USMB Coffee Shop IV

Goodnight darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Freedombecki and Becki’s hubby,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Boedicca's Dad,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Ernie for wellness,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Gracie for wellness and Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition who need a break big time right now.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, 007, Sixfoot and all others we hope will find their way back.

I have always said you are Lovely Foxy,and how right I am....steve

Yes, you are. She's a true gem. ♥
Hi Kat,you know,I can be a hard bastard BUT Like with you and Foxy,I just know how Great you are,AND DON'T EVER FORGET IT.......Love Steve

I don't see you as hard. :smiliehug:
Goodnight darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Freedombecki and Becki’s hubby,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Boedicca's Dad,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Ernie for wellness,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Gracie for wellness and Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition who need a break big time right now.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, 007, Sixfoot and all others we hope will find their way back.

I have always said you are Lovely Foxy,and how right I am....steve

Yes, you are. She's a true gem. ♥
Hi Kat,you know,I can be a hard bastard BUT Like with you and Foxy,I just know how Great you are,AND DON'T EVER FORGET IT.......Love Steve

I don't see you as hard. :smiliehug:
Well not to you,why ever should I....Lady...steve
  • Thanks
Reactions: Kat
I attribute all good things to God, the bad to the Evil One and our poor choices through free will. Perhaps too simple.

My higher power has a wonderful uncomplicated source of reigning...


For sure. I am constantly reminding myself (and others when appropriate): don't make things harder than they have to be.

My granny usually said - throw out and smile :)
Bonsoir, could i ask you a question who is your most well know musician group in Russia ? :)
Hi Dalia :bye1:
A friend of mine told me about a Russian singer. She's not part of group. Her stage name is Dvj Bazuka.
I've seen a few of her music videos and definitely it's not my kind of music :eusa_snooty: :eusa_angel:
I attribute all good things to God, the bad to the Evil One and our poor choices through free will. Perhaps too simple.

My higher power has a wonderful uncomplicated source of reigning...


For sure. I am constantly reminding myself (and others when appropriate): don't make things harder than they have to be.

My granny usually said - throw out and smile :)
Bonsoir, could i ask you a question who is your most well know musician group in Russia ? :)

Oh! I'm meloman. If you mean group, I like - there are a lot of, in different styles, but I prefer rock, alt-rock, heavy, power & speed and so on...Some of them sounds very close to their colleagues from German, Britain, US...

If you mean - most well known in world? I don't know. Maybe, Tatoo - but it's for last decade, not now.. I heared, Japans liked them, because they're very kawaii :)

But if you want most widely popular ni Russia now - I think, it's Leningrad. Not only music - they make awesome humorous clips.- see the one (about louboutins ;)))) Don't forget to switch subtitles on.

Funny and stressful. :)
Goodnight darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Freedombecki and Becki’s hubby,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Boedicca's Dad,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Ernie for wellness,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Gracie for wellness and Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition who need a break big time right now.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, 007, Sixfoot and all others we hope will find their way back.

I have always said you are Lovely Foxy,and how right I am....steve

Yes, you are. She's a true gem. ♥
Hi Kat,you know,I can be a hard bastard BUT Like with you and Foxy,I just know how Great you are,AND DON'T EVER FORGET IT.......Love Steve

Hey theliq. You haven't been here in like years maybe? But so happy to see you here. And naw, you aren't hard. Just ornery like some others. But here in the Coffee Shop we're all united. :)

And to our newer Coffee Shop friends, whether American, British, Scottish, Irish, French, Vietnamese, Russian, or wherever, theliq is one of our Australian friends. You know, that place where I can never figure out what time it is?
Tryin' to catch up. Went up to Tucson Tuesday and came back late last night, sorry Peach we just breezed through Benson on the way down to Tombstone and back on the return trip.
Loved the saquaros but the teddybear (jumping) chollas loved me.......... Had one pad drop off and land on my thumb, it required someone with pliers to get it off and it made my thumb numb for a while, that was weird.
Our impression of Tucson was mixed, didn't expect the relatively tall and thick growth around the saquaros, was surprised at that and honestly other than a few intances we didn't find people to be all that friendly. Driving in the city reminded us of Reston, VA where all the stores are back off the main roads hidden by trees and brush so you have to know where a store is in order to find it. Unfortunately our trip coincided with the gem show so we ended up paying too much for a 1 star hotel which I hope to never do again except in emergency. Just a caution, don't stay at the Red Roof Inn in Marana, the section 8 of hotels...........
Oh and good morning everybody.

Awaiting a report from Gracie as to what their new home is like.

Hope our ailing members are feeling much better.

Looking at the massive rainstorm still in northern California, Oregon, and Washington and hoping Againsheila is staying high and dry. (Our daughter suffered no serious issues with the serious flooding in her area the last few days and the storm is now north of her.)

And looking at the massive snowstorm in the northeast and wondering if ChrisL is snowed in.

Ringel05 was the trip to Tuscon for the interview? How did that go?

As for the Foxfyre's, it is in the mid 40's and sunny in Albuquerque--supposed to be in the mid to high 60's today. Hombre and I will be at our friends playing our weekly 42 game this afternoon.
Oh and good morning everybody.

Awaiting a report from Gracie as to what their new home is like.

Hope our ailing members are feeling much better.

Looking at the massive rainstorm still in northern California, Oregon, and Washington and hoping Againsheila is staying high and dry. (Our daughter suffered no serious issues with the serious flooding in her area the last few days and the storm is now north of her.)

And looking at the massive snowstorm in the northeast and wondering if ChrisL is snowed in.

Ringel05 was the trip to Tuscon for the interview? How did that go?

As for the Foxfyre's, it is in the mid 40's and sunny in Albuquerque--supposed to be in the mid to high 60's today. Hombre and I will be at our friends playing our weekly 42 game this afternoon.
No interview, just checking out the city and the wife really wanted to see the saquaros. She does have a second phone interview today for a job back up in Colorado Springs.
I attribute all good things to God, the bad to the Evil One and our poor choices through free will. Perhaps too simple.

My higher power has a wonderful uncomplicated source of reigning...


For sure. I am constantly reminding myself (and others when appropriate): don't make things harder than they have to be.

My granny usually said - throw out and smile :)
Bonsoir, could i ask you a question who is your most well know musician group in Russia ? :)
Hi Dalia :bye1:
A friend of mine told me about a Russian singer. She's not part of group. Her stage name is Dvj Bazuka.
I've seen a few of her music videos and definitely it's not my kind of music :eusa_snooty: :eusa_angel:

I had to look her up esthermoon and I agree. I am a huge fan of Russian music--the classics anyway--but this wouldn't be something I would choose to listen too. Much of it just seems to be background for rather provocative sexy videos.
My higher power has a wonderful uncomplicated source of reigning...


For sure. I am constantly reminding myself (and others when appropriate): don't make things harder than they have to be.

My granny usually said - throw out and smile :)
Bonsoir, could i ask you a question who is your most well know musician group in Russia ? :)
Hi Dalia
A friend of mine told me about a Russian singer. She's not part of group. Her stage name is Dvj Bazuka.
I've seen a few of her music videos and definitely it's not my kind of music :eusa_snooty: :eusa_angel:

I had to look her up esthermoon and I agree. I am a huge fan of Russian music--the classics anyway--but this wouldn't be something I would choose to listen too. Much of it just seems to be background for rather provocative sexy videos.
Hi Foxfyre! :bye1:
those are not only provocative but also repetitive videos (the sound is always the same :disbelief:)
Oh and good morning everybody.

Awaiting a report from Gracie as to what their new home is like.

Hope our ailing members are feeling much better.

Looking at the massive rainstorm still in northern California, Oregon, and Washington and hoping Againsheila is staying high and dry. (Our daughter suffered no serious issues with the serious flooding in her area the last few days and the storm is now north of her.)

And looking at the massive snowstorm in the northeast and wondering if ChrisL is snowed in.

Ringel05 was the trip to Tuscon for the interview? How did that go?

As for the Foxfyre's, it is in the mid 40's and sunny in Albuquerque--supposed to be in the mid to high 60's today. Hombre and I will be at our friends playing our weekly 42 game this afternoon.
No interview, just checking out the city and the wife really wanted to see the saquaros. She does have a second phone interview today for a job back up in Colorado Springs.

Ah okay. Well I think you wouldn't mind going back to the Springs area either. Yes? :) I had a run in with a cholla one time too. Not pleasant.

Your mention of the less-than-satisfactory motel reminded me of one time Hombre and I were headed for an event in Dallas, and to make sure we got there in time, drove part way to Amarillo the night before. Then it was roughly five hours, and we got in late, absolutely exhausted. Hombre chose to look for a motel on the east side of Amarillo so we wouldn't have to battle morning rush hour leaving town. There was only one motel on the east side then--looked great from the outside. They had one room at a really cheap price and we took it. Big mistake. The phone had been ripped out of the wall--there was no mattress pad on the bed and the sheet was torn--holes in the walls. Really really terrible. We were too tired to drive any more though so we stayed there and were up and out really early the next morning. Never again though.
For sure. I am constantly reminding myself (and others when appropriate): don't make things harder than they have to be.

My granny usually said - throw out and smile :)
Bonsoir, could i ask you a question who is your most well know musician group in Russia ? :)
Hi Dalia
A friend of mine told me about a Russian singer. She's not part of group. Her stage name is Dvj Bazuka.
I've seen a few of her music videos and definitely it's not my kind of music :eusa_snooty: :eusa_angel:

I had to look her up esthermoon and I agree. I am a huge fan of Russian music--the classics anyway--but this wouldn't be something I would choose to listen too. Much of it just seems to be background for rather provocative sexy videos.
Hi Foxfyre! :bye1:
those are not only provocative but also repetitive videos (the sound is always the same :disbelief:)

But we probably have all the guys checking out her videos now. :)
My granny usually said - throw out and smile :)
Bonsoir, could i ask you a question who is your most well know musician group in Russia ? :)
Hi Dalia
A friend of mine told me about a Russian singer. She's not part of group. Her stage name is Dvj Bazuka.
I've seen a few of her music videos and definitely it's not my kind of music :eusa_snooty: :eusa_angel:

I had to look her up esthermoon and I agree. I am a huge fan of Russian music--the classics anyway--but this wouldn't be something I would choose to listen too. Much of it just seems to be background for rather provocative sexy videos.
Hi Foxfyre! :bye1:
those are not only provocative but also repetitive videos (the sound is always the same :disbelief:)

But we probably have all the guys checking out her videos now. :)

I looked her up. It seems she isn't a singer, but rather a DJ. The DVJ is a mix of DJ and VJ.

I wondered what was going on when youtube made me sign in to confirm my age. :lol: Not even vaguely my kind of music. ;)
I don't have a grade yet, but I think I was worrying myself unnecessarily about my first proctored test. There were a few questions I blanked on, but out of the 94 questions on the test, 92 of them multiple choice, I'm guessing I got at least 90 of them correct. Taking into account a couple of questions which were weighted more heavily than the rest, I'll guesstimate my final score at 90-95. I'm almost sure I got the A. I did WAY more cramming than I needed to. :lol:

Now I just need to be sure I don't go the other way and not study enough before the next proctored exam. :p
Oh and good morning everybody.

Awaiting a report from Gracie as to what their new home is like.

Hope our ailing members are feeling much better.

Looking at the massive rainstorm still in northern California, Oregon, and Washington and hoping Againsheila is staying high and dry. (Our daughter suffered no serious issues with the serious flooding in her area the last few days and the storm is now north of her.)

And looking at the massive snowstorm in the northeast and wondering if ChrisL is snowed in.

Ringel05 was the trip to Tuscon for the interview? How did that go?

As for the Foxfyre's, it is in the mid 40's and sunny in Albuquerque--supposed to be in the mid to high 60's today. Hombre and I will be at our friends playing our weekly 42 game this afternoon.
No interview, just checking out the city and the wife really wanted to see the saquaros. She does have a second phone interview today for a job back up in Colorado Springs.

Ah okay. Well I think you wouldn't mind going back to the Springs area either. Yes? :) I had a run in with a cholla one time too. Not pleasant.

Your mention of the less-than-satisfactory motel reminded me of one time Hombre and I were headed for an event in Dallas, and to make sure we got there in time, drove part way to Amarillo the night before. Then it was roughly five hours, and we got in late, absolutely exhausted. Hombre chose to look for a motel on the east side of Amarillo so we wouldn't have to battle morning rush hour leaving town. There was only one motel on the east side then--looked great from the outside. They had one room at a really cheap price and we took it. Big mistake. The phone had been ripped out of the wall--there was no mattress pad on the bed and the sheet was torn--holes in the walls. Really really terrible. We were too tired to drive any more though so we stayed there and were up and out really early the next morning. Never again though.
Not really sure we want to leave the desert southwest and the Springs housing is definitely more expensive. The healthcare company that contacted her was one she had applied to many times years ago and she received a call out of the blue last week about a position that had opened up.
I don't have a grade yet, but I think I was worrying myself unnecessarily about my first proctored test. There were a few questions I blanked on, but out of the 94 questions on the test, 92 of them multiple choice, I'm guessing I got at least 90 of them correct. Taking into account a couple of questions which were weighted more heavily than the rest, I'll guesstimate my final score at 90-95. I'm almost sure I got the A. I did WAY more cramming than I needed to. :lol:

Now I just need to be sure I don't go the other way and not study enough before the next proctored exam. :p

Congrats Montro. Usually we make these things harder than they have to be. However, please believe me about this as I speak from experience: pretend that you are just as stressed and nervous about the next test and study just as hard for it.
Oh and good morning everybody.

Awaiting a report from Gracie as to what their new home is like.

Hope our ailing members are feeling much better.

Looking at the massive rainstorm still in northern California, Oregon, and Washington and hoping Againsheila is staying high and dry. (Our daughter suffered no serious issues with the serious flooding in her area the last few days and the storm is now north of her.)

And looking at the massive snowstorm in the northeast and wondering if ChrisL is snowed in.

Ringel05 was the trip to Tuscon for the interview? How did that go?

As for the Foxfyre's, it is in the mid 40's and sunny in Albuquerque--supposed to be in the mid to high 60's today. Hombre and I will be at our friends playing our weekly 42 game this afternoon.
No interview, just checking out the city and the wife really wanted to see the saquaros. She does have a second phone interview today for a job back up in Colorado Springs.

Ah okay. Well I think you wouldn't mind going back to the Springs area either. Yes? :) I had a run in with a cholla one time too. Not pleasant.

Your mention of the less-than-satisfactory motel reminded me of one time Hombre and I were headed for an event in Dallas, and to make sure we got there in time, drove part way to Amarillo the night before. Then it was roughly five hours, and we got in late, absolutely exhausted. Hombre chose to look for a motel on the east side of Amarillo so we wouldn't have to battle morning rush hour leaving town. There was only one motel on the east side then--looked great from the outside. They had one room at a really cheap price and we took it. Big mistake. The phone had been ripped out of the wall--there was no mattress pad on the bed and the sheet was torn--holes in the walls. Really really terrible. We were too tired to drive any more though so we stayed there and were up and out really early the next morning. Never again though.
Not really sure we want to leave the desert southwest and the Springs housing is definitely more expensive. The healthcare company that contacted her was one she had applied to many times years ago and she received a call out of the blue last week about a position that had opened up.

I understand that though I notice there are some pretty good bargains there right now listed as pre-foreclosures. (I was looking for a friend who has to move there soon.) And if you go now while interest rates are still rock bottom that would help too. If the economy gets moving in coming months, those interest rates are likely to start back up and that usually results in higher prices to buy and to rent.
Ironic email: I emailed the TSA because I have a question about what forms of ID are valid when you want to fly. I got an automated response email which just said thank you for using our email system, we will probably send a response within 48 hours. The email software gave me a warning saying the TSA email had failed the verification check and that it might not be the person it claims to be. Hotmail wanted to pull the TSA email out of line for enhanced search. :lmao:
I attribute all good things to God, the bad to the Evil One and our poor choices through free will. Perhaps too simple.

My higher power has a wonderful uncomplicated source of reigning...


For sure. I am constantly reminding myself (and others when appropriate): don't make things harder than they have to be.

My granny usually said - throw out and smile :)
Bonsoir, could i ask you a question who is your most well know musician group in Russia ? :)
Hi Dalia :bye1:
A friend of mine told me about a Russian singer. She's not part of group. Her stage name is Dvj Bazuka.
I've seen a few of her music videos and definitely it's not my kind of music :eusa_snooty: :eusa_angel:

Damn, it seems not a music, but a video catalogue of brothel...

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