USMB Coffee Shop IV

Hubby got back from the Docs
They found a 2nd infection that the other was hiding.
The penicillin got the weaker urine infection but this test showed another hidden infection.
He goes back Tuesday to have another urine test. If the infection is gone then it took care of itself.
His Doc said that he thinks that the two types of infection stew together and that is when he gets the full blown blood infection that puts him in the hospital with a temp of 105- 06 over a 12 hour period before it breaks and goes away.
At least this time we know more than what we have over the last twenty years of this happing to him.
I am so thankful that it was caught very early this time.
No changes to the vigil list and we didn't have a lot of activity in the Coffee Shop today, so I'll just skip a night for that. But for everybody's quiz with their morning coffee:

So I got a 7 pound ham at my local grocery for free because of points saved up from prior purchases, and I tried to put a dent in it eating it but fell woefully short. So I decided to make a big pot of bean soup and throw some of it in there. I boiled my beans for about 2 1/2 hours and then added onions, celery, carrots and fresh garlic, pepper and about half of what was left of the ham in big and small chunks. I boiled that for another 2 1/2 hours probably and it was finally ready to eat. I tasted it and decided it needed no salt at all, I thought it was fantastic. So, I wolfed down two bowls.

Why am I telling this story? :lol: Well believe it or not, it's because of my old, old, cheapie stockpot. Later when I washed it I was thinking... I bought this thing like 15 years ago in Phoenix, and it was in the cheapest cookware set I could find at walmart, so why don't I buy a new one? Well, as with anything, I do what most smart shoppers do and start shopping around to find what's good and looking for deals. It quickly become evident that the high end of stockpots is All-Clad, and what does an 8qt. All-Clad stockpot go for? Well on Amazon they're asking $282.00. I about fell out of my chair. So with some more shopping, I found one ebay for $150.00. Still, I think this is just crazy for a slab of pressed, bonded stainless steel and aluminum. So after much looking, comparing and shopping, I've pretty much come to the conclusion that a $28.00 T-fal 8qt. stockpot at walmart would suffice.

You know the old saying: education is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

For me, wisdom is knowing not to put tomatoes in anything. :p

I know a few people who don't like tomatoes, but not being able to use tomatoes would be tragic for me. I want them in almost all my Mexican/southwestern cuisine, they are essential for many sandwiches, soups, stews, salads, and other recipes, and how can you have a decent pizza or any other Italian cuisine requiring marinara sauce without tomatoes, and then there are those who need that tomato juice for a morning hangover or de-skunking the dog

You know the old saying: education is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

For me, wisdom is knowing not to put tomatoes in anything. :p

I know a few people who don't like tomatoes, but not being able to use tomatoes would be tragic for me. I want them in almost all my Mexican/southwestern cuisine, they are essential for many sandwiches, soups, stews, salads, and other recipes, and how can you have a decent pizza or any other Italian cuisine requiring marinara sauce without tomatoes, and then there are those who need that tomato juice for a morning hangover or de-skunking the dog
Or some Provencal Tomatoes.:)


You know the old saying: education is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

For me, wisdom is knowing not to put tomatoes in anything. :p
I take it you aren't interested in anything from the 140 tomato plants I started?:eek:

140 tomato plants? Holy cow. I planted six one year and ran out of friends, family, and neighbors to give the excess to and was delivering boxes of them to the local food bank. What in the world do you do with all those tomatoes?
There's a new pediatrician in town. Her name is Dr. Tiu (pronounced 'to', or is it 'too' or perhaps 'two'). I checked with the Grandmothers here at the office because they keep tabs on this sort of thing and they have proclaimed Dr. Tiu excellent.

Yesterday I was in my family printing shop and I spoke with one of my brother's employees. He has a three year old daughter who is precocious and utterly chamming and smart. Alleigha had the sniffles, as three year olds tend to have whenever the seasons change. But her Dad, my brother's pressman, was not about to take any chances so he bundled her off to see Dr. Tiu.

When the good doctor came into the exam room, she introduced herself to Alleigha. "Hi Alleigha! I'm Dr. Tiu!"

Alleigha responded, "I want to meet Dr. One."

You know the old saying: education is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

For me, wisdom is knowing not to put tomatoes in anything. :p
I take it you aren't interested in anything from the 140 tomato plants I started?:eek:

140 tomato plants? Holy cow. I planted six one year and ran out of friends, family, and neighbors to give the excess to and was delivering boxes of them to the local food bank. What in the world do you do with all those tomatoes?
I just really like tomatoes lol. Just kidding. There are all different kinds from heirloom to cherry to salad tomatoes. Granted 140 is gonna be waaaay too many. I will cull a lot and some may not germinate. But I'm still going to have a ton of the suckers. I have friends that own or work in restaurants. One runs the local soup kitchen and they are always looking for good fresh food donations. Many will be preserved too. Then of course friends and family. Almost forgot the farmer's market. It's really not that many seeing as my neighbor does a half acre of tomatoes. I challenged him too a tomato contest and quickly rescinded the challenge after he told me the size of his patch.

You know the old saying: education is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

For me, wisdom is knowing not to put tomatoes in anything. :p
I take it you aren't interested in anything from the 140 tomato plants I started?:eek:

140 tomato plants? Holy cow. I planted six one year and ran out of friends, family, and neighbors to give the excess to and was delivering boxes of them to the local food bank. What in the world do you do with all those tomatoes?
I just really like tomatoes lol. Just kidding. There are all different kinds from heirloom to cherry to salad tomatoes. Granted 140 is gonna be waaaay too many. I will cull a lot and some may not germinate. But I'm still going to have a ton of the suckers. I have friends that own or work in restaurants. One runs the local soup kitchen and they are always looking for good fresh food donations. Many will be preserved too. Then of course friends and family. Almost forgot the farmer's market. It's really not that many seeing as my neighbor does a half acre of tomatoes. I challenged him too a tomato contest and quickly rescinded the challenge after he told me the size of his patch.

1/2 an acre would be about 3,000 or so plants right?
You know the old saying: education is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

For me, wisdom is knowing not to put tomatoes in anything. :p
I take it you aren't interested in anything from the 140 tomato plants I started?:eek:

140 tomato plants? Holy cow. I planted six one year and ran out of friends, family, and neighbors to give the excess to and was delivering boxes of them to the local food bank. What in the world do you do with all those tomatoes?
I just really like tomatoes lol. Just kidding. There are all different kinds from heirloom to cherry to salad tomatoes. Granted 140 is gonna be waaaay too many. I will cull a lot and some may not germinate. But I'm still going to have a ton of the suckers. I have friends that own or work in restaurants. One runs the local soup kitchen and they are always looking for good fresh food donations. Many will be preserved too. Then of course friends and family. Almost forgot the farmer's market. It's really not that many seeing as my neighbor does a half acre of tomatoes. I challenged him too a tomato contest and quickly rescinded the challenge after he told me the size of his patch.

1/2 an acre would be about 3,000 or so plants right?

After picking one very large fat gross tomato worm off my tomato plants, I couldn't imagine how many of those would be on 3,000 or so plants.

You know the old saying: education is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

For me, wisdom is knowing not to put tomatoes in anything. :p
I take it you aren't interested in anything from the 140 tomato plants I started?:eek:

140 tomato plants? Holy cow. I planted six one year and ran out of friends, family, and neighbors to give the excess to and was delivering boxes of them to the local food bank. What in the world do you do with all those tomatoes?
I just really like tomatoes lol. Just kidding. There are all different kinds from heirloom to cherry to salad tomatoes. Granted 140 is gonna be waaaay too many. I will cull a lot and some may not germinate. But I'm still going to have a ton of the suckers. I have friends that own or work in restaurants. One runs the local soup kitchen and they are always looking for good fresh food donations. Many will be preserved too. Then of course friends and family. Almost forgot the farmer's market. It's really not that many seeing as my neighbor does a half acre of tomatoes. I challenged him too a tomato contest and quickly rescinded the challenge after he told me the size of his patch.

I hadn't thought about the Farmers market. That is an idea. But my measly little tomato patch wouldn't produce that much.
For me, wisdom is knowing not to put tomatoes in anything. :p
I take it you aren't interested in anything from the 140 tomato plants I started?:eek:

140 tomato plants? Holy cow. I planted six one year and ran out of friends, family, and neighbors to give the excess to and was delivering boxes of them to the local food bank. What in the world do you do with all those tomatoes?
I just really like tomatoes lol. Just kidding. There are all different kinds from heirloom to cherry to salad tomatoes. Granted 140 is gonna be waaaay too many. I will cull a lot and some may not germinate. But I'm still going to have a ton of the suckers. I have friends that own or work in restaurants. One runs the local soup kitchen and they are always looking for good fresh food donations. Many will be preserved too. Then of course friends and family. Almost forgot the farmer's market. It's really not that many seeing as my neighbor does a half acre of tomatoes. I challenged him too a tomato contest and quickly rescinded the challenge after he told me the size of his patch.

1/2 an acre would be about 3,000 or so plants right?

After picking one very large fat gross tomato worm off my tomato plants, I couldn't imagine how many of those would be on 3,000 or so plants.

They spray them on farms.
Commercial Farms have around 6,000 per acre or so I thought.
That's why I asked.
I take it you aren't interested in anything from the 140 tomato plants I started?:eek:

140 tomato plants? Holy cow. I planted six one year and ran out of friends, family, and neighbors to give the excess to and was delivering boxes of them to the local food bank. What in the world do you do with all those tomatoes?
I just really like tomatoes lol. Just kidding. There are all different kinds from heirloom to cherry to salad tomatoes. Granted 140 is gonna be waaaay too many. I will cull a lot and some may not germinate. But I'm still going to have a ton of the suckers. I have friends that own or work in restaurants. One runs the local soup kitchen and they are always looking for good fresh food donations. Many will be preserved too. Then of course friends and family. Almost forgot the farmer's market. It's really not that many seeing as my neighbor does a half acre of tomatoes. I challenged him too a tomato contest and quickly rescinded the challenge after he told me the size of his patch.

1/2 an acre would be about 3,000 or so plants right?

After picking one very large fat gross tomato worm off my tomato plants, I couldn't imagine how many of those would be on 3,000 or so plants.

They spray them on farms.
Commercial Farms have around 6,000 per acre or so I thought.
That's why I asked.

I know they do and I buy them anyway because I can't afford the organic. But I do try to grow organic in my own garden.

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