USMB Coffee Shop IV

On monday, I go in for the consultation on my right eye cataract. They said that's what it is..a consult...but who ever heard of an eye exam that is 1.5 to 2 hours??? So I am hoping they aren't planning on doing the exam and then thinking they are going to be slicing my eyeball right afterwards. That ain't gonna happen. I have digest their findings first, think about it, psych myself for "the day" it will be done, and have answers to any questions I may have that I can mull over FIRST.
On monday, I go in for the consultation on my right eye cataract. They said that's what it is..a consult...but who ever heard of an eye exam that is 1.5 to 2 hours??? So I am hoping they aren't planning on doing the exam and then thinking they are going to be slicing my eyeball right afterwards. That ain't gonna happen. I have digest their findings first, think about it, psych myself for "the day" it will be done, and have answers to any questions I may have that I can mull over FIRST.

Nosmo King just had one done, read back a ways and see what you think.
I have found a dock or two hiding behind a garage near a lake. Dragged one out of the lake two years ago. A big wooden one, fought me the whole way to the side of a house. I think it was in shock, it stay there all winter.
Many of you deal with pain regularly and on a much larger scale, so I apologize in advance.

I ripped my right thumbnail down about a sixteenth of an inch past the white part over last weekend. I tell you that because it created a painful opportunity Thursday. Mrs. Liberty wanted her suit case zipper locked for the plane flight, so she had this heart on a circular keychain. The ones you put your fingernails in to separate them? Well I could not use my right hand, because that nail was messed up right?

Using my left thumb nail I repeatedly tried to separate the keychain enough to force the zipper tab holes into the keychain. Puling and separating again and again with no success. Finally in a bold pull I snapped the left thumbnail right down the center about three sixteenths of an inch past the white part. You know you went too far when it bleeds. Then you have the experience of catching the sharp part on about everything all the time. Not so much pain as a reminder your thumb nail is not within normal specs.
Many of you deal with pain regularly and on a much larger scale, so I apologize in advance.

I ripped my right thumbnail down about a sixteenth of an inch past the white part over last weekend. I tell you that because it created a painful opportunity Thursday. Mrs. Liberty wanted her suit case zipper locked for the plane flight, so she had this heart on a circular keychain. The ones you put your fingernails in to separate them? Well I could not use my right hand, because that nail was messed up right?

Using my left thumb nail I repeatedly tried to separate the keychain enough to force the zipper tab holes into the keychain. Puling and separating again and again with no success. Finally in a bold pull I snapped the left thumbnail right down the center about three sixteenths of an inch past the white part. You know you went too far when it bleeds. Then you have the experience of catching the sharp part on about everything all the time. Not so much pain as a reminder your thumb nail is not within normal specs.
Ouch, nails have a surprising amount of nerve endings.
Many of you deal with pain regularly and on a much larger scale, so I apologize in advance.

I ripped my right thumbnail down about a sixteenth of an inch past the white part over last weekend. I tell you that because it created a painful opportunity Thursday. Mrs. Liberty wanted her suit case zipper locked for the plane flight, so she had this heart on a circular keychain. The ones you put your fingernails in to separate them? Well I could not use my right hand, because that nail was messed up right?

Using my left thumb nail I repeatedly tried to separate the keychain enough to force the zipper tab holes into the keychain. Puling and separating again and again with no success. Finally in a bold pull I snapped the left thumbnail right down the center about three sixteenths of an inch past the white part. You know you went too far when it bleeds. Then you have the experience of catching the sharp part on about everything all the time. Not so much pain as a reminder your thumb nail is not within normal specs.
Ouch, nails have a surprising amount of nerve endings.

Speaking of nerve endings and such -- I never did find out how that spider bite story ends.
Many of you deal with pain regularly and on a much larger scale, so I apologize in advance.

I ripped my right thumbnail down about a sixteenth of an inch past the white part over last weekend. I tell you that because it created a painful opportunity Thursday. Mrs. Liberty wanted her suit case zipper locked for the plane flight, so she had this heart on a circular keychain. The ones you put your fingernails in to separate them? Well I could not use my right hand, because that nail was messed up right?

Using my left thumb nail I repeatedly tried to separate the keychain enough to force the zipper tab holes into the keychain. Puling and separating again and again with no success. Finally in a bold pull I snapped the left thumbnail right down the center about three sixteenths of an inch past the white part. You know you went too far when it bleeds. Then you have the experience of catching the sharp part on about everything all the time. Not so much pain as a reminder your thumb nail is not within normal specs.
Ouch, nails have a surprising amount of nerve endings.

Speaking of nerve endings and such -- I never did find out how that spider bite story ends.
Aw, well four hours in the ER, IV anti-biotics, and oral antibiotics later, the bite and inflammation are healing. The MD said it was smart to come in before turned into an abcess.

Thanks for asking.

Many of you deal with pain regularly and on a much larger scale, so I apologize in advance.

I ripped my right thumbnail down about a sixteenth of an inch past the white part over last weekend. I tell you that because it created a painful opportunity Thursday. Mrs. Liberty wanted her suit case zipper locked for the plane flight, so she had this heart on a circular keychain. The ones you put your fingernails in to separate them? Well I could not use my right hand, because that nail was messed up right?

Using my left thumb nail I repeatedly tried to separate the keychain enough to force the zipper tab holes into the keychain. Puling and separating again and again with no success. Finally in a bold pull I snapped the left thumbnail right down the center about three sixteenths of an inch past the white part. You know you went too far when it bleeds. Then you have the experience of catching the sharp part on about everything all the time. Not so much pain as a reminder your thumb nail is not within normal specs.
Ouch, nails have a surprising amount of nerve endings.

Speaking of nerve endings and such -- I never did find out how that spider bite story ends.
Aw, well four hours in the ER, IV anti-biotics, and oral antibiotics later, the bite and inflammation are healing. The MD said it was smart to come in before turned into an abcess.

Thanks for asking.


Good to hear. Did you go on the weekend?
Happy Saturday! :)

Another day shot. I took the partner to his doc's appt this morning and he's still not healed enough for surgery. The swelling is still significant and the fracture blisters are almost (not quite) healed enough. So we go back on Monday for another evaluation and they'll do the surgery on Tuesday. Doc said they have about a three week window to address the fracture before healing of the bones progresses to the point they have to break them again to fix them properly. Right now, the partner is sitting in the Jeep, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine and I am enjoying a few quiet moments before he comes in and annoys me. Right now, I think he hates my guts, he's even said as much.
But all things happen for a reason, don't they? I've been cleaning up his hoarder's house and another friend of ours has kindly started to tackle the partner's truck. I am planning on pricing a RedBox to see if I can afford it. That way, I just tip all the trash and junk into the box and it's hauled away before he knows his stuff is gone. I'm also trying to find someone to foster his cat for a month or so until he can make it on his own and doesn't need help getting around.
Four new kids, all cute as heck. We're bottle-feeding on little doeling because her mom doesn't seem inclined to feed her. Makes the partner happy, he has a purpose in life: wet nurse for a goatling.
Well, time to milk the goats. I'll try to check back later. Hope y'all are having great day and enjoying Springtime.

He sounds cranky. Lol. :D
He's only cranky when he doesn't get his way. He's a passive-aggressive controller, so not getting his way usually results in unpleasantness that casual observers might not recognize as aggressive behavior. He is a hoarder, though, and I have been spending a little time each work day at the house in town, picking up and bagging some unbelievable litter, trash, and garbage. The refrigerator was daunting and I still have to tackle the freezer. He had smoked salmon from 2003 in the 'fridge. Hell, ya never know when someone might drop by and you need a smoked salmon treat!
There's a Black Forest cake I made over three months ago that I found under a pile of other stuff. I'm not sure whether I want to try to salvage the cake carrier. It's a particularly nice one and might just clean up OK, after I dislodge the wreck of that cake...

I'd probably just throw it out and get a new one at this point. :)
We have still not heard from Hubby's Doc yet about his lastest lab test results from last Sat.
No one will call back from the office so Monday or Tuesday he needs to go in and talk to somebody about his test results.
We are both really hot about this.
Somebody or somebodies are not doing their job in the front desk and assistant areas. Maybe someone quit, who knows.:frown: :mad:
We have still not heard from Hubby's Doc yet about his lastest lab test results from last Sat.
No one will call back from the office so Monday or Tuesday he needs to go in and talk to somebody about his test results.
We are both really hot about this.
Somebody or somebodies are not doing their job in the front desk and assistant areas. Maybe someone quit, who knows.:frown: :mad:

Maybe it's the lab?
Dajjal you might be interested to know that the new Doom is in open beta on Steam. I'm loading it for the first time now. It's stuttering badly on startup, but there was a warning to expect it the first time I load the game.

Thanks for the info. I have given up the idea of getting Doom 4 because my computer does not meet the minimum specs to run it. I have a 3.2 gig intel processor, 8 gigs of ram, and a 1 gig video card. As far as I can tell that simply will not cut it, and even upgrading is not an option because my motherboard will not take I7 processors. I would have to have a whole new computer, and I am simply not doing that for one game.
On monday, I go in for the consultation on my right eye cataract. They said that's what it is..a consult...but who ever heard of an eye exam that is 1.5 to 2 hours??? So I am hoping they aren't planning on doing the exam and then thinking they are going to be slicing my eyeball right afterwards. That ain't gonna happen. I have digest their findings first, think about it, psych myself for "the day" it will be done, and have answers to any questions I may have that I can mull over FIRST.

As I and now Nosmo have testified, this is truly a miracle medical procedure. One to be embraced, not feared. It really makes the lyrics "I was blind but now I see" take on a whole new context.
We have still not heard from Hubby's Doc yet about his lastest lab test results from last Sat.
No one will call back from the office so Monday or Tuesday he needs to go in and talk to somebody about his test results.
We are both really hot about this.
Somebody or somebodies are not doing their job in the front desk and assistant areas. Maybe someone quit, who knows.:frown: :mad:

It is frustrating. I was really antsy about having my medical records on line, but I do appreciate getting the lab results almost within the hour after having the blood drawn or whatever. If I depended on my doctor to send that information, it would be days or weeks. Don't know if your medical provider has a service like that though.
We have still not heard from Hubby's Doc yet about his lastest lab test results from last Sat.
No one will call back from the office so Monday or Tuesday he needs to go in and talk to somebody about his test results.
We are both really hot about this.
Somebody or somebodies are not doing their job in the front desk and assistant areas. Maybe someone quit, who knows.:frown: :mad:

It is frustrating. I was really antsy about having my medical records on line, but I do appreciate getting the lab results almost within the hour after having the blood drawn or whatever. If I depended on my doctor to send that information, it would be days or weeks. Don't know if your medical provider has a service like that though.

Sometimes the labs are backed up and it takes them some time.
Another day shot. I took the partner to his doc's appt this morning and he's still not healed enough for surgery. The swelling is still significant and the fracture blisters are almost (not quite) healed enough. So we go back on Monday for another evaluation and they'll do the surgery on Tuesday. Doc said they have about a three week window to address the fracture before healing of the bones progresses to the point they have to break them again to fix them properly. Right now, the partner is sitting in the Jeep, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine and I am enjoying a few quiet moments before he comes in and annoys me. Right now, I think he hates my guts, he's even said as much.
But all things happen for a reason, don't they? I've been cleaning up his hoarder's house and another friend of ours has kindly started to tackle the partner's truck. I am planning on pricing a RedBox to see if I can afford it. That way, I just tip all the trash and junk into the box and it's hauled away before he knows his stuff is gone. I'm also trying to find someone to foster his cat for a month or so until he can make it on his own and doesn't need help getting around.
Four new kids, all cute as heck. We're bottle-feeding on little doeling because her mom doesn't seem inclined to feed her. Makes the partner happy, he has a purpose in life: wet nurse for a goatling.
Well, time to milk the goats. I'll try to check back later. Hope y'all are having great day and enjoying Springtime.

He sounds cranky. Lol. :D
He's only cranky when he doesn't get his way. He's a passive-aggressive controller, so not getting his way usually results in unpleasantness that casual observers might not recognize as aggressive behavior. He is a hoarder, though, and I have been spending a little time each work day at the house in town, picking up and bagging some unbelievable litter, trash, and garbage. The refrigerator was daunting and I still have to tackle the freezer. He had smoked salmon from 2003 in the 'fridge. Hell, ya never know when someone might drop by and you need a smoked salmon treat!
There's a Black Forest cake I made over three months ago that I found under a pile of other stuff. I'm not sure whether I want to try to salvage the cake carrier. It's a particularly nice one and might just clean up OK, after I dislodge the wreck of that cake...

I'd probably just throw it out and get a new one at this point. :)

Naw. They are rather expensive--I recently priced them. It will clean up.

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