USMB Coffee Shop IV

Can't say much right now...And not much we can do about it anyway. Here, we stay for however long it takes to get our own place back in SLO county.

Room is huge. HUGE. Walk in closet. Nice bathroom. Creek sounds lovely. Trees everywhere, so it looks like a home in a medieval forest. We can live in this room for as long as it takes..But only in this room.

The man is a sweetheart so far. Kind of timid. Very soft spoken, seems lonely. But there are issues. We should have taken the drive to come look first.

One word...And y'all will get the visual:

HOARDER. Big time.

Sent from my Z981 using mobile app
My partner's a hoarder. I ended up buying a 28' travel trailer, which I have called "home" for the past 7 years. I got tired of cleaning the mess only to find the house and yard buried again by the end of summer. Moving to Willow will be a constant challenge for me to keep his crap collection at bay.
You can't change a hoarder, but you might be able to ignore his space enough to deal with it for a while. I'm still hoping things work out for you guys.
They can keep their part clean until they find something. I want them warm and dry. :)
If Gracie, Mr. G, and Mokie have a large, comfortable room free of debris, that may work out for a while. I hope that Gracie can escape to the garden and indulge her proclivity for horticulture.
Can't say much right now...And not much we can do about it anyway. Here, we stay for however long it takes to get our own place back in SLO county.

Room is huge. HUGE. Walk in closet. Nice bathroom. Creek sounds lovely. Trees everywhere, so it looks like a home in a medieval forest. We can live in this room for as long as it takes..But only in this room.

The man is a sweetheart so far. Kind of timid. Very soft spoken, seems lonely. But there are issues. We should have taken the drive to come look first.

One word...And y'all will get the visual:

HOARDER. Big time.

Sent from my Z981 using mobile app
My partner's a hoarder. I ended up buying a 28' travel trailer, which I have called "home" for the past 7 years. I got tired of cleaning the mess only to find the house and yard buried again by the end of summer. Moving to Willow will be a constant challenge for me to keep his crap collection at bay.
You can't change a hoarder, but you might be able to ignore his space enough to deal with it for a while. I'm still hoping things work out for you guys.
They can keep their part clean until they find something. I want them warm and dry. :)
If Gracie, Mr. G, and Mokie have a large, comfortable room free of debris, that may work out for a while. I hope that Gracie can escape to the garden and indulge her proclivity for horticulture.
That would be nice too, wouldn't it.
Oh, and could some of you photo shop geeks redo the owl in my sig line and make it a USMB Coffee Shop IV and make it a button to get us here and also the ENTER THE COFFEE SHOP HERE line that will take us to this thread instead of the old one? And send me the coding? I wish I was good at that stuff but I'm just not.
I like the Entry Foxy,I love the décor....BUT...I have been waiting so long for my short-black,that I have grown a beard...LOL...Love you Foxy...steve
Hello, Steve! You may have noticed, we have become quite international in our little Coffee Shop! Now we have you back to represent your continent!
Hi Gallie,yep I just dropped by, Great to see all is well,did you know the second largest industry after OIL,is the COFFEE industry..!!...Thanks for the greet Gallie,,your friend.......steve
Oh, and could some of you photo shop geeks redo the owl in my sig line and make it a USMB Coffee Shop IV and make it a button to get us here and also the ENTER THE COFFEE SHOP HERE line that will take us to this thread instead of the old one? And send me the coding? I wish I was good at that stuff but I'm just not.
I like the Entry Foxy,I love the décor....BUT...I have been waiting so long for my short-black,that I have grown a beard...LOL...Love you Foxy...steve
Hello, Steve! You may have noticed, we have become quite international in our little Coffee Shop! Now we have you back to represent your continent!
Hi Gallie,yep I just dropped by, Great to see all is well,did you know the second largest industry after OIL,is the COFFEE industry..!!...Thanks for the greet Gallie,,your friend.......steve
Coffee? I have no doubt! Of course, with marijuana newly "legalized" in Alaska, coffee may take second chair for some demographics. I'm studying up on how to make compost that will grow great pot. I don't smoke, or otherwise indulge, but I'm sure there will be a market for nice dirt to grow the stuff in...
When're you coming up this way?
Oh, and could some of you photo shop geeks redo the owl in my sig line and make it a USMB Coffee Shop IV and make it a button to get us here and also the ENTER THE COFFEE SHOP HERE line that will take us to this thread instead of the old one? And send me the coding? I wish I was good at that stuff but I'm just not.
I like the Entry Foxy,I love the décor....BUT...I have been waiting so long for my short-black,that I have grown a beard...LOL...Love you Foxy...steve
Hello, Steve! You may have noticed, we have become quite international in our little Coffee Shop! Now we have you back to represent your continent!
Hi Gallie,yep I just dropped by, Great to see all is well,did you know the second largest industry after OIL,is the COFFEE industry..!!...Thanks for the greet Gallie,,your friend.......steve
Coffee? I have no doubt! Of course, with marijuana newly "legalized" in Alaska, coffee may take second chair for some demographics. I'm studying up on how to make compost that will grow great pot. I don't smoke, or otherwise indulge, but I'm sure there will be a market for nice dirt to grow the stuff in...
When're you coming up this way?
Legalized Pot....OK,I would take advice from some of the Rastas down in Jamaica,they have G.Modified a strain of Mull(Marijuana) that produces a lot of Buds,which are the most concentrated(and most expensive part of the plant on the resale market)...not that I'm an expert,or condoning the sale of such product...I tried it once,had half a spliff but did nothing for me,and it tasted of shit(excuse the pun)anyway I couldn't see the big deal in it......anyhow,I've always been throughout my life on a natural high,without drugs.....thank goodness...I have seen what it can do to people,moreover remove the gateway to harder drugs.

You may think I'm Mad but I would decriminalize all Drugs and only make them available through Government Agencies,this would eliminate the Criminal element,reducing intimination and murder etc.,when Drug Debts are owed....thus cutting down crime,when the user is after money,and reduce the elderly etc.,of being attacked for goods and cash to feed their habit...also the Authorities can monitor the users (including needle exchange facilities)of the Hard Drugs,and preventing overdoses and hopefully wean the users off drugs.It would also reduce the prison population....I'd trail it definately sic.

Alaska calls me Gallie and will be there,things have been hectic here for the past couple of years.....when I come could you take a couple of weeks off to show me around?....keep well Gallie,best wishes to you and yours...stewve,I mean Steve LOL
If you get this your showing your age.
Going with the kids to Disney Hollywood Studios on Saturday. You guys have to see Sherri on a roller coaster. It's something like this.......:)

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The wife and I both decided we prefer New Mexico and are currently looking in the Albuquerque area though we will possibly look at one in Alto NM. We did find one we both like up in the mountains just south of Tijeras, not big but we can make it work.
Going with the kids to Disney Hollywood Studios on Saturday. You guys have to see Sherri on a roller coaster. It's something like this.......:)


I can't handle the g forces, after the ride I have to lay down for hours and let the migraine subside.

It sucks getting older......I can do two trips on Thunder Mountain or Space Mountain at Disney and then I need a long rest. The kids....they want to ride forever. truly is wasted on the young. :D
Can't say much right now...And not much we can do about it anyway. Here, we stay for however long it takes to get our own place back in SLO county.

Room is huge. HUGE. Walk in closet. Nice bathroom. Creek sounds lovely. Trees everywhere, so it looks like a home in a medieval forest. We can live in this room for as long as it takes..But only in this room.

The man is a sweetheart so far. Kind of timid. Very soft spoken, seems lonely. But there are issues. We should have taken the drive to come look first.

One word...And y'all will get the visual:

HOARDER. Big time.

Sent from my Z981 using mobile app
My partner's a hoarder. I ended up buying a 28' travel trailer, which I have called "home" for the past 7 years. I got tired of cleaning the mess only to find the house and yard buried again by the end of summer. Moving to Willow will be a constant challenge for me to keep his crap collection at bay.
You can't change a hoarder, but you might be able to ignore his space enough to deal with it for a while. I'm still hoping things work out for you guys.
They can keep their part clean until they find something. I want them warm and dry. :)
If Gracie, Mr. G, and Mokie have a large, comfortable room free of debris, that may work out for a while. I hope that Gracie can escape to the garden and indulge her proclivity for horticulture.
There is no garden. The back patio is crammed with stuff.

But, he is just so sweet. He knows he has too much stuff..And that it's a issue. I am just thankful it's not filth hoarding. What he has is worth money. It's just scattered willynilly...Everywhere. think of a really crammed antique store...Really really crammed! That's the issue here. Pathways from room to room, but stuff that is NOT junk.
It's just.....Piled, crammed, stuffed...Everywhere.

We told him today we will help as much as we can. And we will. He is such a nice man. For reals.

Our room is clean, warm, and eventually we will help him get the rest of the house the same way if he will accept that offer.
Eanwhile...This town is stunningly beautiful.

Sent from my Z981 using mobile app
Going with the kids to Disney Hollywood Studios on Saturday. You guys have to see Sherri on a roller coaster. It's something like this.......:)


I can't handle the g forces, after the ride I have to lay down for hours and let the migraine subside.

It sucks getting older......I can do two trips on Thunder Mountain or Space Mountain at Disney and then I need a long rest. The kids....they want to ride forever. truly is wasted on the young. :D
I've been like that most of my life, never liked roller coasters.
Well, it finally stopped snowing. We got close to a foot. Might be a little over a little under. I was kind of hoping to get away without any big snowfall this winter. Sigh.

cut my legs and call me shortie! LOL
Can't say much right now...And not much we can do about it anyway. Here, we stay for however long it takes to get our own place back in SLO county.

Room is huge. HUGE. Walk in closet. Nice bathroom. Creek sounds lovely. Trees everywhere, so it looks like a home in a medieval forest. We can live in this room for as long as it takes..But only in this room.

The man is a sweetheart so far. Kind of timid. Very soft spoken, seems lonely. But there are issues. We should have taken the drive to come look first.

One word...And y'all will get the visual:

HOARDER. Big time.

Sent from my Z981 using mobile app
My partner's a hoarder. I ended up buying a 28' travel trailer, which I have called "home" for the past 7 years. I got tired of cleaning the mess only to find the house and yard buried again by the end of summer. Moving to Willow will be a constant challenge for me to keep his crap collection at bay.
You can't change a hoarder, but you might be able to ignore his space enough to deal with it for a while. I'm still hoping things work out for you guys.
They can keep their part clean until they find something. I want them warm and dry. :)
If Gracie, Mr. G, and Mokie have a large, comfortable room free of debris, that may work out for a while. I hope that Gracie can escape to the garden and indulge her proclivity for horticulture.
There is no garden. The back patio is crammed with stuff.

But, he is just so sweet. He knows he has too much stuff..And that it's a issue. I am just thankful it's not filth hoarding. What he has is worth money. It's just scattered willynilly...Everywhere. think of a really crammed antique store...Really really crammed! That's the issue here. Pathways from room to room, but stuff that is NOT junk.
It's just.....Piled, crammed, stuffed...Everywhere.

We told him today we will help as much as we can. And we will. He is such a nice man. For reals.

Our room is clean, warm, and eventually we will help him get the rest of the house the same way if he will accept that offer.
Eanwhile...This town is stunningly beautiful.

Sent from my Z981 using mobile app

It sounds far from perfect, but much better than things have been. I say, hooray for the improvement! If you and Mr. G will have enough space for yourselves and the dog, and this landlord is a nice person, that sounds like at least a livable solution for now. I've lived in a house that was filthy, I think I'd take cluttered but relatively clean over that any day. :p

Hopefully you and the landlord will find a way to accommodate each other so that everyone can be comfortable in the situation.

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