USMB Coffee Shop IV

Spoonman....Sherry MARRIED the guy she met online. Welfarequeen!! Wedding was last month? Or this month? Still waiting on pics!!

Okay, that requires us to consider that Tatyana may not have been introduced to this bit of American culture yet. We note that the player on first base in the photo is "Hu".

Greeting! Pogo say this nice part USMB and I come for see.

I maybe express idea to get start. I like picture with these dogs above but I am not understand why is joke? Who is Smith or Wesson that make them dog funny?

Welcome Татьяна, but we need to figure out a way to type your name on our English keyboards. :) So sorry some of our countrymen treated you poorly. We have wonderful people here, but we also have some childish jerks. Hopefully we can explain our jokes in the Coffee Shop and you might be teased just a wee bit all in fun, but I pray nobody will ever be mean or cruel to others in the Coffee Shop. And no worries if you don't understand everything. I am impressed by anybody who can converse in two or more languages as most of us have trouble with just one. But thanks to Pogo for introducing you to us and again, welcome, welcome. Oh, and I love Ballet.

Your first timer's (in the Coffee Shop) complimentary beverage:


You may use 'Tatyana' this is transliteration. Also may activate Cyrillic character in computer but do not do this task for me. I need practice of English. :)

I believe begin trouble is mine of not understand. Pogo explain me and I learn. Hope improve start here. :)
Just to clear up your question about why the dogs Smith and Wesson are funny, Smith and Wesson is also the name of an American gun manufacturing company.

I still not understand but not concern. Thank you attempt for explanation. :)
I agree that meeting on-line acquaintances might be tricky. I've met a couple of people from this forum in person, and there have been group get-togethers with people from other forums. They always worked out pretty well, and there are always some surprises. Most people don't look much like you picture them in you mind's eye, for instance. If you prefer, I can make some recommendations of good places to find some chow around town, too.

It worked out pretty well for me.:eusa_whistle:
Um, would be a testimonial for how well those on-line friendships can blossom given a face-to-face opportunity. Congratulations on you fine catch, by-the-way.
Long time, no see. How is everyone? I've been so busy I don't get time to post around much anymore.

Spoonie!!! Welcome back. You've been on the 'light left on' list for like forever too, but at least you do check in every few months. Busy is good though. Hope all is well with you and yours. At least you're out of your Christmas avatar. :)
I'm in my boat now. planning a kayak trip in june to the Adirondacks. a lot of the lakes are connected by rivers up there. so we're starting in one passing through another and ending up in a third. camping along the way.
Done a bit of canoeing here on inter-connected lake systems. How are you are portaging?
I agree that meeting on-line acquaintances might be tricky. I've met a couple of people from this forum in person, and there have been group get-togethers with people from other forums. They always worked out pretty well, and there are always some surprises. Most people don't look much like you picture them in you mind's eye, for instance. If you prefer, I can make some recommendations of good places to find some chow around town, too.

It worked out pretty well for me.:eusa_whistle:
you're dating someone you met online?
Ya might say
Greeting! Pogo say this nice part USMB and I come for see.

I maybe express idea to get start. I like picture with these dogs above but I am not understand why is joke? Who is Smith or Wesson that make them dog funny?

Pogo tells me you are a ballet dancer? What's the name of your company (troupe)? You might really enjoy this thread. I also was in ballet. :)


I study ballet but not work now. I employ with American musical theatre not ballet is modern western style of dance. To be pay for ballet is only dream. I use ballet preparation before rehearse or perform, demi-plié, full grande plié, Port de bras all position. You must be know of this so I boring you with detail. Other girl ask me what I do why I do these but I not get ache of muscle or injure. I think who teach them dance? :)

I don't think it's boring at all! I like talking about dance! :) I took ballet as a child and then again for a while when I was a teen. I haven't done it in YEARS though. Pointe shoes are painful, no? :D

No pain from pointe shoe. Must fit correct. Weak foot then pain. Is tight then pain. Shoe soft then pain. Box to much wide or short then pain. Shoe loose then pain. Shoe fit correct with strong foot no pain. My job make me wear heel to dance this difficult to me however I become accustom to heel thus better.
Yes, we are really excited, 2 weeks to Alaska, all the way up to Kodiak. We went on our first cruise last year and my husband liked it so much he said we could do 2 weeks for our anniversary. I hope it's as much fun as our first one, I lost 7 pounds. My sister said "How could you lose weight on a cruise?" I just pointed out that I talked all through dinner instead of eating it. lol It was fun.
I agree with your sister, how can anyone loose weight on a cruise!?
If you have time, and I can swing it, let me know if you'll have time in Anchorage. I'll take you and your hubby to dinner (or lunch, or breakfast).

My hubby is a little leary about going out with people I met online. He asked me if you were an okay person or strange. I said you were an okay person and strange.
I agree that meeting on-line acquaintances might be tricky. I've met a couple of people from this forum in person, and there have been group get-togethers with people from other forums. They always worked out pretty well, and there are always some surprises. Most people don't look much like you picture them in you mind's eye, for instance. If you prefer, I can make some recommendations of good places to find some chow around town, too.

No, I'm good if you want to meet us. We currently have no excursion for Anchorage, it should be fun.
It would be my honor! You have nothing to fear, especially with hubby on board. PM me when you get closer to the time. What do you like to eat?
Greeting! Pogo say this nice part USMB and I come for see.

I maybe express idea to get start. I like picture with these dogs above but I am not understand why is joke? Who is Smith or Wesson that make them dog funny?

Pogo tells me you are a ballet dancer? What's the name of your company (troupe)? You might really enjoy this thread. I also was in ballet. :)


I study ballet but not work now. I employ with American musical theatre not ballet is modern western style of dance. To be pay for ballet is only dream. I use ballet preparation before rehearse or perform, demi-plié, full grande plié, Port de bras all position. You must be know of this so I boring you with detail. Other girl ask me what I do why I do these but I not get ache of muscle or injure. I think who teach them dance? :)

I don't think it's boring at all! I like talking about dance! :) I took ballet as a child and then again for a while when I was a teen. I haven't done it in YEARS though. Pointe shoes are painful, no? :D

No pain from pointe shoe. Must fit correct. Weak foot then pain. Is tight then pain. Shoe soft then pain. Box to much wide or short then pain. Shoe loose then pain. Shoe fit correct with strong foot no pain. My job make me wear heel to dance this difficult to me however I become accustom to heel thus better.

I haven't worn pointe shoes in years, but they always hurt my feet. I don't get pain from heels. I'm short, so I wear them all the time. Lol! :D
Greeting! Pogo say this nice part USMB and I come for see.

I maybe express idea to get start. I like picture with these dogs above but I am not understand why is joke? Who is Smith or Wesson that make them dog funny?
Greetings, Tatyana! The Coffee Shop is indeed a better place to practice your English and get to know Americans without the rough-and-tumble, no punches-pulled acrimony you find in places where politics and religion raise their ugly heads.
If I can figure it out, I might try to practice my (very rusty) Russian on you!

Thank you kind greeting. My grandmother (бабушка - babushka... for you Russian paractice :) ) tell me never discuss politic or religion with other keep idea to self. She much wisdom I heed advice.
Greeting! Pogo say this nice part USMB and I come for see.

I maybe express idea to get start. I like picture with these dogs above but I am not understand why is joke? Who is Smith or Wesson that make them dog funny?
Greetings, Tatyana! The Coffee Shop is indeed a better place to practice your English and get to know Americans without the rough-and-tumble, no punches-pulled acrimony you find in places where politics and religion raise their ugly heads.
If I can figure it out, I might try to practice my (very rusty) Russian on you!

Thank you kind greeting. My grandmother (бабушка - babushka... for you Russian paractice :) ) tell me never discuss politic or religion with other keep idea to self. She much wisdom I heed advice.

Lol. That's funny. My grandfather said the same thing to me. He said if you want to keep your friends, never discuss politics or religion. :D
Greeting! Pogo say this nice part USMB and I come for see.

I maybe express idea to get start. I like picture with these dogs above but I am not understand why is joke? Who is Smith or Wesson that make them dog funny?
Greetings, Tatyana! The Coffee Shop is indeed a better place to practice your English and get to know Americans without the rough-and-tumble, no punches-pulled acrimony you find in places where politics and religion raise their ugly heads.
If I can figure it out, I might try to practice my (very rusty) Russian on you!

Thank you kind greeting. My grandmother (бабушка - babushka... for you Russian paractice :) ) tell me never discuss politic or religion with other keep idea to self. She much wisdom I heed advice.
My dad said the same thing. He was a smart man.
Well, finally caught up again.
With the partner disabled, I am doing my work, his work, and caring for him, too. World's worst patient paired with the world's worst nurse, and that for a minimum of six months. This should get interesting. I've heard the saying that "That which does not kill you makes you stronger". I figure either my partner will die a sudden death or I will emerge from this ordeal one helluva M**f'n bitch. He's not a whiner, but he's still trying to control a situation over which his physical disability eliminates his control.
My plan to move to the "country" place are now on hold because I cannot get up there on weekends to build the barn and put up the fences I need, let alone split at least 10 cords of wood needed to make it through the winter. My partner usually takes care of the goats when I take off for a couple of days. There are some positives, though, and I am concentrating on those.
Good to see Spoonman, Sheila and Ollie on board again. And Tatyana will be fun, if I can find the Cyrillic keyboard, I might torture here with my rusty Russian.
Spring is here, warm and balmy, by our standards. Four new kids on the ground, three girls and one boy. They are all cute as heck and I'll try my best to get a few photos. I luvs me some Spring babies...

Okay, that requires us to consider that Tatyana may not have been introduced to this bit of American culture yet. We note that the player on first base in the photo is "Hu".

... This very confuse me. They men speak quickly and much dynamic volume. I discover much American humor use phrase awkward way for comedy and this I have difficult understand. I understand concept but not know multiple use of phrase. My shows use many joke I do not understand but audience enjoy so then is good.

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