USMB Coffee Shop IV

Sunday greetings, everyone!
I'm a little late for a "good morning". As usual, busy-busy-busy. I got some overtime at work, stopped for a light brunch, and picked up some fence-mending supplies on the way home.
Weatherman says it's going to be a scorcher today. High, broken overcast and temps low- to mid-seventies! I think I'll go minimalist for my work wear this afternoon, a "wife-beater" tank and some baggy, comfy shorts.
Dinner with the other geezers this evening, and someone else is cooking! It will be pleasant to enjoy a meal after all the chores are done, one I did not have to make for myself.
Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday. Rest and prepare for the coming week.
You consider that 'a scorcher?'.....That is barely out of sweat shirt temps...

Yup! Made 93 here today with a heat index of 101. The AC at Doc's ran from 12:30 when I bumped it up until 5 PM when it finally got to 72. Still in all, last month the electric bill was only $725. The shiny new roof and another layer of insulation has helped a bunch Last summer bills were $900 to $1200.
Sunday greetings, everyone!
I'm a little late for a "good morning". As usual, busy-busy-busy. I got some overtime at work, stopped for a light brunch, and picked up some fence-mending supplies on the way home.
Weatherman says it's going to be a scorcher today. High, broken overcast and temps low- to mid-seventies! I think I'll go minimalist for my work wear this afternoon, a "wife-beater" tank and some baggy, comfy shorts.
Dinner with the other geezers this evening, and someone else is cooking! It will be pleasant to enjoy a meal after all the chores are done, one I did not have to make for myself.
Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday. Rest and prepare for the coming week.
You consider that 'a scorcher?'.....That is barely out of sweat shirt temps...

It's all relative. Around here, temps above 60-65 are outrageous. 70+ means lying flat out indoors with a cold brew and the AC going full blast!

You probably wouldn't last here in South gets to 90 pretty early in the year, and we can get 90 degree days strung out for weeks until it rains...then we might get a breather. I'd love to move up North, but then I would have to put up with the cold winters....can't win.
I used to yearn for vacation when I was working for somebody else. Now that I can vacation whenever, I don't need it as much. I spend time making my home my oasis. The only thing we don't have is a pool and I don't think we'll be getting one.

That photo Sherry put up looks wonderful.

I believe if you have an "Oasis" a pond or pool is required, a well with a tank at the very least.

Pools are no real oasis unless you have a pool boy. Lucky for me, I do :D but unlucky for my husband, it's him. They are tons of work

I don't know about tons of work. We have a new AquaBot husband plugs it in every morning and the thing picks up everything and even scrubs the bottom and sides of the pool....the only time we really have tons of work is in early spring during the time when the Oaks drop their leaves, and a few weeks later they start dropping their pollen....the filter baskets get full quickly and he has to change them out more than once, the rest of the summer, the pool puppy and Aqua Bot do all the work.
Pools are no real oasis unless you have a pool boy. Lucky for me, I do :D but unlucky for my husband, it's him. They are tons of work

That one would be a lot of work with all those trees. Although it is so beautiful, it might be worth all the work.

It's great to have trees all around the pool because they provide a lot of shade and the water doesn't get luke warm.....but our Oaks do drop their leaves in the spring, and it requires a lot more attention then.
Pools are no real oasis unless you have a pool boy. Lucky for me, I do :D but unlucky for my husband, it's him. They are tons of work

That one would be a lot of work with all those trees. Although it is so beautiful, it might be worth all the work.

The nice thing about our Florida pools is that they are almost all in screened lanais, which means no worries about bugs or leaves in the pool...or snakes and gators. They still need general maintenance, but it's a lot easier.


That's nice......but I would imagine having one of those built over our pool would be wouldn't look as nice as that one either as our pool is not that close to the house.
Happy Sunday morning! Have had my coffee. 22 years ago today I married Mrs. BBD. The rest is history. I am certain that I got the best part of the deal. Took her a while to get me "house broken" but afterwards it's been a real joy. Got to go get ready to go to mass. I know in some of my past posts I mentioned that we were not Catholic but we are in the process of converting. When we go to the store I keep looking for some of that "Pope on a rope soap" but so far I haven't been able to find it. Hope everybody has a great day.

Happy Anniversary!
Afternoon all. I probably won't be on tomorrow, hopefully I will be on Wednesday afternoon, and then I will be off again Thursday and Friday.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for
Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
BDBoop, her sis, and family,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana and cousin,
Sheila's sore foot post surgery healing,
Ollie's daughter Angie and his youngest brother,
Stat's aunt,
Smilebong for his brother-in-law and family,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and assurance for Ringel
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Bigfoot, Oddball, and Sunshine.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Good morning, everybody. Up and had my coffee. Mrs. BBD is still snoozing. Have to go to Rockford and run a few errands today. Stormy night last night and the weatherman says thunderstorms later this afternoon. Sure seems to be raining a lot here lately. Thanks everybody for the anniversary well wishes.
Good Monday morning to all of yinz!

I could do without another weekend like the one just past. Saturday was spent at the Big house with my brother. Mom needed to have the header, stool and jambs replaced around a glass block window in the basement. The stool had rotted and rot being what it is, continued up both jambs. So we met at 9:30 and started to cut it away. When we finally got all the old wood and the glass block removed, we thought we had finished the 'hard part'.

But we were wrong as framing in the new wood and fitting the glass block to our new frame was tougher than removing the rot. We still are not finished as we ran short of lumber and by the time we realized we were indeed short, the lumber yard was closed. We left at 5:00, my brother to mow his lawn and I to do two loads of laundry.

Yesterday I resolved to get some much needed yard work done at Pimplebutt. I fed all the flower beds with liquid bloom booster plant food and started to yank some of the weeds that have taken over on the North Lawn. I was allowed to work on them for four hours until my back, hips and upper thighs told me that I could do no more today.

This afternoon when I get back from work, the lawn will get trimmed and maybe, muscle permitting, more of the weeds will get pulled. Day of Rest? When?
That one would be a lot of work with all those trees. Although it is so beautiful, it might be worth all the work.

The nice thing about our Florida pools is that they are almost all in screened lanais, which means no worries about bugs or leaves in the pool...or snakes and gators. They still need general maintenance, but it's a lot easier.


That's nice......but I would imagine having one of those built over our pool would be wouldn't look as nice as that one either as our pool is not that close to the house.

Our parents' Florida room with pool looks awesome.

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