saver is too bright) but let the website run all night.
That might have helped my brother. Unfortunately, he died a few years ago. The first of eight siblings to cross the Rainbow Bridge and 16 months younger than me.
:( about your brother. MrG is the 7th son of a 7th son...and 2 sisters, lol. Big family. That keep their distance which is a plus in my opinion. Too much drama.

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