USMB Coffee Shop IV

One cold day a man was driving and hit a baby skunk. He stopped the car to check it's condition and saw that it had minor injuries but seemed to be in a mild shock. He picked it up and carried it to his wife and told her to hold it between her legs to keep it warm until they could get to the nearest animal hospital. The wife asked, "What about the smell"? The husband replied," Just hold his nose shut". That's when the fireworks began..
What is with the black ribbon next to the USMB logo that has Merlin047?

Did something happen to him?
Ummm. I like CocaCola, especially over fresh ice and foamy..

I was seduced by Pepsi several times though .. I'm weak and Pepsi took advantage of me..:crybaby:
Ummm. I like CocaCola, especially over fresh ice and foamy..

I was seduced by Pepsi several times though .. I'm weak and Pepsi took advantage of me..:crybaby:

I've always preferred diet Coke...I think diet Pepsi has a chemical taste. Once in awhile I'll buy pop at the store, and it's either diet A&W root beer or diet Sunkist.
Ummm. I like CocaCola, especially over fresh ice and foamy..

I was seduced by Pepsi several times though .. I'm weak and Pepsi took advantage of me..:crybaby:
Weak willed fool! I hear by banish you to the Fresca!!! Now go, and reflect upon your perversions!

Spent the morning with the 2 Nieces I found 2 years ago, and the new niece we found 4 months ago.

Long story for those who haven't heard it. I'll tell it again some day....

Anyway, new niece showed me a picture of her father....Can't deny that he I and the other 2 girls dad are related, closely related.

The three nieces....

Oh yeah, there is a distinct family resemblence.
What is with the black ribbon next to the USMB logo that has Merlin047?

Did something happen to him?
I did some checking and found that he was a popular member on USMB and died on 9/11/2005. On his profile page his wife left a message to thank people for their friend to him. Checking his statistics, his last post (from his wife) takes you to a thread where the members eulogize his memory. [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION] may have known him.
USMB put up the banner shortly after that.
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What is with the black ribbon next to the USMB logo that has Merlin047?

Did something happen to him?
I did some checking and found that he was a popular member on USMB and died on 9/11/2005. On his profile page his wife left a message to thank people for their friend to him. Checking his statistics, his last post (from his wife) takes you to a thread where the members eulogize his memory. @Mertex may have known him.
Thank you. I hadn't noticed the ribbon before. Is it new or am I just really unobservant?
What is with the black ribbon next to the USMB logo that has Merlin047?

Did something happen to him?
I did some checking and found that he was a popular member on USMB and died on 9/11/2005. On his profile page his wife left a message to thank people for their friend to him. Checking his statistics, his last post (from his wife) takes you to a thread where the members eulogize his memory. @Mertex may have known him.
Thank you. I hadn't noticed the ribbon before. Is it new or am I just really unobservant?
Right after his death. I hadn't noticed it either.
What is with the black ribbon next to the USMB logo that has Merlin047?

Did something happen to him?
I did some checking and found that he was a popular member on USMB and died on 9/11/2005. On his profile page his wife left a message to thank people for their friend to him. Checking his statistics, his last post (from his wife) takes you to a thread where the members eulogize his memory. @Mertex may have known him.
Thank you. I hadn't noticed the ribbon before. Is it new or am I just really unobservant?

This is so weird. I just noticed that logo today and looked into my screen closely, to see what is said, but still knew not, what it meant.

So thanks twice now, Hossfly. What a nice tribute all around...
What is with the black ribbon next to the USMB logo that has Merlin047?

Did something happen to him?
I did some checking and found that he was a popular member on USMB and died on 9/11/2005. On his profile page his wife left a message to thank people for their friend to him. Checking his statistics, his last post (from his wife) takes you to a thread where the members eulogize his memory. @Mertex may have known him.
Thank you. I hadn't noticed the ribbon before. Is it new or am I just really unobservant?

It's been there since I got here...which was shortly before you.
Ummm. I like CocaCola, especially over fresh ice and foamy..

I was seduced by Pepsi several times though .. I'm weak and Pepsi took advantage of me..:crybaby:

I've always preferred diet Coke...I think diet Pepsi has a chemical taste. Once in awhile I'll buy pop at the store, and it's either diet A&W root beer or diet Sunkist.

Diet drinks make no sense to me, it would be healthier to have a glass of water then enjoy the real thing.

Okay, I'll admit it .. A&W root beer and cream soda have had their way with me also..:eusa_shifty:.
I did some checking and found that he was a popular member on USMB and died on 9/11/2005. On his profile page his wife left a message to thank people for their friend to him. Checking his statistics, his last post (from his wife) takes you to a thread where the members eulogize his memory. @Mertex may have known him.
Thank you. I hadn't noticed the ribbon before. Is it new or am I just really unobservant?

It's been there since I got here...which was shortly before you.
Chalk one up for being blind on My part.
Ummm. I like CocaCola, especially over fresh ice and foamy..

I was seduced by Pepsi several times though .. I'm weak and Pepsi took advantage of me..:crybaby:

I've always preferred diet Coke...I think diet Pepsi has a chemical taste. Once in awhile I'll buy pop at the store, and it's either diet A&W root beer or diet Sunkist.

Diet drinks make no sense to me, it would be healthier to have a glass of water then enjoy the real thing.

Okay, I'll admit it .. A&W root beer and cream soda have had their way with me also..:eusa_shifty:.

Water is usually what I drink around the house. Water can taste weird at restaurants though, so I usually get pop when I go out. I've been drinking diet for 25 years now, and when I've accidentally gotten a regular, it tastes sickeningly sweet to me...I guess your taste buds just get accustomed to it.
I've always preferred diet Coke...I think diet Pepsi has a chemical taste. Once in awhile I'll buy pop at the store, and it's either diet A&W root beer or diet Sunkist.

Diet drinks make no sense to me, it would be healthier to have a glass of water then enjoy the real thing.

Okay, I'll admit it .. A&W root beer and cream soda have had their way with me also..:eusa_shifty:.

Water is usually what I drink around the house. Water can taste weird at restaurants though, so I usually get pop when I go out. I've been drinking diet for 25 years now, and when I've accidentally gotten a regular, it tastes sickeningly sweet to me...I guess your taste buds just get accustomed to it.

Your insulting my buds as being un-discriminating, Well, I think you're right.

When I had heart surgery and didn't have salt for 2 weeks, food tasted hideously salty and greasy foods forget it.
Diet drinks make no sense to me, it would be healthier to have a glass of water then enjoy the real thing.

Okay, I'll admit it .. A&W root beer and cream soda have had their way with me also..:eusa_shifty:.

Water is usually what I drink around the house. Water can taste weird at restaurants though, so I usually get pop when I go out. I've been drinking diet for 25 years now, and when I've accidentally gotten a regular, it tastes sickeningly sweet to me...I guess your taste buds just get accustomed to it.

Your insulting my buds as being un-discriminating, Well, I think you're right.

When I had heart surgery and didn't have salt for 2 weeks, food tasted hideously salty and greasy foods forget it.

Awww I didn't know you'd had heart surgery.:smiliehug: I think food is already too salty...the only food that I actually salt is a baked potato. I'm a much bigger fan of pepper...loads of it.
I'm giving some thought to a new business endeavor. Wonder if anybody would like to buy into my plan. I think we could do pretty well with it. I want to market "Organic Free-Range Moth Balls". I'm going to construct a huge screen cage in my back yard and put a large number of candles in it. At night, the moths will fly into the cage but won't be able to escape. Then every morning I will go out and collect the testicles from the males caught in the cage, package them and get them to market in the afternoon. I think there might be a market for a product like this. Who's interested? A very small buy-in could return you a huge return. I just need to come up with a tricky name for the product.

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