USMB Coffee Shop IV

Happy Wednesday!

Good morning,Chris!

Mornin' Ernie! It's actually 12:33 PM here, but I just woke up a few minutes ago. :bye1:
I agree with your sister, how can anyone loose weight on a cruise!?
If you have time, and I can swing it, let me know if you'll have time in Anchorage. I'll take you and your hubby to dinner (or lunch, or breakfast).

My hubby is a little leary about going out with people I met online. He asked me if you were an okay person or strange. I said you were an okay person and strange.
I agree that meeting on-line acquaintances might be tricky. I've met a couple of people from this forum in person, and there have been group get-togethers with people from other forums. They always worked out pretty well, and there are always some surprises. Most people don't look much like you picture them in you mind's eye, for instance. If you prefer, I can make some recommendations of good places to find some chow around town, too.

No, I'm good if you want to meet us. We currently have no excursion for Anchorage, it should be fun.
It would be my honor! You have nothing to fear, especially with hubby on board. PM me when you get closer to the time. What do you like to eat?

I like a lot of stuff but my husband pretty much only likes chicken and hamburger.....<sigh>

Same here. I would so much like to try some great recipes I run across, but I enjoy all kinds of cuisine. He's a Texan.
Happy Wednesday!

Good morning,Chris!

Mornin' Ernie! It's actually 12:33 PM here, but I just woke up a few minutes ago. :bye1:
Morning becomes relative in this business. I say "good morning" to my partners at 2 PM and good night at sunrise right after we eat breakfast for supper.
The best thing about Central time is that I'm an hour younger than I would be there. :D
Happy Wednesday!

Good morning,Chris!

Mornin' Ernie! It's actually 12:33 PM here, but I just woke up a few minutes ago. :bye1:
Morning becomes relative in this business. I say "good morning" to my partners at 2 PM and good night at sunrise right after we eat breakfast for supper.
The best thing about Central time is that I'm an hour younger than I would be there. :D

Working third shift can be confusing. :lol:
My hubby is a little leary about going out with people I met online. He asked me if you were an okay person or strange. I said you were an okay person and strange.
I agree that meeting on-line acquaintances might be tricky. I've met a couple of people from this forum in person, and there have been group get-togethers with people from other forums. They always worked out pretty well, and there are always some surprises. Most people don't look much like you picture them in you mind's eye, for instance. If you prefer, I can make some recommendations of good places to find some chow around town, too.

No, I'm good if you want to meet us. We currently have no excursion for Anchorage, it should be fun.
It would be my honor! You have nothing to fear, especially with hubby on board. PM me when you get closer to the time. What do you like to eat?

I like a lot of stuff but my husband pretty much only likes chicken and hamburger.....<sigh>
There's a place, pretty good restaurant, actually, that used to offer Kobe beef meat loaf. (A total waste of a good cut of beef, IMHO, but it seemed to sell well.) For the more adventurous types, they have a blackened salmon to die for! That place is right downtown. If we have a bit of time and you all are up for a lovely drive, I'd take you to Girdwood. The place down there is "starred" and fairly well known in epicurean circles.

I'll have to find out how much time we have, I'm pretty much good for about anything, I love sight seeing and seeing places I haven't been to before. I also love meeting people, I'm a people person. Be prepared for me to take pictures. I would be just as happy seeing your goats as going anywhere else.
Happy Spring everyone.
Hey, Ollie! How are you doing? Any new kittens in you garage? (Was that where you had found them last time?) How is Mrs. Ollie?
Mrs O is holding steady, No change is the best we can hope for. She has good and bad days. One of the grown up Granddaughters has been here since last June, (She's moving out in a week or two.) And she caught one of the kittens about 5 months ago and it now lives in the house has had all it's shots and will be fixed if she doesn't take it with her when she moves to her Aunts house, a 5 hour drive from here... And me? I'm taking care of everyone else and suffering with a heel spur. The cortisone shots aren't helping.

Had my heel spur sanded off, complications led to me not walking for nearly two years. Now, I have this humongous scar and I can't wear normal shoes...<sigh> Cortisone never did do much for me.
No change in the vigil list and I'm on my laptop that is acting very peculiar, so I'll say good night to all. First one here in the morning, put the coffee on.
First trip in the new 5th wheel will be to Holland, MI for the Tulip Time Festival. Will be there from May 7th until May 15th. Do you wear socks when you wear wooden shoes???????

Woo hoo. Good to see you BBD. And I think socks with wooden shoes are okay. It's sandals that you get pointed at and laughed at when you wear socks.
I study ballet but not work now. I employ with American musical theatre not ballet is modern western style of dance. To be pay for ballet is only dream. I use ballet preparation before rehearse or perform, demi-plié, full grande plié, Port de bras all position. You must be know of this so I boring you with detail. Other girl ask me what I do why I do these but I not get ache of muscle or injure. I think who teach them dance? :)

I don't think it's boring at all! I like talking about dance! :) I took ballet as a child and then again for a while when I was a teen. I haven't done it in YEARS though. Pointe shoes are painful, no? :D

No pain from pointe shoe. Must fit correct. Weak foot then pain. Is tight then pain. Shoe soft then pain. Box to much wide or short then pain. Shoe loose then pain. Shoe fit correct with strong foot no pain. My job make me wear heel to dance this difficult to me however I become accustom to heel thus better.

I haven't worn pointe shoes in years, but they always hurt my feet. I don't get pain from heels. I'm short, so I wear them all the time. Lol! :D

My heel I purchase not hurt for walk but show shoe is different. I employ various method to make shoe comfort for strenuous dance. Every show get new shoe! :(

Show shoes!

I not take pic of shoe for internet.

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