USMB Coffee Shop IV

You know the old saying: education is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

For me, wisdom is knowing not to put tomatoes in anything. :p
I take it you aren't interested in anything from the 140 tomato plants I started?:eek:

140 tomato plants? Holy cow. I planted six one year and ran out of friends, family, and neighbors to give the excess to and was delivering boxes of them to the local food bank. What in the world do you do with all those tomatoes?
I just really like tomatoes lol. Just kidding. There are all different kinds from heirloom to cherry to salad tomatoes. Granted 140 is gonna be waaaay too many. I will cull a lot and some may not germinate. But I'm still going to have a ton of the suckers. I have friends that own or work in restaurants. One runs the local soup kitchen and they are always looking for good fresh food donations. Many will be preserved too. Then of course friends and family. Almost forgot the farmer's market. It's really not that many seeing as my neighbor does a half acre of tomatoes. I challenged him too a tomato contest and quickly rescinded the challenge after he told me the size of his patch.

1/2 an acre would be about 3,000 or so plants right?
I think you can get about 4000 on an acre. I don't know if he has half that amount though. Plus he loses a lot to deer because he only stretches a single strand of electric fence around the whole thing. They do A LOT of canning next door.
140 tomato plants? Holy cow. I planted six one year and ran out of friends, family, and neighbors to give the excess to and was delivering boxes of them to the local food bank. What in the world do you do with all those tomatoes?
I just really like tomatoes lol. Just kidding. There are all different kinds from heirloom to cherry to salad tomatoes. Granted 140 is gonna be waaaay too many. I will cull a lot and some may not germinate. But I'm still going to have a ton of the suckers. I have friends that own or work in restaurants. One runs the local soup kitchen and they are always looking for good fresh food donations. Many will be preserved too. Then of course friends and family. Almost forgot the farmer's market. It's really not that many seeing as my neighbor does a half acre of tomatoes. I challenged him too a tomato contest and quickly rescinded the challenge after he told me the size of his patch.

1/2 an acre would be about 3,000 or so plants right?

After picking one very large fat gross tomato worm off my tomato plants, I couldn't imagine how many of those would be on 3,000 or so plants.

They spray them on farms.
Commercial Farms have around 6,000 per acre or so I thought.
That's why I asked.

I know they do and I buy them anyway because I can't afford the organic. But I do try to grow organic in my own garden.

I'm envious, everything I try to grow dies on me.
I have no green thumb what- so- ever. :biggrin:
For me, wisdom is knowing not to put tomatoes in anything. :p
I take it you aren't interested in anything from the 140 tomato plants I started?:eek:

140 tomato plants? Holy cow. I planted six one year and ran out of friends, family, and neighbors to give the excess to and was delivering boxes of them to the local food bank. What in the world do you do with all those tomatoes?
I just really like tomatoes lol. Just kidding. There are all different kinds from heirloom to cherry to salad tomatoes. Granted 140 is gonna be waaaay too many. I will cull a lot and some may not germinate. But I'm still going to have a ton of the suckers. I have friends that own or work in restaurants. One runs the local soup kitchen and they are always looking for good fresh food donations. Many will be preserved too. Then of course friends and family. Almost forgot the farmer's market. It's really not that many seeing as my neighbor does a half acre of tomatoes. I challenged him too a tomato contest and quickly rescinded the challenge after he told me the size of his patch.

1/2 an acre would be about 3,000 or so plants right?
I think you can get about 4000 on an acre. I don't know if he has half that amount though. Plus he loses a lot to deer because he only stretches a single strand of electric fence around the whole thing. They do A LOT of canning next door.

Thank you
See I was wrong, but then again it has been about 48 years or so when I was around my grandparents farm. :)
I take it you aren't interested in anything from the 140 tomato plants I started?:eek:

140 tomato plants? Holy cow. I planted six one year and ran out of friends, family, and neighbors to give the excess to and was delivering boxes of them to the local food bank. What in the world do you do with all those tomatoes?
I just really like tomatoes lol. Just kidding. There are all different kinds from heirloom to cherry to salad tomatoes. Granted 140 is gonna be waaaay too many. I will cull a lot and some may not germinate. But I'm still going to have a ton of the suckers. I have friends that own or work in restaurants. One runs the local soup kitchen and they are always looking for good fresh food donations. Many will be preserved too. Then of course friends and family. Almost forgot the farmer's market. It's really not that many seeing as my neighbor does a half acre of tomatoes. I challenged him too a tomato contest and quickly rescinded the challenge after he told me the size of his patch.

1/2 an acre would be about 3,000 or so plants right?
I think you can get about 4000 on an acre. I don't know if he has half that amount though. Plus he loses a lot to deer because he only stretches a single strand of electric fence around the whole thing. They do A LOT of canning next door.

Thank you
See I was wrong, but then again it has been about 48 years or so when I was around my grandparents farm. :)

Well it isn't like the average person would be able to look across a large field and distinguish between 3000 and 4000 tomato plants. I mean, who would bother to count? :)
140 tomato plants? Holy cow. I planted six one year and ran out of friends, family, and neighbors to give the excess to and was delivering boxes of them to the local food bank. What in the world do you do with all those tomatoes?
I just really like tomatoes lol. Just kidding. There are all different kinds from heirloom to cherry to salad tomatoes. Granted 140 is gonna be waaaay too many. I will cull a lot and some may not germinate. But I'm still going to have a ton of the suckers. I have friends that own or work in restaurants. One runs the local soup kitchen and they are always looking for good fresh food donations. Many will be preserved too. Then of course friends and family. Almost forgot the farmer's market. It's really not that many seeing as my neighbor does a half acre of tomatoes. I challenged him too a tomato contest and quickly rescinded the challenge after he told me the size of his patch.

1/2 an acre would be about 3,000 or so plants right?
I think you can get about 4000 on an acre. I don't know if he has half that amount though. Plus he loses a lot to deer because he only stretches a single strand of electric fence around the whole thing. They do A LOT of canning next door.

Thank you
See I was wrong, but then again it has been about 48 years or so when I was around my grandparents farm. :)

Well it isn't like the average person would be able to look across a large field and distinguish between 3000 and 4000 tomato plants. I mean, who would bother to count? :)

None of us would, but it is important to farmers for some reason. :)
I hope you can too. Sleep deprivation isn't good for the brain.

TV is like sleeping medicine for me though. I just get in bed and watch tv, and usually within a few minutes I'm out. I set the tv's timer for 15 minutes to shut off and I usually never see it shut off.

Not me. I need to have my fan on all the time, but I find voices to be very disruptive when I'm trying to sleep for some reason.
One of my brothers had to have a fan running in order to sleep. Me, I have to have the TV making noise. Weird thing, sometimes the soundtracks find their way into my dreams.
I gotta have a fan too. But during the winter, I use this:

SimplyNoise -- The Best Free White Noise Generator on the Internet.

And I just shut off the monitor (screen saver is too bright) but let the website run all night.
That might have helped my brother. Unfortunately, he died a few years ago. The first of eight siblings to cross the Rainbow Bridge and 16 months younger than me.
:( about your brother. MrG is the 7th son of a 7th son...and 2 sisters, lol. Big family. That keep their distance which is a plus in my opinion. Too much drama.
7th son of a 7th son...damned, that's pretty special in occult circles. I kinda don't mind that my relatives consider Alaska the ends of the Earth. A visit would be nice, but too many "like" you only when they need something.
I've literally only slept for a couple of hours in the last 48 hours. I feel wide awake though! I don't know what's going on. Lol. I'll just hope that I can sleep tomorrow.
I hope you can too. Sleep deprivation isn't good for the brain.

TV is like sleeping medicine for me though. I just get in bed and watch tv, and usually within a few minutes I'm out. I set the tv's timer for 15 minutes to shut off and I usually never see it shut off.

Not me. I need to have my fan on all the time, but I find voices to be very disruptive when I'm trying to sleep for some reason.
One of my brothers had to have a fan running in order to sleep. Me, I have to have the TV making noise. Weird thing, sometimes the soundtracks find their way into my dreams.
I gotta have a fan too. But during the winter, I use this:

SimplyNoise -- The Best Free White Noise Generator on the Internet.

And I just shut off the monitor (screen saver is too bright) but let the website run all night.

I use white noise too. A machine though.
My "white noise" is called TV (or DVD).
You know some things get said in the Coffee Shop that just somehow stick. And I now wonder if I will ever think about Nosmo again without also thinking about plaid underwear. :) (Not to worry though. I also think about dedication to community pageants, a definite sense of personal responsibility, and above all a marvelous gift for story telling and painting word pictures.)

I fear I have to take partial responsibility for this painted word picture.

Don't be so hard on yourself. Consider how I left out the part about how well plaid underwear conceals stains!
Not as well as camouflage!
Not me. I need to have my fan on all the time, but I find voices to be very disruptive when I'm trying to sleep for some reason.
One of my brothers had to have a fan running in order to sleep. Me, I have to have the TV making noise. Weird thing, sometimes the soundtracks find their way into my dreams.
I gotta have a fan too. But during the winter, I use this:

SimplyNoise -- The Best Free White Noise Generator on the Internet.

And I just shut off the monitor (screen saver is too bright) but let the website run all night.
That might have helped my brother. Unfortunately, he died a few years ago. The first of eight siblings to cross the Rainbow Bridge and 16 months younger than me.
:( about your brother. MrG is the 7th son of a 7th son...and 2 sisters, lol. Big family. That keep their distance which is a plus in my opinion. Too much drama.
7th son of a 7th son...damned, that's pretty special in occult circles. I kinda don't mind that my relatives consider Alaska the ends of the Earth. A visit would be nice, but too many "like" you only when they need something.
Oh yeah..I hear ya. That is why it is just me and MrG. He has a very large family but we only associate with his older brother and his wife out of the whole lot of 'em. I just have one sister and we do NOT get along so I rarely talk to her, and the last time I saw her was about 3 years ago. I will not see her again, cuz she will not come here and I will not go there. We have no reason to. We dislike each other immensely. MrG's family...meh. The ones on the rez are ok, but we lost touch with them long ago and the rest that live in calif..well...they are all Jehovah Witnesses. The ancestors are rolling, I'm betting. He was not raised on the rez. His dad got out and left it all behind. Their ways, their beliefs, their culture. Its ME that clings to it for HIM, because it fascinates me and draws me for some reason. I should be all celtic leaning...but I am drawn to NA ways even though MrG is far far from it.
So I got a 7 pound ham at my local grocery for free because of points saved up from prior purchases, and I tried to put a dent in it eating it but fell woefully short. So I decided to make a big pot of bean soup and throw some of it in there. I boiled my beans for about 2 1/2 hours and then added onions, celery, carrots and fresh garlic, pepper and about half of what was left of the ham in big and small chunks. I boiled that for another 2 1/2 hours probably and it was finally ready to eat. I tasted it and decided it needed no salt at all, I thought it was fantastic. So, I wolfed down two bowls.

Why am I telling this story? :lol: Well believe it or not, it's because of my old, old, cheapie stockpot. Later when I washed it I was thinking... I bought this thing like 15 years ago in Phoenix, and it was in the cheapest cookware set I could find at walmart, so why don't I buy a new one? Well, as with anything, I do what most smart shoppers do and start shopping around to find what's good and looking for deals. It quickly become evident that the high end of stockpots is All-Clad, and what does an 8qt. All-Clad stockpot go for? Well on Amazon they're asking $282.00. I about fell out of my chair. So with some more shopping, I found one ebay for $150.00. Still, I think this is just crazy for a slab of pressed, bonded stainless steel and aluminum. So after much looking, comparing and shopping, I've pretty much come to the conclusion that a $28.00 T-fal 8qt. stockpot at walmart would suffice.
Cast iron. It's the only way to go! I spent Spring Break seasoning the set a friend gave me for Christmas. Well cared for, cast iron will last forever and NOTHING cooks like cast iron.
One of my brothers had to have a fan running in order to sleep. Me, I have to have the TV making noise. Weird thing, sometimes the soundtracks find their way into my dreams.
I gotta have a fan too. But during the winter, I use this:

SimplyNoise -- The Best Free White Noise Generator on the Internet.

And I just shut off the monitor (screen saver is too bright) but let the website run all night.
That might have helped my brother. Unfortunately, he died a few years ago. The first of eight siblings to cross the Rainbow Bridge and 16 months younger than me.
:( about your brother. MrG is the 7th son of a 7th son...and 2 sisters, lol. Big family. That keep their distance which is a plus in my opinion. Too much drama.
7th son of a 7th son...damned, that's pretty special in occult circles. I kinda don't mind that my relatives consider Alaska the ends of the Earth. A visit would be nice, but too many "like" you only when they need something.
Oh yeah..I hear ya. That is why it is just me and MrG. He has a very large family but we only associate with his older brother and his wife out of the whole lot of 'em. I just have one sister and we do NOT get along so I rarely talk to her, and the last time I saw her was about 3 years ago. I will not see her again, cuz she will not come here and I will not go there. We have no reason to. We dislike each other immensely. MrG's family...meh. The ones on the rez are ok, but we lost touch with them long ago and the rest that live in calif..well...they are all Jehovah Witnesses. The ancestors are rolling, I'm betting. He was not raised on the rez. His dad got out and left it all behind. Their ways, their beliefs, their culture. Its ME that clings to it for HIM, because it fascinates me and draws me for some reason. I should be all celtic leaning...but I am drawn to NA ways even though MrG is far far from it.
I'm with ya on the Celtic thing. I tend toward the spirituality of Nature and the cycle of seasons. Of eight siblings, I talk with my youngest sister and one brother. The others are psycho or usually want something. The middle sister is always hinting that she was somehow abused and/or assaulted by various brothers or my father, even, but never provides details.
Cast iron IS the best thing....but...I can't lift the damn things. Too heavy now.

Meanwhile...back on the newsfront that is not word from the landlord yet, so I am just taking things day by day. He told me (which I plan to remind him of) that BEFORE I moved in to this house, he PROMISED me he would never ask us to leave as long as he is breathing and he shook on it the old fashioned way...yer word is yer word. But, he never said he would not raise the rent. So..if he wants more rent, I will get him more rent. But I want him to stand by his word.
And if he pulls a Thorin Oakenshield on me, I put Plan G in action...which is being on the waiting list for low income SENIOR housing that is located in a nice little town about 30 miles away. However, the wait time is 1 to 2 years. telling what will happen between now and then when and IF they call with an opening. And yes...they will take the two dogs cuz I told them one would probably be gone by then. I sent in the application along with references and hope they are impressed enough to say we are approved. We used to manage some mighty fine places, and gave links to properties that we used to live at and manage. On the other hand..I hope it didn't scare the manager cuz sometimes folks don't want folks that know more than they do, lol.
For me, wisdom is knowing not to put tomatoes in anything. :p
I take it you aren't interested in anything from the 140 tomato plants I started?:eek:

140 tomato plants? Holy cow. I planted six one year and ran out of friends, family, and neighbors to give the excess to and was delivering boxes of them to the local food bank. What in the world do you do with all those tomatoes?
I just really like tomatoes lol. Just kidding. There are all different kinds from heirloom to cherry to salad tomatoes. Granted 140 is gonna be waaaay too many. I will cull a lot and some may not germinate. But I'm still going to have a ton of the suckers. I have friends that own or work in restaurants. One runs the local soup kitchen and they are always looking for good fresh food donations. Many will be preserved too. Then of course friends and family. Almost forgot the farmer's market. It's really not that many seeing as my neighbor does a half acre of tomatoes. I challenged him too a tomato contest and quickly rescinded the challenge after he told me the size of his patch.

1/2 an acre would be about 3,000 or so plants right?
I think you can get about 4000 on an acre. I don't know if he has half that amount though. Plus he loses a lot to deer because he only stretches a single strand of electric fence around the whole thing. They do A LOT of canning next door.
Deer eat tomatoes? Just the fruit, or leaves and stems? Most every animal I have raised avoids tomatoes (and potato greens) like the plague. Tomatoes are nightshades and the greens are toxic to most beasts.
I gotta have a fan too. But during the winter, I use this:

SimplyNoise -- The Best Free White Noise Generator on the Internet.

And I just shut off the monitor (screen saver is too bright) but let the website run all night.
That might have helped my brother. Unfortunately, he died a few years ago. The first of eight siblings to cross the Rainbow Bridge and 16 months younger than me.
:( about your brother. MrG is the 7th son of a 7th son...and 2 sisters, lol. Big family. That keep their distance which is a plus in my opinion. Too much drama.
7th son of a 7th son...damned, that's pretty special in occult circles. I kinda don't mind that my relatives consider Alaska the ends of the Earth. A visit would be nice, but too many "like" you only when they need something.
Oh yeah..I hear ya. That is why it is just me and MrG. He has a very large family but we only associate with his older brother and his wife out of the whole lot of 'em. I just have one sister and we do NOT get along so I rarely talk to her, and the last time I saw her was about 3 years ago. I will not see her again, cuz she will not come here and I will not go there. We have no reason to. We dislike each other immensely. MrG's family...meh. The ones on the rez are ok, but we lost touch with them long ago and the rest that live in calif..well...they are all Jehovah Witnesses. The ancestors are rolling, I'm betting. He was not raised on the rez. His dad got out and left it all behind. Their ways, their beliefs, their culture. Its ME that clings to it for HIM, because it fascinates me and draws me for some reason. I should be all celtic leaning...but I am drawn to NA ways even though MrG is far far from it.
I'm with ya on the Celtic thing. I tend toward the spirituality of Nature and the cycle of seasons. Of eight siblings, I talk with my youngest sister and one brother. The others are psycho or usually want something. The middle sister is always hinting that she was somehow abused and/or assaulted by various brothers or my father, even, but never provides details.
My sister is a bible thumper but does not practice what she preaches. I never hesitate to tell her that, which causes probs, lol. Truth hurts. In her case, it pisses her off. :lol:
When MrG almost died 3 years ago when he landed in ER, the vultures were here and we haven't seen them in YEARS. He got well, and they slunk off.
I just really like tomatoes lol. Just kidding. There are all different kinds from heirloom to cherry to salad tomatoes. Granted 140 is gonna be waaaay too many. I will cull a lot and some may not germinate. But I'm still going to have a ton of the suckers. I have friends that own or work in restaurants. One runs the local soup kitchen and they are always looking for good fresh food donations. Many will be preserved too. Then of course friends and family. Almost forgot the farmer's market. It's really not that many seeing as my neighbor does a half acre of tomatoes. I challenged him too a tomato contest and quickly rescinded the challenge after he told me the size of his patch.

1/2 an acre would be about 3,000 or so plants right?

After picking one very large fat gross tomato worm off my tomato plants, I couldn't imagine how many of those would be on 3,000 or so plants.

They spray them on farms.
Commercial Farms have around 6,000 per acre or so I thought.
That's why I asked.

I know they do and I buy them anyway because I can't afford the organic. But I do try to grow organic in my own garden.

I'm envious, everything I try to grow dies on me.
I have no green thumb what- so- ever. :biggrin:
Problem with tomatoes up here is the length of the growing season. About the time my tomatoes think of ripening, they freeze. Unless you can afford a heated greenhouse, tomatoes (and roses), are tough.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
Sherry’s Mom,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom,
Nosmo's eye surgery,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Againsheila, Alan, Noomi, Spoonman, Freedombecki, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

A gold star to the first person who identifies this place:

1/2 an acre would be about 3,000 or so plants right?

After picking one very large fat gross tomato worm off my tomato plants, I couldn't imagine how many of those would be on 3,000 or so plants.

They spray them on farms.
Commercial Farms have around 6,000 per acre or so I thought.
That's why I asked.

I know they do and I buy them anyway because I can't afford the organic. But I do try to grow organic in my own garden.

I'm envious, everything I try to grow dies on me.
I have no green thumb what- so- ever. :biggrin:
Problem with tomatoes up here is the length of the growing season. About the time my tomatoes think of ripening, they freeze. Unless you can afford a heated greenhouse, tomatoes (and roses), are tough.

We had the same problem when we lived up on the mountain. Our growing season there was about the same as yours.
I hope you can too. Sleep deprivation isn't good for the brain.

TV is like sleeping medicine for me though. I just get in bed and watch tv, and usually within a few minutes I'm out. I set the tv's timer for 15 minutes to shut off and I usually never see it shut off.

Not me. I need to have my fan on all the time, but I find voices to be very disruptive when I'm trying to sleep for some reason.
Aaaahh... well, I have the tinnitus, and I need background noise to make my brain ignore it. I don't concentrate on what's on tv, I just hear it... does that make sense? ... :lol:

That's probably the problem, I'm always trying to hear what they're saying! Lol! :D
I don't know when this sleeping with the tv on stuff started, but I can say a long time ago. I think it was when I was in the Air Force in Vegas. That's where I got my first dose of flight line noise and the obscene screech that emanates from the intake of an F-16, enough to damage hearing in an instant if close enough without ear protection, which I've been. That's the first I remember going to sleep listening to something. I think I started using a clock/radio and graduated to a tv.
Like you, I cannot remember when sleeping on the couch with the TV on started, but I've been doing it a long, long time. The only time I don't have TV to sleep is when I'm at my remote power for TV and the world is a much quieter place. And my ridiculously stupid partner wants to put a TV and DVD player into the cabin! The only place on Earth I can sleep without all the background noise.

I can only sleep if it is a noise that doesn't change. Voices (such as on TV or in music) bother me when trying to sleep because of the change in tone and pitch.

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