USMB Coffee Shop IV

Loosens you up everywhere else too. :D

So true...

First work day of vacation...have straightened up a corner of the garage that needed organizing, cleaned both bathrooms, paid some bills, and now doing laundry. I am so wanting to give my son's room a good cleaning, and mostly organizing...I have mad organizational skills.:D My son told me, "Don't be a woman and touch my stuff...I know where everything is and that's where I want it.":lol: Since he does a decent job of keeping it clean, I'm going to respect his wishes, but it's not easy...maybe just one book shelf would go unnoticed.:eusa_whistle:

You're lucky. Never had to clean daughter's room because she always did have it reasonably neat and clean and she also has mad organizational skills. But the son. . . well, every now and then I armed myself with an industrial size trash bag, a rake, and an alligator club, and waded in. He was thrilled that I found stuff he hadn't seen in months. :) He's now a successful engineer doing engineering full time and running a large private music school on the side. He still isn't Mr. Neat but he married the quintessential neatnik to compensate and it has worked.

My daughter was a total pig when she was growing up. But that has changed a great deal. She was constantly cleaning stuff while she was here. Now I have to go through and find all the stuff she "put away" for me.
I used to be a rum and Coke girl back in the day when all my girlfriends were getting really loosens you up for the dance floor.:D

Loosens you up everywhere else too. :D

So true...

First work day of vacation...have straightened up a corner of the garage that needed organizing, cleaned both bathrooms, paid some bills, and now doing laundry. I am so wanting to give my son's room a good cleaning, and mostly organizing...I have mad organizational skills.:D My son told me, "Don't be a woman and touch my stuff...I know where everything is and that's where I want it.":lol: Since he does a decent job of keeping it clean, I'm going to respect his wishes, but it's not easy...maybe just one book shelf would go unnoticed.:eusa_whistle:

I think the lady might need a drink. :D
Greetings, All!
The fences are almost done. The partner showed up yesterday to assess me $500 for hay, which he went out and fetched. I abdicated fence-mending to him and have been making cheese and yogurt. My daughter also left me cookie makings, so I'll get on that and make some cookies for work. I hate having stuff like that laying around, getting old and stale.
Had a monster fight with the partner this morning. Being all of three years old, he went into meltdown when I notified him that some of my meat customers were coming out this afternoon. They are most interested in having BQ goat for their 4th of July festivities. Partner is also very upset about my plans to move South a few years to be with my family. Damned hoarder! Unless you have ever dealt with a hoarder...well, it's unpleasant, to say the least. People do become part of the hoard.
Btw....last night...some folks talked about their favorite soft drinks. I like Mountain Dew (mostly for the caffeine buzz) Dr. Pepper....(I really like the taste) or mixing Coke and diet Coke together (less sweet).

What do folks like and why? Just curious.
I believe it was put best by Sir Paul McCartney who used his mastery of the English language when he said, "in this ever changing world in which we live in..."

We should thank everything that is holy that Paul McCartney doesn't teach English.

"My love does it good..." :death:

Pogo, someone posted this a few months ago (it might have been you). But it seems appropriate to your sentiment. :)

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Btw....last night...some folks talked about their favorite soft drinks. I like Mountain Dew (mostly for the caffeine buzz) Dr. Pepper....(I really like the taste) or mixing Coke and diet Coke together (less sweet).

What do folks like and why? Just curious.

I stay fastidiously away from all of that stuff, especially cola, and within that especially Coke. When I did imbibe in that (I can barely remember) I'd go for RC Cola just to be different (and for the Southern connection). In the last couple of years I confess I would pick up the occasional six-pack of Slice, mostly because I missed it. Slice came out in the '80s, and then for some reason disappeared for decades. In the interim people kept giving me Sprite :puke: as the next closest thing but Sprite couldn't compete.

Since the doctor report in the winter I've jettisoned all that along with wheat. As a result I've now lost nearly 50 pounds. See that avatar you're sporting? That's what brings that sort of thing about -- the bombardment of sugars (high fructose corn syrup especially) and our perverted wheat.

I read labels on everything now, not just sugars or artificial sweeteners (which mean automatic rejection) but saturated fat content and now wheat content. Soft drinks are right out. And at this point if I tasted one it would taste like fizzy hummingbird nectar.

It's like Lumpy noted yesterday being off salty foods and then all food tasted oversalty -- it IS oversalty, and oversugared (they play off each other). You can and should adjust it out of your life.
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Water is usually what I drink around the house. Water can taste weird at restaurants though, so I usually get pop when I go out. I've been drinking diet for 25 years now, and when I've accidentally gotten a regular, it tastes sickeningly sweet to me...I guess your taste buds just get accustomed to it.

Your insulting my buds as being un-discriminating, Well, I think you're right.

When I had heart surgery and didn't have salt for 2 weeks, food tasted hideously salty and greasy foods forget it.

Awww I didn't know you'd had heart surgery.:smiliehug: I think food is already too salty...the only food that I actually salt is a baked potato. I'm a much bigger fan of pepper...loads of it.

I go with pepper over salt too and yes, a baked potato and corn on the cob deserve salt. Very occasionally if I am having a boiled egg or fresh tomatoes I will use a little salt but that is so rare as to be almost never.

However when it comes to soda I prefer Coke. Tried the Diet version and my kidneys started hurting so I stopped and never looked back. Then again I stuck to real butter, red meat and everything else that they have been saying is bad for you and I have survived this far.

So my philosophy is to eat what I enjoy in moderation and when my time comes I won't have any regrets about what I might have missed. Now where is the ice cream? :D
I believe it was put best by Sir Paul McCartney who used his mastery of the English language when he said, "in this ever changing world in which we live in..."

We should thank everything that is holy that Paul McCartney doesn't teach English.

"My love does it good..." :death:

Pogo, someone posted this a few months ago (it might have been you). But it seems appropriate to your sentiment. :)

No it wasn't me but that's great -- and turnabout, speaking of Peter Sellers, is fair play, and the play's the thing...

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Btw....last night...some folks talked about their favorite soft drinks. I like Mountain Dew (mostly for the caffeine buzz) Dr. Pepper....(I really like the taste) or mixing Coke and diet Coke together (less sweet).

What do folks like and why? Just curious.

I stay fastidiously away from all of that stuff, especially cola, and within that especially Coke. When I did imbibe in that (I can barely remember) I'd go for RC Cola just to be different (and for the Southern connection). In the last couple of years I confess I would pick up the occasional six-pack of Slice, mostly because I missed it. Slice came out in the '80s, and then for some reason disappeared for decades. In the interim people kept giving me Sprite :puke: as the next closest thing but Sprite couldn't compete.

Since the doctor report in the winter I've jettisoned all that along with wheat. As a result I've now lost nearly 50 pounds. See that avatar you're sporting? That's what brings that sort of thing about -- the bombardment of sugars (high fructose corn syrup especially) and our perverted wheat.

I read labels on everything now, not just sugars or artificial sweeteners (which mean automatic rejection) but saturated fat content and now wheat content. Soft drinks are right out. And at this point if I tasted one it would taste like fizzy hummingbird nectar.

It's like Lumpy noted yesterday being off salty foods and then all food tasted oversalty -- it IS oversalty, and oversugared (they play off each other). You can and should adjust it out of your life.

Yes....I agree with you, and congratulations on your weight loss. Sugared colas are completely empty calories and are obviously nutritionally worthless.

I still like them....but my compromise is mixing about 80% diet coke with about 20% regular. If I drink colas all the time I gain I refrain to an occasional indulgence. :)
Btw....last night...some folks talked about their favorite soft drinks. I like Mountain Dew (mostly for the caffeine buzz) Dr. Pepper....(I really like the taste) or mixing Coke and diet Coke together (less sweet).

What do folks like and why? Just curious.

Root beer. Because it's root beer :D

I really never drink soda. Water water water. But once in a blue moon a root beer is soooooo good
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Btw....last night...some folks talked about their favorite soft drinks. I like Mountain Dew (mostly for the caffeine buzz) Dr. Pepper....(I really like the taste) or mixing Coke and diet Coke together (less sweet).

What do folks like and why? Just curious.

Root beer. Because it's root beer :D

I really never drink soda. Water water water. But once in a blue moon a root beer is soooooo good

Water is the only thing I drink that as it's going down I actually feel grateful that it exists. I used to make the pitchers of Crystal Light lemonade or pink lemonade. I still get the individual packets to add to my water bottles at work. If I just drink straight water, it goes down so much faster and I'd go through several bottles a day...and have to pee a lot.:D
Ummm. I like CocaCola, especially over fresh ice and foamy..

I was seduced by Pepsi several times though .. I'm weak and Pepsi took advantage of me..:crybaby:

After drinking coke zero for a while, I can no longer drink regular coke because there is too much syrup.

Coke doesn't taste like coke when I was a kid. They lost the formula or something and it has never tasted the same since.

I am trying to be a little healthier.

I'm pretty sure it's [MENTION=16165]alan1[/MENTION] who has told the story in here about how Coca-Cola stopped using cane least that's what I recall, and he found a place that imported it from I think Mexico, where they still use the old formula.

In the USA, both coke and pepsi stopped using cane sugar in the early 80's and switched to high fructose corn syrup. Most all other countries still use cane sugar. And yes, you can taste the difference. Where I live, quite a few places stock the imported Mexican coke that still uses cane sugar.
I don't drink much soda, but when I want a coke, I get an imported one.
My daughters grew up on the high fructose corn syrup coke and they prefer the flavor that it has.
Scientifically, real cane sugar and high fructose corn syrup are so similar in chemical make-up that it should be virtually impossible to tell a difference in taste, but I can tell the difference, my daughters can tell the difference, my sister can tell the difference and my friends can tell the difference. Most people I know that are in their 40's or older prefer the imported Mexican coke, and folks younger than that prefer the American coke.

If anybody is interested in why the USA uses high fructose corn syrup instead of cane sugar for things like soda, you can PM me. It's sort of political, so not acceptable conversation here in the Coffee Shop.
Sugars of any type really aren't good for people, but that isn't the political reason.
And today is July 1. At noon today we will be halfway through 2014. Only 177 shopping days left before Christmas.
For me it's 176 days left before I begin my Christmas shopping. I am not a shopping fan, and try to avoid the malls unless I absolutely have to go. This is especially true during Christmas season, since the malls are packed, and the parking lots are full. Thus, on December 24, if it falls on a weekday, I work half a day, and use the afternoon to do all of my Christmas shopping. If it's on a weekend, I start my shopping in the morning of the 24th. I prepare a list beforehand which makes my task easier.
I used to be a rum and Coke girl back in the day when all my girlfriends were getting really loosens you up for the dance floor.:D

Loosens you up everywhere else too. :D

So true...

First work day of vacation...have straightened up a corner of the garage that needed organizing, cleaned both bathrooms, paid some bills, and now doing laundry. I am so wanting to give my son's room a good cleaning, and mostly organizing...I have mad organizational skills.:D My son told me, "Don't be a woman and touch my stuff...I know where everything is and that's where I want it.":lol: Since he does a decent job of keeping it clean, I'm going to respect his wishes, but it's not easy...maybe just one book shelf would go unnoticed.:eusa_whistle:

What he really means is, "I have porn in my room and I don't want you to stumble across it, so stay out".
Btw....last night...some folks talked about their favorite soft drinks. I like Mountain Dew (mostly for the caffeine buzz) Dr. Pepper....(I really like the taste) or mixing Coke and diet Coke together (less sweet).

What do folks like and why? Just curious.

Root beer. Because it's root beer :D

I really never drink soda. Water water water. But once in a blue moon a root beer is soooooo good

Water is the only thing I drink that as it's going down I actually feel grateful that it exists. I used to make the pitchers of Crystal Light lemonade or pink lemonade. I still get the individual packets to add to my water bottles at work. If I just drink straight water, it goes down so much faster and I'd go through several bottles a day...and have to pee a lot.:D
My preferred drinks are, Dr. Pepper, iced tea (sweet tea) and of course beer. I enjoy Dr. Pepper because of it's unique taste, and it's sweetness, cold iced tea (mint flavored)because it's always refreshing, and beer ... well because it's beer.
Loosens you up everywhere else too. :D

So true...

First work day of vacation...have straightened up a corner of the garage that needed organizing, cleaned both bathrooms, paid some bills, and now doing laundry. I am so wanting to give my son's room a good cleaning, and mostly organizing...I have mad organizational skills.:D My son told me, "Don't be a woman and touch my stuff...I know where everything is and that's where I want it.":lol: Since he does a decent job of keeping it clean, I'm going to respect his wishes, but it's not easy...maybe just one book shelf would go unnoticed.:eusa_whistle:

What he really means is, "I have porn in my room and I don't want you to stumble across it, so stay out".

I thought kids, and adults, kept their porn online these days...hard copies are so old school.
So true...

First work day of vacation...have straightened up a corner of the garage that needed organizing, cleaned both bathrooms, paid some bills, and now doing laundry. I am so wanting to give my son's room a good cleaning, and mostly organizing...I have mad organizational skills.:D My son told me, "Don't be a woman and touch my stuff...I know where everything is and that's where I want it.":lol: Since he does a decent job of keeping it clean, I'm going to respect his wishes, but it's not easy...maybe just one book shelf would go unnoticed.:eusa_whistle:

What he really means is, "I have porn in my room and I don't want you to stumble across it, so stay out".

I thought kids, and adults, kept their porn online these days...hard copies are so old school.

Does he have his own cell phone and PC?
What he really means is, "I have porn in my room and I don't want you to stumble across it, so stay out".

I thought kids, and adults, kept their porn online these days...hard copies are so old school.

Does he have his own cell phone and PC?

No internet or camera on his cell, although he can receive pics. The desktop is centrally located, but I'm not super concerned about monitoring his every move. He doesn't even take long showers.:D He's a good kid, with I'm sure the normal curiosities...I'm a lucky mom.:)

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