USMB Coffee Shop IV

And today is July 1. At noon today we will be halfway through 2014. Only 177 shopping days left before Christmas.

And on this day in history:

1963 – ZIP codes are introduced for United States mail. Can you imagine a time that we didn't have them? Or finding the nearest pizza delivery place without one?

1979 – Sony introduces the Walkman. It was predicted to be an economic flop, but Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita were intrigued about an idea of being able to listen to their favorite cassette tapes away from home. The marketing strategy was to call a press conference and give a device to every reporter who showed up. The reporters liked them and the rest is, as they say, history. It arrived in the USA in 1980 and soon was distributed world wide.

I have a post card my mom sent to my grandfather in the 1940's. The entire address is F. George Chatwood, Campbell MN.

I take it back, it said Campbell, Minn.
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Knock that Coke down with a little Captain Morgan. :D

I used to be a rum and Coke girl back in the day when all my girlfriends were getting really loosens you up for the dance floor.:D

Loosens you up everywhere else too. :D

So true...

First work day of vacation...have straightened up a corner of the garage that needed organizing, cleaned both bathrooms, paid some bills, and now doing laundry. I am so wanting to give my son's room a good cleaning, and mostly organizing...I have mad organizational skills.:D My son told me, "Don't be a woman and touch my stuff...I know where everything is and that's where I want it.":lol: Since he does a decent job of keeping it clean, I'm going to respect his wishes, but it's not easy...maybe just one book shelf would go unnoticed.:eusa_whistle:
Phewwww....made Eggs McMuffins for everyone this morning.....with orange juice and coffee for the adults...I'm beat...then I had to hand water my potted plants and start the sprinkler on my vegetable garden.

We're going shopping....visit my aunt at the Nursing Home's going to be a long, hot, tiring day. Thankfully, hubby taking everyone out for dinner tonight....yippee, I don't have to cook....what a relief.
I used to be a rum and Coke girl back in the day when all my girlfriends were getting really loosens you up for the dance floor.:D

Loosens you up everywhere else too. :D

So true...

First work day of vacation...have straightened up a corner of the garage that needed organizing, cleaned both bathrooms, paid some bills, and now doing laundry. I am so wanting to give my son's room a good cleaning, and mostly organizing...I have mad organizational skills.:D My son told me, "Don't be a woman and touch my stuff...I know where everything is and that's where I want it.":lol: Since he does a decent job of keeping it clean, I'm going to respect his wishes, but it's not easy...maybe just one book shelf would go unnoticed.:eusa_whistle:

You're lucky. Never had to clean daughter's room because she always did have it reasonably neat and clean and she also has mad organizational skills. But the son. . . well, every now and then I armed myself with an industrial size trash bag, a rake, and an alligator club, and waded in. He was thrilled that I found stuff he hadn't seen in months. :) He's now a successful engineer doing engineering full time and running a large private music school on the side. He still isn't Mr. Neat but he married the quintessential neatnik to compensate and it has worked.
Oh my daughter was a mess when she was at home. I went in her room at least once a month just to get her dirty laundry off the dang floor.

She stayed with sorority girls in college and they were terrible slobs. I went to pick her up and that kitchen and bathroom were a pigsty. Oh my god, I couldn't be in that place for any length of time.

Of course now her house is pristeen. She keeps it so nice, her hubby too, he helps a lot.
Loosens you up everywhere else too. :D

So true...

First work day of vacation...have straightened up a corner of the garage that needed organizing, cleaned both bathrooms, paid some bills, and now doing laundry. I am so wanting to give my son's room a good cleaning, and mostly organizing...I have mad organizational skills.:D My son told me, "Don't be a woman and touch my stuff...I know where everything is and that's where I want it.":lol: Since he does a decent job of keeping it clean, I'm going to respect his wishes, but it's not easy...maybe just one book shelf would go unnoticed.:eusa_whistle:

You're lucky. Never had to clean daughter's room because she always did have it reasonably neat and clean and she also has mad organizational skills. But the son. . . well, every now and then I armed myself with an industrial size trash bag, a rake, and an alligator club, and waded in. He was thrilled that I found stuff he hadn't seen in months. :) He's now a successful engineer doing engineering full time and running a large private music school on the side. He still isn't Mr. Neat but he married the quintessential neatnik to compensate and it has worked.

My daughter would drive me crazy....I would wash/fold her clothes put them in her room for her to hang up....well, she would try on different things from the basket and if she didn't wear them they ended up on the bed, chair, floor....when I picked up I couldn't tell what was clean and what needed to be washed.

One day I just took all the clothes in her room that were not hung up in the closet and put them all in a big brown trash bag and told my hub to put them in the garage, up on the rafters and see how long it would take for her to ask for them.

We forgot about it....time went by, when we were getting ready to move, my husband found the bag and exclaimed "what's this"......started pulling my daughter's clothes and she shrieked "that's my blouse, and jeans.... - I wondered where they had gone" - the moral of the story is that sometimes the punishment doesn't work the way you want it to.

:D Karma has a way.....what goes around comes around.....I won't elaborate.
My kids were slobs. But when they got their own places I was amazed how neat and clean they keep their homes. Ingrates :lol:
You guys are making me feel lucky. My daughter could get messy with the clothes, but she also started doing her own laundry in HS because I wouldn't sort through it. My kids always had to make their beds and had a chore list since they were very young, with the hope that they would become established habits. My daughter is almost 25, and she does a fair job of keeping her place neat...not up to my standards, but I would never say anything. The one thing though that she keeps an absolute pigsty, which drives me nuts, is her car. I don't get, I've always taken so much pride in keeping my stuff nice...I've sort of thought that people who were extremely neat or sloppy as kids, it was their way of exerting some control in their lives.
Well I do the cooking, cleaning, dishes , laundry, repairs, lawn work. And everything else...the house isn't what I would call clean, there are some really rough looking areas, But it's lived in....

And anyone who complains that it smells like a big dog, he lives here they don't....
You guys are making me feel lucky. My daughter could get messy with the clothes, but she also started doing her own laundry in HS because I wouldn't sort through it. My kids always had to make their beds and had a chore list since they were very young, with the hope that they would become established habits. My daughter is almost 25, and she does a fair job of keeping her place neat...not up to my standards, but I would never say anything. The one thing though that she keeps an absolute pigsty, which drives me nuts, is her car. I don't get, I've always taken so much pride in keeping my stuff nice...I've sort of thought that people who were extremely neat or sloppy as kids, it was their way of exerting some control in their lives.

They're so busy these days with sports, school. friends, they just don't want to take the time to clean their rooms, car.. It's the last thing on their minds.
Oh my daughter was a mess when she was at home. I went in her room at least once a month just to get her dirty laundry off the dang floor.

She stayed with sorority girls in college and they were terrible slobs. I went to pick her up and that kitchen and bathroom were a pigsty. Oh my god, I couldn't be in that place for any length of time.

Of course now her house is pristeen. She keeps it so nice, her hubby too, he helps a lot.

I used to keep my house spotless, then I spent a week in the hospital with a bulging disk and several weeks at home recovering. Now I barely sweep once a week. Vacuuming isn't even on my list. And everybody can darn well clean the tub out after they bathe cause I'm not doing it anymore.
I believe it was put best by Sir Paul McCartney who used his mastery of the English language when he said, "in this ever changing world in which we live in..." Or Bob Dylan who said "the times, they are a changin'". Anyway, the times are a changin' in this ever changing world in which we live in. The county sheriff broke up an Amish kegger here in Columbiana County Ohio.

Eighty to ninety Amish kids were busted Tuesday night (and that should be a tip off right there! Who throws a kegger on a Tuesday?) The wilderkin had several buggies, a wagon or two, several rather confused horses, a couple 12 volt car batteries and a car stereo all set up in a wooded glen not too far from the county seat. The neighbors complained, as they will when the children of the Amish break bad, and the cops were called. No arrests were made and no parents were called due to lack of telephony.

The Amish kids came from as far as Geagua County just to drink in some beer and the rural ambiance. Amish gone wild! And the times they are a changin'!
Oh my daughter was a mess when she was at home. I went in her room at least once a month just to get her dirty laundry off the dang floor.

She stayed with sorority girls in college and they were terrible slobs. I went to pick her up and that kitchen and bathroom were a pigsty. Oh my god, I couldn't be in that place for any length of time.

Of course now her house is pristeen. She keeps it so nice, her hubby too, he helps a lot.

I used to keep my house spotless, then I spent a week in the hospital with a bulging disk and several weeks at home recovering. Now I barely sweep once a week. Vacuuming isn't even on my list. And everybody can darn well clean the tub out after they bathe cause I'm not doing it anymore.

My mom has developed some serious back issues...she pays a woman $40 to come in every 2 weeks and do the floors (she has tile throughout) and bathrooms.
You guys are making me feel lucky. My daughter could get messy with the clothes, but she also started doing her own laundry in HS because I wouldn't sort through it. My kids always had to make their beds and had a chore list since they were very young, with the hope that they would become established habits. My daughter is almost 25, and she does a fair job of keeping her place neat...not up to my standards, but I would never say anything. The one thing though that she keeps an absolute pigsty, which drives me nuts, is her car. I don't get, I've always taken so much pride in keeping my stuff nice...I've sort of thought that people who were extremely neat or sloppy as kids, it was their way of exerting some control in their lives.

A matter of priorities I think. Some people just don't put as much importance on the pristine house or whatever and prefer a more laid back casual lived in environment. (That would be me.) Also I am not an especially tidy person but demand functionality. So my desk might look like a recycling bin exploded on it but I know exactly where everything is and can multi-task easily and there are few people who can outwork me when I'm on a roll. Hombre is a neatnik (except for his car) and keeps a pristine desk and work environment but he spends hours looking for stuff he put away and can't find.
Oh my daughter was a mess when she was at home. I went in her room at least once a month just to get her dirty laundry off the dang floor.

She stayed with sorority girls in college and they were terrible slobs. I went to pick her up and that kitchen and bathroom were a pigsty. Oh my god, I couldn't be in that place for any length of time.

Of course now her house is pristeen. She keeps it so nice, her hubby too, he helps a lot.

I used to keep my house spotless, then I spent a week in the hospital with a bulging disk and several weeks at home recovering. Now I barely sweep once a week. Vacuuming isn't even on my list. And everybody can darn well clean the tub out after they bathe cause I'm not doing it anymore.

My mom has developed some serious back issues...she pays a woman $40 to come in every 2 weeks and do the floors (she has tile throughout) and bathrooms.

We have done that and are going to do it again. Both Hombre and I have sufficient minor disabilities that housework has become something we don't handle very well. Or maybe we just don't want to. But if I have somebody giving the kitchen and bathrooms a good cleaning once or twice a month and mop the tile floors, and maybe vacuum the living room, we can handle everything else.
Knock that Coke down with a little Captain Morgan. :D

I used to be a rum and Coke girl back in the day when all my girlfriends were getting really loosens you up for the dance floor.:D

Loosens you up everywhere else too. :D

Oh, well now that mystery is solved. My daughter had me trying white Monster and rum. It was OK, a little too sweet for my taste, though. It surely did loosen things up, though.
Phewwww....made Eggs McMuffins for everyone this morning.....with orange juice and coffee for the adults...I'm beat...then I had to hand water my potted plants and start the sprinkler on my vegetable garden.

We're going shopping....visit my aunt at the Nursing Home's going to be a long, hot, tiring day. Thankfully, hubby taking everyone out for dinner tonight....yippee, I don't have to cook....what a relief.

Just reading that stressed me out so badly that my head's about to burst.

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