USMB Coffee Shop IV

Yeah....10 has some issues. I lost my paintshoppro...had to download another version of it that I HATE. But when I dumped the 10, I got it back. Yay!

I have PSP and I have not had a problem with it since getting 10. I like 10 just fine. Love it actually. I even have Office 2002 and it works with 10. Also can even use my old old old American Greetings card maker which I use to make return address mailing labels.
I use PSP 6. Windows 10 does not support that old of a version.

Mine is 7. I don't even know what the latest is. But I have had 7 for too many years to remember.
If anyone is using Chrome on their windows is the exact same look on windows 10. Which is why I dumped 10.
I didn't like windows had Staples put 7 in again when it came time due to old age. I love staples!

I am. I'm using chrome w/windows 7.
Then you will learn Windows 10 REAL fast.

I can't download Windows 10 until my company says its okay to do so. I work from home, and I don't think it's compatible with their system yet.
Windows 10 is a mixed bag, some have no problems with it, some have lots of problems with it. So far the wife's laptop and the lenovo 3-in-1 has shown no issues, my desktop and my laptop both had major problems. The desktop is now running Win7 Pro and my laptop Linux Ubuntu.
After giving Win 10 two tries I will not upgrade to 10, mandatory updates in which M$ often includes hardware driver updates that occasionally will "break" said hardware. Telemetry (spyware) built in ostensibly to enhance your user experience..... Yeah right......
Boat loads of M$ bloatware built in to include Edge, Cortana and the M$ Store......
The only reason I'm sticking with Win 7 on the desktop is I like my games and most of the big game companies write only for Windows and Apple though that is gradually changing. More and more games are being ported to Linux, hopefully by 2020 (when Win 7 will no longer be supported) the games I like the most will have ported over to Linux.
As of May of last year 44% of companies were still using XP in some form or another, it costs lots of money to upgrade as from Win Vista on some hardware is not supported or not properly supported. That adds the cost of upgrading infrastructure.
Saw the eye doc today. I am scheduled for the caract surgery and astigmatism repair on June 1st at 11am. Turns out I hafta pay for the astigmatism the tune of 600 bucks. Ouch. But...once it is done..he said I would not need corrective lenses on that eyeball. However, he said soon the other eye will start to cloud up too and it will need to be done as well. Just not yet. He said I had many more years for my left eye, which is very good.

That's good news! I had wondered how it went.
Evening, folks. I hope the day find everyone well.
It's been a good one for me, many blessings to all.

Thanks, darling! Admittedly, I had a rough day. My father and I quarreled something terrible this morning over the phone. It was one of the first times in a long time that I was actually furious. Few people can make me upset and my parents are on the list. lol

Sorry about the bad patch mdk. I suppose it happens to us all at times, but that doesn't make it any more pleasant.
  • Thanks
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If anyone is using Chrome on their windows is the exact same look on windows 10. Which is why I dumped 10.
I didn't like windows had Staples put 7 in again when it came time due to old age. I love staples!

I am. I'm using chrome w/windows 7.
Then you will learn Windows 10 REAL fast.

I can't download Windows 10 until my company says its okay to do so. I work from home, and I don't think it's compatible with their system yet.
Windows 10 is a mixed bag, some have no problems with it, some have lots of problems with it. So far the wife's laptop and the lenovo 3-in-1 has shown no issues, my desktop and my laptop both had major problems. The desktop is now running Win7 Pro and my laptop Linux Ubuntu.
After giving Win 10 two tries I will not upgrade to 10, mandatory updates in which M$ often includes hardware driver updates that occasionally will "break" said hardware. Telemetry (spyware) built in ostensibly to enhance your user experience..... Yeah right......
Boat loads of M$ bloatware built in to include Edge, Cortana and the M$ Store......
The only reason I'm sticking with Win 7 on the desktop is I like my games and most of the big game companies write only for Windows and Apple though that is gradually changing. More and more games are being ported to Linux, hopefully by 2020 (when Win 7 will no longer be supported) the games I like the most will have ported over to Linux.
As of May of last year 44% of companies were still using XP in some form or another, it costs lots of money to upgrade as from Win Vista on some hardware is not supported or not properly supported. That adds the cost of upgrading infrastructure.

Guess I was one of the more fortunate ones. I know for some it went well, for others not so much. I am happy. I have it on all 3 computers. 2 desktops and a laptop.
If anyone is using Chrome on their windows is the exact same look on windows 10. Which is why I dumped 10.
I didn't like windows had Staples put 7 in again when it came time due to old age. I love staples!

I am. I'm using chrome w/windows 7.
Then you will learn Windows 10 REAL fast.

I can't download Windows 10 until my company says its okay to do so. I work from home, and I don't think it's compatible with their system yet.
Windows 10 is a mixed bag, some have no problems with it, some have lots of problems with it. So far the wife's laptop and the lenovo 3-in-1 has shown no issues, my desktop and my laptop both had major problems. The desktop is now running Win7 Pro and my laptop Linux Ubuntu.
After giving Win 10 two tries I will not upgrade to 10, mandatory updates in which M$ often includes hardware driver updates that occasionally will "break" said hardware. Telemetry (spyware) built in ostensibly to enhance your user experience..... Yeah right......
Boat loads of M$ bloatware built in to include Edge, Cortana and the M$ Store......
The only reason I'm sticking with Win 7 on the desktop is I like my games and most of the big game companies write only for Windows and Apple though that is gradually changing. More and more games are being ported to Linux, hopefully by 2020 (when Win 7 will no longer be supported) the games I like the most will have ported over to Linux.
As of May of last year 44% of companies were still using XP in some form or another, it costs lots of money to upgrade as from Win Vista on some hardware is not supported or not properly supported. That adds the cost of upgrading infrastructure.

Guess I was one of the more fortunate ones. I know for some it went well, for others not so much. I am happy. I have it on all 3 computers. 2 desktops and a laptop.
Well the spyware is actually nothing more than usage determination and custom personalized marketing. I didn't find it any faster than Win 7 and I hated the Start menu, they screwed it up by only somewhat catering to Win 7 users who wanted the old Start Menu back. Without their new Start menu they couldn't "advertise" their bloatware........
Don't get me wrong, I've always liked Windows, I just hate Microsoft.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
Sherry’s Mom,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Gracie's eye surgery and stop smoking project,
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom,
Nosmo's eye surgery,
Sixfoot's bad back,
Rod, GW's partner,
Peach and her family for comfort,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, 007, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


And for Ecuador

Speaking of computers whenever the wife needs something I have to figure it out.......
She had 4 jpeg files she need converted to pdf, no problem but she also needed them combined into one file. Okay, didn't take long to figure out how to do that. Go to upload the file (job app), nope, too large, 7MB and they only allow 2MB. Then starts a 45 minute hunt for how to shrink a pdf file, try some of the programs recommended, oh great, now I have to read through 20 page how to Wikis...... Finally find an online "program", upload the file and it automatically compresses it then you download it.
Well since I have her laptop it's time to do maintenance, CCleaner, scans, etc.
In the meantime (I'm frustrated) she starts asking me questions about files and configurations that I have no knowledge of, all of this when I'm trying to decipher what I'm reading about pdfs...... Take a deep breath and count to ten before I rip her head off........
Oh and definite plus with running Linux Ubuntu, I have a wireless HP printer, with Windows I have to download the the basic driver, install it then configure it, takes about 10 minutes. With Ubuntu it found the printer and automatically installed the drivers in 10 seconds. :thup:
I just got a call from my Cousin that my Mom passed away this morning.
She was 90 so she had a real good and long life.
I am in shock because I called her Sat. morning and she was doing well.
Then she called me Sat. evening wanting to know if I called her because she could not get to the phone in time.
She sounded very good.
My cousin said the senior home where she was staying at, told him she got up and got dressed and then went to breakfast and then went back to her apartment and went to sleep and never woke up.
She was a good woman and very kind so the lord was very good to her.
Not many go this peacefully.
So sorry for your loss, Angel.
I just got a call from my Cousin that my Mom passed away this morning.
She was 90 so she had a real good and long life.
I am in shock because I called her Sat. morning and she was doing well.
Then she called me Sat. evening wanting to know if I called her because she could not get to the phone in time.
She sounded very good.
My cousin said the senior home where she was staying at, told him she got up and got dressed and then went to breakfast and then went back to her apartment and went to sleep and never woke up.
She was a good woman and very kind so the lord was very good to her.
Not many go this peacefully.
May God grant you the peace that passes all understanding.
I've "lost" the clothes that no longer fit, with few exceptions. Some of my German ethnic stuff remains. I suppose if I continue to lose weight, I'll fit again, and I'd like my granddaughters to enjoy the rarity of such things. Things that I know I could mend (Yes, I know how to darn socks), I still toss. I haven't the time right now to attend such things and may eventually regret that. I'll keep the darning egg and yarn, though. The partner has junk that has rusted or deteriorate beyond salvage and it needs to go away. I did let him keep the tailgate from the 2012 Dodge that we recently had replaced. He wants to repair it so we have a replacement. I suspect that will also eventually go away. Of course, even though I forbade stowage of non-operational automobiles on the property, there's still an S10 with alders growing through the frame that I will have to have hauled out of there. Who knows when one will be able to use those parts? My partner is a hard-core, out-of-control hoarder. If intervention is not provided, he will eventually die when a pile of crap falls on him.

He hoards crap?!? :ack-1:
Actually, yes. At one point, he quite proudly proclaimed that the goat shit in the kitchen was turning to soil. He was fostering a kid that needed nursing. More recently, my buddy who has been "mucking out" the partner's truck has discovered an entire layer of "shit" that features goat poo.
I'd probably just throw it out and get a new one at this point. :)
It's pretty disgusting. I find myself throwing out a lot of things that would have otherwise survived had the partner given them a modicum of attention. This morning, I cleared the desktop. I must have thrown away close to 200 old batteries. He's convinced he can recharge the...indefinitely. I collected a box of tools and a box of hardware (which will require further sorting). I fared better than our buddy, who has taken on cleaning out the partner's truck. Moving the layer of tools into the basement was easy. Now he's tackled the layers, and layers, of detritus of all types. After he hit the layer that was wet and clumped together with old goat poo, he put on gloves, finished filling the trash bag he was working on and went home to boil his hands. Hoarders are horrible!!!

I would be afraid to go in there, I think. Lol.
Unfortunately, I am co-owner of the property and my partner being incapacitated gives me an opportunity to get in there and throw a lot of things out. Hoarders cannot bear to be separated from anything they might someday repair or use in some capacity. But they usually have such a pile of crap that if you get in, toss the crap, and get out, before they can figure out what you're tossing, they don't notice too much. I collected close to $25 in change today, just clearing off that desk. I haven't cracked into the sofa and loveseat yet!
Careful, for hoarders it's an emotional crutch. My wife's a lightweight hoarder and claims it's because she can trust things more than people. She's aware of her problem and we definitely work on it generally with mixed results. There are certain items in the house I've been slowly trying to get her to part with like her old Scan Furniture bed that's falling apart and her old pressed board file cabinet with broken rollers. We have no need of either one but she bristles at the suggestion. She still has boxes and boxes of books that need to go but even that's a process.
Heck I culled my DVDs a while ago, one full bookshelf full and I have a bookshelf left to go back through and recull. All but maybe 10 books in my library have been sold or donated, the only one's I'm keeping are limited prints, rare and/or very old. Most of my clothes that no longer fit are gone, she still has boxes of clothing way to small for her any longer but hey, she just might get back into them......... someday........

We aren't quite hoarders yet....none of the furniture is buried and the eclectic stacks are limited to two or three in out of the way corners. I do clean out the fridge ever now and then. But we are definitely pack rats with all storage full, not necessarily with useful items. I am doing my best to cull and donate or discard as much as possible but it is a slow process. It is difficult to part with things you have a gut feeling you may need, but know there is no real justification to keep. And after so long of sorting and culling, I find myself stopping making decisions. And suffering the yo yo syndrome re weight for most of my adult life, I can sympathise with having several sizes of clothing stashed in closets.

So on behalf of my fellow pack rats, I request patience. Declutterfying is good for the soul, but none of us became saints in a day I think. :)
Foxy, I am certain you understand the difference between packrats and hoarders.
I got an email a bit ago from the ex roomie. I wanted to share, cuz I miss him so much. He is up in Kings Canyon for 6 months, training a crew of 17 youngsters in the forestry biz. He said he ran across some bear poo, but no bear although the other higher ups told him there are A LOT of bear up there. I told him the same thing..and cougar too.
He does not look thrilled, lol. He didn't want to go, but....we talked about it and I said he had to....he has been with the CCC for 5 years now, and this is just another rung up the ladder and to consider it an unexpected adventure...with 17 dwarves to train. :lol:

Kings Canyon National Park

Where they sent him ^

I'm not seeing the downside.
Unfortunately, I am co-owner of the property and my partner being incapacitated gives me an opportunity to get in there and throw a lot of things out. Hoarders cannot bear to be separated from anything they might someday repair or use in some capacity. But they usually have such a pile of crap that if you get in, toss the crap, and get out, before they can figure out what you're tossing, they don't notice too much. I collected close to $25 in change today, just clearing off that desk. I haven't cracked into the sofa and loveseat yet!
Careful, for hoarders it's an emotional crutch. My wife's a lightweight hoarder and claims it's because she can trust things more than people. She's aware of her problem and we definitely work on it generally with mixed results. There are certain items in the house I've been slowly trying to get her to part with like her old Scan Furniture bed that's falling apart and her old pressed board file cabinet with broken rollers. We have no need of either one but she bristles at the suggestion. She still has boxes and boxes of books that need to go but even that's a process.
Heck I culled my DVDs a while ago, one full bookshelf full and I have a bookshelf left to go back through and recull. All but maybe 10 books in my library have been sold or donated, the only one's I'm keeping are limited prints, rare and/or very old. Most of my clothes that no longer fit are gone, she still has boxes of clothing way to small for her any longer but hey, she just might get back into them......... someday........

We aren't quite hoarders yet....none of the furniture is buried and the eclectic stacks are limited to two or three in out of the way corners. I do clean out the fridge ever now and then. But we are definitely pack rats with all storage full, not necessarily with useful items. I am doing my best to cull and donate or discard as much as possible but it is a slow process. It is difficult to part with things you have a gut feeling you may need, but know there is no real justification to keep. And after so long of sorting and culling, I find myself stopping making decisions. And suffering the yo yo syndrome re weight for most of my adult life, I can sympathise with having several sizes of clothing stashed in closets.

So on behalf of my fellow pack rats, I request patience. Declutterfying is good for the soul, but none of us became saints in a day I think. :)
My 24'x36' garage is full of "stuff". There is a usable love seat in there some lumber and my wood working tools, but most of the space is filled by spare chairs (32, I believe) and tables (6) from the bar.
I even built a 8' x 12' loft that now holds camping equipment and a half tom of books.
The bar chairs and tables will eventually move to my partner's 30' x 40' out building if we ever get siding and a roof on it and maybe I'll be able to get a vehicle in there and my shop set up so I can actually use my tools.

I guess we are lucky that we can still get both cars into our normal size two-car garage, but that is just barely. Lots and lots of stuff in there stacked to the ceiling along all three walls. And of course most of it we would never miss if it just magically poofed. But again it is so hard making those decisions.
My sister in law is a hoarder. I made her clean it all up when they moved here some time back (they are gone now). She kept telling me how important and precious things were. I said "if it's so precious and important, why is it in a box in a shed/garage?"
So far, the partner has not noticed loads of stuff I've thrown away. Bets are, he won't be able to account for most of the trash. While he's in surgery Thursday, I'll take the big pickup over and load a bunch of "crap" into it to take to the dump. I've started labeling the slew of tires and wheels lying about his place. If we no longer own those vehicles, the stuff is gone. I found two large c-clamps with the packaging labels still attached, completely rusted beyond use. What a waste!

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