USMB Coffee Shop IV


Thanks to the Hotshot Firefighters

I actually wondered where this place was, had some trouble finding it. Anyone like horror movies?

I like the old original black and white horror films. like the early Frankenstein and Dracula films. Then there are the Hammer horror series. I am not so keen on modern horror films as I find them more disquieting.
One film I have never dared to even watch is 'the exorcist' Because I find the idea of being possessed too close to home.
I actually wondered where this place was, had some trouble finding it. Anyone like horror movies?

I like the old original black and white horror films. like the early Frankenstein and Dracula films. Then there are the Hammer horror series. I am not so keen on modern horror films as I find them more disquieting.
One film I have never dared to even watch is 'the exorcist' Because I find the idea of being possessed too close to home.
"The Exorcist" was definitely a horrifying movie, but the book is one of the few to spook me!
Well, I am 70 years old today. My sister brought me lunch and I had steak, followed by strawberry's and cream.

These milestone birthdays are extra special. Hope yours is especially so.



I actually had you on the birthday list but didn't get in here early enough this morning. :)


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Any of the rest of you who have not informed us of your birth date I would like to get you on the list since USMB's software does not allow for that to be automatically announced any more..
I actually wondered where this place was, had some trouble finding it. Anyone like horror movies?

I like the old original black and white horror films. like the early Frankenstein and Dracula films. Then there are the Hammer horror series. I am not so keen on modern horror films as I find them more disquieting.
One film I have never dared to even watch is 'the exorcist' Because I find the idea of being possessed too close to home.
"The Exorcist" was definitely a horrifying movie, but the book is one of the few to spook me!

Having watched the movie and read the book, I would agree. The book was more intense.
Fireworks and our dry weather are not compatible at the moment. Doesn't stop the subsidized folks from trying to set the world on fire though.
I'm in North Texas, green here. It'll be another great, fireworks-filled 4th of July!

We left Amarillo a little over five hours ago headed home. And it is indeed much more green in the Panhandle than is usual this time of year. But sadly, on the road home we passed fairly near the Dog Head Fire burning in the Manzano Mountains just southeast of Albuquerque--over 17 square miles burning now and zero containment. About 300 homes lost, hundreds of folks evacuated, and they're putting out requests for donations for water and pet food--a number of animal boarding places etc. are taking in rescued pets separated from their owners. Very sad.

And needless to say most local folks are looking very negatively toward fireworks season.
They just "celebrated" the first anniversary of our big fire up here. Not nearly that number of homes lost, but then, Willow is probably far less densely populated. I hope they can contain and stop the fire soon. These wildfires are so devastating. Hope you and yours are safe and sound, Foxy.

I think I misspoke on the number of homes and probably the area of the fire here. . .they have been intertwining news coverage of the big fire in California with the one here, and I think I intertwined the information in my post. So it at most is a few dozen homes/structure lost here so far, but many more than that threatened with folks displaced in evacuations.

The forecast is for higher humidity in the next few days that will allow them a better chance to start getting it under control. But that comes with east winds that drives the smoke into the metro area.
Any of the rest of you who have not informed us of your birth date I would like to get you on the list since USMB's software does not allow for that to be automatically announced any more..
Too late for me this year; I turned 60 last March. :)

March the what? So I can get you on the list. :)
March the what? So I can get you on the list. :)
Call me paranoid, but that's TMI. March the 1st will work. :D

On a related note, my wife is a big Facebook fan connecting with old friends and people from her hometown. Sometimes things get either too political or too religious and the emotions ramp up. I warn her about getting too involved since a petty person will (and they have) use all the personal information gleaned on Facebook to bully her or others.

Any of the rest of you who have not informed us of your birth date I would like to get you on the list since USMB's software does not allow for that to be automatically announced any more..

I have one each year on the same date.
March the what? So I can get you on the list. :)
Call me paranoid, but that's TMI. March the 1st will work. :D

On a related note, my wife is a big Facebook fan connecting with old friends and people from her hometown. Sometimes things get either too political or too religious and the emotions ramp up. I warn her about getting too involved since a petty person will (and they have) use all the personal information gleaned on Facebook to bully her or others.


Okay. March 1 it is until you choose to revise and extend.

I agree with your advice re Facebook though. Anybody who knows me on these message boards know I am an extremely political person with very clearly defined opinions and these are contrary to those of many close friends and relatives. So FB for me is to be used more like the Coffee Shop--non controversial--at least in ways that evoke strong negative emotion and responses from people--and focused on what we can appreciate and enjoy about each other. I do not make political FB posts myself and those who insist on making volatile political posts on my page are hidden or deleted from my page. I just ignore everything else I choose not to deal with on FB. :)
Any of the rest of you who have not informed us of your birth date I would like to get you on the list since USMB's software does not allow for that to be automatically announced any more..

I have one each year on the same date.

I know. And I have not pressured you and some others who don't want to reveal a birthdate. However, at such time. . . . :)
....So FB for me is to be used more like the Coffee Shop--non controversial--at least in ways that evoke strong negative emotion and responses from people--and focused on what we can appreciate and enjoy about each other. I do not make political FB posts myself and those who insist on making volatile political posts on my page are hidden or deleted from my page. I just ignore everything else I choose not to deal with on FB. :)
Good advice and that's what I keep telling my wife. If she wants to discuss politics and issues on her home town page, she should adopt a pseudonym.
I actually wondered where this place was, had some trouble finding it. Anyone like horror movies?

I like the old original black and white horror films. like the early Frankenstein and Dracula films. Then there are the Hammer horror series. I am not so keen on modern horror films as I find them more disquieting.
One film I have never dared to even watch is 'the exorcist' Because I find the idea of being possessed too close to home.
"The Exorcist" was definitely a horrifying movie, but the book is one of the few to spook me!
I was so spooked after seeing The Exorcist, I made my black cat sleep outside that night.

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