USMB Coffee Shop IV

I stopped drinking sodas about 4 years ago. I don't miss it. I drink water...which I never really wanted to do before because its boring...but I drink it a lot now. Sometimes I will have a sprite but it takes two days to get it all down. I did purchase some ginger ale today and mixed it with cranberry/cherry juice drink...half a glass total. It was pretty good.
Ummm Oh Cookies.. Toasty Macaroons dipped in chocolate.. mmm not quite as good as sex but they can lead to it.



Clinton says that ain't sex
I suppose it's once again time to go to the rain locker, brush up my ivories and then slip into my bed. I'm hoping that I can get the rest of my dream in tonight. When I woke up this morning the last thing I remember seeing was a little sign in my dream that said "To Be Continued." I never realized that dreams involving kangaroos came in two parts. I hope they sing some more tonight in my dreams. Kangaroos sound really nice when they sing. They sound just like all of those Mormon kids that you used to see on TV singing around the holidays. Really nice sound I tell you. Seems like they sing a lot of Air Supply songs though -- at least in my dreams.
Root beer. Because it's root beer :D

I really never drink soda. Water water water. But once in a blue moon a root beer is soooooo good

Water is the only thing I drink that as it's going down I actually feel grateful that it exists. I used to make the pitchers of Crystal Light lemonade or pink lemonade. I still get the individual packets to add to my water bottles at work. If I just drink straight water, it goes down so much faster and I'd go through several bottles a day...and have to pee a lot.:D
My preferred drinks are, Dr. Pepper, iced tea (sweet tea) and of course beer. I enjoy Dr. Pepper because of it's unique taste, and it's sweetness, cold iced tea (mint flavored)because it's always refreshing, and beer ... well because it's beer.
I got a Soda Stream for Christmas. Best thing since snuff in a can. The root beer is very good and there's a ton of different syrups. You can make anything from Kool Aid to Pina Colada mix. Plus all the sodas.
My preferred drinks are, Dr. Pepper, iced tea (sweet tea) and of course beer. I enjoy Dr. Pepper because of it's unique taste, and it's sweetness, cold iced tea (mint flavored)because it's always refreshing, and beer ... well because it's beer.

Monks made beer as a substitute for bread. I don't eat much, on the other hand...


Beer bread with a side of beer. Oh yeah!!

Yeah that's another aspect of giving up wheat --- I've got beer in the fridge that has been in there for months. It's the wheat thing. That's OK, while I enjoyed a brew now and then I was never that much attached to it.
Water is the only thing I drink that as it's going down I actually feel grateful that it exists. I used to make the pitchers of Crystal Light lemonade or pink lemonade. I still get the individual packets to add to my water bottles at work. If I just drink straight water, it goes down so much faster and I'd go through several bottles a day...and have to pee a lot.:D
My preferred drinks are, Dr. Pepper, iced tea (sweet tea) and of course beer. I enjoy Dr. Pepper because of it's unique taste, and it's sweetness, cold iced tea (mint flavored)because it's always refreshing, and beer ... well because it's beer.
I got a Soda Stream for Christmas. Best thing since snuff in a can. The root beer is very good and there's a ton of different syrups. You can make anything from Kool Aid to Pina Colada mix. Plus all the sodas.
Sounds like a practical gift, Hossfly. I know that I'd be using it daily. After Dr. Pepper, my next preferred soda is root beer. I like to go to A & W sometimes just to get their tasty root beer served in a mug.
Monks made beer as a substitute for bread. I don't eat much, on the other hand...


Beer bread with a side of beer. Oh yeah!!

Yeah that's another aspect of giving up wheat --- I've got beer in the fridge that has been in there for months. It's the wheat thing. That's OK, while I enjoyed a brew now and then I was never that much attached to it.

There's no wheat-stuff in WINE!
I haven't had a A&W rootbeer float in AGES. Now I want one but none are around where I live.

Beer bread with a side of beer. Oh yeah!!

Yeah that's another aspect of giving up wheat --- I've got beer in the fridge that has been in there for months. It's the wheat thing. That's OK, while I enjoyed a brew now and then I was never that much attached to it.

There's no wheat-stuff in WINE!

I know I know...

You want me to go all Southern European now after all this time?

Do I have to give up my Viking helmet and stop painting myself blue? :ack-1:
I haven't had a A&W rootbeer float in AGES. Now I want one but none are around where I live.

J'adore A&W. We stop by one in (I think) Morgan Hill when we got to Carmel.
Yeah that's another aspect of giving up wheat --- I've got beer in the fridge that has been in there for months. It's the wheat thing. That's OK, while I enjoyed a brew now and then I was never that much attached to it.

There's no wheat-stuff in WINE!

I know I know...

You want me to go all Southern European now after all this time?

Do I have to give up my Viking helmet and stop painting myself blue? :ack-1:

Nah, just don't let your drinking buddies quaff from you mead horn.
I haven't had a A&W rootbeer float in AGES. Now I want one but none are around where I live.

J'adore A&W. We stop by one in (I think) Morgan Hill when we got to Carmel.

I stopped at Morgan Hill a few times. Mainly to just grab something from KFC but that was years ago. I also love driving thru Gilroy. The smell of onions and Garlic growing in the fields is enough to make ya salivate.

Dad used to take me to A&W when I was a kid. Rootbib, Daddy, Rootbib! That's what I called it. Dayum. 50 plus years ago.
Phewwww....made Eggs McMuffins for everyone this morning.....with orange juice and coffee for the adults...I'm beat...then I had to hand water my potted plants and start the sprinkler on my vegetable garden.

We're going shopping....visit my aunt at the Nursing Home's going to be a long, hot, tiring day. Thankfully, hubby taking everyone out for dinner tonight....yippee, I don't have to cook....what a relief.

Just reading that stressed me out so badly that my head's about to burst.

My head didn't explode but my feet sure needed a rest. It's a good thing that the hub wanted to take us out to dinner....made it so much easier for me to enjoy the shopping spree.
Afternoon everyone. Sorry I missed y'all yesterday. Have an hour or so to spare today, but probably none tomorrow or Friday. :(

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