USMB Coffee Shop IV

High! You're only up, but I'm already at office and starting to work! For the change of one day, I was sick this week :)

You're in Greenwich area, I'm in +3 timezone (and my clients in +5 timezone :))
Time zone funny. If want to talk to my daughter (in Okinawa) I have to count -6 hours +a day.

While you all sleeping, let's organize the minute of depression about a targets we hadn't reached in our life... :)

P.S. Whining cat and whining fly,
Whining airplane at sky,
Eye is whining from shampoo....
Let yourself be whining too :)

ли я сказать вам, что кафе было бы здорово?

Здесь в кафе очень приятно общаться. Теплая атмосфера, хорошая компания - что может быть лучше?

Я был уверен, что вам понравится люди здесь. Они очень дружелюбны и понимания. Без политика, ни одна религия не делает его мирным.

Политика и религия - это вещи, которые должны помогать строить, а не разрушать. Человечество слишком увлечено войнами за ресурсы Земли, в то время, как давно уже пора осваивать Солнечную систему. В перерывах общаясь так, как общаемся здесь мы :)

К сожалению политика и религия очень поляризационный и многие американцы не могут обсуждать или принимать другие народы точки зрения в отношении либо.
Я должен предупредить вас, хотя, если кто решит перевести это, мы будет увещевал потому, что такие разговоры не допускается в кафе. Если вы хотите обсудить религии или политике, мы можем перейти к PM (личное сообщение) и обсудить там.

Такие темы обладают остротой в любом обществе. Тем более, что на форуме есть много разделов, где можно обсуждать и религию, и политику, находить сторонников и противников. Кафе - это хорошее место для того, чтобы поговорить об общечеловеческих ценностях.
Yes Kat...We are heading north. it is a 6 hour drive tomorrow morning...We check out of the motel at 8 am and should get there between 2&3pm. We don't like driving at night to unknown turf, so barring no construction, floods, car troubles, pit stops for peeing and karma stretching her legs...We figure 3ish or so.

The man that contacted my ad lives near Chico, CA. Google images of Paradise and Magalia and you can see what a pretty place it is. Far from the ocean but LOTS of trees and greenery. Last night he and I were texting what would be for dinner Thursday night since I volunteered to do the cooking and invited him to join us in our first home cooked meal in 4 long months and the subject came up about fresh eggs. He wants chickens and a co-op...And so do I! He also said he has a nice back yard but the fence needs repair and I told him we would mend it and make it very Zen back there is we all split the costs and he said it sounded like a splendid plan!

He makes and produces new age music that is very ethereal..And has a studio in the back of the house..And he is a night owl like us. It all sounds wonderful...But I won't believe the change in our luck until I get there and live there for a month!

Meanwhile dentist here is all done and we are semi packed and ready to go.

I will be MIA tomorrow due to being on the road...But I will log on when we arrive there so y'all don't worry[emoji4].

Good to see you here Sarah! And thank you for checking on me. You are very kind to do so. And yes, I am serious. Anything or anyone that shows kindness at this time in Mrg's and myself a trials is MUCH appreciated.

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Lord, let Gracie and Mr. G come out of the wilderness and into a valley of blessings and goodness. Renew their souls, feed their bodies and fill their hearts.
I was beside myself hearing about these things happening to you guys as with others here. Check into hud housing in your new area too. Take care!

There were a few close calls. Mostly they need kindness, so thank you for joining the chorus on that one.
I wish I had more to offer to so many. Peach and her hubby, Gracie and hers, Save's grandies, so, so many. Alas, life is sometimes perceived as brutal and hard. Perhaps there is a grace granted us in our passing. May Sachenda's husband, Bob, find grace in his God. He's has a few questions lately (Bob has)...
I hate to see a good man question his faith for something so...natural as death.

I attribute all good things to God, the bad to the Evil One and our poor choices through free will. Perhaps too simple.

save's litter is doing well, reach out to yours today, as this thread shows trials and tragedy abound.
Good morning all. I too believe in the power of prayer, but I also know that those among us who do not pray are no less loving. No less caring. And I believe their positive thoughts added to the mix also contribute a kind of positive cosmic energy to good effect. So it's all good.

The hard part is when there seems to be no response or our hopes and dreams or most fervent wishes just aren't happening. We've all experienced that and some of us are experiencing it.

And even then I know it helps knowing that so many care and are pulling for us. I really do love you guys.
So. . .another Wednesday. Daughter called from Monterrey Bay area last night and said they are getting constant flood warnings. The radar looked positively alarming there though she assured us she is high and dry. Just checked again and most of the worst is now well north of her, but it is solid rain all the way for Mr. & Mrs. Gracie as they travel to their new home today. So ya'll keep those prayers and positive vibes going for them please.

It sometimes is difficult to understand why things have to be so difficult.
I apologize for getting religious folks. I often hear people are praying, but sometimes it is hard to actually make a prayer. I offer these as simple forms at a difficult time.

We all are who we are. There is no rule in the Coffee Shop forbidding that. We just don't insist that our religion or politics or whatever we believe in controversial issues is better than anybody else's belief and we don't denigrate any religion or lack thereof or fault anybody for his/her politics or his/her faith or lack thereof. The rule is to leaving the 'fussing' and the ammunition at the door, not our faith. :)
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I attribute all good things to God, the bad to the Evil One and our poor choices through free will. Perhaps too simple.

My higher power has a wonderful uncomplicated source of reigning...

I attribute all good things to God, the bad to the Evil One and our poor choices through free will. Perhaps too simple.

My higher power has a wonderful uncomplicated source of reigning...


For sure. I am constantly reminding myself (and others when appropriate): don't make things harder than they have to be.
I apologize for getting religious folks. I often hear people are praying, but sometimes it is hard to actually make a prayer. I offer these as simple forms at a difficult time.

We all are who we are. There is no rule in the Coffee Shop forbidding that. We just don't insist that our religion or politics or whatever we believe in controversial issues is better than anybody else's belief and we don't denigrate any religion or lack thereof or fault anybody for his/her politics or his/her faith or lack thereof. The rule is to leaving the 'fussing' and the ammunition at the door, not our faith. :)

Every religion and politics need a bit humor and kindness :) Humor is a creature of God too :)))
Time zone funny. If want to talk to my daughter (in Okinawa) I have to count -6 hours +a day.

ли я сказать вам, что кафе было бы здорово?

Здесь в кафе очень приятно общаться. Теплая атмосфера, хорошая компания - что может быть лучше?
Я был уверен, что вам понравится люди здесь. Они очень дружелюбны и понимания. Без политика, ни одна религия не делает его мирным.

Политика и религия - это вещи, которые должны помогать строить, а не разрушать. Человечество слишком увлечено войнами за ресурсы Земли, в то время, как давно уже пора осваивать Солнечную систему. В перерывах общаясь так, как общаемся здесь мы :)
К сожалению политика и религия очень поляризационный и многие американцы не могут обсуждать или принимать другие народы точки зрения в отношении либо.
Я должен предупредить вас, хотя, если кто решит перевести это, мы будет увещевал потому, что такие разговоры не допускается в кафе. Если вы хотите обсудить религии или политике, мы можем перейти к PM (личное сообщение) и обсудить там.

Такие темы обладают остротой в любом обществе. Тем более, что на форуме есть много разделов, где можно обсуждать и религию, и политику, находить сторонников и противников. Кафе - это хорошее место для того, чтобы поговорить об общечеловеческих ценностях.
Very true.
I wish I had more to offer to so many. Peach and her hubby, Gracie and hers, Save's grandies, so, so many. Alas, life is sometimes perceived as brutal and hard. Perhaps there is a grace granted us in our passing. May Sachenda's husband, Bob, find grace in his God. He's has a few questions lately (Bob has)...
I hate to see a good man question his faith for something so...natural as death.

I attribute all good things to God, the bad to the Evil One and our poor choices through free will. Perhaps too simple.

save's litter is doing well, reach out to yours today, as this thread shows trials and tragedy abound.
Thank you for the wisdom. I did reach out to my daughter and, as usual, we had a great conversation. She's my best friend and we talk about everything under the sun and stars.
There's only so much wisdom to go around. Some people have a great portion of it and some people don't have any at all.

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