USMB Coffee Shop IV

I'm giving some thought to a new business endeavor. Wonder if anybody would like to buy into my plan. I think we could do pretty well with it. I want to market "Organic Free-Range Moth Balls". I'm going to construct a huge screen cage in my back yard and put a large number of candles in it. At night, the moths will fly into the cage but won't be able to escape. Then every morning I will go out and collect the testicles from the males caught in the cage, package them and get them to market in the afternoon. I think there might be a market for a product like this. Who's interested? A very small buy-in could return you a huge return. I just need to come up with a tricky name for the product.

Have you ever smelled moth balls??

How did you get your head between their legs??:D
Water is usually what I drink around the house. Water can taste weird at restaurants though, so I usually get pop when I go out. I've been drinking diet for 25 years now, and when I've accidentally gotten a regular, it tastes sickeningly sweet to me...I guess your taste buds just get accustomed to it.

Your insulting my buds as being un-discriminating, Well, I think you're right.

When I had heart surgery and didn't have salt for 2 weeks, food tasted hideously salty and greasy foods forget it.

Awww I didn't know you'd had heart surgery.:smiliehug: I think food is already too salty...the only food that I actually salt is a baked potato. I'm a much bigger fan of pepper...loads of it.
Lots of fresh ground pepper, with the four peppercorn mix.

I have lots of pepper mills stocked with the stuff. :thup::)
Hi everyone. Hope all is well. I'm counting on my foot being better by the end of July. I've already made reservations for my husband and I to go to New Orleans on July 31st.
Ummm. I like CocaCola, especially over fresh ice and foamy..

I was seduced by Pepsi several times though .. I'm weak and Pepsi took advantage of me..:crybaby:

After drinking coke zero for a while, I can no longer drink regular coke because there is too much syrup.

Coke doesn't taste like coke when I was a kid. They lost the formula or something and it has never tasted the same since.

I am trying to be a little healthier.
Ummm. I like CocaCola, especially over fresh ice and foamy..

I was seduced by Pepsi several times though .. I'm weak and Pepsi took advantage of me..:crybaby:

After drinking coke zero for a while, I can no longer drink regular coke because there is too much syrup.

Coke doesn't taste like coke when I was a kid. They lost the formula or something and it has never tasted the same since.

I am trying to be a little healthier.

I'm pretty sure it's [MENTION=16165]alan1[/MENTION] who has told the story in here about how Coca-Cola stopped using cane least that's what I recall, and he found a place that imported it from I think Mexico, where they still use the old formula.
I'm giving some thought to a new business endeavor. Wonder if anybody would like to buy into my plan. I think we could do pretty well with it. I want to market "Organic Free-Range Moth Balls". I'm going to construct a huge screen cage in my back yard and put a large number of candles in it. At night, the moths will fly into the cage but won't be able to escape. Then every morning I will go out and collect the testicles from the males caught in the cage, package them and get them to market in the afternoon. I think there might be a market for a product like this. Who's interested? A very small buy-in could return you a huge return. I just need to come up with a tricky name for the product.

Have you ever smelled moth balls??

How did you get your head between their legs??:D

You must spread some around before........
Ummm. I like CocaCola, especially over fresh ice and foamy..

I was seduced by Pepsi several times though .. I'm weak and Pepsi took advantage of me..:crybaby:

After drinking coke zero for a while, I can no longer drink regular coke because there is too much syrup.

Coke doesn't taste like coke when I was a kid. They lost the formula or something and it has never tasted the same since.

I am trying to be a little healthier.

I'm pretty sure it's [MENTION=16165]alan1[/MENTION] who has told the story in here about how Coca-Cola stopped using cane least that's what I recall, and he found a place that imported it from I think Mexico, where they still use the old formula.

Yeah that's true. Just last month I went to a museum in Asheville that had two Coke machines, one labeled "Mexican Coke", which they said means it doesn't have high fructose corn syrup. The Mexican version cost a little more. I remembered that from somewhere else but saw that just recently.

It's because, in the mid-'70s there was a food inflation after with the USSR buying up a lot of wheat on account of their crop failures; this led to a shift in the govt's agricultural subsidies, which led to a glut of corn, and that led to the development of high fructose corn syrup, which then replaced sugar in a lot of products because it was cheaper, and that's when it started showing up in soft drinks. And about a trillion other things.

Soft drinks will kill you with that stuff. Read the "sugars" line in the ingredient labels. Sometimes it's good to remember that whether an ad insists you need to be drinking Coke rather than Pepsi or Pepsi rather than Coke, both ads are selling the same thing --- the idea of drinking sugar.

I'm partial to a half-and-half iced tea/lemonade mix in the warmer weather, but I have to make my own from carefully selected unsweet tea and barely-sweet lemonade to avoid ingesting ridiculous amounts of sugar (or else make it all from scratch). But the end result is just as refreshing and I don't miss it at all.
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Hi everyone. Hope all is well. I'm counting on my foot being better by the end of July. I've already made reservations for my husband and I to go to New Orleans on July 31st.

N'awlins in late July?

I already have your weather forecast: 95 degrees, 489% humidity. And that's at night.
Hi everyone. Hope all is well. I'm counting on my foot being better by the end of July. I've already made reservations for my husband and I to go to New Orleans on July 31st.

N'awlins in late July?

I already have your weather forecast: 95 degrees, 489% humidity. And that's at night.

I've always wanted to visit New Orleans...especially the Garden District to see all of those lovely older homes.
What is with the black ribbon next to the USMB logo that has Merlin047?

Did something happen to him?

Merlin was one of us first members here that was very well liked. He was very intelligent and insightful and posted some of the best posts I've ever read here. He developed cancer and we all kind of went through it with him. Then one day after a brief absence, his wife posted that he had passed away. The original owner and creator of the board, jimnyc, put that ribbon there in his honor, and it has stayed with subsequent owners. I'm very glad to see that.

You can search the member list and find Merlin1047, if you're interested to read any of his posts. He was a great guy.
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I'm giving some thought to a new business endeavor. Wonder if anybody would like to buy into my plan. I think we could do pretty well with it. I want to market "Organic Free-Range Moth Balls". I'm going to construct a huge screen cage in my back yard and put a large number of candles in it. At night, the moths will fly into the cage but won't be able to escape. Then every morning I will go out and collect the testicles from the males caught in the cage, package them and get them to market in the afternoon. I think there might be a market for a product like this. Who's interested? A very small buy-in could return you a huge return. I just need to come up with a tricky name for the product.

How you doin' down there, pard? Blown or flooded out yet? Some pretty crazy weather we've been getting lately.

I mean I love the rain. That just ensures we have plenty of water in the ground and the garden plants are loving it. I can live without the tornadoes though.
I'm giving some thought to a new business endeavor. Wonder if anybody would like to buy into my plan. I think we could do pretty well with it. I want to market "Organic Free-Range Moth Balls". I'm going to construct a huge screen cage in my back yard and put a large number of candles in it. At night, the moths will fly into the cage but won't be able to escape. Then every morning I will go out and collect the testicles from the males caught in the cage, package them and get them to market in the afternoon. I think there might be a market for a product like this. Who's interested? A very small buy-in could return you a huge return. I just need to come up with a tricky name for the product.

How you doin' down there, pard? Blown or flooded out yet? Some pretty crazy weather we've been getting lately.

I mean I love the rain. That just ensures we have plenty of water in the ground and the garden plants are loving it. I can live without the tornadoes though.

Hey there, I know Three Amigos who have a birthday coming up this weekend.:)

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