USMB Coffee Shop IV

Many of you deal with pain regularly and on a much larger scale, so I apologize in advance.

I ripped my right thumbnail down about a sixteenth of an inch past the white part over last weekend. I tell you that because it created a painful opportunity Thursday. Mrs. Liberty wanted her suit case zipper locked for the plane flight, so she had this heart on a circular keychain. The ones you put your fingernails in to separate them? Well I could not use my right hand, because that nail was messed up right?

Using my left thumb nail I repeatedly tried to separate the keychain enough to force the zipper tab holes into the keychain. Puling and separating again and again with no success. Finally in a bold pull I snapped the left thumbnail right down the center about three sixteenths of an inch past the white part. You know you went too far when it bleeds. Then you have the experience of catching the sharp part on about everything all the time. Not so much pain as a reminder your thumb nail is not within normal specs.

Sigh. Ouch. Bummer. But this too shall pass.
No, I'm good if you want to meet us. We currently have no excursion for Anchorage, it should be fun.
It would be my honor! You have nothing to fear, especially with hubby on board. PM me when you get closer to the time. What do you like to eat?

I like a lot of stuff but my husband pretty much only likes chicken and hamburger.....<sigh>
There's a place, pretty good restaurant, actually, that used to offer Kobe beef meat loaf. (A total waste of a good cut of beef, IMHO, but it seemed to sell well.) For the more adventurous types, they have a blackened salmon to die for! That place is right downtown. If we have a bit of time and you all are up for a lovely drive, I'd take you to Girdwood. The place down there is "starred" and fairly well known in epicurean circles.

I'll have to find out how much time we have, I'm pretty much good for about anything, I love sight seeing and seeing places I haven't been to before. I also love meeting people, I'm a people person. Be prepared for me to take pictures. I would be just as happy seeing your goats as going anywhere else.
Happy Spring everyone.
Hey, Ollie! How are you doing? Any new kittens in you garage? (Was that where you had found them last time?) How is Mrs. Ollie?
Mrs O is holding steady, No change is the best we can hope for. She has good and bad days. One of the grown up Granddaughters has been here since last June, (She's moving out in a week or two.) And she caught one of the kittens about 5 months ago and it now lives in the house has had all it's shots and will be fixed if she doesn't take it with her when she moves to her Aunts house, a 5 hour drive from here... And me? I'm taking care of everyone else and suffering with a heel spur. The cortisone shots aren't helping.

Had my heel spur sanded off, complications led to me not walking for nearly two years. Now, I have this humongous scar and I can't wear normal shoes...<sigh> Cortisone never did do much for me.
We'll play it by ear, then. There's actually a pretty decent Greek/Italian place out this way, so a visit to the goats on the way out there would be nice. Time permitting, maybe you and hubby would like to spend a night in a "dry" cabin...a more truly Alaskan experience. Do you all play Cribbage? I can promise a decent meal and some home-made mead.

Hmmm. Is it just me that finds it a bit weird to look for Greek/Italian food in Alaska?
It would be my honor! You have nothing to fear, especially with hubby on board. PM me when you get closer to the time. What do you like to eat?

I like a lot of stuff but my husband pretty much only likes chicken and hamburger.....<sigh>
There's a place, pretty good restaurant, actually, that used to offer Kobe beef meat loaf. (A total waste of a good cut of beef, IMHO, but it seemed to sell well.) For the more adventurous types, they have a blackened salmon to die for! That place is right downtown. If we have a bit of time and you all are up for a lovely drive, I'd take you to Girdwood. The place down there is "starred" and fairly well known in epicurean circles.

I'll have to find out how much time we have, I'm pretty much good for about anything, I love sight seeing and seeing places I haven't been to before. I also love meeting people, I'm a people person. Be prepared for me to take pictures. I would be just as happy seeing your goats as going anywhere else.
Happy Spring everyone.
Hey, Ollie! How are you doing? Any new kittens in you garage? (Was that where you had found them last time?) How is Mrs. Ollie?
Mrs O is holding steady, No change is the best we can hope for. She has good and bad days. One of the grown up Granddaughters has been here since last June, (She's moving out in a week or two.) And she caught one of the kittens about 5 months ago and it now lives in the house has had all it's shots and will be fixed if she doesn't take it with her when she moves to her Aunts house, a 5 hour drive from here... And me? I'm taking care of everyone else and suffering with a heel spur. The cortisone shots aren't helping.

Had my heel spur sanded off, complications led to me not walking for nearly two years. Now, I have this humongous scar and I can't wear normal shoes...<sigh> Cortisone never did do much for me.
We'll play it by ear, then. There's actually a pretty decent Greek/Italian place out this way, so a visit to the goats on the way out there would be nice. Time permitting, maybe you and hubby would like to spend a night in a "dry" cabin...a more truly Alaskan experience. Do you all play Cribbage? I can promise a decent meal and some home-made mead.

Hmmm. Is it just me that finds it a bit weird to look for Greek/Italian food in Alaska?

Could just make it himself! :)
No, I'm good if you want to meet us. We currently have no excursion for Anchorage, it should be fun.
It would be my honor! You have nothing to fear, especially with hubby on board. PM me when you get closer to the time. What do you like to eat?

I like a lot of stuff but my husband pretty much only likes chicken and hamburger.....<sigh>
There's a place, pretty good restaurant, actually, that used to offer Kobe beef meat loaf. (A total waste of a good cut of beef, IMHO, but it seemed to sell well.) For the more adventurous types, they have a blackened salmon to die for! That place is right downtown. If we have a bit of time and you all are up for a lovely drive, I'd take you to Girdwood. The place down there is "starred" and fairly well known in epicurean circles.

I'll have to find out how much time we have, I'm pretty much good for about anything, I love sight seeing and seeing places I haven't been to before. I also love meeting people, I'm a people person. Be prepared for me to take pictures. I would be just as happy seeing your goats as going anywhere else.
Happy Spring everyone.
Hey, Ollie! How are you doing? Any new kittens in you garage? (Was that where you had found them last time?) How is Mrs. Ollie?
Mrs O is holding steady, No change is the best we can hope for. She has good and bad days. One of the grown up Granddaughters has been here since last June, (She's moving out in a week or two.) And she caught one of the kittens about 5 months ago and it now lives in the house has had all it's shots and will be fixed if she doesn't take it with her when she moves to her Aunts house, a 5 hour drive from here... And me? I'm taking care of everyone else and suffering with a heel spur. The cortisone shots aren't helping.

Had my heel spur sanded off, complications led to me not walking for nearly two years. Now, I have this humongous scar and I can't wear normal shoes...<sigh> Cortisone never did do much for me.
We'll play it by ear, then. There's actually a pretty decent Greek/Italian place out this way, so a visit to the goats on the way out there would be nice. Time permitting, maybe you and hubby would like to spend a night in a "dry" cabin...a more truly Alaskan experience. Do you all play Cribbage? I can promise a decent meal and some home-made mead.

I'm sure we won't be there long enough to spend the nite anywhere. No, we don't play cribbage. sorry.
I like a lot of stuff but my husband pretty much only likes chicken and hamburger.....<sigh>
There's a place, pretty good restaurant, actually, that used to offer Kobe beef meat loaf. (A total waste of a good cut of beef, IMHO, but it seemed to sell well.) For the more adventurous types, they have a blackened salmon to die for! That place is right downtown. If we have a bit of time and you all are up for a lovely drive, I'd take you to Girdwood. The place down there is "starred" and fairly well known in epicurean circles.

I'll have to find out how much time we have, I'm pretty much good for about anything, I love sight seeing and seeing places I haven't been to before. I also love meeting people, I'm a people person. Be prepared for me to take pictures. I would be just as happy seeing your goats as going anywhere else.
Hey, Ollie! How are you doing? Any new kittens in you garage? (Was that where you had found them last time?) How is Mrs. Ollie?
Mrs O is holding steady, No change is the best we can hope for. She has good and bad days. One of the grown up Granddaughters has been here since last June, (She's moving out in a week or two.) And she caught one of the kittens about 5 months ago and it now lives in the house has had all it's shots and will be fixed if she doesn't take it with her when she moves to her Aunts house, a 5 hour drive from here... And me? I'm taking care of everyone else and suffering with a heel spur. The cortisone shots aren't helping.

Had my heel spur sanded off, complications led to me not walking for nearly two years. Now, I have this humongous scar and I can't wear normal shoes...<sigh> Cortisone never did do much for me.
We'll play it by ear, then. There's actually a pretty decent Greek/Italian place out this way, so a visit to the goats on the way out there would be nice. Time permitting, maybe you and hubby would like to spend a night in a "dry" cabin...a more truly Alaskan experience. Do you all play Cribbage? I can promise a decent meal and some home-made mead.

Hmmm. Is it just me that finds it a bit weird to look for Greek/Italian food in Alaska?

Could just make it himself! :)

It's just that when I go to Alaska, I think of eating caribou or moose or salmon or king crab or something you think of as ethnic food in Alaska. There is just sort of a disconnect in my head to pair polar bears and the Bering Sea with Italian/Greek cuisine. :)
Dajjal you might be interested to know that the new Doom is in open beta on Steam. I'm loading it for the first time now. It's stuttering badly on startup, but there was a warning to expect it the first time I load the game.

Thanks for the info. I have given up the idea of getting Doom 4 because my computer does not meet the minimum specs to run it. I have a 3.2 gig intel processor, 8 gigs of ram, and a 1 gig video card. As far as I can tell that simply will not cut it, and even upgrading is not an option because my motherboard will not take I7 processors. I would have to have a whole new computer, and I am simply not doing that for one game.

I don't know about your processor, but I'm running 8G of RAM and have a video card with 1G RAM. I was able to run the beta OK.

Of course, I didn't like the game even a little bit and got rid of it almost immediately, but it ran on my PC! :lol:
Another day shot. I took the partner to his doc's appt this morning and he's still not healed enough for surgery. The swelling is still significant and the fracture blisters are almost (not quite) healed enough. So we go back on Monday for another evaluation and they'll do the surgery on Tuesday. Doc said they have about a three week window to address the fracture before healing of the bones progresses to the point they have to break them again to fix them properly. Right now, the partner is sitting in the Jeep, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine and I am enjoying a few quiet moments before he comes in and annoys me. Right now, I think he hates my guts, he's even said as much.
But all things happen for a reason, don't they? I've been cleaning up his hoarder's house and another friend of ours has kindly started to tackle the partner's truck. I am planning on pricing a RedBox to see if I can afford it. That way, I just tip all the trash and junk into the box and it's hauled away before he knows his stuff is gone. I'm also trying to find someone to foster his cat for a month or so until he can make it on his own and doesn't need help getting around.
Four new kids, all cute as heck. We're bottle-feeding on little doeling because her mom doesn't seem inclined to feed her. Makes the partner happy, he has a purpose in life: wet nurse for a goatling.
Well, time to milk the goats. I'll try to check back later. Hope y'all are having great day and enjoying Springtime.

He sounds cranky. Lol. :D
He's only cranky when he doesn't get his way. He's a passive-aggressive controller, so not getting his way usually results in unpleasantness that casual observers might not recognize as aggressive behavior. He is a hoarder, though, and I have been spending a little time each work day at the house in town, picking up and bagging some unbelievable litter, trash, and garbage. The refrigerator was daunting and I still have to tackle the freezer. He had smoked salmon from 2003 in the 'fridge. Hell, ya never know when someone might drop by and you need a smoked salmon treat!
There's a Black Forest cake I made over three months ago that I found under a pile of other stuff. I'm not sure whether I want to try to salvage the cake carrier. It's a particularly nice one and might just clean up OK, after I dislodge the wreck of that cake...

I'd probably just throw it out and get a new one at this point. :)
It's pretty disgusting. I find myself throwing out a lot of things that would have otherwise survived had the partner given them a modicum of attention. This morning, I cleared the desktop. I must have thrown away close to 200 old batteries. He's convinced he can recharge the...indefinitely. I collected a box of tools and a box of hardware (which will require further sorting). I fared better than our buddy, who has taken on cleaning out the partner's truck. Moving the layer of tools into the basement was easy. Now he's tackled the layers, and layers, of detritus of all types. After he hit the layer that was wet and clumped together with old goat poo, he put on gloves, finished filling the trash bag he was working on and went home to boil his hands. Hoarders are horrible!!!
Another day shot. I took the partner to his doc's appt this morning and he's still not healed enough for surgery. The swelling is still significant and the fracture blisters are almost (not quite) healed enough. So we go back on Monday for another evaluation and they'll do the surgery on Tuesday. Doc said they have about a three week window to address the fracture before healing of the bones progresses to the point they have to break them again to fix them properly. Right now, the partner is sitting in the Jeep, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine and I am enjoying a few quiet moments before he comes in and annoys me. Right now, I think he hates my guts, he's even said as much.
But all things happen for a reason, don't they? I've been cleaning up his hoarder's house and another friend of ours has kindly started to tackle the partner's truck. I am planning on pricing a RedBox to see if I can afford it. That way, I just tip all the trash and junk into the box and it's hauled away before he knows his stuff is gone. I'm also trying to find someone to foster his cat for a month or so until he can make it on his own and doesn't need help getting around.
Four new kids, all cute as heck. We're bottle-feeding on little doeling because her mom doesn't seem inclined to feed her. Makes the partner happy, he has a purpose in life: wet nurse for a goatling.
Well, time to milk the goats. I'll try to check back later. Hope y'all are having great day and enjoying Springtime.

He sounds cranky. Lol. :D
He's only cranky when he doesn't get his way. He's a passive-aggressive controller, so not getting his way usually results in unpleasantness that casual observers might not recognize as aggressive behavior. He is a hoarder, though, and I have been spending a little time each work day at the house in town, picking up and bagging some unbelievable litter, trash, and garbage. The refrigerator was daunting and I still have to tackle the freezer. He had smoked salmon from 2003 in the 'fridge. Hell, ya never know when someone might drop by and you need a smoked salmon treat!
There's a Black Forest cake I made over three months ago that I found under a pile of other stuff. I'm not sure whether I want to try to salvage the cake carrier. It's a particularly nice one and might just clean up OK, after I dislodge the wreck of that cake...

I'd probably just throw it out and get a new one at this point. :)
It's pretty disgusting. I find myself throwing out a lot of things that would have otherwise survived had the partner given them a modicum of attention. This morning, I cleared the desktop. I must have thrown away close to 200 old batteries. He's convinced he can recharge the...indefinitely. I collected a box of tools and a box of hardware (which will require further sorting). I fared better than our buddy, who has taken on cleaning out the partner's truck. Moving the layer of tools into the basement was easy. Now he's tackled the layers, and layers, of detritus of all types. After he hit the layer that was wet and clumped together with old goat poo, he put on gloves, finished filling the trash bag he was working on and went home to boil his hands. Hoarders are horrible!!!

I would be afraid to go in there, I think. Lol.
It would be my honor! You have nothing to fear, especially with hubby on board. PM me when you get closer to the time. What do you like to eat?

I like a lot of stuff but my husband pretty much only likes chicken and hamburger.....<sigh>
There's a place, pretty good restaurant, actually, that used to offer Kobe beef meat loaf. (A total waste of a good cut of beef, IMHO, but it seemed to sell well.) For the more adventurous types, they have a blackened salmon to die for! That place is right downtown. If we have a bit of time and you all are up for a lovely drive, I'd take you to Girdwood. The place down there is "starred" and fairly well known in epicurean circles.

I'll have to find out how much time we have, I'm pretty much good for about anything, I love sight seeing and seeing places I haven't been to before. I also love meeting people, I'm a people person. Be prepared for me to take pictures. I would be just as happy seeing your goats as going anywhere else.
Happy Spring everyone.
Hey, Ollie! How are you doing? Any new kittens in you garage? (Was that where you had found them last time?) How is Mrs. Ollie?
Mrs O is holding steady, No change is the best we can hope for. She has good and bad days. One of the grown up Granddaughters has been here since last June, (She's moving out in a week or two.) And she caught one of the kittens about 5 months ago and it now lives in the house has had all it's shots and will be fixed if she doesn't take it with her when she moves to her Aunts house, a 5 hour drive from here... And me? I'm taking care of everyone else and suffering with a heel spur. The cortisone shots aren't helping.

Had my heel spur sanded off, complications led to me not walking for nearly two years. Now, I have this humongous scar and I can't wear normal shoes...<sigh> Cortisone never did do much for me.
We'll play it by ear, then. There's actually a pretty decent Greek/Italian place out this way, so a visit to the goats on the way out there would be nice. Time permitting, maybe you and hubby would like to spend a night in a "dry" cabin...a more truly Alaskan experience. Do you all play Cribbage? I can promise a decent meal and some home-made mead.

Hmmm. Is it just me that finds it a bit weird to look for Greek/Italian food in Alaska?
We really aren't the end of the world, you know. When I spent my first retired summer renting motor homes, you would not believe how often I was asked whether we accepted American money. It's a bit more difficult to find "traditional" Alaskan fare, unless you consider overpriced crab or previously frozen salmon "Alaskan". Problem is, most of our seafood is fished and processed by folks from WA state. So it's shipped out, processed, frozen, and shipped back into AK. I hate to say, but fresh, out-of-the-water salmon is great. Frozen...yeah, not so much. Oh, yeah, I know a really great Korean restaurant, too. My Korean buddy likes to take us there for a treat, it's that good.
I like a lot of stuff but my husband pretty much only likes chicken and hamburger.....<sigh>
There's a place, pretty good restaurant, actually, that used to offer Kobe beef meat loaf. (A total waste of a good cut of beef, IMHO, but it seemed to sell well.) For the more adventurous types, they have a blackened salmon to die for! That place is right downtown. If we have a bit of time and you all are up for a lovely drive, I'd take you to Girdwood. The place down there is "starred" and fairly well known in epicurean circles.

I'll have to find out how much time we have, I'm pretty much good for about anything, I love sight seeing and seeing places I haven't been to before. I also love meeting people, I'm a people person. Be prepared for me to take pictures. I would be just as happy seeing your goats as going anywhere else.
Hey, Ollie! How are you doing? Any new kittens in you garage? (Was that where you had found them last time?) How is Mrs. Ollie?
Mrs O is holding steady, No change is the best we can hope for. She has good and bad days. One of the grown up Granddaughters has been here since last June, (She's moving out in a week or two.) And she caught one of the kittens about 5 months ago and it now lives in the house has had all it's shots and will be fixed if she doesn't take it with her when she moves to her Aunts house, a 5 hour drive from here... And me? I'm taking care of everyone else and suffering with a heel spur. The cortisone shots aren't helping.

Had my heel spur sanded off, complications led to me not walking for nearly two years. Now, I have this humongous scar and I can't wear normal shoes...<sigh> Cortisone never did do much for me.
We'll play it by ear, then. There's actually a pretty decent Greek/Italian place out this way, so a visit to the goats on the way out there would be nice. Time permitting, maybe you and hubby would like to spend a night in a "dry" cabin...a more truly Alaskan experience. Do you all play Cribbage? I can promise a decent meal and some home-made mead.

Hmmm. Is it just me that finds it a bit weird to look for Greek/Italian food in Alaska?

Could just make it himself! :)
True dat! I do better with Spanish cuisine, zarzuela and paella. Unless you fancy a moose-saka, or perhaps a bear-b-que (provided I can get some bear).
It would be my honor! You have nothing to fear, especially with hubby on board. PM me when you get closer to the time. What do you like to eat?

I like a lot of stuff but my husband pretty much only likes chicken and hamburger.....<sigh>
There's a place, pretty good restaurant, actually, that used to offer Kobe beef meat loaf. (A total waste of a good cut of beef, IMHO, but it seemed to sell well.) For the more adventurous types, they have a blackened salmon to die for! That place is right downtown. If we have a bit of time and you all are up for a lovely drive, I'd take you to Girdwood. The place down there is "starred" and fairly well known in epicurean circles.

I'll have to find out how much time we have, I'm pretty much good for about anything, I love sight seeing and seeing places I haven't been to before. I also love meeting people, I'm a people person. Be prepared for me to take pictures. I would be just as happy seeing your goats as going anywhere else.
Happy Spring everyone.
Hey, Ollie! How are you doing? Any new kittens in you garage? (Was that where you had found them last time?) How is Mrs. Ollie?
Mrs O is holding steady, No change is the best we can hope for. She has good and bad days. One of the grown up Granddaughters has been here since last June, (She's moving out in a week or two.) And she caught one of the kittens about 5 months ago and it now lives in the house has had all it's shots and will be fixed if she doesn't take it with her when she moves to her Aunts house, a 5 hour drive from here... And me? I'm taking care of everyone else and suffering with a heel spur. The cortisone shots aren't helping.

Had my heel spur sanded off, complications led to me not walking for nearly two years. Now, I have this humongous scar and I can't wear normal shoes...<sigh> Cortisone never did do much for me.
We'll play it by ear, then. There's actually a pretty decent Greek/Italian place out this way, so a visit to the goats on the way out there would be nice. Time permitting, maybe you and hubby would like to spend a night in a "dry" cabin...a more truly Alaskan experience. Do you all play Cribbage? I can promise a decent meal and some home-made mead.

I'm sure we won't be there long enough to spend the nite anywhere. No, we don't play cribbage. sorry.
You let me know what your schedule is like. If we can't do dinner (lunch or breakfast), I'll try to make a few recommendations. Are you doing just a cruise or are you making some of the land excursions? If nothing else, perhaps a "behind the scene" tour of the airport while you wait for you flight? Have you ever been in the cockpit of a 747?
There's a place, pretty good restaurant, actually, that used to offer Kobe beef meat loaf. (A total waste of a good cut of beef, IMHO, but it seemed to sell well.) For the more adventurous types, they have a blackened salmon to die for! That place is right downtown. If we have a bit of time and you all are up for a lovely drive, I'd take you to Girdwood. The place down there is "starred" and fairly well known in epicurean circles.

I'll have to find out how much time we have, I'm pretty much good for about anything, I love sight seeing and seeing places I haven't been to before. I also love meeting people, I'm a people person. Be prepared for me to take pictures. I would be just as happy seeing your goats as going anywhere else.
Mrs O is holding steady, No change is the best we can hope for. She has good and bad days. One of the grown up Granddaughters has been here since last June, (She's moving out in a week or two.) And she caught one of the kittens about 5 months ago and it now lives in the house has had all it's shots and will be fixed if she doesn't take it with her when she moves to her Aunts house, a 5 hour drive from here... And me? I'm taking care of everyone else and suffering with a heel spur. The cortisone shots aren't helping.

Had my heel spur sanded off, complications led to me not walking for nearly two years. Now, I have this humongous scar and I can't wear normal shoes...<sigh> Cortisone never did do much for me.
We'll play it by ear, then. There's actually a pretty decent Greek/Italian place out this way, so a visit to the goats on the way out there would be nice. Time permitting, maybe you and hubby would like to spend a night in a "dry" cabin...a more truly Alaskan experience. Do you all play Cribbage? I can promise a decent meal and some home-made mead.

Hmmm. Is it just me that finds it a bit weird to look for Greek/Italian food in Alaska?

Could just make it himself! :)

It's just that when I go to Alaska, I think of eating caribou or moose or salmon or king crab or something you think of as ethnic food in Alaska. There is just sort of a disconnect in my head to pair polar bears and the Bering Sea with Italian/Greek cuisine. :)
Best you'll get is reindeer, crab, or some kind of fish. It's not legal to sell any other kind of game meat, so unless you know someone who has some, caribou, moose, Dall sheep, and such like are not likely to be found on the menu. Now, if you know the right kind of people, in the right place, at the right time, you might get some muktuk, whale, or walrus.
Another day shot. I took the partner to his doc's appt this morning and he's still not healed enough for surgery. The swelling is still significant and the fracture blisters are almost (not quite) healed enough. So we go back on Monday for another evaluation and they'll do the surgery on Tuesday. Doc said they have about a three week window to address the fracture before healing of the bones progresses to the point they have to break them again to fix them properly. Right now, the partner is sitting in the Jeep, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine and I am enjoying a few quiet moments before he comes in and annoys me. Right now, I think he hates my guts, he's even said as much.
But all things happen for a reason, don't they? I've been cleaning up his hoarder's house and another friend of ours has kindly started to tackle the partner's truck. I am planning on pricing a RedBox to see if I can afford it. That way, I just tip all the trash and junk into the box and it's hauled away before he knows his stuff is gone. I'm also trying to find someone to foster his cat for a month or so until he can make it on his own and doesn't need help getting around.
Four new kids, all cute as heck. We're bottle-feeding on little doeling because her mom doesn't seem inclined to feed her. Makes the partner happy, he has a purpose in life: wet nurse for a goatling.
Well, time to milk the goats. I'll try to check back later. Hope y'all are having great day and enjoying Springtime.

He sounds cranky. Lol. :D
He's only cranky when he doesn't get his way. He's a passive-aggressive controller, so not getting his way usually results in unpleasantness that casual observers might not recognize as aggressive behavior. He is a hoarder, though, and I have been spending a little time each work day at the house in town, picking up and bagging some unbelievable litter, trash, and garbage. The refrigerator was daunting and I still have to tackle the freezer. He had smoked salmon from 2003 in the 'fridge. Hell, ya never know when someone might drop by and you need a smoked salmon treat!
There's a Black Forest cake I made over three months ago that I found under a pile of other stuff. I'm not sure whether I want to try to salvage the cake carrier. It's a particularly nice one and might just clean up OK, after I dislodge the wreck of that cake...

I'd probably just throw it out and get a new one at this point. :)
It's pretty disgusting. I find myself throwing out a lot of things that would have otherwise survived had the partner given them a modicum of attention. This morning, I cleared the desktop. I must have thrown away close to 200 old batteries. He's convinced he can recharge the...indefinitely. I collected a box of tools and a box of hardware (which will require further sorting). I fared better than our buddy, who has taken on cleaning out the partner's truck. Moving the layer of tools into the basement was easy. Now he's tackled the layers, and layers, of detritus of all types. After he hit the layer that was wet and clumped together with old goat poo, he put on gloves, finished filling the trash bag he was working on and went home to boil his hands. Hoarders are horrible!!!

I would be afraid to go in there, I think. Lol.
Unfortunately, I am co-owner of the property and my partner being incapacitated gives me an opportunity to get in there and throw a lot of things out. Hoarders cannot bear to be separated from anything they might someday repair or use in some capacity. But they usually have such a pile of crap that if you get in, toss the crap, and get out, before they can figure out what you're tossing, they don't notice too much. I collected close to $25 in change today, just clearing off that desk. I haven't cracked into the sofa and loveseat yet!
There's a place, pretty good restaurant, actually, that used to offer Kobe beef meat loaf. (A total waste of a good cut of beef, IMHO, but it seemed to sell well.) For the more adventurous types, they have a blackened salmon to die for! That place is right downtown. If we have a bit of time and you all are up for a lovely drive, I'd take you to Girdwood. The place down there is "starred" and fairly well known in epicurean circles.

I'll have to find out how much time we have, I'm pretty much good for about anything, I love sight seeing and seeing places I haven't been to before. I also love meeting people, I'm a people person. Be prepared for me to take pictures. I would be just as happy seeing your goats as going anywhere else.
Mrs O is holding steady, No change is the best we can hope for. She has good and bad days. One of the grown up Granddaughters has been here since last June, (She's moving out in a week or two.) And she caught one of the kittens about 5 months ago and it now lives in the house has had all it's shots and will be fixed if she doesn't take it with her when she moves to her Aunts house, a 5 hour drive from here... And me? I'm taking care of everyone else and suffering with a heel spur. The cortisone shots aren't helping.

Had my heel spur sanded off, complications led to me not walking for nearly two years. Now, I have this humongous scar and I can't wear normal shoes...<sigh> Cortisone never did do much for me.
We'll play it by ear, then. There's actually a pretty decent Greek/Italian place out this way, so a visit to the goats on the way out there would be nice. Time permitting, maybe you and hubby would like to spend a night in a "dry" cabin...a more truly Alaskan experience. Do you all play Cribbage? I can promise a decent meal and some home-made mead.

Hmmm. Is it just me that finds it a bit weird to look for Greek/Italian food in Alaska?

Could just make it himself! :)
True dat! I do better with Spanish cuisine, zarzuela and paella. Unless you fancy a moose-saka, or perhaps a bear-b-que (provided I can get some bear).

!! Leave the fuzzy bears out of this. :p
He sounds cranky. Lol. :D
He's only cranky when he doesn't get his way. He's a passive-aggressive controller, so not getting his way usually results in unpleasantness that casual observers might not recognize as aggressive behavior. He is a hoarder, though, and I have been spending a little time each work day at the house in town, picking up and bagging some unbelievable litter, trash, and garbage. The refrigerator was daunting and I still have to tackle the freezer. He had smoked salmon from 2003 in the 'fridge. Hell, ya never know when someone might drop by and you need a smoked salmon treat!
There's a Black Forest cake I made over three months ago that I found under a pile of other stuff. I'm not sure whether I want to try to salvage the cake carrier. It's a particularly nice one and might just clean up OK, after I dislodge the wreck of that cake...

I'd probably just throw it out and get a new one at this point. :)
It's pretty disgusting. I find myself throwing out a lot of things that would have otherwise survived had the partner given them a modicum of attention. This morning, I cleared the desktop. I must have thrown away close to 200 old batteries. He's convinced he can recharge the...indefinitely. I collected a box of tools and a box of hardware (which will require further sorting). I fared better than our buddy, who has taken on cleaning out the partner's truck. Moving the layer of tools into the basement was easy. Now he's tackled the layers, and layers, of detritus of all types. After he hit the layer that was wet and clumped together with old goat poo, he put on gloves, finished filling the trash bag he was working on and went home to boil his hands. Hoarders are horrible!!!

I would be afraid to go in there, I think. Lol.
Unfortunately, I am co-owner of the property and my partner being incapacitated gives me an opportunity to get in there and throw a lot of things out. Hoarders cannot bear to be separated from anything they might someday repair or use in some capacity. But they usually have such a pile of crap that if you get in, toss the crap, and get out, before they can figure out what you're tossing, they don't notice too much. I collected close to $25 in change today, just clearing off that desk. I haven't cracked into the sofa and loveseat yet!
Careful, for hoarders it's an emotional crutch. My wife's a lightweight hoarder and claims it's because she can trust things more than people. She's aware of her problem and we definitely work on it generally with mixed results. There are certain items in the house I've been slowly trying to get her to part with like her old Scan Furniture bed that's falling apart and her old pressed board file cabinet with broken rollers. We have no need of either one but she bristles at the suggestion. She still has boxes and boxes of books that need to go but even that's a process.
Heck I culled my DVDs a while ago, one full bookshelf full and I have a bookshelf left to go back through and recull. All but maybe 10 books in my library have been sold or donated, the only one's I'm keeping are limited prints, rare and/or very old. Most of my clothes that no longer fit are gone, she still has boxes of clothing way to small for her any longer but hey, she just might get back into them......... someday........
I'll have to find out how much time we have, I'm pretty much good for about anything, I love sight seeing and seeing places I haven't been to before. I also love meeting people, I'm a people person. Be prepared for me to take pictures. I would be just as happy seeing your goats as going anywhere else.
Had my heel spur sanded off, complications led to me not walking for nearly two years. Now, I have this humongous scar and I can't wear normal shoes...<sigh> Cortisone never did do much for me.
We'll play it by ear, then. There's actually a pretty decent Greek/Italian place out this way, so a visit to the goats on the way out there would be nice. Time permitting, maybe you and hubby would like to spend a night in a "dry" cabin...a more truly Alaskan experience. Do you all play Cribbage? I can promise a decent meal and some home-made mead.

Hmmm. Is it just me that finds it a bit weird to look for Greek/Italian food in Alaska?

Could just make it himself! :)
True dat! I do better with Spanish cuisine, zarzuela and paella. Unless you fancy a moose-saka, or perhaps a bear-b-que (provided I can get some bear).

!! Leave the fuzzy bears out of this. :p
Have you tasted fuzzy bear? Damned tasty, prepared properly. I prefer Bear-B-Que, or Sauer-bearton.
He's only cranky when he doesn't get his way. He's a passive-aggressive controller, so not getting his way usually results in unpleasantness that casual observers might not recognize as aggressive behavior. He is a hoarder, though, and I have been spending a little time each work day at the house in town, picking up and bagging some unbelievable litter, trash, and garbage. The refrigerator was daunting and I still have to tackle the freezer. He had smoked salmon from 2003 in the 'fridge. Hell, ya never know when someone might drop by and you need a smoked salmon treat!
There's a Black Forest cake I made over three months ago that I found under a pile of other stuff. I'm not sure whether I want to try to salvage the cake carrier. It's a particularly nice one and might just clean up OK, after I dislodge the wreck of that cake...

I'd probably just throw it out and get a new one at this point. :)
It's pretty disgusting. I find myself throwing out a lot of things that would have otherwise survived had the partner given them a modicum of attention. This morning, I cleared the desktop. I must have thrown away close to 200 old batteries. He's convinced he can recharge the...indefinitely. I collected a box of tools and a box of hardware (which will require further sorting). I fared better than our buddy, who has taken on cleaning out the partner's truck. Moving the layer of tools into the basement was easy. Now he's tackled the layers, and layers, of detritus of all types. After he hit the layer that was wet and clumped together with old goat poo, he put on gloves, finished filling the trash bag he was working on and went home to boil his hands. Hoarders are horrible!!!

I would be afraid to go in there, I think. Lol.
Unfortunately, I am co-owner of the property and my partner being incapacitated gives me an opportunity to get in there and throw a lot of things out. Hoarders cannot bear to be separated from anything they might someday repair or use in some capacity. But they usually have such a pile of crap that if you get in, toss the crap, and get out, before they can figure out what you're tossing, they don't notice too much. I collected close to $25 in change today, just clearing off that desk. I haven't cracked into the sofa and loveseat yet!
Careful, for hoarders it's an emotional crutch. My wife's a lightweight hoarder and claims it's because she can trust things more than people. She's aware of her problem and we definitely work on it generally with mixed results. There are certain items in the house I've been slowly trying to get her to part with like her old Scan Furniture bed that's falling apart and her old pressed board file cabinet with broken rollers. We have no need of either one but she bristles at the suggestion. She still has boxes and boxes of books that need to go but even that's a process.
Heck I culled my DVDs a while ago, one full bookshelf full and I have a bookshelf left to go back through and recull. All but maybe 10 books in my library have been sold or donated, the only one's I'm keeping are limited prints, rare and/or very old. Most of my clothes that no longer fit are gone, she still has boxes of clothing way to small for her any longer but hey, she just might get back into them......... someday........
I've "lost" the clothes that no longer fit, with few exceptions. Some of my German ethnic stuff remains. I suppose if I continue to lose weight, I'll fit again, and I'd like my granddaughters to enjoy the rarity of such things. Things that I know I could mend (Yes, I know how to darn socks), I still toss. I haven't the time right now to attend such things and may eventually regret that. I'll keep the darning egg and yarn, though. The partner has junk that has rusted or deteriorate beyond salvage and it needs to go away. I did let him keep the tailgate from the 2012 Dodge that we recently had replaced. He wants to repair it so we have a replacement. I suspect that will also eventually go away. Of course, even though I forbade stowage of non-operational automobiles on the property, there's still an S10 with alders growing through the frame that I will have to have hauled out of there. Who knows when one will be able to use those parts? My partner is a hard-core, out-of-control hoarder. If intervention is not provided, he will eventually die when a pile of crap falls on him.
Unfortunately, I am co-owner of the property and my partner being incapacitated gives me an opportunity to get in there and throw a lot of things out. Hoarders cannot bear to be separated from anything they might someday repair or use in some capacity. But they usually have such a pile of crap that if you get in, toss the crap, and get out, before they can figure out what you're tossing, they don't notice too much. I collected close to $25 in change today, just clearing off that desk. I haven't cracked into the sofa and loveseat yet!

Recliner cash, fast and easy. :thup:
I've "lost" the clothes that no longer fit, with few exceptions. Some of my German ethnic stuff remains. I suppose if I continue to lose weight, I'll fit again, and I'd like my granddaughters to enjoy the rarity of such things. Things that I know I could mend (Yes, I know how to darn socks), I still toss. I haven't the time right now to attend such things and may eventually regret that. I'll keep the darning egg and yarn, though. The partner has junk that has rusted or deteriorate beyond salvage and it needs to go away. I did let him keep the tailgate from the 2012 Dodge that we recently had replaced. He wants to repair it so we have a replacement. I suspect that will also eventually go away. Of course, even though I forbade stowage of non-operational automobiles on the property, there's still an S10 with alders growing through the frame that I will have to have hauled out of there. Who knows when one will be able to use those parts? My partner is a hard-core, out-of-control hoarder. If intervention is not provided, he will eventually die when a pile of crap falls on him.

He hoards crap?!? :ack-1:

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