USMB Coffee Shop IV

Morning everyone. I slipped a disc in my back again this morning. Do you think y'all could do that thing where you put all your hands in a circle and go "WHOO HOO-HOO-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" so I can get better sooner? Much appreciated, I'm falling behind on my tasks!

Between the 4 decks on the outside of this house, I'd say it's about 700 sq ft of decking. Well, the decking is about 10 years old now, and it was in need of a serious pressure washing. I'm 2/3 of the way done, and my goodness it's looking fantastic! I had no idea those boards still had such vibrant golden colors to them. Hoping to flip all the board and re-screw them down with a fresh coat of weather seal this autumn. I gotta say, I never in a million years thought pressure washing could be so brutal after about 7 hours of monotonous cleaning.

I have some friends living on my property now (my property has 3 lots developed for installing mobile home or RV on demand). I've known the woman (my best friend) for 21 years, way back to our junior high years, and I've known her husband for about 10. When he and I get started on a project, awesome, creative things get built, and with never-ending yard work to be done, we work well as a team. They have three wild and crazy kids that love running around the farm. If I could get my sister-in-law to occupy the other lot, we'll have our own little private community going on!

We've been trading projects with each other for the last 2 weeks (he helps me with one, then I help him). When the weather starts warming up for Spring, I seem to get an insane amount of energy with a psychotic drive to build and improve, every single year; it never fails. In the last 14 days, we've propped up another acre of pasture fencing, re-did his roof, renovated the garage/workshop, fixed all the plumbing in my guest bathroom, tilled up some new garden plots, and yesterday (the one that did my back in this time), we installed about 200 feet of insulated skirting all around his trailer.

I'm almost ready to get all my veggie sprouts in the ground. I went a new direction with the garden this year and mixed all my own living organic soil (compost from the farm, perlite, blood/bone/kelp/alfalfa meal, mycorrhizae, lime, etc.). Soil has been "cooking" outside for about 5 weeks now. I just need to do the hard part now by digging up all the old dirt and replacing it. Wish I still had access to the Engineer equipment on Fort Leonard Wood! lol Still on track for transplanting the veggies on May 1st though.

I decided against just selling my lambs this year. I'm gonna bring the whole herd to the slaughter auction and collect one large lump sum. Doing that, I'll have enough to start up another small herd (probably 5 ewes and 1 ram to start) and I'll be able to fence off the back pasture for another 4 acres of free feed.

So far, the fruits orchard is 1 persimmon, 1 bartlet pear, 1 gala apple, 1 mullberry, and 1 crab apple. I envision about 16 assorted fruit trees by the time it's all said and done.

So much work done, and now that I can taste completion, I slipped a disc in my back and will be down for the count over the next 3 days or so. Stupid body..... all the energy of a 33 year old in his prime, with the body of a crusty old man. :(

Aw sorry about the bad back, 'old man'. :) Seriously, it sucks to be eager to get up and out it, and the body won't cooperate. I haven't seen my 30's in a very long time now, but I can still relate. So much I want to do, and this blasted frozen shoulder syndrome I deal with limits what I can do. It is extremely frustrating as well as painful.

The closest thing we have to a 'make a woo hoo circle' thing here is our vigil list mentioning all those who receive daily prayers from those of us who pray, and positive vibes sent across the cosmos by those who are more comfortable with that. But you're on it as of now with your own issue as I don't think you are probably ready to join the chronic bad back group on the list. :)
Morning everyone. I slipped a disc in my back again this morning. Do you think y'all could do that thing where you put all your hands in a circle and go "WHOO HOO-HOO-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" so I can get better sooner? Much appreciated, I'm falling behind on my tasks!

Between the 4 decks on the outside of this house, I'd say it's about 700 sq ft of decking. Well, the decking is about 10 years old now, and it was in need of a serious pressure washing. I'm 2/3 of the way done, and my goodness it's looking fantastic! I had no idea those boards still had such vibrant golden colors to them. Hoping to flip all the board and re-screw them down with a fresh coat of weather seal this autumn. I gotta say, I never in a million years thought pressure washing could be so brutal after about 7 hours of monotonous cleaning.

I have some friends living on my property now (my property has 3 lots developed for installing mobile home or RV on demand). I've known the woman (my best friend) for 21 years, way back to our junior high years, and I've known her husband for about 10. When he and I get started on a project, awesome, creative things get built, and with never-ending yard work to be done, we work well as a team. They have three wild and crazy kids that love running around the farm. If I could get my sister-in-law to occupy the other lot, we'll have our own little private community going on!

We've been trading projects with each other for the last 2 weeks (he helps me with one, then I help him). When the weather starts warming up for Spring, I seem to get an insane amount of energy with a psychotic drive to build and improve, every single year; it never fails. In the last 14 days, we've propped up another acre of pasture fencing, re-did his roof, renovated the garage/workshop, fixed all the plumbing in my guest bathroom, tilled up some new garden plots, and yesterday (the one that did my back in this time), we installed about 200 feet of insulated skirting all around his trailer.

I'm almost ready to get all my veggie sprouts in the ground. I went a new direction with the garden this year and mixed all my own living organic soil (compost from the farm, perlite, blood/bone/kelp/alfalfa meal, mycorrhizae, lime, etc.). Soil has been "cooking" outside for about 5 weeks now. I just need to do the hard part now by digging up all the old dirt and replacing it. Wish I still had access to the Engineer equipment on Fort Leonard Wood! lol Still on track for transplanting the veggies on May 1st though.

I decided against just selling my lambs this year. I'm gonna bring the whole herd to the slaughter auction and collect one large lump sum. Doing that, I'll have enough to start up another small herd (probably 5 ewes and 1 ram to start) and I'll be able to fence off the back pasture for another 4 acres of free feed.

So far, the fruits orchard is 1 persimmon, 1 bartlet pear, 1 gala apple, 1 mullberry, and 1 crab apple. I envision about 16 assorted fruit trees by the time it's all said and done.

So much work done, and now that I can taste completion, I slipped a disc in my back and will be down for the count over the next 3 days or so. Stupid body..... all the energy of a 33 year old in his prime, with the body of a crusty old man. :(

WHOOO HOOO. Get better soon!
So today, in an effort to feed us a more healthy diet, I am researching a number of foods and ran across an article describing 12 foods we normally eat that could be poisonous. The first thing on the list was lima beans and I thought YES!!! (I hate lima beans.) But then I saw some of the other items and was not as happy about it, though I think we're all probably okay. The 12 foods to be aware of so you don't consume any unexpected phytohaemagglutinin:

Lima beans - raw or... undercooked they contain cyanide (They're okay when thoroughly cooked)

Rhubarb - red stems are okay. Leaves contain oxalic acid, a nephrotoxic and corrosive compound commonly found in metal cleaners and bleach. Also, anthraquinone glycoside that can cause severe symptoms, including vomiting, diarrhea and gastric pain.

Mushrooms - only eat those you know are safe. The poisonous ones come with dangerous side effects and some are deadly.

Kidney beans - raw or undercooked they contain a toxin called phytohaemagglutinin or kidney bean lectin that can cause nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and in extreme cases, death. (Okay when thoroughly cooked.)

Apples - nutritious and healthful except for the seeds. One or two consumed by accident probably won't hurt you but the seeds contain cyanogenic glycosides that turn into cyanide if consumed, so don't snack on them.

Potatoes - store in cool dry place and they will be fine, but if left in the sun they can develop solanine that can cause gastrointestinal distress, diarrhea, vomiting, burning of the throat, dizziness, cardiac issues, hallucinations, paralysis, fever, and other severe symptoms. The poisonous ones will look green. (I'm guessing you would have to eat an awful lot of green potatoes to poison yourself though.)

Cashews - the roasted or otherwise cooked ones are fine but handling or eating raw ones expose us to urushiol, the same stuff that causes reaction from poison ivy.

Chile Peppers - in moderation, they are great food. But the really hot ones in excess can expose us to too much capsaicin, the same stuff the police put in pepper spray. It can cause severe gastrointestinal distress that, if severe enough, could be fatal.

Almonds - the ones in the grocery store are highly nutritious, great food. The wild variety contain significant cyanide, so be sure of your source.

Castor beans - processed in the medicinal form, they're okay (but really yucky.) The raw ones are pure poison. Don't eat them.

Tomatoes - a dietary staple for most of us and great food. Except for the stems that contain tomatine, a substance that’s toxic enough to be used as a pesticide. So make sure the stems don't make it into your salad or marinara sauce.

Casava - something probably we don't usually stock as a staple, but just in case, unless it is properly soaked, dried, and processed, it contains enough cyanide to be dangerous.…/1/
I am severely allergic to cashews as of about 18 years ago Thankfully my other half at the time, had an Epi pen. I was in full blown anaphylactic shock when she jammed that thing in my thigh.

I'm lucky not to be allergic to anything. That must suck. I love cashews!
I loved them all my life. We were lying in bed watching TV and sharing a jar of cashews, something we did, maybe a couple times a month when I suddenly felt hives erupting at the inside of my elbows and knees. I knew immediately I was in trouble withing 30 seconds, I could hardly breathe. She jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. She wasn't gone 15 seconds, but by the time she got back, I couldn't breathe at all. Within 30 seconds after I got the Epinephrine, I was able to breathe and in 5 minutes, I was completely normal except for a bruise on my right thigh. We joked that she had enjoyed punching that thing in me. I'm also allergic to bee stings. I keep an Epi pen in my truck, 2 in the fridge and one at Doc's.

Wow. What about peanuts? You can still eat peanuts and other kinds of nuts?
Peanuts, almonds pecans walnuts hickory nuts are all fine. Did you now that peanuts and cashews are not nuts? Peanuts are a weird legume, (like a bean) who's blossom starts out above ground, but sends out a finger, like a climbing vine that pulls the blossom underground where the nut grows. My property borders a peanut farm that produces about 600 tons of peanuts/year.
Cashews are basically the pit of a fruit similar to a peach or apricot, only with the pit growing on the outside. The fruit looks like an upside down apple and tastes a lot like a peach.


Actually it looks kind of gross, yes? But I had heard that the cashew was technically not a nut but rather a seed.
Morning everyone. I slipped a disc in my back again this morning. Do you think y'all could do that thing where you put all your hands in a circle and go "WHOO HOO-HOO-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" so I can get better sooner? Much appreciated, I'm falling behind on my tasks!

Between the 4 decks on the outside of this house, I'd say it's about 700 sq ft of decking. Well, the decking is about 10 years old now, and it was in need of a serious pressure washing. I'm 2/3 of the way done, and my goodness it's looking fantastic! I had no idea those boards still had such vibrant golden colors to them. Hoping to flip all the board and re-screw them down with a fresh coat of weather seal this autumn. I gotta say, I never in a million years thought pressure washing could be so brutal after about 7 hours of monotonous cleaning.

I have some friends living on my property now (my property has 3 lots developed for installing mobile home or RV on demand). I've known the woman (my best friend) for 21 years, way back to our junior high years, and I've known her husband for about 10. When he and I get started on a project, awesome, creative things get built, and with never-ending yard work to be done, we work well as a team. They have three wild and crazy kids that love running around the farm. If I could get my sister-in-law to occupy the other lot, we'll have our own little private community going on!

We've been trading projects with each other for the last 2 weeks (he helps me with one, then I help him). When the weather starts warming up for Spring, I seem to get an insane amount of energy with a psychotic drive to build and improve, every single year; it never fails. In the last 14 days, we've propped up another acre of pasture fencing, re-did his roof, renovated the garage/workshop, fixed all the plumbing in my guest bathroom, tilled up some new garden plots, and yesterday (the one that did my back in this time), we installed about 200 feet of insulated skirting all around his trailer.

I'm almost ready to get all my veggie sprouts in the ground. I went a new direction with the garden this year and mixed all my own living organic soil (compost from the farm, perlite, blood/bone/kelp/alfalfa meal, mycorrhizae, lime, etc.). Soil has been "cooking" outside for about 5 weeks now. I just need to do the hard part now by digging up all the old dirt and replacing it. Wish I still had access to the Engineer equipment on Fort Leonard Wood! lol Still on track for transplanting the veggies on May 1st though.

I decided against just selling my lambs this year. I'm gonna bring the whole herd to the slaughter auction and collect one large lump sum. Doing that, I'll have enough to start up another small herd (probably 5 ewes and 1 ram to start) and I'll be able to fence off the back pasture for another 4 acres of free feed.

So far, the fruits orchard is 1 persimmon, 1 bartlet pear, 1 gala apple, 1 mullberry, and 1 crab apple. I envision about 16 assorted fruit trees by the time it's all said and done.

So much work done, and now that I can taste completion, I slipped a disc in my back and will be down for the count over the next 3 days or so. Stupid body..... all the energy of a 33 year old in his prime, with the body of a crusty old man. :(
Gettin' old sure ain't for sissies.
I am severely allergic to cashews as of about 18 years ago Thankfully my other half at the time, had an Epi pen. I was in full blown anaphylactic shock when she jammed that thing in my thigh.

I'm lucky not to be allergic to anything. That must suck. I love cashews!
I loved them all my life. We were lying in bed watching TV and sharing a jar of cashews, something we did, maybe a couple times a month when I suddenly felt hives erupting at the inside of my elbows and knees. I knew immediately I was in trouble withing 30 seconds, I could hardly breathe. She jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. She wasn't gone 15 seconds, but by the time she got back, I couldn't breathe at all. Within 30 seconds after I got the Epinephrine, I was able to breathe and in 5 minutes, I was completely normal except for a bruise on my right thigh. We joked that she had enjoyed punching that thing in me. I'm also allergic to bee stings. I keep an Epi pen in my truck, 2 in the fridge and one at Doc's.

Wow. What about peanuts? You can still eat peanuts and other kinds of nuts?
Peanuts, almonds pecans walnuts hickory nuts are all fine. Did you now that peanuts and cashews are not nuts? Peanuts are a weird legume, (like a bean) who's blossom starts out above ground, but sends out a finger, like a climbing vine that pulls the blossom underground where the nut grows. My property borders a peanut farm that produces about 600 tons of peanuts/year.
Cashews are basically the pit of a fruit similar to a peach or apricot, only with the pit growing on the outside. The fruit looks like an upside down apple and tastes a lot like a peach.


Actually it looks kind of gross, yes? But I had heard that the cashew was technically not a nut but rather a seed.
yeah, kind of gross, but I think of it as an inside out peach. If you twist the nut off and turn it upside down, it looks just like an apple.
I'm lucky not to be allergic to anything. That must suck. I love cashews!
I loved them all my life. We were lying in bed watching TV and sharing a jar of cashews, something we did, maybe a couple times a month when I suddenly felt hives erupting at the inside of my elbows and knees. I knew immediately I was in trouble withing 30 seconds, I could hardly breathe. She jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. She wasn't gone 15 seconds, but by the time she got back, I couldn't breathe at all. Within 30 seconds after I got the Epinephrine, I was able to breathe and in 5 minutes, I was completely normal except for a bruise on my right thigh. We joked that she had enjoyed punching that thing in me. I'm also allergic to bee stings. I keep an Epi pen in my truck, 2 in the fridge and one at Doc's.

Wow. What about peanuts? You can still eat peanuts and other kinds of nuts?
Peanuts, almonds pecans walnuts hickory nuts are all fine. Did you now that peanuts and cashews are not nuts? Peanuts are a weird legume, (like a bean) who's blossom starts out above ground, but sends out a finger, like a climbing vine that pulls the blossom underground where the nut grows. My property borders a peanut farm that produces about 600 tons of peanuts/year.
Cashews are basically the pit of a fruit similar to a peach or apricot, only with the pit growing on the outside. The fruit looks like an upside down apple and tastes a lot like a peach.


Actually it looks kind of gross, yes? But I had heard that the cashew was technically not a nut but rather a seed.
yeah, kind of gross, but I think of it as an inside out peach. If you twist the nut off and turn it upside down, it looks just like an apple.

Doesn't look gross to me!
I loved them all my life. We were lying in bed watching TV and sharing a jar of cashews, something we did, maybe a couple times a month when I suddenly felt hives erupting at the inside of my elbows and knees. I knew immediately I was in trouble withing 30 seconds, I could hardly breathe. She jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. She wasn't gone 15 seconds, but by the time she got back, I couldn't breathe at all. Within 30 seconds after I got the Epinephrine, I was able to breathe and in 5 minutes, I was completely normal except for a bruise on my right thigh. We joked that she had enjoyed punching that thing in me. I'm also allergic to bee stings. I keep an Epi pen in my truck, 2 in the fridge and one at Doc's.

Wow. What about peanuts? You can still eat peanuts and other kinds of nuts?
Peanuts, almonds pecans walnuts hickory nuts are all fine. Did you now that peanuts and cashews are not nuts? Peanuts are a weird legume, (like a bean) who's blossom starts out above ground, but sends out a finger, like a climbing vine that pulls the blossom underground where the nut grows. My property borders a peanut farm that produces about 600 tons of peanuts/year.
Cashews are basically the pit of a fruit similar to a peach or apricot, only with the pit growing on the outside. The fruit looks like an upside down apple and tastes a lot like a peach.


Actually it looks kind of gross, yes? But I had heard that the cashew was technically not a nut but rather a seed.
yeah, kind of gross, but I think of it as an inside out peach. If you twist the nut off and turn it upside down, it looks just like an apple.

Doesn't look gross to me!

Yeah, but you're weird. :) (Lovable weird :))
For GW. Yeah I think of him whden I see a goat. This was taken at a place that, when I was a kid, was called Catskill Game Park It was an outdoor zoo with mostly uncaged animals, many of which you could hand feed. Deer, goats of all shapes and sizes antelope, bison, wolves. Yes, I hand fed a wolf pup.
I loved them all my life. We were lying in bed watching TV and sharing a jar of cashews, something we did, maybe a couple times a month when I suddenly felt hives erupting at the inside of my elbows and knees. I knew immediately I was in trouble withing 30 seconds, I could hardly breathe. She jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. She wasn't gone 15 seconds, but by the time she got back, I couldn't breathe at all. Within 30 seconds after I got the Epinephrine, I was able to breathe and in 5 minutes, I was completely normal except for a bruise on my right thigh. We joked that she had enjoyed punching that thing in me. I'm also allergic to bee stings. I keep an Epi pen in my truck, 2 in the fridge and one at Doc's.

Wow. What about peanuts? You can still eat peanuts and other kinds of nuts?
Peanuts, almonds pecans walnuts hickory nuts are all fine. Did you now that peanuts and cashews are not nuts? Peanuts are a weird legume, (like a bean) who's blossom starts out above ground, but sends out a finger, like a climbing vine that pulls the blossom underground where the nut grows. My property borders a peanut farm that produces about 600 tons of peanuts/year.
Cashews are basically the pit of a fruit similar to a peach or apricot, only with the pit growing on the outside. The fruit looks like an upside down apple and tastes a lot like a peach.


Actually it looks kind of gross, yes? But I had heard that the cashew was technically not a nut but rather a seed.
yeah, kind of gross, but I think of it as an inside out peach. If you twist the nut off and turn it upside down, it looks just like an apple.

Doesn't look gross to me!
I see how it could, but the juice is delicious.
Well, feeling seriously deflated right now. Never heard back from the job up in northern NV, most likely due to the concerns we stated about the cost of living up there. The Phoenix job (which sounded so promising) was a bust, apparently she didn't use enough buzzwords, haven't heard back yet about the Project Management job here in El Paso (initial contact) and there's one other, I forget at the moment what and where, has seen no movement.
I'm even job hunting again but with my limitations I'm not seeing much. The one I know I can do is a desk job, security department with the Central New Mexico Community College (Albuquerque) but in order to apply I have to attach official school transcripts, waiting on those via snail mail.
Wow. What about peanuts? You can still eat peanuts and other kinds of nuts?
Peanuts, almonds pecans walnuts hickory nuts are all fine. Did you now that peanuts and cashews are not nuts? Peanuts are a weird legume, (like a bean) who's blossom starts out above ground, but sends out a finger, like a climbing vine that pulls the blossom underground where the nut grows. My property borders a peanut farm that produces about 600 tons of peanuts/year.
Cashews are basically the pit of a fruit similar to a peach or apricot, only with the pit growing on the outside. The fruit looks like an upside down apple and tastes a lot like a peach.


Actually it looks kind of gross, yes? But I had heard that the cashew was technically not a nut but rather a seed.
yeah, kind of gross, but I think of it as an inside out peach. If you twist the nut off and turn it upside down, it looks just like an apple.

Doesn't look gross to me!
I see how it could, but the juice is delicious.

How is it gross? I've seen some pretty gross things, and that is not one of them. It looks like a seed (or nut, whatever) growing out of a fruit to me!
Well, feeling seriously deflated right now. Never heard back from the job up in northern NV, most likely due to the concerns we stated about the cost of living up there. The Phoenix job (which sounded so promising) was a bust, apparently she didn't use enough buzzwords, haven't heard back yet about the Project Management job here in El Paso (initial contact) and there's one other, I forget at the moment what and where, has seen no movement.
I'm even job hunting again but with my limitations I'm not seeing much. The one I know I can do is a desk job, security department with the Central New Mexico Community College (Albuquerque) but in order to apply I have to attach official school transcripts, waiting on those via snail mail.

Sorry to hear that. Hopefully things turn around for you soon. The job market is not easy because a lot of times you are solely relying on your resume and sometimes you don't even get a chance to make an impression. I've found that when I was job hunting, I only got 1 interview out of about every 8-10 jobs I applied for.
Morning everyone. I slipped a disc in my back again this morning. Do you think y'all could do that thing where you put all your hands in a circle and go "WHOO HOO-HOO-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" so I can get better sooner? Much appreciated, I'm falling behind on my tasks!

Between the 4 decks on the outside of this house, I'd say it's about 700 sq ft of decking. Well, the decking is about 10 years old now, and it was in need of a serious pressure washing. I'm 2/3 of the way done, and my goodness it's looking fantastic! I had no idea those boards still had such vibrant golden colors to them. Hoping to flip all the board and re-screw them down with a fresh coat of weather seal this autumn. I gotta say, I never in a million years thought pressure washing could be so brutal after about 7 hours of monotonous cleaning.

I have some friends living on my property now (my property has 3 lots developed for installing mobile home or RV on demand). I've known the woman (my best friend) for 21 years, way back to our junior high years, and I've known her husband for about 10. When he and I get started on a project, awesome, creative things get built, and with never-ending yard work to be done, we work well as a team. They have three wild and crazy kids that love running around the farm. If I could get my sister-in-law to occupy the other lot, we'll have our own little private community going on!

We've been trading projects with each other for the last 2 weeks (he helps me with one, then I help him). When the weather starts warming up for Spring, I seem to get an insane amount of energy with a psychotic drive to build and improve, every single year; it never fails. In the last 14 days, we've propped up another acre of pasture fencing, re-did his roof, renovated the garage/workshop, fixed all the plumbing in my guest bathroom, tilled up some new garden plots, and yesterday (the one that did my back in this time), we installed about 200 feet of insulated skirting all around his trailer.

I'm almost ready to get all my veggie sprouts in the ground. I went a new direction with the garden this year and mixed all my own living organic soil (compost from the farm, perlite, blood/bone/kelp/alfalfa meal, mycorrhizae, lime, etc.). Soil has been "cooking" outside for about 5 weeks now. I just need to do the hard part now by digging up all the old dirt and replacing it. Wish I still had access to the Engineer equipment on Fort Leonard Wood! lol Still on track for transplanting the veggies on May 1st though.

I decided against just selling my lambs this year. I'm gonna bring the whole herd to the slaughter auction and collect one large lump sum. Doing that, I'll have enough to start up another small herd (probably 5 ewes and 1 ram to start) and I'll be able to fence off the back pasture for another 4 acres of free feed.

So far, the fruits orchard is 1 persimmon, 1 bartlet pear, 1 gala apple, 1 mullberry, and 1 crab apple. I envision about 16 assorted fruit trees by the time it's all said and done.

So much work done, and now that I can taste completion, I slipped a disc in my back and will be down for the count over the next 3 days or so. Stupid body..... all the energy of a 33 year old in his prime, with the body of a crusty old man. :(

There is a product line called Wet & Forget that helps with all sorts of deck issues. Minimum effort, maximum results.
Gross can be beautiful at the same time. Any grossness I see is in the fact that it's essentially an inside out peach. Think octopus... both ugly and beautiful at the same time
Jelly fish: Gross and beautiful.
Gross can be beautiful at the same time. Any grossness I see is in the fact that it's essentially an inside out peach. Think octopus... both ugly and beautiful at the same time
Jelly fish: Gross and beautiful.

I just don't see that as being gross. It just looks like a fruit with something growing out the bottom of it to me. :dunno: I would still eat that. Lol.
Having health issues sucks. I wish I could find a desk job, but..why hire me when they can get some young thang from the college that chews bubble gum, giggles a lot, and they can pay her under the table 6 bucks an hour?

I feel your pain, Ringel.
I'm thinking more and more about communes. Find a damn trailer and MrG pull it with his truck, join a commune and just live as simply as possible. Problem is, communes are usually run by schmucks that take advantage of people but call it being free spirited. Um hm. I'll introduce myself as Snow White Oakenshield and MrG as Thorin.
Well, feeling seriously deflated right now. Never heard back from the job up in northern NV, most likely due to the concerns we stated about the cost of living up there. The Phoenix job (which sounded so promising) was a bust, apparently she didn't use enough buzzwords, haven't heard back yet about the Project Management job here in El Paso (initial contact) and there's one other, I forget at the moment what and where, has seen no movement.
I'm even job hunting again but with my limitations I'm not seeing much. The one I know I can do is a desk job, security department with the Central New Mexico Community College (Albuquerque) but in order to apply I have to attach official school transcripts, waiting on those via snail mail.

Still sending positive vibes and trust that you two will wind up where you are supposed to be.

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