USMB Coffee Shop IV

You consider that 'a scorcher?'.....That is barely out of sweat shirt temps...

It's all relative. Around here, temps above 60-65 are outrageous. 70+ means lying flat out indoors with a cold brew and the AC going full blast!

You probably wouldn't last here in South gets to 90 pretty early in the year, and we can get 90 degree days strung out for weeks until it rains...then we might get a breather. I'd love to move up North, but then I would have to put up with the cold winters....can't win.

There's a reason I don't live in South Texas, you know. Besides, when it's cold, I put more clothes on. When it's hot, I can only go so far before someone feels visually assaulted.
It's all relative. Around here, temps above 60-65 are outrageous. 70+ means lying flat out indoors with a cold brew and the AC going full blast!

You probably wouldn't last here in South gets to 90 pretty early in the year, and we can get 90 degree days strung out for weeks until it rains...then we might get a breather. I'd love to move up North, but then I would have to put up with the cold winters....can't win.

There's a reason I don't live in South Texas, you know. Besides, when it's cold, I put more clothes on. When it's hot, I can only go so far before someone feels visually assaulted.

Oh, my...
RD said:
Ours is close to the house, we actually tried to have it made indoor. The stupid township said no :mad:

Why? It's your house after all....

Without getting too political, hopefully, no one actually owns their homes, we rent them and the land they stand on from the govt. :)

In all fairness, if I wanted to put out boatloads of money they may have said yes
It's all relative. Around here, temps above 60-65 are outrageous. 70+ means lying flat out indoors with a cold brew and the AC going full blast!

You probably wouldn't last here in South gets to 90 pretty early in the year, and we can get 90 degree days strung out for weeks until it rains...then we might get a breather. I'd love to move up North, but then I would have to put up with the cold winters....can't win.

There's a reason I don't live in South Texas, you know. Besides, when it's cold, I put more clothes on. When it's hot, I can only go so far before someone feels visually assaulted.
San Diego has a nice climate, the temp rarely goes above 80. Very comfortable yearlong.
Late morning greetings from Alaska!
It's already 1000 here, but that means it's afternoon already for some of y'all. It's a tolerable 52 F right now and looks like it might remain cooler today. There's a high, broken overcast and light breeze. Hopefully it will stay cooler because I still have fences to mend. Too many leaky fences and the goats keep getting out. Funny, this is not a problem in the winter. But, you know what they say about the grass being greener...
Sometimes, the irony in my life just slays me. My partner is about as anti-military, as uncomplimentary to military members and what they do, as anyone I have ever encountered. Yet, he knows my retirement check will be in the bank tomorrow and now it's my turn to buy hay. At least the last couple of days have been good for the hay farmers and they have hay in the field to pick up. It's less expensive if you can pick it up before they move it to the sheds. I do expect to have several fewer mouths to feed by the end of the week, though. I'm also going to be liquidating my entire herd by next summer. Partner's not going to like either of those things, but that's too bad. Man needs to grow a pair and accept that some animals are born to be eaten.
Thinking of pools...I cannot recall the last time I was in a pool. It was when my daughter was still just a youngster, though. Most of the high schools have pools and they have public hours. Some of the upscale hotels around here also have small, indoor pools. Both options cost money. Of course, I could always use the pools on base, but my lifestyle allows little time for such activities. And only a few are bold enough to take a dip in any of the local rivers, ponds, or lakes. Even in summer the water temps hover around 40 F, or so.
spent a perfect day at the beach today. got there to watch the sunrise. a little overcast so it was a glowing ball through the clouds. walking along the beach I found a huge horseshoe crab shell covered with different kinds of mollusk and clam shells and barnacles. it was really cool. I figured I'd take it home and put it in our garden. so I had the thing laying on our beach blanket. i'm laying there getting a little sun and i'm like did one of those shells just move? what ever was in them was still alive. as they were drying out they were starting to move. so I tossed it back in the ocean. but a perfect day, perfect breeze, perfect weather
Glancing at my calendar for tomorrow, next month, I find that although tomorrow is actually Tuesday, it is, in fact, the "Wednesday" of the year. Hump Day. The 182 day of 2014 with 183 days left til New Year's Eve. The midpoint of the year. We're really closer to Christmas of 2014 than we are to Christmas 2013.

We are left with six months to accomplish all those New Year's resolutions, and six months left to come up with new resolutions. We have high summer before us, the baseball All-Star game (I hope the Pirates are at least 5 games over .500 by then), a whole football season, several holidays and a new school year yet to come.

The days are as long as they will get. The sweet corn has yet to be harvested. Tomatoes are still green on the vine and the bell peppers are still just forming. It's a great time of year to take inventory and ready ourselves for the inevitable seasons around the corner.

Breathe it in before we rip another page off the calendar!
Late morning greetings from Alaska!
It's already 1000 here, but that means it's afternoon already for some of y'all. It's a tolerable 52 F right now and looks like it might remain cooler today. There's a high, broken overcast and light breeze. Hopefully it will stay cooler because I still have fences to mend. Too many leaky fences and the goats keep getting out. Funny, this is not a problem in the winter. But, you know what they say about the grass being greener...
Sometimes, the irony in my life just slays me. My partner is about as anti-military, as uncomplimentary to military members and what they do, as anyone I have ever encountered. Yet, he knows my retirement check will be in the bank tomorrow and now it's my turn to buy hay. At least the last couple of days have been good for the hay farmers and they have hay in the field to pick up. It's less expensive if you can pick it up before they move it to the sheds. I do expect to have several fewer mouths to feed by the end of the week, though. I'm also going to be liquidating my entire herd by next summer. Partner's not going to like either of those things, but that's too bad. Man needs to grow a pair and accept that some animals are born to be eaten.
Thinking of pools...I cannot recall the last time I was in a pool. It was when my daughter was still just a youngster, though. Most of the high schools have pools and they have public hours. Some of the upscale hotels around here also have small, indoor pools. Both options cost money. Of course, I could always use the pools on base, but my lifestyle allows little time for such activities. And only a few are bold enough to take a dip in any of the local rivers, ponds, or lakes. Even in summer the water temps hover around 40 F, or so.

Mmmm, you have me thinking about goat curry now! :lol:

I am getting used to swimming a couple of hundred meters every other morning. Keeping me fit and I am not there to entertain anyone.
Spent the morning with the 2 Nieces I found 2 years ago, and the new niece we found 4 months ago.

Long story for those who haven't heard it. I'll tell it again some day....

Anyway, new niece showed me a picture of her father....Can't deny that he I and the other 2 girls dad are related, closely related.

The three nieces....
Had a thunderstorm blow through here just a while ago. Heavy rain. Thunder. Lightening. I was going to go get under my bed but Mrs. BBD kept talking and I had to stay and listen. She gets long-winded at the most inopportune times. Anyway, the storm has passed.
Late morning greetings from Alaska!
It's already 1000 here, but that means it's afternoon already for some of y'all. It's a tolerable 52 F right now and looks like it might remain cooler today. There's a high, broken overcast and light breeze. Hopefully it will stay cooler because I still have fences to mend. Too many leaky fences and the goats keep getting out. Funny, this is not a problem in the winter. But, you know what they say about the grass being greener...
Sometimes, the irony in my life just slays me. My partner is about as anti-military, as uncomplimentary to military members and what they do, as anyone I have ever encountered. Yet, he knows my retirement check will be in the bank tomorrow and now it's my turn to buy hay. At least the last couple of days have been good for the hay farmers and they have hay in the field to pick up. It's less expensive if you can pick it up before they move it to the sheds. I do expect to have several fewer mouths to feed by the end of the week, though. I'm also going to be liquidating my entire herd by next summer. Partner's not going to like either of those things, but that's too bad. Man needs to grow a pair and accept that some animals are born to be eaten.
Thinking of pools...I cannot recall the last time I was in a pool. It was when my daughter was still just a youngster, though. Most of the high schools have pools and they have public hours. Some of the upscale hotels around here also have small, indoor pools. Both options cost money. Of course, I could always use the pools on base, but my lifestyle allows little time for such activities. And only a few are bold enough to take a dip in any of the local rivers, ponds, or lakes. Even in summer the water temps hover around 40 F, or so.

Mmmm, you have me thinking about goat curry now! :lol:

I am getting used to swimming a couple of hundred meters every other morning. Keeping me fit and I am not there to entertain anyone.

Goat curry is quite tasty, so is: goat marinara, goat chili, goat sauerbraten, goat shish-ka-bob, goat roast, goat steak, goat jerky, etc. When you have lots of something, you learn lots of ways to use it.
An aside: my daughter was telling me that when my SIL was going through Special Forces survival training, they were eating nettle soup. I had to laugh because I like steamed nettles and make a tasty nettle pesto. I'll have to trade recipes with the boy next time I see him!
Late morning greetings from Alaska!
It's already 1000 here, but that means it's afternoon already for some of y'all. It's a tolerable 52 F right now and looks like it might remain cooler today. There's a high, broken overcast and light breeze. Hopefully it will stay cooler because I still have fences to mend. Too many leaky fences and the goats keep getting out. Funny, this is not a problem in the winter. But, you know what they say about the grass being greener...
Sometimes, the irony in my life just slays me. My partner is about as anti-military, as uncomplimentary to military members and what they do, as anyone I have ever encountered. Yet, he knows my retirement check will be in the bank tomorrow and now it's my turn to buy hay. At least the last couple of days have been good for the hay farmers and they have hay in the field to pick up. It's less expensive if you can pick it up before they move it to the sheds. I do expect to have several fewer mouths to feed by the end of the week, though. I'm also going to be liquidating my entire herd by next summer. Partner's not going to like either of those things, but that's too bad. Man needs to grow a pair and accept that some animals are born to be eaten.
Thinking of pools...I cannot recall the last time I was in a pool. It was when my daughter was still just a youngster, though. Most of the high schools have pools and they have public hours. Some of the upscale hotels around here also have small, indoor pools. Both options cost money. Of course, I could always use the pools on base, but my lifestyle allows little time for such activities. And only a few are bold enough to take a dip in any of the local rivers, ponds, or lakes. Even in summer the water temps hover around 40 F, or so.

Mmmm, you have me thinking about goat curry now! :lol:

I am getting used to swimming a couple of hundred meters every other morning. Keeping me fit and I am not there to entertain anyone.

Goat curry is quite tasty, so is: goat marinara, goat chili, goat sauerbraten, goat shish-ka-bob, goat roast, goat steak, goat jerky, etc. When you have lots of something, you learn lots of ways to use it.
An aside: my daughter was telling me that when my SIL was going through Special Forces survival training, they were eating nettle soup. I had to laugh because I like steamed nettles and make a tasty nettle pesto. I'll have to trade recipes with the boy next time I see him!

Sorry. I don't knowingly eat goat. Never been that hungry.
Mmmm, you have me thinking about goat curry now! :lol:

I am getting used to swimming a couple of hundred meters every other morning. Keeping me fit and I am not there to entertain anyone.

Goat curry is quite tasty, so is: goat marinara, goat chili, goat sauerbraten, goat shish-ka-bob, goat roast, goat steak, goat jerky, etc. When you have lots of something, you learn lots of ways to use it.
An aside: my daughter was telling me that when my SIL was going through Special Forces survival training, they were eating nettle soup. I had to laugh because I like steamed nettles and make a tasty nettle pesto. I'll have to trade recipes with the boy next time I see him!

Sorry. I don't knowingly eat goat. Never been that hungry.

That's OK, leaves more for the rest of us.
spent a perfect day at the beach today. got there to watch the sunrise. a little overcast so it was a glowing ball through the clouds. walking along the beach I found a huge horseshoe crab shell covered with different kinds of mollusk and clam shells and barnacles. it was really cool. I figured I'd take it home and put it in our garden. so I had the thing laying on our beach blanket. i'm laying there getting a little sun and i'm like did one of those shells just move? what ever was in them was still alive. as they were drying out they were starting to move. so I tossed it back in the ocean. but a perfect day, perfect breeze, perfect weather

Are you in Pt. Pleasant, Spoon?

I was invited there for next week, prolly won't make it though.

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