USMB Coffee Shop IV

Okay in a
Okay Gracie, I think I found your house--not a teepee but better. Total cost $11,000 finished and ready to move in. The only thing is you would need to find a location with the requisite utilities and where zoning restrictions would allow it.








PHOTOS: She Was Told It Couldn’t Be Done. So She Took $11,000 And Built THIS. The Inside? Wow!
Okay in a warmer climate. Six months of winter in there and I'd be screeching.
I just got a call from my Cousin that my Mom passed away this morning.
She was 90 so she had a real good and long life.
I am in shock because I called her Sat. morning and she was doing well.
Then she called me Sat. evening wanting to know if I called her because she could not get to the phone in time.
She sounded very good.
My cousin said the senior home where she was staying at, told him she got up and got dressed and then went to breakfast and then went back to her apartment and went to sleep and never woke up.
She was a good woman and very kind so the lord was very good to her.
Not many go this peacefully.

My condolences. It's good that she had a long life and seemingly passed peacefully.
Okay in a
Okay Gracie, I think I found your house--not a teepee but better. Total cost $11,000 finished and ready to move in. The only thing is you would need to find a location with the requisite utilities and where zoning restrictions would allow it.








PHOTOS: She Was Told It Couldn’t Be Done. So She Took $11,000 And Built THIS. The Inside? Wow!
Okay in a warmer climate. Six months of winter in there and I'd be screeching.

It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so narrow.
I just got a call from my Cousin that my Mom passed away this morning.
She was 90 so she had a real good and long life.
I am in shock because I called her Sat. morning and she was doing well.
Then she called me Sat. evening wanting to know if I called her because she could not get to the phone in time.
She sounded very good.
My cousin said the senior home where she was staying at, told him she got up and got dressed and then went to breakfast and then went back to her apartment and went to sleep and never woke up.
She was a good woman and very kind so the lord was very good to her.
Not many go this peacefully.

Sorry to hear this news, Peach. :smiliehug:
Okay in a
Okay Gracie, I think I found your house--not a teepee but better. Total cost $11,000 finished and ready to move in. The only thing is you would need to find a location with the requisite utilities and where zoning restrictions would allow it.








PHOTOS: She Was Told It Couldn’t Be Done. So She Took $11,000 And Built THIS. The Inside? Wow!
Okay in a warmer climate. Six months of winter in there and I'd be screeching.

It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so narrow.

Yes, I would be happier with more elbow room, and that arrangement would be intolerable for Hombre and me living together. But if I was single and just needed an affordable place to live, I could manage. I'm concerned about the only foundation being those concrete blocks though. A prolonged rain that really softened up the ground. . .I can see some serious problems developing.
The full bloom of Spring crept up on us this weekend. After several days of dreary rain and cold, we got three glorious days of full sunshine and temperatures in the upper 70s.

This forced even the reluctant trees to bud out. Oaks and hickories are showing life where only 96 hours ago, branches were bare and shivering. It's high time to fire up the lawn mower, but the threat of dust and pollen blowing into my nearly healed eyes made me think twice. The first mow is a tedious task. Raking and clearing so the lawn can spring forth in health makes a long day of yard work.

I did five loads of laundry yesterday. I was told by Mom to take it easy for a few days after surgery. Fine. That's advice I'll take every time. But the daily chores, like time and tide wait for no man and I was down to two pairs of socks and two pair of skivvies to make the week. Something had to give.

Doing laundry is not one of the chores I dread like shovellibng the driveway or mowing the lawn. I understand that laundry was once an all day affair involving wash tubs, scrub boards, bars of Fels Naptha soap and a hand turned wringer. Those days have been gone for quite a while. Except at Uncle Alex's house.

Uncle Alex was the prototypical Scotsman. Those with generous souls would have called him 'thrifty', Others would cut to the chase and call him cheap. When he died in 2001, Pop and I went to his house to clean up and discover any last will and testament he might have squirreled away. I found his tuxedo collection. Alex was a big wheel in every Masonic organization known and as such he had to wear a tuxedo regularly. I found the pockets of the jackets and trousers stuffed with packets of artificial sweetener, butterscotch candies, saltine crackers and paper napkins.

Alex had bought a new washing machine for his wife, my Aunt Helen. This was when Helen was 93 years old. Of course Alex bought a brand new wringer washing machine. He had plastic clad cables strung along the ceiling joists in his basement to serve as drying lines during inclement weather.

And a ninety plus year old woman served as a washer woman for him.

Thrifty? Nah! Alex was just cheap.
I just got back from our daily stroll through the park. Today, the honeysuckle is in bloom! In my humble opinion, every human should get a snoot full of honeysuckle aroma each year. Like one of the basic human rights, honeysuckle improves one's outlook and gives nothing but pleasure.

The honeysuckle in the park grows in a little dip in the roadway meant exclusively for walking. A steep bank flanks one side of the road and a line of evergreen hemlocks shields the opposite side. The effect is like a wee glen where breezes are tamped down and the aroma of sweet honeysuckle is draped on the air.

For the simple pleasures of Spring, this patch of honeysuckle will do rather nicely.
I just got back from our daily stroll through the park. Today, the honeysuckle is in bloom! In my humble opinion, every human should get a snoot full of honeysuckle aroma each year. Like one of the basic human rights, honeysuckle improves one's outlook and gives nothing but pleasure.

The honeysuckle in the park grows in a little dip in the roadway meant exclusively for walking. A steep bank flanks one side of the road and a line of evergreen hemlocks shields the opposite side. The effect is like a wee glen where breezes are tamped down and the aroma of sweet honeysuckle is draped on the air.

For the simple pleasures of Spring, this patch of honeysuckle will do rather nicely.

When we first moved into our house, the entire 20' block wall from fence line to fence line across the back of our lot was covered with honey suckle vines. I loved them but they had not been cared for, had died off inside and were pulling away from the wall. We were advised they needed to come down or they would damage our wall. I sure do miss them.
I just got a call from my Cousin that my Mom passed away this morning.
She was 90 so she had a real good and long life.
I am in shock because I called her Sat. morning and she was doing well.
Then she called me Sat. evening wanting to know if I called her because she could not get to the phone in time.
She sounded very good.
My cousin said the senior home where she was staying at, told him she got up and got dressed and then went to breakfast and then went back to her apartment and went to sleep and never woke up.
She was a good woman and very kind so the lord was very good to her.
Not many go this peacefully.

I'm sorry for your loss, Peach...I hope and pray that my Mom will be blessed to pass as peacefully.

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. May you find comfort in warm memories of your mother's love, and the love you feel for her.

I just got back from our daily stroll through the park. Today, the honeysuckle is in bloom! In my humble opinion, every human should get a snoot full of honeysuckle aroma each year. Like one of the basic human rights, honeysuckle improves one's outlook and gives nothing but pleasure.

The honeysuckle in the park grows in a little dip in the roadway meant exclusively for walking. A steep bank flanks one side of the road and a line of evergreen hemlocks shields the opposite side. The effect is like a wee glen where breezes are tamped down and the aroma of sweet honeysuckle is draped on the air.

For the simple pleasures of Spring, this patch of honeysuckle will do rather nicely.

Nosmo said snoot...
I just got a call from my Cousin that my Mom passed away this morning.
She was 90 so she had a real good and long life.
I am in shock because I called her Sat. morning and she was doing well.
Then she called me Sat. evening wanting to know if I called her because she could not get to the phone in time.
She sounded very good.
My cousin said the senior home where she was staying at, told him she got up and got dressed and then went to breakfast and then went back to her apartment and went to sleep and never woke up.
She was a good woman and very kind so the lord was very good to her.
Not many go this peacefully.

We haz a collective sad.
So sorry for your loss Peach. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
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Lord we give thanksgiving for a life well lived in your care. Bless the family with good memories and full hearts.
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I just got a call from my Cousin that my Mom passed away this morning.
She was 90 so she had a real good and long life.
I am in shock because I called her Sat. morning and she was doing well.
Then she called me Sat. evening wanting to know if I called her because she could not get to the phone in time.
She sounded very good.
My cousin said the senior home where she was staying at, told him she got up and got dressed and then went to breakfast and then went back to her apartment and went to sleep and never woke up.
She was a good woman and very kind so the lord was very good to her.
Not many go this peacefully.
I'm sorry Peach. But she sure went the best way possible.
My condolences to you and the family.
Saw the eye doc today. I am scheduled for the caract surgery and astigmatism repair on June 1st at 11am. Turns out I hafta pay for the astigmatism the tune of 600 bucks. Ouch. But...once it is done..he said I would not need corrective lenses on that eyeball. However, he said soon the other eye will start to cloud up too and it will need to be done as well. Just not yet. He said I had many more years for my left eye, which is very good.
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Evening, folks. I hope the day find everyone well.
It's been a good one for me, many blessings to all.

Thanks, darling! Admittedly, I had a rough day. My father and I quarreled something terrible this morning over the phone. It was one of the first times in a long time that I was actually furious. Few people can make me upset and my parents are on the list. lol

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