USMB Coffee Shop IV

They just took us off a high wind watch and put us under a dangerous high wind storm warning--probably winds two ranks above gale storm making it full blown storm warning--we'll see in excess of 50-60 mph winds and possibly hurricane force. Not looking forward to that at all. I also feel bad for the big Powwow--gathering of nations of all the Native American tribes from all over the country who are meeting in Albuquerque today. You can't get a hotel or motel room for many miles around here this weekend. It is great fun.


Not my best day today...hip is on fire. :(

Hombre can relate. He is most likely facing a hip replacement within the next year. But a couple of naproxen will help.

Someone cursed me...I have RA and chronic venous insufficiency in both legs. I am bone on bone in both knees so knee replacement(s) is a sure thing in my future.
The hip thing is scaring me a bit, a word I virtually never use. It is a different level of pain.
Not my best day today...hip is on fire. :(

Hombre can relate. He is most likely facing a hip replacement within the next year. But a couple of naproxen will help.

Someone cursed me...I have RA and chronic venous insufficiency in both legs. I am bone on bone in both knees so knee replacement(s) is a sure thing in my future.
The hip thing is scaring me a bit, a word I virtually never use. It is a different level of pain.

Sorry for that--you will find some soul brothers and sisters here in the Coffee Shop in that regard. Look up Budwig Protocol on the internet and read up. If it is a regime you can tolerate, it will really help. I follow a modified version, and even though I probably am doing it wrong because of that, several months later it has cleared up a lot of my issues--including arthritis pain.
Home Depot is no longer carrying Orbit or Toro irrigation parts, so I have to drive twice as far to a Lowe's. Mrs. Liberty works at a Home Depot...
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
Sherry’s Mom,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Gracie's eye surgery and stop smoking project,
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom,
Nosmo's eye surgery,
Sixfoot's bad back,
Rod, GW's partner,
Peach and her family for comfort,
IamwhatIseem's bad hip,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

I love growing fresh herbs. It's so nice to be able to go out back and just pick them, convenient too! :)

I rarely use all called for in a lot of recipes but there are a few that are absolutely necessary. Which do you grow?

I like to grow thyme (or rosemary - they taste similar to me), basil, sage, parsley. :) I did it a couple of summers ago. I'm thinking about doing it again this summer.
No 'see-lan-troe'... ?

Yes actually, forgot that one. Can't make salsa and pico de gallo without it!

It doesn't really have much flavor to me, so I don't use it often.
... whaaaaaaaaaaaat? :lol:
Rained pretty much all day here yesterday, and we need it, but it's tapered off today so, guess I'll finish my coffee, hit the shower fast and then make a walmart run. Need to get a Mom's day card for sure.
It is brrrrr cold here this morning--low 40's with gale force winds still. Showers around, but the severe winds are tearing up the clouds over Albuquerque so we won't get much. We often don't get much snow for the same reason. Sun is out for now; probably won't last long. Notice the upper midwest is due to above average temps this week while we are slated for below normal temps. Our folks in the east and northeast will be wet probably. Yes, it is springtime in America.

One more sip of coffee and then finish getting read for early church service and then brunch if we can find a table somewhere--folks are probably still in town for the big Powwow.
Need a break from the inane idiocy permeating the rest of the board. Had my pot of coffee, doesn't feel like it made much of a difference......
Drove up to T or C yesterday mostly just for the drive, when we left the southern most edge of the clouds FF is getting started to move in, enjoying the cooler weather though. Cool, sunny and breezy down here, Sunday is laundry day so that's been started.
Very near perfect day here.
My favorite kind of sky...mostly sunny with a scattered few puffy white clouds drifting by.
It is 75 degrees...very slight breeze out of the west.
Sitting out here on the covered playing..trees are green out...thank God winter is gone for 6 months or so again!
I wish we were still in the 70s here. We've been in the 80s for the last week or more, and that's a bit hotter than I like it. It also reminds me that we're just around the corner from summer, which I mostly hate. I generally wear jeans and t-shirts year round, but that can get uncomfortable in the hotter months. I suppose I'm likely to be a bit cooler without the long hair, but I doubt it will really be much different from when I kept it in a pony tail. And, of course, spring and summer means bugs and scorpions. :mad:
In southern Indiana we really get the crappy side of seasons on both sides.
Even though we are far north of the Gulf, it is the main driver of the weather here. So in the summer it is plenty humid. Nothing to be 90 degrees with a dewpoint 70 or above. It's like hot soup.
Winters are wildly all over the place here. We will often get a 70 degree day in December...but within 24 hrs it could be in the teens with freezing rain.
The best time here is the fall, but it is painfully brief. We have legendary fall weather here, with people visiting parks here from all over the U.S. In September we can have low humidity, breezy 70 degree days down in the 50's at night for the entire month and into October. So we may only get 30-40 really nice weather days a year. :(
When I retire, I am absolutely moving elsewhere...just not sure where.

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