USMB Coffee Shop IV

Tomorrow we have a guy coming to give us an estimate for a new high end central air and heating unit with installation.
Our old swamp cooler does not work very well at all.
We are figuring on around 10,000.00 or so. We will know for certain by tomorrow afternoon when he comes by.
This is going to be nice having a air conditioner because the swamp cooler does not work well at all in the rain. :)

We love our Master Cool that is a high end swamp cooler. But it would be nice to have both furnace and a/c during the transition months between winter and summer--with our system you have to shut down one when the other is fired up for service.

For sure refrigerated air has some benefits over the swamp cooler, but we sure don't miss the $200+ electric bills we had in Kansas. Even our oversize Master Cool only uses $25 to $50 max per month of electricity even when it is running at maximum.

It's a plus for us because our bills are over 360.00 a month in the winter. :)
200.00 year round would be very nice.

Wow. Why would gas and electricity be so much more expensive there? Especially in the winter when your winters aren't all that cold?

We have an all Electric House and we use space heaters for each room.
It gets very cold here in the winter, down to the low teens at night.
We can't get gas, no pipes from the city.
Some out here have propane, but that gets even more expensive, around 250.00 every two weeks to fill a large 500 gal. tank.
Most around here have woodstoves. :) We did also until we got to old to do it, mesquite is a very hard, very heavy wood.
I woke up at 1:00 a.m. this morning because I slept wrong and the left side of my neck is very sore and painful.
I can't look to my left.
I am going to have to put a heating pad on it because nothing is helping with the pain right now.
See you all later.
I woke up at 1:00 a.m. this morning because I slept wrong and the left side of my neck is very sore and painful.
I can't look to my left.
I am going to have to put a heating pad on it because nothing is helping with the pain right now.
See you all later.
Ice it first, ten minutes on, twenty minutes off for the first day. The heating pad will give temporary relief but a pulled muscle is inflamed and heat will make it more inflamed so it will take longer to heal.
Bio-Freeze is essentially ice in a spray can, it's COLD!!! In the past my doc sprayed the pulled muscle then stretched it out (turning your head and slowely looking up and down). I have the wife do that for me now and in 5 minutes the pull is gone.
Haven't had the money or energy to keep up with keeping the pool as clean as I should, pool chemicals ain't cheap so I have green, yellow and black algae. Yesterday hit it with PH reducer, the PH was through the roof, last night I picked up the rest of what I needed, just finished brushing the pool, backwashing and rinsing it. When I finished brushing it the water was a lovely shade of green....... Added double the chlorine and in about an hour I'll vacuum it, rebackwash and rinse plus the PH is creeping back up so I'll have to add some more reducer. Later I'll have to look to buying a phosphate treatment as I'm betting the phosphate level is high which tends to negate the effects of the chlorine, feed the algae and raise the PH levels.

Here is a shot I took today, in the middle of the afternoon. Six cubs and the mother.
I woke up at 1:00 a.m. this morning because I slept wrong and the left side of my neck is very sore and painful.
I can't look to my left.
I am going to have to put a heating pad on it because nothing is helping with the pain right now.
See you all later.

I had a sharp pain in my chest for weeks. At first I thought it was from twisting around all day to look out the window for Fox cubs. But it got worse and I started thinking it might be lung cancer. I was preparing myself for death, but the pain faded away after a few more days. So It probably was muscle strain from twisting around after all. I thought it mildly amusing that I was contemplating death, but then got reprieved.
Haven't had the money or energy to keep up with keeping the pool as clean as I should, pool chemicals ain't cheap so I have green, yellow and black algae. Yesterday hit it with PH reducer, the PH was through the roof, last night I picked up the rest of what I needed, just finished brushing the pool, backwashing and rinsing it. When I finished brushing it the water was a lovely shade of green....... Added double the chlorine and in about an hour I'll vacuum it, rebackwash and rinse plus the PH is creeping back up so I'll have to add some more reducer. Later I'll have to look to buying a phosphate treatment as I'm betting the phosphate level is high which tends to negate the effects of the chlorine, feed the algae and raise the PH levels.

You were this close to biofuel...
Sadly, I have discovered the limitations of my new Nikon digital camera. It does not seem to focus properly in low light. I just took 13 pictures of at least seven fox cubs surrounding the mother, but they are not in focus. Oh well, at least I do not have to pay for film, and I can just delete the pics.
The PH is slowly going down and the chlorine level is being rapidly depleted, will have to vacuum again later, just did another brushing with the metal brush. Tomorrow I'll recheck the chemical levels and add shock treatment, obviously there's still a lot of algae particulate in the water.
Well, it wore me out, but I finished the damn dresser. Yes, birds again. They sell. So why change a known money maker?


I was so worn out today and yesterday, that I couldn't do I used a fan brush dipped in orange and yellow for "blossoms". Just dab, and yer done.

Two more to go now. I don't think I have it in me to do the highboy. This one about killed me, so I can imagine how I will feel with a highboy.
The more I look at it..the more I hate it.
Sigh. I miss the old days of flipping them around in the back yard, paint all over me, tipping this way and that, holding brushes for hours. *sniff*
I saw a sight today, but I will probably never get a photo of it. A seagull dive bombed the mother Fox. It swooped over her twice. I expect the seagull has lost chicks to Foxes before.
Well, it wore me out, but I finished the damn dresser. Yes, birds again. They sell. So why change a known money maker?


I was so worn out today and yesterday, that I couldn't do I used a fan brush dipped in orange and yellow for "blossoms". Just dab, and yer done.

Two more to go now. I don't think I have it in me to do the highboy. This one about killed me, so I can imagine how I will feel with a highboy.

Ooo. So pretty. Looks great!

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