USMB Coffee Shop IV

Been mostly cloudy all day, lots of verga and now the actual front is coming through, the temps have dropped 18 degrees in the last 15 minutes.
I agree with your sister, how can anyone loose weight on a cruise!?
If you have time, and I can swing it, let me know if you'll have time in Anchorage. I'll take you and your hubby to dinner (or lunch, or breakfast).

My hubby is a little leary about going out with people I met online. He asked me if you were an okay person or strange. I said you were an okay person and strange.
I agree that meeting on-line acquaintances might be tricky. I've met a couple of people from this forum in person, and there have been group get-togethers with people from other forums. They always worked out pretty well, and there are always some surprises. Most people don't look much like you picture them in you mind's eye, for instance. If you prefer, I can make some recommendations of good places to find some chow around town, too.

No, I'm good if you want to meet us. We currently have no excursion for Anchorage, it should be fun.
It would be my honor! You have nothing to fear, especially with hubby on board. PM me when you get closer to the time. What do you like to eat?

I like a lot of stuff but my husband pretty much only likes chicken and hamburger.....<sigh>
There's a place, pretty good restaurant, actually, that used to offer Kobe beef meat loaf. (A total waste of a good cut of beef, IMHO, but it seemed to sell well.) For the more adventurous types, they have a blackened salmon to die for! That place is right downtown. If we have a bit of time and you all are up for a lovely drive, I'd take you to Girdwood. The place down there is "starred" and fairly well known in epicurean circles.
Another day shot. I took the partner to his doc's appt this morning and he's still not healed enough for surgery. The swelling is still significant and the fracture blisters are almost (not quite) healed enough. So we go back on Monday for another evaluation and they'll do the surgery on Tuesday. Doc said they have about a three week window to address the fracture before healing of the bones progresses to the point they have to break them again to fix them properly. Right now, the partner is sitting in the Jeep, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine and I am enjoying a few quiet moments before he comes in and annoys me. Right now, I think he hates my guts, he's even said as much.
But all things happen for a reason, don't they? I've been cleaning up his hoarder's house and another friend of ours has kindly started to tackle the partner's truck. I am planning on pricing a RedBox to see if I can afford it. That way, I just tip all the trash and junk into the box and it's hauled away before he knows his stuff is gone. I'm also trying to find someone to foster his cat for a month or so until he can make it on his own and doesn't need help getting around.
Four new kids, all cute as heck. We're bottle-feeding on little doeling because her mom doesn't seem inclined to feed her. Makes the partner happy, he has a purpose in life: wet nurse for a goatling.
Well, time to milk the goats. I'll try to check back later. Hope y'all are having great day and enjoying Springtime.
Fascinating new idea being discussed on twitter. They are talking about building thousands of tiny space probes the size of mobile phones, and sending them to Alpha Centauri (the nearest star) to search for planets. It will take them twenty years to get there, so some of us are too old to last long enough to see the results.

Here's the website for the project : Breakthrough Initiatives

To summarize, a normal propulsion ship would launch and release a bunch of miniature probes with something called a light sail. Then a laser emitter from Earth would hit all of those probes with a laser and that would send them toward Alpha Centauri at somewhere around 1/5 of the speed of light.

It's mostly theoretical at this point, from what I gather. Still, I would love to see it happen. I've always wanted interstellar travel to occur in my lifetime, but never really believed it would.
Happy Spring everyone.
Hey, Ollie! How are you doing? Any new kittens in you garage? (Was that where you had found them last time?) How is Mrs. Ollie?
Mrs O is holding steady, No change is the best we can hope for. She has good and bad days. One of the grown up Granddaughters has been here since last June, (She's moving out in a week or two.) And she caught one of the kittens about 5 months ago and it now lives in the house has had all it's shots and will be fixed if she doesn't take it with her when she moves to her Aunts house, a 5 hour drive from here... And me? I'm taking care of everyone else and suffering with a heel spur. The cortisone shots aren't helping.
Happy Spring everyone.
Hey, Ollie! How are you doing? Any new kittens in you garage? (Was that where you had found them last time?) How is Mrs. Ollie?
Mrs O is holding steady, No change is the best we can hope for. She has good and bad days. One of the grown up Granddaughters has been here since last June, (She's moving out in a week or two.) And she caught one of the kittens about 5 months ago and it now lives in the house has had all it's shots and will be fixed if she doesn't take it with her when she moves to her Aunts house, a 5 hour drive from here... And me? I'm taking care of everyone else and suffering with a heel spur. The cortisone shots aren't helping.

Oh ouch. No fun. Especially when you need to do one of the parades.
My neighbor is dying. Cancer, only age 72. Twenty yrs we held down the end of the block. We invited him to our parties, he loaned us the odd implement when we needed it. Going to miss him. Every other house on the block has flipped multiple times, only vaguely remember some of them. Dont understand the moving frenzy the country acquired, When I look back to my childhood neighborhood I can still name most of the residents....dont remember ever seeing a for sale sign until we moved after being there 15 yrs. How do you build community when you barely know the people across the street and they change on a regular basis?
Happy Spring everyone.
Hey, Ollie! How are you doing? Any new kittens in you garage? (Was that where you had found them last time?) How is Mrs. Ollie?
Mrs O is holding steady, No change is the best we can hope for. She has good and bad days. One of the grown up Granddaughters has been here since last June, (She's moving out in a week or two.) And she caught one of the kittens about 5 months ago and it now lives in the house has had all it's shots and will be fixed if she doesn't take it with her when she moves to her Aunts house, a 5 hour drive from here... And me? I'm taking care of everyone else and suffering with a heel spur. The cortisone shots aren't helping.

May she have far more good days than bad days. And hopefully your heel will improve.
Happy Spring everyone.
Hey, Ollie! How are you doing? Any new kittens in you garage? (Was that where you had found them last time?) How is Mrs. Ollie?
Mrs O is holding steady, No change is the best we can hope for. She has good and bad days. One of the grown up Granddaughters has been here since last June, (She's moving out in a week or two.) And she caught one of the kittens about 5 months ago and it now lives in the house has had all it's shots and will be fixed if she doesn't take it with her when she moves to her Aunts house, a 5 hour drive from here... And me? I'm taking care of everyone else and suffering with a heel spur. The cortisone shots aren't helping.
Damn, Ollie...that's quite a load on your shoulders, man! Mrs. O has all my best wishes coming her way. It is good that you have family who can help. Maybe the kitten can stay. I find my fur-fam to be quite comforting. How does Mrs. O feel about the kitty?
Hope you feel better soon, too. All my best to you and yours, Ollie.
Fascinating new idea being discussed on twitter. They are talking about building thousands of tiny space probes the size of mobile phones, and sending them to Alpha Centauri (the nearest star) to search for planets. It will take them twenty years to get there, so some of us are too old to last long enough to see the results.

Here's the website for the project : Breakthrough Initiatives

To summarize, a normal propulsion ship would launch and release a bunch of miniature probes with something called a light sail. Then a laser emitter from Earth would hit all of those probes with a laser and that would send them toward Alpha Centauri at somewhere around 1/5 of the speed of light.

It's mostly theoretical at this point, from what I gather. Still, I would love to see it happen. I've always wanted interstellar travel to occur in my lifetime, but never really believed it would.

I started a thread about it on the science forum. As it has not got off the ground yet and may take years, and as a signal travelling back from Alpha Centauri would take 4 years at the speed of light, I doubt it will happen in my lifetime, as I will be 100 years old by then.
My neighbor is dying. Cancer, only age 72. Twenty yrs we held down the end of the block. We invited him to our parties, he loaned us the odd implement when we needed it. Going to miss him. Every other house on the block has flipped multiple times, only vaguely remember some of them. Dont understand the moving frenzy the country acquired, When I look back to my childhood neighborhood I can still name most of the residents....dont remember ever seeing a for sale sign until we moved after being there 15 yrs. How do you build community when you barely know the people across the street and they change on a regular basis?

It is tough MOTT. Sorry about your neighbor. I do understand what you are saying though. There was a time we had at least met, if not became friends with, every neighbor for a block or more around. Now most people are acquainted with maybe one or two of their neighbors, if that, and don't even know the names of the others. We are blessed with good neighbors who help each other out a lot in a stable neighborhood here in Albuquerque so we do know most of our neighbors, but I know we are the exception rather than the rule in the city these days.
Good morning everybody. I can't believe it is hump day yet again. Seems like it was that just a couple of days ago. Beautiful sunny day but still nippy (mid 40's) this hour but will probably get up into the high 60's or low 70's later today. Somehow all the rain missed us in north Albuquerque. Our next shot for some rain is over the weekend.
Another day shot. I took the partner to his doc's appt this morning and he's still not healed enough for surgery. The swelling is still significant and the fracture blisters are almost (not quite) healed enough. So we go back on Monday for another evaluation and they'll do the surgery on Tuesday. Doc said they have about a three week window to address the fracture before healing of the bones progresses to the point they have to break them again to fix them properly. Right now, the partner is sitting in the Jeep, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine and I am enjoying a few quiet moments before he comes in and annoys me. Right now, I think he hates my guts, he's even said as much.
But all things happen for a reason, don't they? I've been cleaning up his hoarder's house and another friend of ours has kindly started to tackle the partner's truck. I am planning on pricing a RedBox to see if I can afford it. That way, I just tip all the trash and junk into the box and it's hauled away before he knows his stuff is gone. I'm also trying to find someone to foster his cat for a month or so until he can make it on his own and doesn't need help getting around.
Four new kids, all cute as heck. We're bottle-feeding on little doeling because her mom doesn't seem inclined to feed her. Makes the partner happy, he has a purpose in life: wet nurse for a goatling.
Well, time to milk the goats. I'll try to check back later. Hope y'all are having great day and enjoying Springtime.

He sounds cranky. Lol. :D
Got home about 4 AM and to sleep by about 5 and up just before 11. In at 4 PM today and due to some people shifting, I'll be there til about 4 again tonight. Training a new bartender tonight.
I hate turning people loose, but the one who is being replaced is a great bartender with a great personality and quite easy on the eyes, but in her 3 weeks at Doc's when scheduled to work a double shift, she was late due to baby sitter problems the first week, a court date the second and yesterday a ex boyfriend texted me that she had been to the hospital and was sleeping off the medicine they gave her. I never got a straight answer if she intended to come it, but she never showed. She's been replaced.

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