USMB Coffee Shop IV

So I got a 7 pound ham at my local grocery for free because of points saved up from prior purchases, and I tried to put a dent in it eating it but fell woefully short. So I decided to make a big pot of bean soup and throw some of it in there. I boiled my beans for about 2 1/2 hours and then added onions, celery, carrots and fresh garlic, pepper and about half of what was left of the ham in big and small chunks. I boiled that for another 2 1/2 hours probably and it was finally ready to eat. I tasted it and decided it needed no salt at all, I thought it was fantastic. So, I wolfed down two bowls.

Why am I telling this story? :lol: Well believe it or not, it's because of my old, old, cheapie stockpot. Later when I washed it I was thinking... I bought this thing like 15 years ago in Phoenix, and it was in the cheapest cookware set I could find at walmart, so why don't I buy a new one? Well, as with anything, I do what most smart shoppers do and start shopping around to find what's good and looking for deals. It quickly become evident that the high end of stockpots is All-Clad, and what does an 8qt. All-Clad stockpot go for? Well on Amazon they're asking $282.00. I about fell out of my chair. So with some more shopping, I found one ebay for $150.00. Still, I think this is just crazy for a slab of pressed, bonded stainless steel and aluminum. So after much looking, comparing and shopping, I've pretty much come to the conclusion that a $28.00 T-fal 8qt. stockpot at walmart would suffice.
Cast iron. It's the only way to go! I spent Spring Break seasoning the set a friend gave me for Christmas. Well cared for, cast iron will last forever and NOTHING cooks like cast iron.

I like cast iron too, but am reluctant to use it on my ceramic top stove. And the big skillets are so heavy they are difficult to use with my bad shoulder. So we have some good Cuisinart cookware and I have one big heavy non stick stainless steel skillet with a lid when I need a lid and that suits me.
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Good morning everybody on this Holy Saturday for the Christians and wishes for a really great Saturday for everybody.

Nobody wants to guess what the vigil picture is last night?
Happy Easter Bunny! :D

The only problem with that ^^^ is that the battery life only lasts about 15 minutes, and the tank for the cleaning solution is tiny. It works pretty well though! I was so excited to use it yesterday but it had to charge for 12 hours, so I had to wait until today.
I invested in a Bissell yesterday. Fifty bucks . . .


We bought one of those little vacuums awhile back--a Black and Decker--for under $50. Tremendous suction so it is great for getting crap down in the cracks of the couch, recliners etc., going under furniture, and to suck up small spills. Something of a pain to use on big floor surfaces though, so we still drag out the big Hoover for that. Ours is a plug in model though--we decided against the battery version. I have a battery operated hand held Dust Buster vac--the kind you hang on the wall--that we've had for maybe 25 years? It still works great for small jobs but the battery is just about gone and doesn't hold a charge very well any more.
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I invested in a Bissell yesterday. Fifty bucks . . .


We bought one of those little vacuums awhile back--a Black and Decker--for under $50. Tremendous suction so it is great for getting crap down in the cracks of the couch, recliners etc., going under furniture, and to suck up small spills. Something of a pain to use on big floor surfaces though, so we still drag out the big Hoover for that.

This isn't a vacuum cleaner, it's actually like a portable rug cleaner. My oh my, you should have seen some of the prices of the full size ones. :ack-1:
They had a Dyson vacuum cleaner at Lowes, and it was 500 bucks!!! :eek:

I can't imagine spending that much for a vacuum cleaner when you can buy such great ones for under $100. But I didn't realize that was a carpet shampooer. Let me know how it works.
Good morning everybody on this Holy Saturday for the Christians and wishes for a really great Saturday for everybody.

Nobody wants to guess what the vigil picture is last night?

Northern lights?

Nope. Not even close. :) (I wouldn't have known either if I had not read what it said about it when I found the photo.)

I'll wait a bit to see if anybody else knows and then will fess up.
They had a Dyson vacuum cleaner at Lowes, and it was 500 bucks!!! :eek:

I can't imagine spending that much for a vacuum cleaner when you can buy such great ones for under $100. But I didn't realize that was a carpet shampooer. Let me know how it works.

It works great! I used it today. Lot better than using my hands, that's for sure! My hands get all cramped up and they hurt after trying to clean the rug. My rug is filthy. What I really should do is rent an industrial cleaner and clean it and then just spot clean with the little portable one. It's a very old carpet anyway. I was thinking about asking my landlord to just rip it up in the kitchen area. Stupid idea to put a rug down where people are going to be eating anyway.
Why is it always on a major holiday........ Took a shower earlier today before heading to brave the masses at Wally World, got home and later noticed the gas burner on the hot water heater was still on. Gave it another hour and it still hadn't cut off, did a second sweep of the house, no water where it's not supposed to be so finally did a walk around the house. Sure enough water is pouring out between the west outside wall base and the cement walkway that surrounds the house. No contact at the rental agency and the plumbing company is closed for the holiday. Turned off the water feed to the hot water tank and the burner, no hot water till Monday.
So I got a 7 pound ham at my local grocery for free because of points saved up from prior purchases, and I tried to put a dent in it eating it but fell woefully short. So I decided to make a big pot of bean soup and throw some of it in there. I boiled my beans for about 2 1/2 hours and then added onions, celery, carrots and fresh garlic, pepper and about half of what was left of the ham in big and small chunks. I boiled that for another 2 1/2 hours probably and it was finally ready to eat. I tasted it and decided it needed no salt at all, I thought it was fantastic. So, I wolfed down two bowls.

Why am I telling this story? :lol: Well believe it or not, it's because of my old, old, cheapie stockpot. Later when I washed it I was thinking... I bought this thing like 15 years ago in Phoenix, and it was in the cheapest cookware set I could find at walmart, so why don't I buy a new one? Well, as with anything, I do what most smart shoppers do and start shopping around to find what's good and looking for deals. It quickly become evident that the high end of stockpots is All-Clad, and what does an 8qt. All-Clad stockpot go for? Well on Amazon they're asking $282.00. I about fell out of my chair. So with some more shopping, I found one ebay for $150.00. Still, I think this is just crazy for a slab of pressed, bonded stainless steel and aluminum. So after much looking, comparing and shopping, I've pretty much come to the conclusion that a $28.00 T-fal 8qt. stockpot at walmart would suffice.
Cast iron. It's the only way to go! I spent Spring Break seasoning the set a friend gave me for Christmas. Well cared for, cast iron will last forever and NOTHING cooks like cast iron.

I like cast iron too, but am reluctant to use it on my ceramic top stove. And the big skillets are so heavy they are difficult to use with my bad shoulder. So we have some good Cuisinart cookware and I have one big heavy non stick stainless steel skillet with a lid when I need a lid and that suits me.
I would note cast iron on a ceramic stovetop, either. And I understand that the weight may be an issue for some. Since I cook on either propane or wood burning stove
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
Sherry’s Mom,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom,
Nosmo's eye surgery,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Againsheila, Alan, Noomi, Spoonman, Freedombecki, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

A gold star to the first person who identifies this place:

View attachment 69075
Waitomo glow worms. I read an article about them and find them super cool!
They had a Dyson vacuum cleaner at Lowes, and it was 500 bucks!!! :eek:

I can't imagine spending that much for a vacuum cleaner when you can buy such great ones for under $100. But I didn't realize that was a carpet shampooer. Let me know how it works.
One reason my place has hardwood floors with small area rugs...just drag those suckers outside beat 'em.
They are playing "The Ten Commandments", with C. Heston and Y. Brynr, I suppose because this is Easter ever. It's a great movie, though, whether one is religious, or not. Here's a trivia question: who played the role of baby Moses in this Cecil B. DeMill epic?
On other fronts, I "caucused" this morning for the first (and hopefully last) time. The experience was...interesting.
So I got a 7 pound ham at my local grocery for free because of points saved up from prior purchases, and I tried to put a dent in it eating it but fell woefully short. So I decided to make a big pot of bean soup and throw some of it in there. I boiled my beans for about 2 1/2 hours and then added onions, celery, carrots and fresh garlic, pepper and about half of what was left of the ham in big and small chunks. I boiled that for another 2 1/2 hours probably and it was finally ready to eat. I tasted it and decided it needed no salt at all, I thought it was fantastic. So, I wolfed down two bowls.

Why am I telling this story? :lol: Well believe it or not, it's because of my old, old, cheapie stockpot. Later when I washed it I was thinking... I bought this thing like 15 years ago in Phoenix, and it was in the cheapest cookware set I could find at walmart, so why don't I buy a new one? Well, as with anything, I do what most smart shoppers do and start shopping around to find what's good and looking for deals. It quickly become evident that the high end of stockpots is All-Clad, and what does an 8qt. All-Clad stockpot go for? Well on Amazon they're asking $282.00. I about fell out of my chair. So with some more shopping, I found one ebay for $150.00. Still, I think this is just crazy for a slab of pressed, bonded stainless steel and aluminum. So after much looking, comparing and shopping, I've pretty much come to the conclusion that a $28.00 T-fal 8qt. stockpot at walmart would suffice.
Cast iron. It's the only way to go! I spent Spring Break seasoning the set a friend gave me for Christmas. Well cared for, cast iron will last forever and NOTHING cooks like cast iron.

I like cast iron too, but am reluctant to use it on my ceramic top stove. And the big skillets are so heavy they are difficult to use with my bad shoulder. So we have some good Cuisinart cookware and I have one big heavy non stick stainless steel skillet with a lid when I need a lid and that suits me.
I would note cast iron on a ceramic stovetop, either. And I understand that the weight may be an issue for some. Since I cook on either propane or wood burning stove
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
Sherry’s Mom,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom,
Nosmo's eye surgery,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Againsheila, Alan, Noomi, Spoonman, Freedombecki, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

A gold star to the first person who identifies this place:

View attachment 69075
Waitomo glow worms. I read an article about them and find them super cool!

Wow, I'm impressed but yes. They are a major attraction In Waitomo caves in New Zealand where boat tours and walking tours are offered to see the phenomenon of the glowworms.
They are playing "The Ten Commandments", with C. Heston and Y. Brynr, I suppose because this is Easter ever. It's a great movie, though, whether one is religious, or not. Here's a trivia question: who played the role of baby Moses in this Cecil B. DeMill epic?
On other fronts, I "caucused" this morning for the first (and hopefully last) time. The experience was...interesting.

I know the film very well and we have had a lot of trivia parties based on it. Was it Stephen Greenhough?

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