USMB Coffee Shop IV

We started cutting the amount of sugar we ate many, many, many moons ago now we can't tolerate store bought deserts, it's like eating flavored sugar. When I make deserts I only add about a quarter of the sugar it calls for if that. Most fruits are naturally sweet and don't need extra sugar plus there's a reason sweet milk and sweet cream are called sweet, they don't need sugar, once one is weened of sugar the wonderful taste of the food comes through.
We started cutting the amount of sugar we ate many, many, many moons ago now we can't tolerate store bought deserts, it's like eating flavored sugar. When I make deserts I only add about a quarter of the sugar it calls for if that. Most fruits are naturally sweet and don't need extra sugar plus there's a reason sweet milk and sweet cream are called sweet, they don't need sugar, once one is weened of sugar the wonderful taste of the food comes through.

You would die if you saw how much sugar I put in my coffee. My grammy used to yell at me about it and tell me I was going to get diabetes. Lol.
We started cutting the amount of sugar we ate many, many, many moons ago now we can't tolerate store bought deserts, it's like eating flavored sugar. When I make deserts I only add about a quarter of the sugar it calls for if that. Most fruits are naturally sweet and don't need extra sugar plus there's a reason sweet milk and sweet cream are called sweet, they don't need sugar, once one is weened of sugar the wonderful taste of the food comes through.

You would die if you saw how much sugar I put in my coffee. My grammy used to yell at me about it and tell me I was going to get diabetes. Lol.
MrG always asks me if I want a little coffee with my sugar. :lol:
We started cutting the amount of sugar we ate many, many, many moons ago now we can't tolerate store bought deserts, it's like eating flavored sugar. When I make deserts I only add about a quarter of the sugar it calls for if that. Most fruits are naturally sweet and don't need extra sugar plus there's a reason sweet milk and sweet cream are called sweet, they don't need sugar, once one is weened of sugar the wonderful taste of the food comes through.

You would die if you saw how much sugar I put in my coffee. My grammy used to yell at me about it and tell me I was going to get diabetes. Lol.
My primary coffee additive is 1/2 & 1/2 or table cream. My main weakness is salt and I've been managed to cut it way back except for the occasional 5 pound bag of potato chips........ :eusa_whistle:
I love salty and sweet together. Like...hmmm....carmel salty popcorn. Or paydays.
I also love cinnamon with chocolate, so I buy those little red hot candies and pop a few M&M's in my mouth with them and let them all smoosh together.

I also am a sweet tea lover. Decaf, though. Coffee and tea..both have to be SWEET.
:coffee: Let's dance... :dance:

There's a parade going on this morning; cannons are going off. 241 years ago this week, the newly formed logging community raised a liberty pole, captured a British ship in town for lumber and killed its captain.
It's sunny but cool. The lupines and rugosas have just popped into bloom. Great day for festivities.
I woke up at 1:00 a.m. this morning because I slept wrong and the left side of my neck is very sore and painful.
I can't look to my left.
I am going to have to put a heating pad on it because nothing is helping with the pain right now.
See you all later.
Ice it first, ten minutes on, twenty minutes off for the first day. The heating pad will give temporary relief but a pulled muscle is inflamed and heat will make it more inflamed so it will take longer to heal.
Bio-Freeze is essentially ice in a spray can, it's COLD!!! In the past my doc sprayed the pulled muscle then stretched it out (turning your head and slowely looking up and down). I have the wife do that for me now and in 5 minutes the pull is gone.
A bag of frozen peas works well as an icepack, too, if you can't find the above.
There's a parade going on this morning; cannons are going off. 241 years ago this week, the newly formed logging community raised a liberty pole, captured a British ship in town for lumber and killed its captain.
It's sunny but cool. The lupines and rugosas have just popped into bloom. Great day for festivities.
God bless and long life to King George!!!! Oh...... wait...... Never mind..........
We started cutting the amount of sugar we ate many, many, many moons ago now we can't tolerate store bought deserts, it's like eating flavored sugar. When I make deserts I only add about a quarter of the sugar it calls for if that. Most fruits are naturally sweet and don't need extra sugar plus there's a reason sweet milk and sweet cream are called sweet, they don't need sugar, once one is weened of sugar the wonderful taste of the food comes through.

But then you are losing the wonderful taste of the sugar! ;)
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Here is a shot I took today, in the middle of the afternoon. Six cubs and the mother.
I'll bet that was noisy!

Unfortunately not ! The foxes rarely make any noise. Which means I have to keep looking out of the window all day to see if they are there. I have not seen much of them for two days now and have not taken any new photos.
There were a pair of foxes at my former place. They raised a litter of kits every year for several years. They did make a bit of noise, not at all dog-like, as many expect. They also ate my strawberries every summer.
I may have identified, and corrected, the source of my knee pain. Being frugal, perhaps a bit too much so, I will wear a pair of boots until the bitter end. I noticed that at least one pair of work boots had worn so badly at the heel that I was almost through to the inner sole. So I sprang for a new pair of work shoes. Just one night and my knee is already feeling much better! Moral of the story (I guess) is, learn where to spare expenses and where not to...
I may have identified, and corrected, the source of my knee pain. Being frugal, perhaps a bit too much so, I will wear a pair of boots until the bitter end. I noticed that at least one pair of work boots had worn so badly at the heel that I was almost through to the inner sole. So I sprang for a new pair of work shoes. Just one night and my knee is already feeling much better! Moral of the story (I guess) is, learn where to spare expenses and where not to...
I have to keep up with my New Balance, about twice a year I have to buy new ones or my knees hurt more and my back goes out quicker, learned that the hard way....... :D
I will wear a pair of boots until the bitter end. I noticed that at least one pair of work boots had worn so badly at the heel that I was almost through to the inner sole.

Taking care of your dawgs (feet) is essential to your overall health. Your work environment is notorious for being rough on the soles of work boots. I have spent bigger money on work boots than automobiles (trucks) at certain points in my life.

Happy Feet...
Happy Life...
Having a little trouble sleeping tonight so I thought I'd have a little more of GW's mead. It's tiring me out quite nicely. We need to figure out how to get more when this is gone...this is great stuff.

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