USMB Coffee Shop IV

Greeting! Pogo say this nice part USMB and I come for see.

I maybe express idea to get start. I like picture with these dogs above but I am not understand why is joke? Who is Smith or Wesson that make them dog funny?

Welcome Татьяна, but we need to figure out a way to type your name on our English keyboards. :) So sorry some of our countrymen treated you poorly. We have wonderful people here, but we also have some childish jerks. Hopefully we can explain our jokes in the Coffee Shop and you might be teased just a wee bit all in fun, but I pray nobody will ever be mean or cruel to others in the Coffee Shop. And no worries if you don't understand everything. I am impressed by anybody who can converse in two or more languages as most of us have trouble with just one. But thanks to Pogo for introducing you to us and again, welcome, welcome. Oh, and I love Ballet.

Your first timer's (in the Coffee Shop) complimentary beverage:


Say --- isn't that a White Russian?

When did this place get a liquor license?

Crap! The renewal license....
I took ballet when I was a kid. Also gymnastics, tap dancing, etc. It was the "in" thing to do in the 1950's.
We got a few sprinkles but its over now. Been laying a tad low due to nicotine withdrawals. Still smoking, but I am down to about 6 per day. I will do this for a few weeks, then....see if I can cold turkey it the rest of the way. It sure is different than the 2 packs I was smoking per day, but I am not as frazzled as I used to be. Handling it quite well, actually.

I read...but kinda keep moving along instead of hanging out. I'm probably not the best company at the moment. :lol:

Good Luck to you Gracie, I hope you succeed.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
Sherry’s Mom,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Gracie's eye surgery and stop smoking project,
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom,
Nosmo's eye surgery,
Rod, GW's partner,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

Greeting! Pogo say this nice part USMB and I come for see.

I maybe express idea to get start. I like picture with these dogs above but I am not understand why is joke? Who is Smith or Wesson that make them dog funny?

Pogo tells me you are a ballet dancer? What's the name of your company (troupe)? You might really enjoy this thread. I also was in ballet. :)


I study ballet but not work now. I employ with American musical theatre not ballet is modern western style of dance. To be pay for ballet is only dream. I use ballet preparation before rehearse or perform, demi-plié, full grande plié, Port de bras all position. You must be know of this so I boring you with detail. Other girl ask me what I do why I do these but I not get ache of muscle or injure. I think who teach them dance? :)
Greeting! Pogo say this nice part USMB and I come for see.

I maybe express idea to get start. I like picture with these dogs above but I am not understand why is joke? Who is Smith or Wesson that make them dog funny?

Who is your favorite prima ballerina?

Mine is Svetlana Zakharova


Is good question. :)

Must list Anna Pavlova for "Old School" chose. I hope I use English idiom correct.

For modern era so many very talent dancer difficult to select favorite. Viktorina Kapitonova perhaps. Many exciting talents from women of color emerge, Misty Copeland, Shannon Harkins, Evelyn Cisneros very wonderful. Many believe ballet to be of old era but much thrive today.
We just like to be silly sometimes. Welcome in!

By way of introduction y'all ---- this is Tatyana, she arrived a few days ago and created an intro thread but it was late at night and some of our more callous members were less than welcoming and/or bent on bringing in politics, religion and so forth, which was challenging for her linguistic abilities as motivations can be subtle. Tatyana's just a nice girl who wants to work on learning English and not interested in politics or controversy (for now anyway). I suggested that rather than give up on USMB she might check in here for the simple and congenial conversation she needs.

Tatyana is a ballet dancer. I am delighted she didn't give up and checked in here. :)

Pogo very generous gracious host for me thank you Pogo. I study ballet and gymnastics in youth but do not get work in these field. I have job like modern dance in American musical theatre in midwest of USA. Shows have music with connect by comedy skits. My co-worker say it like television program He Haw but I not see these show. Perhaps describe job similar to that is accurate. She laugh when tell me so maybe is joke?

Many thought I wish express but is difficult to articulate. I apologize my haste error. I understand much of English spoken and I say English better than write. My co-worker also help me to finish express idea if I search of word. Bad present I make in introduce post I say come to USA when child so other think I very young so why English bad. We come to USA when 16. Very exhaust journey we make. Many location we must stop to wait. First we come Canada I not know why some easy method to entry? Next move New Jersey with family here. Father get job in midwest soon then we move another. Then I have grown to adult and move with friend Emily I meet for gymnastic compete. She help me with job I work now.

My history in brief.
Greeting! Pogo say this nice part USMB and I come for see.

I maybe express idea to get start. I like picture with these dogs above but I am not understand why is joke? Who is Smith or Wesson that make them dog funny?

Welcome Татьяна, but we need to figure out a way to type your name on our English keyboards. :) So sorry some of our countrymen treated you poorly. We have wonderful people here, but we also have some childish jerks. Hopefully we can explain our jokes in the Coffee Shop and you might be teased just a wee bit all in fun, but I pray nobody will ever be mean or cruel to others in the Coffee Shop. And no worries if you don't understand everything. I am impressed by anybody who can converse in two or more languages as most of us have trouble with just one. But thanks to Pogo for introducing you to us and again, welcome, welcome. Oh, and I love Ballet.

Your first timer's (in the Coffee Shop) complimentary beverage:


You may use 'Tatyana' this is transliteration. Also may activate Cyrillic character in computer but do not do this task for me. I need practice of English. :)

I believe begin trouble is mine of not understand. Pogo explain me and I learn. Hope improve start here. :)
You may use 'Tatyana' this is transliteration. Also may activate Cyrillic character in computer but do not do this task for me. I need practice of English. :)

I believe begin trouble is mine of not understand. Pogo explain me and I learn. Hope improve start here. :)

This is the best part of the message board to find helpful people Tatyana. Sometimes we get lazy and do not use English correctly. It is also fun to have someone use a bit of an accent when speaking. So if you never get it completely learned, it is okay.
Greeting! Pogo say this nice part USMB and I come for see.

I maybe express idea to get start. I like picture with these dogs above but I am not understand why is joke? Who is Smith or Wesson that make them dog funny?

Welcome Татьяна, but we need to figure out a way to type your name on our English keyboards. :) So sorry some of our countrymen treated you poorly. We have wonderful people here, but we also have some childish jerks. Hopefully we can explain our jokes in the Coffee Shop and you might be teased just a wee bit all in fun, but I pray nobody will ever be mean or cruel to others in the Coffee Shop. And no worries if you don't understand everything. I am impressed by anybody who can converse in two or more languages as most of us have trouble with just one. But thanks to Pogo for introducing you to us and again, welcome, welcome. Oh, and I love Ballet.

Your first timer's (in the Coffee Shop) complimentary beverage:


You may use 'Tatyana' this is transliteration. Also may activate Cyrillic character in computer but do not do this task for me. I need practice of English. :)

I believe begin trouble is mine of not understand. Pogo explain me and I learn. Hope improve start here. :)

Well we are certainly happy to be the people you practice your English with. And you're doing just fine. :) And Tatyana it is.
We just like to be silly sometimes. Welcome in!

By way of introduction y'all ---- this is Tatyana, she arrived a few days ago and created an intro thread but it was late at night and some of our more callous members were less than welcoming and/or bent on bringing in politics, religion and so forth, which was challenging for her linguistic abilities as motivations can be subtle. Tatyana's just a nice girl who wants to work on learning English and not interested in politics or controversy (for now anyway). I suggested that rather than give up on USMB she might check in here for the simple and congenial conversation she needs.

Tatyana is a ballet dancer. I am delighted she didn't give up and checked in here. :)

Pogo very generous gracious host for me thank you Pogo. I study ballet and gymnastics in youth but do not get work in these field. I have job like modern dance in American musical theatre in midwest of USA. Shows have music with connect by comedy skits. My co-worker say it like television program He Haw but I not see these show. Perhaps describe job similar to that is accurate. She laugh when tell me so maybe is joke?

Many thought I wish express but is difficult to articulate. I apologize my haste error. I understand much of English spoken and I say English better than write. My co-worker also help me to finish express idea if I search of word. Bad present I make in introduce post I say come to USA when child so other think I very young so why English bad. We come to USA when 16. Very exhaust journey we make. Many location we must stop to wait. First we come Canada I not know why some easy method to entry? Next move New Jersey with family here. Father get job in midwest soon then we move another. Then I have grown to adult and move with friend Emily I meet for gymnastic compete. She help me with job I work now.

My history in brief.

Thank you for sharing your stories Tatyana. The English may be not perfect but the articulation is just fine. Everyone understands. :thup:

You will find many warm and sympathetic hearts here in the Coffee Shop who are open to listen -- unlike other parts of the board. And Foxfyre ("Foxy") is the person responsible for this thread. She is a good friend.

And now you are one of us too, so we hope you keep checking in when you can.
Greeting! Pogo say this nice part USMB and I come for see.

I maybe express idea to get start. I like picture with these dogs above but I am not understand why is joke? Who is Smith or Wesson that make them dog funny?

Welcome Татьяна, but we need to figure out a way to type your name on our English keyboards. :) So sorry some of our countrymen treated you poorly. We have wonderful people here, but we also have some childish jerks. Hopefully we can explain our jokes in the Coffee Shop and you might be teased just a wee bit all in fun, but I pray nobody will ever be mean or cruel to others in the Coffee Shop. And no worries if you don't understand everything. I am impressed by anybody who can converse in two or more languages as most of us have trouble with just one. But thanks to Pogo for introducing you to us and again, welcome, welcome. Oh, and I love Ballet.

Your first timer's (in the Coffee Shop) complimentary beverage:


You may use 'Tatyana' this is transliteration. Also may activate Cyrillic character in computer but do not do this task for me. I need practice of English. :)

I believe begin trouble is mine of not understand. Pogo explain me and I learn. Hope improve start here. :)
Just to clear up your question about why the dogs Smith and Wesson are funny, Smith and Wesson is also the name of an American gun manufacturing company.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
Sherry’s Mom,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Gracie's eye surgery and stop smoking project,
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom,
Nosmo's eye surgery,
Rod, GW's partner,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


yeah, where's Ollie?
Greeting! Pogo say this nice part USMB and I come for see.

I maybe express idea to get start. I like picture with these dogs above but I am not understand why is joke? Who is Smith or Wesson that make them dog funny?

Pogo tells me you are a ballet dancer? What's the name of your company (troupe)? You might really enjoy this thread. I also was in ballet. :)


I study ballet but not work now. I employ with American musical theatre not ballet is modern western style of dance. To be pay for ballet is only dream. I use ballet preparation before rehearse or perform, demi-plié, full grande plié, Port de bras all position. You must be know of this so I boring you with detail. Other girl ask me what I do why I do these but I not get ache of muscle or injure. I think who teach them dance? :)

I don't think it's boring at all! I like talking about dance! :) I took ballet as a child and then again for a while when I was a teen. I haven't done it in YEARS though. Pointe shoes are painful, no? :D
Greeting! Pogo say this nice part USMB and I come for see.

I maybe express idea to get start. I like picture with these dogs above but I am not understand why is joke? Who is Smith or Wesson that make them dog funny?

Who is your favorite prima ballerina?

Mine is Svetlana Zakharova


Is good question. :)

Must list Anna Pavlova for "Old School" chose. I hope I use English idiom correct.

For modern era so many very talent dancer difficult to select favorite. Viktorina Kapitonova perhaps. Many exciting talents from women of color emerge, Misty Copeland, Shannon Harkins, Evelyn Cisneros very wonderful. Many believe ballet to be of old era but much thrive today.

Misty Copeland - very powerful dancing.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
Sherry’s Mom,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Gracie's eye surgery and stop smoking project,
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom,
Nosmo's eye surgery,
Rod, GW's partner,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


yeah, where's Ollie?

He checks in every now and then just to say hi and is busy elsewhere, but I am in regular contact with him so know he's okay. It's just those that disappear on us we worry about. :) Just like I added Oddball back on because he is no longer checking in at another place where I knew he was okay. Those I see are involved elsewhere I assume are okay so I don't put them on the 'lights on' list. Those that left the Coffee Shop because they didn't love us any more I don't put on the list. And there are probably some who should be on the list but for whatever reason were inadvertently not put on. It's always risky to keep such lists for the reason somebody could be upset that they were included or inadvertently omitted, but I think the risk is probably worth it.
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