USMB Coffee Shop IV

Mussels too. Mussels are SOOOO good.

Mussels too. Mussels are SOOOO good.


That has to be a mostly East coast thing. I don't recall mussels being on the menu in any restaurant around here, even the most prestigious fine dining ones. And they sure aren't on the traditional menus of folks around here whether Mexican, southwestern, New Mexican, Texan, Italian, various Asian cuisines, or southern which pretty well makes up the standard home fare around here. Nor were they in Texas or Kansas when I lived there.

So alas, I have never tasted mussels. :(
Mussels too. Mussels are SOOOO good.


That has to be a mostly East coast thing. I don't recall mussels being on the menu in any restaurant around here, even the most prestigious fine dining ones. And they sure aren't on the traditional menus of folks around here whether Mexican, southwestern, New Mexican, Texan, Italian, various Asian cuisines, or southern which pretty well makes up the standard home fare around here. Nor were they in Texas or Kansas when I lived there.

So alas, I have never tasted mussels. :(
I like seafood, but clams, mussels, squid, eel, octopus. Not so much.
Well that was fast. Finished the dresser about 3 hours ago, let it dry, took a pic cuz I said fuck it..I ain't doing more to it even though I HATED it and it really needed some accent color I didn't want to do....slapped it on CL and just now sold it.
Funny how stuff I paint that I hate how it turns out, someone else loves. :eek-52:
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
Sherry’s Mom,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Gracie's eye surgery
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom,
Nosmo's eye surgery,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Againsheila, Alan, Noomi, Spoonman, Freedombecki, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

Foxy, please add my partner to the vigil list. He's got one of the worst kind of ankle breaks you can have, per the docs, and he's going in for his first surgery tomorrow. He's a tough old coot, but that can sometimes work as an obstacle to the coot who won't admit to the pain and inability to do for oneself (I know this personally, being a tough, old coot). His name is Rod, if that helps.
Thank you.

I saw your post as I was putting my computer to sleep last night GW, and put him on the list then. Those bad ankle breaks can be awful.
Thanks, Foxy. According the the docs, this is one of the worst kind of breaks to have. Partner went in for surgery today so they could install some kind of screwed in rod affair that will keep the bones for collapsing further and hold the ankle steady while the swelling and blisters improve. He'll be in this contraption for at least two weeks before they'll consider opening the ankle and trying to repair the damage. The Percocet is working well and at least he's not much of a complainer. Unfortunately, the passive-aggressive personality pops up a bit too often. I just bite my tongue and try to stay patient. I'm going with "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger". I'm thinking; if both of us survive this, I will be one industrial-strength MF-er, a force to be dealt with...or better yet, avoided!
Morning everyone. I slipped a disc in my back again this morning. Do you think y'all could do that thing where you put all your hands in a circle and go "WHOO HOO-HOO-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" so I can get better sooner? Much appreciated, I'm falling behind on my tasks!

Between the 4 decks on the outside of this house, I'd say it's about 700 sq ft of decking. Well, the decking is about 10 years old now, and it was in need of a serious pressure washing. I'm 2/3 of the way done, and my goodness it's looking fantastic! I had no idea those boards still had such vibrant golden colors to them. Hoping to flip all the board and re-screw them down with a fresh coat of weather seal this autumn. I gotta say, I never in a million years thought pressure washing could be so brutal after about 7 hours of monotonous cleaning.

I have some friends living on my property now (my property has 3 lots developed for installing mobile home or RV on demand). I've known the woman (my best friend) for 21 years, way back to our junior high years, and I've known her husband for about 10. When he and I get started on a project, awesome, creative things get built, and with never-ending yard work to be done, we work well as a team. They have three wild and crazy kids that love running around the farm. If I could get my sister-in-law to occupy the other lot, we'll have our own little private community going on!

We've been trading projects with each other for the last 2 weeks (he helps me with one, then I help him). When the weather starts warming up for Spring, I seem to get an insane amount of energy with a psychotic drive to build and improve, every single year; it never fails. In the last 14 days, we've propped up another acre of pasture fencing, re-did his roof, renovated the garage/workshop, fixed all the plumbing in my guest bathroom, tilled up some new garden plots, and yesterday (the one that did my back in this time), we installed about 200 feet of insulated skirting all around his trailer.

I'm almost ready to get all my veggie sprouts in the ground. I went a new direction with the garden this year and mixed all my own living organic soil (compost from the farm, perlite, blood/bone/kelp/alfalfa meal, mycorrhizae, lime, etc.). Soil has been "cooking" outside for about 5 weeks now. I just need to do the hard part now by digging up all the old dirt and replacing it. Wish I still had access to the Engineer equipment on Fort Leonard Wood! lol Still on track for transplanting the veggies on May 1st though.

I decided against just selling my lambs this year. I'm gonna bring the whole herd to the slaughter auction and collect one large lump sum. Doing that, I'll have enough to start up another small herd (probably 5 ewes and 1 ram to start) and I'll be able to fence off the back pasture for another 4 acres of free feed.

So far, the fruits orchard is 1 persimmon, 1 bartlet pear, 1 gala apple, 1 mullberry, and 1 crab apple. I envision about 16 assorted fruit trees by the time it's all said and done.

So much work done, and now that I can taste completion, I slipped a disc in my back and will be down for the count over the next 3 days or so. Stupid body..... all the energy of a 33 year old in his prime, with the body of a crusty old man. :(
Sounds like you are one busy guy. I'd like to lure some family and good friends up to my place so that we could have a "community" like the one you describe.
I hope your back gets better soon, find some relief. I'll keep the hooks crossed and send my best vibes your way.
Well, feeling seriously deflated right now. Never heard back from the job up in northern NV, most likely due to the concerns we stated about the cost of living up there. The Phoenix job (which sounded so promising) was a bust, apparently she didn't use enough buzzwords, haven't heard back yet about the Project Management job here in El Paso (initial contact) and there's one other, I forget at the moment what and where, has seen no movement.
I'm even job hunting again but with my limitations I'm not seeing much. The one I know I can do is a desk job, security department with the Central New Mexico Community College (Albuquerque) but in order to apply I have to attach official school transcripts, waiting on those via snail mail.
Yup! Just when you see the light at the end of the tunnel, either someone dynamites the tunnel or it turns out to be an oncoming train. Good luck, Ringel.
What I did not know was these preparation drops actually make my vision worse.

I was driving to the northern part of the county this morning at 9:00, about 90 minutes after finishing all three of the drops, when I perceived a shape in front of me that made me beieve there was a slower car up front. It turned pit to be a shady spot.

I have taken myself off the road until things clear up.

The one drop I take three times daily seems to be made of lemon juice. The twice daily drops must contain Vasoline petroleum jelly. Quite a potent mixture f you expect to see anything.

I'm thinking about putting a seeing eye dog harness on Daisy the Mutt. But she would have me running into trees as she chases squirrels. I have to face facts. Daisy has no career path as a working dog. She will not pull her weight in greater service to mankind. Unless she can earn her way by sleeping 18 hours a day or chasing squirrels or rolling on her back to have her belly rubbed. She is merely ornamental.
Morning everyone. I slipped a disc in my back again this morning. Do you think y'all could do that thing where you put all your hands in a circle and go "WHOO HOO-HOO-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" so I can get better sooner? Much appreciated, I'm falling behind on my tasks!

Between the 4 decks on the outside of this house, I'd say it's about 700 sq ft of decking. Well, the decking is about 10 years old now, and it was in need of a serious pressure washing. I'm 2/3 of the way done, and my goodness it's looking fantastic! I had no idea those boards still had such vibrant golden colors to them. Hoping to flip all the board and re-screw them down with a fresh coat of weather seal this autumn. I gotta say, I never in a million years thought pressure washing could be so brutal after about 7 hours of monotonous cleaning.

I have some friends living on my property now (my property has 3 lots developed for installing mobile home or RV on demand). I've known the woman (my best friend) for 21 years, way back to our junior high years, and I've known her husband for about 10. When he and I get started on a project, awesome, creative things get built, and with never-ending yard work to be done, we work well as a team. They have three wild and crazy kids that love running around the farm. If I could get my sister-in-law to occupy the other lot, we'll have our own little private community going on!

We've been trading projects with each other for the last 2 weeks (he helps me with one, then I help him). When the weather starts warming up for Spring, I seem to get an insane amount of energy with a psychotic drive to build and improve, every single year; it never fails. In the last 14 days, we've propped up another acre of pasture fencing, re-did his roof, renovated the garage/workshop, fixed all the plumbing in my guest bathroom, tilled up some new garden plots, and yesterday (the one that did my back in this time), we installed about 200 feet of insulated skirting all around his trailer.

I'm almost ready to get all my veggie sprouts in the ground. I went a new direction with the garden this year and mixed all my own living organic soil (compost from the farm, perlite, blood/bone/kelp/alfalfa meal, mycorrhizae, lime, etc.). Soil has been "cooking" outside for about 5 weeks now. I just need to do the hard part now by digging up all the old dirt and replacing it. Wish I still had access to the Engineer equipment on Fort Leonard Wood! lol Still on track for transplanting the veggies on May 1st though.

I decided against just selling my lambs this year. I'm gonna bring the whole herd to the slaughter auction and collect one large lump sum. Doing that, I'll have enough to start up another small herd (probably 5 ewes and 1 ram to start) and I'll be able to fence off the back pasture for another 4 acres of free feed.

So far, the fruits orchard is 1 persimmon, 1 bartlet pear, 1 gala apple, 1 mullberry, and 1 crab apple. I envision about 16 assorted fruit trees by the time it's all said and done.

So much work done, and now that I can taste completion, I slipped a disc in my back and will be down for the count over the next 3 days or so. Stupid body..... all the energy of a 33 year old in his prime, with the body of a crusty old man. :(

Aw sorry about the bad back, 'old man'. :) Seriously, it sucks to be eager to get up and out it, and the body won't cooperate. I haven't seen my 30's in a very long time now, but I can still relate. So much I want to do, and this blasted frozen shoulder syndrome I deal with limits what I can do. It is extremely frustrating as well as painful.

The closest thing we have to a 'make a woo hoo circle' thing here is our vigil list mentioning all those who receive daily prayers from those of us who pray, and positive vibes sent across the cosmos by those who are more comfortable with that. But you're on it as of now with your own issue as I don't think you are probably ready to join the chronic bad back group on the list. :)

Perhaps sciatic nerve damage and degenerative arthritis will have me on that list sooner than I'd like. lol

In any case, it's raining today, so I get the day off anyway. Thank God!
Morning everyone. I slipped a disc in my back again this morning. Do you think y'all could do that thing where you put all your hands in a circle and go "WHOO HOO-HOO-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" so I can get better sooner? Much appreciated, I'm falling behind on my tasks!

Between the 4 decks on the outside of this house, I'd say it's about 700 sq ft of decking. Well, the decking is about 10 years old now, and it was in need of a serious pressure washing. I'm 2/3 of the way done, and my goodness it's looking fantastic! I had no idea those boards still had such vibrant golden colors to them. Hoping to flip all the board and re-screw them down with a fresh coat of weather seal this autumn. I gotta say, I never in a million years thought pressure washing could be so brutal after about 7 hours of monotonous cleaning.

I have some friends living on my property now (my property has 3 lots developed for installing mobile home or RV on demand). I've known the woman (my best friend) for 21 years, way back to our junior high years, and I've known her husband for about 10. When he and I get started on a project, awesome, creative things get built, and with never-ending yard work to be done, we work well as a team. They have three wild and crazy kids that love running around the farm. If I could get my sister-in-law to occupy the other lot, we'll have our own little private community going on!

We've been trading projects with each other for the last 2 weeks (he helps me with one, then I help him). When the weather starts warming up for Spring, I seem to get an insane amount of energy with a psychotic drive to build and improve, every single year; it never fails. In the last 14 days, we've propped up another acre of pasture fencing, re-did his roof, renovated the garage/workshop, fixed all the plumbing in my guest bathroom, tilled up some new garden plots, and yesterday (the one that did my back in this time), we installed about 200 feet of insulated skirting all around his trailer.

I'm almost ready to get all my veggie sprouts in the ground. I went a new direction with the garden this year and mixed all my own living organic soil (compost from the farm, perlite, blood/bone/kelp/alfalfa meal, mycorrhizae, lime, etc.). Soil has been "cooking" outside for about 5 weeks now. I just need to do the hard part now by digging up all the old dirt and replacing it. Wish I still had access to the Engineer equipment on Fort Leonard Wood! lol Still on track for transplanting the veggies on May 1st though.

I decided against just selling my lambs this year. I'm gonna bring the whole herd to the slaughter auction and collect one large lump sum. Doing that, I'll have enough to start up another small herd (probably 5 ewes and 1 ram to start) and I'll be able to fence off the back pasture for another 4 acres of free feed.

So far, the fruits orchard is 1 persimmon, 1 bartlet pear, 1 gala apple, 1 mullberry, and 1 crab apple. I envision about 16 assorted fruit trees by the time it's all said and done.

So much work done, and now that I can taste completion, I slipped a disc in my back and will be down for the count over the next 3 days or so. Stupid body..... all the energy of a 33 year old in his prime, with the body of a crusty old man. :(
Gettin' old sure ain't for sissies.

I think I'm starting to miss the days where a cigarette and a bowl of ramen noodles were the only thing I needed to fully recover and get back to it!
What I did not know was these preparation drops actually make my vision worse.

I was driving to the northern part of the county this morning at 9:00, about 90 minutes after finishing all three of the drops, when I perceived a shape in front of me that made me beieve there was a slower car up front. It turned pit to be a shady spot.

I have taken myself off the road until things clear up.

The one drop I take three times daily seems to be made of lemon juice. The twice daily drops must contain Vasoline petroleum jelly. Quite a potent mixture f you expect to see anything.

I'm thinking about putting a seeing eye dog harness on Daisy the Mutt. But she would have me running into trees as she chases squirrels. I have to face facts. Daisy has no career path as a working dog. She will not pull her weight in greater service to mankind. Unless she can earn her way by sleeping 18 hours a day or chasing squirrels or rolling on her back to have her belly rubbed. She is merely ornamental.

Depends on how you look at it. Sometimes things that seem only 'ornamental' justify themselves by how they enhance our lives and are sometimes therapeutic. I'm guessing your daisy has great value in both categories.
So good morning everybody. The birds are having some kind of party in the juniper near my office window, the sun is shining brightly. A bit nippy out now at 40 degrees but we'll see temps in the mid 70's today with abundant sunshine. I need to get started on our taxes, but seem to find all sorts of other things I would rather do. Everybody have the best hump day possible.

And for today's math pop quiz:

So good morning everybody. The birds are having some kind of party in the juniper near my office window, the sun is shining brightly. A bit nippy out now at 40 degrees but we'll see temps in the mid 70's today with abundant sunshine. I need to get started on our taxes, but seem to find all sorts of other things I would rather do. Everybody have the best hump day possible.

And for today's math pop quiz:

So good morning everybody. The birds are having some kind of party in the juniper near my office window, the sun is shining brightly. A bit nippy out now at 40 degrees but we'll see temps in the mid 70's today with abundant sunshine. I need to get started on our taxes, but seem to find all sorts of other things I would rather do. Everybody have the best hump day possible.

And for today's math pop quiz:


Are you sure? :)
Mussels too. Mussels are SOOOO good.


That has to be a mostly East coast thing. I don't recall mussels being on the menu in any restaurant around here, even the most prestigious fine dining ones. And they sure aren't on the traditional menus of folks around here whether Mexican, southwestern, New Mexican, Texan, Italian, various Asian cuisines, or southern which pretty well makes up the standard home fare around here. Nor were they in Texas or Kansas when I lived there.

So alas, I have never tasted mussels. :(
No one in Maine ate them until 20 years ago, either, because they were just all over the beach like seaweed at low tide. Then seafood restaurants realized if you put garlic and wine and lemon on them, they're a cheap substitute for clams, which are harder to dig.
So good morning everybody. The birds are having some kind of party in the juniper near my office window, the sun is shining brightly. A bit nippy out now at 40 degrees but we'll see temps in the mid 70's today with abundant sunshine. I need to get started on our taxes, but seem to find all sorts of other things I would rather do. Everybody have the best hump day possible.

And for today's math pop quiz:


Are you sure? :)

I am never sure of my arithmetic.
Mussels too. Mussels are SOOOO good.


That has to be a mostly East coast thing. I don't recall mussels being on the menu in any restaurant around here, even the most prestigious fine dining ones. And they sure aren't on the traditional menus of folks around here whether Mexican, southwestern, New Mexican, Texan, Italian, various Asian cuisines, or southern which pretty well makes up the standard home fare around here. Nor were they in Texas or Kansas when I lived there.

So alas, I have never tasted mussels. :(
I like seafood, but clams, mussels, squid, eel, octopus. Not so much.
I'm about the opposite. Don't much care for seafood with fins and scales. Love me some calamari oysters (cooked only) clams lobster crawfish shrimp etc.

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