USMB Coffee Shop IV

I was so spooked after seeing The Exorcist, I made my black cat sleep outside that night.

The film 'alien ' creeped me out because at the time I was staying at my uncles house by myself to do some decorating, as he wanted to move out because he had been attacked by burglars. He was staying in a hotel while I did up the house to prepare it for sale. I went out to see 'alien' at the cinema then had to come back to an empty house listening for burglars. I did not get much sleep.
I was so spooked after seeing The Exorcist, I made my black cat sleep outside that night.

The film 'alien ' creeped me out because at the time I was staying at my uncles house by myself to do some decorating, as he wanted to move out because he had been attacked by burglars. He was staying in a hotel while I did up the house to prepare it for sale. I went out to see 'alien' at the cinema then had to come back to an empty house listening for burglars. I did not get much sleep.
I don't like horror movies and wasn't expecting what Alien offered. At the time I was doing physical security at Fairfax Hospital in Northern Virginia, part of the routine patrol was through the dimly lit sub-basement where all the utility conduits and high pressure pipes ran through from the on site power station........ That trip suddenly became very spooky....... :lol:
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Sherry’s Mom,
Sixfoot's bad back,
Rod, GW's partner,
IamwhatIseem's bad hip,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, BBD, Spoonman, 007, BigBlackDog, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

Morning everybody.
I have been very busy lately, so I have not been on lately.
I hope you all had a good weekend.

Man it's hot here. It got up to 110 yesterday afternoon. It's even hotter in Tucson & PHX whew!!!
I feel so sorry for our wildlife out there. The poor little hummers and oriels have their little beaks open and some lay across the sugar water feeder panting real heavy , with their little tongues hanging out. Poor things!!
Morning everybody.
I have been very busy lately, so I have not been on lately.
I hope you all had a good weekend.

Man it's hot here. It got up to 110 yesterday afternoon. It's even hotter in Tucson & PHX whew!!!
I feel so sorry for our wildlife out there. The poor little hummers and oriels have their little beaks open and some lay across the sugar water feeder panting real heavy , with their little tongues hanging out. Poor things!!
It got up to 104 down here the last few days and I keep a large planter base out back filled with fresh water for the birds, mostly wrens, pigeons and crackles. The cave swallows just dive bomb the pool to get a drink and water for their nest building.
As I already mentioned Fort Stanton is hosting a history timeline event (1850s through 1870s) Saturday the 9th of July for anyone close enough who wants to show up.

Come Join Us For Fort Stanton Live!

Are you going to be one of the reinactors?
Unless something unforeseen comes up yes. I'll be playing a civilian, maybe a sutler or traveler.

How neat. So wish we could go. But I will hope the monsoon rains have arrived to cool things down a bit for you that weekend. We aren't as hot here as you and Peach but the thermometer is flirting with 100 every day with no break from that in the immediate future. But they're predicting 10 degrees cooler by the second week in July and Fort Stanton is almost certainly well over 6000 feet in elevation so that should help with the heat too.
As I already mentioned Fort Stanton is hosting a history timeline event (1850s through 1870s) Saturday the 9th of July for anyone close enough who wants to show up.

Come Join Us For Fort Stanton Live!

Are you going to be one of the reinactors?
Unless something unforeseen comes up yes. I'll be playing a civilian, maybe a sutler or traveler.

How neat. So wish we could go. But I will hope the monsoon rains have arrived to cool things down a bit for you that weekend. We aren't as hot here as you and Peach but the thermometer is flirting with 100 every day with no break from that in the immediate future. But they're predicting 10 degrees cooler by the second week in July and Fort Stanton is almost certainly well over 6000 feet in elevation so that should help with the heat too.
Yeah it's cooler up there but cooler is relative. Last Saturday everyone was complaining about how hot it was at the fort, we just laughed. :lol:
Gosh I hope it doesn't get that hot down here, but it has been known to...and it's humid here. Hard to catch your breath when it's like that. Right now it is just 87 degrees, plus I am inside with the air running...and running...and running....$$$$$$$$$$$ to the power bill.
Gizmo discovered very early on he could open cabinet doors, his favorite place to sleep is in the bathroom vanity. A few days ago he suddenly disappeared for long stretches for two days and we couldn't find him though we knew he was in the house. Yesterday the wife went to feed them their supper and saw him come out of his hiding place, in one of the kitchen base cabinets. He would paw the door open, slip in and the door would close behind him. Little shit....... :lol:
Gizmo discovered very early on he could open cabinet doors, his favorite place to sleep is in the bathroom vanity. A few days ago he suddenly disappeared for long stretches for two days and we couldn't find him though we knew he was in the house. Yesterday the wife went to feed them their supper and saw him come out of his hiding place, in one of the kitchen base cabinets. He would paw the door open, slip in and the door would close behind him. Little shit....... :lol:

They are clever. Our friend the doctor is in Salt Lake where she will be for some time--she has received a heart pump and now waits for a heart to be available. And we have Carly the mini doxie for the duration. She has been here two days since we returned from our trip and she already rules the household. If she just wouldn't charge and threated to tear from limb to limb the two Dobermans and the pit bull next door, it would make life a lot easier.

Ah well. This too shall pass. Good night all. We'll do it all over again tomorrow.
Gosh I hope it doesn't get that hot down here, but it has been known to...and it's humid here. Hard to catch your breath when it's like that. Right now it is just 87 degrees, plus I am inside with the air running...and running...and running....$$$$$$$$$$$ to the power bill.

87 is plenty toasty especially with the humidity you have there. We experienced some of that in Arkansas and it was tough.
I am so used to the humidity....and as they keeps the skin from getting old. LOL
Seriously though..I live I live in the air conditioning. Have to.

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