USMB Coffee Shop IV

I believe the Gracie story is correct. I check back in here on her and Peach, just to name a few. :)

I haven't seen Peach in a few days, btw. Is her hubbs having surgery today?

Good to hear from you Sarah.
Thanks! How's everything?

Well if death attempts come in threes I have one more to go. A tree I was cutting down barely missed me and I about did a header out of the shower the same day. :lol:




Always gets me in a better mood to face the world.
Time zone funny. If want to talk to my daughter (in Okinawa) I have to count -6 hours +a day.

ли я сказать вам, что кафе было бы здорово?

Здесь в кафе очень приятно общаться. Теплая атмосфера, хорошая компания - что может быть лучше?
Bonsoir à tous, Sbiker one of my friend is Russian i ask her to respond to me in Russian : do you like Putin ?
She told me YES in Russian after in French it is a good thing for her to understand and speak French i don't understant a thing in Russian :badgrin: and she is very nice :)

Well I know what da and net and spaseebo (sp?)is in Russian. After that it is all Greek to me.
Bonsoir Foxfyre, it is very hard to learn a new language and here in France every région have is own talking way i mean it is a différent French in the nord like Normandie or the Chtis from de nord palais de Calais French peoples don't understant it themself.

Really dalia? I always thought of French as a pure language with only one proper way to speak it. But you seem to have as many regional accents as we do. I can usually spot somebody from Boston or Brooklyn or Dallas or Louisiana for instance. And yes, sometimes they can't understand each other. :)
Hello, I wanted to answer multiple members make several answers ( quotes) in a same post but it does not work.
Foxfire, it is true that in several countries the language of some regions is different.
Why in a country the language is so different that we do not understand each other in the same country?
Hi America, I am up at your bedtime. It is coming up to 6am and I cant sleep so I got up.
There is a TV film channel starting at six but its a repeat, so I will have to watch a DVD.

High! You're only up, but I'm already at office and starting to work! For the change of one day, I was sick this week :)

You're in Greenwich area, I'm in +3 timezone (and my clients in +5 timezone :))
Time zone funny. If want to talk to my daughter (in Okinawa) I have to count -6 hours +a day.

While you all sleeping, let's organize the minute of depression about a targets we hadn't reached in our life... :)

P.S. Whining cat and whining fly,
Whining airplane at sky,
Eye is whining from shampoo....
Let yourself be whining too :)

ли я сказать вам, что кафе было бы здорово?

Здесь в кафе очень приятно общаться. Теплая атмосфера, хорошая компания - что может быть лучше?

Bonsoir à tous, Sbiker one of my friend is Russian i ask her to respond to me in Russian : do you like Putin ?
She told me YES in Russian after in French it is a good thing for her to understand and speak French i don't understant a thing in Russian :badgrin: and she is very nice :)

Putin is not only one Russia man to like :)))

Putin a few years ago he came to France in Paris at the Ritz it was welcomed like a prince ... nuance/ the opposite in the documentery about him he was badly loved from the French but for the end of the documentery it was the opposite when He came in Paris.
For many years now, I have restricted my alcohol intake to home. First: I will not drive "buzzed", or otherwise impaired. It's iced tea or coffee for me, so I'd be a designated helper if I hung out at your place. Second: It breaks my cheap-assed heart to pay as much for one drink as it would cost me to buy the whole six-pack or fifth and take it home for "safe" consumption. At home, we usually judge we are too inebriated when we can no longer count-out for cribbage.
Damned old people!

Some years I drove "buzzed"... but one day at evening I wanted to visit shop at neighbour village to buy some beer more, and got into police raid. They stopped me but didn't find I'm drunk,because I admitted of other rules violation at once.... After it I never drink when driving, because I don't believe, in other cases it would be so easy for me. In Russia there are a strong rules against alcohol - if you have in blood any alcohol, you'll got at least serious fee and cancel of license for the several months... If you repeat it - you can get in prison for some months...

Now I prefer to smoke, when I'm driving :) Or to use foots and another transport - in towns it's not a problem :)
Ummm...what do you smoke? Here in Alaska, it's legal to smoke marijuana...

I'm not a lover of cannabis, only tobacco.... but Alaska is becoming more attractive for me... :))
Not a fan myself, I am allergic to marijuana. A good craft-brewed beer or my own home-made mead serves me well enough for any celebration.
I am thinking of marketing some cannabis-friendly compost, though.

Some years I worked in Siberia and periodically think about any rotational work to view new places... But Vankor is too extremal for me, maybe to try something in Alaska? :-\ Do you know, has the visa regime at Alaska differences, or it's the same, like in other US?
It is Siberia that there is the baby mammoth well guarded :)


These Baby Woolly Mammoths Have Scientists Going Gaga | The Huffington Post
Some years I drove "buzzed"... but one day at evening I wanted to visit shop at neighbour village to buy some beer more, and got into police raid. They stopped me but didn't find I'm drunk,because I admitted of other rules violation at once.... After it I never drink when driving, because I don't believe, in other cases it would be so easy for me. In Russia there are a strong rules against alcohol - if you have in blood any alcohol, you'll got at least serious fee and cancel of license for the several months... If you repeat it - you can get in prison for some months...

Now I prefer to smoke, when I'm driving :) Or to use foots and another transport - in towns it's not a problem :)
Ummm...what do you smoke? Here in Alaska, it's legal to smoke marijuana...

I'm not a lover of cannabis, only tobacco.... but Alaska is becoming more attractive for me... :))
Not a fan myself, I am allergic to marijuana. A good craft-brewed beer or my own home-made mead serves me well enough for any celebration.
I am thinking of marketing some cannabis-friendly compost, though.

Some years I worked in Siberia and periodically think about any rotational work to view new places... But Vankor is too extremal for me, maybe to try something in Alaska? :-\ Do you know, has the visa regime at Alaska differences, or it's the same, like in other US?
It is Siberia that there is the baby mammoth well guarded :)


These Baby Woolly Mammoths Have Scientists Going Gaga | The Huffington Post

We have a bigger one not far from here :) But Siberia is real a place, where mammonths were evolved :)

For many years now, I have restricted my alcohol intake to home. First: I will not drive "buzzed", or otherwise impaired. It's iced tea or coffee for me, so I'd be a designated helper if I hung out at your place. Second: It breaks my cheap-assed heart to pay as much for one drink as it would cost me to buy the whole six-pack or fifth and take it home for "safe" consumption. At home, we usually judge we are too inebriated when we can no longer count-out for cribbage.
Damned old people!

Some years I drove "buzzed"... but one day at evening I wanted to visit shop at neighbour village to buy some beer more, and got into police raid. They stopped me but didn't find I'm drunk,because I admitted of other rules violation at once.... After it I never drink when driving, because I don't believe, in other cases it would be so easy for me. In Russia there are a strong rules against alcohol - if you have in blood any alcohol, you'll got at least serious fee and cancel of license for the several months... If you repeat it - you can get in prison for some months...

Now I prefer to smoke, when I'm driving :) Or to use foots and another transport - in towns it's not a problem :)
Ummm...what do you smoke? Here in Alaska, it's legal to smoke marijuana...

I'm not a lover of cannabis, only tobacco.... but Alaska is becoming more attractive for me... :))
Not a fan myself, I am allergic to marijuana. A good craft-brewed beer or my own home-made mead serves me well enough for any celebration.
I am thinking of marketing some cannabis-friendly compost, though.

Some years I worked in Siberia and periodically think about any rotational work to view new places... But Vankor is too extremal for me, maybe to try something in Alaska? :-\ Do you know, has the visa regime at Alaska differences, or it's the same, like in other US?
Alaska is governed by the same Federal laws and policies as any of the other 49 states, with few exceptions. Visa regulations are the same.
High! You're only up, but I'm already at office and starting to work! For the change of one day, I was sick this week :)

You're in Greenwich area, I'm in +3 timezone (and my clients in +5 timezone :))
Time zone funny. If want to talk to my daughter (in Okinawa) I have to count -6 hours +a day.

While you all sleeping, let's organize the minute of depression about a targets we hadn't reached in our life... :)

P.S. Whining cat and whining fly,
Whining airplane at sky,
Eye is whining from shampoo....
Let yourself be whining too :)

ли я сказать вам, что кафе было бы здорово?

Здесь в кафе очень приятно общаться. Теплая атмосфера, хорошая компания - что может быть лучше?

Bonsoir à tous, Sbiker one of my friend is Russian i ask her to respond to me in Russian : do you like Putin ?
She told me YES in Russian after in French it is a good thing for her to understand and speak French i don't understant a thing in Russian :badgrin: and she is very nice :)

Putin is not only one Russia man to like :)))

Putin a few years ago he came to France in Paris at the Ritz it was welcomed like a prince ... nuance/ the opposite in the documentery about him he was badly loved from the French but for the end of the documentery it was the opposite when He came in Paris.

No one knows, who is mr. Putin in reality. Still no one. KGB style - what do you want else? :)
Time zone funny. If want to talk to my daughter (in Okinawa) I have to count -6 hours +a day.

ли я сказать вам, что кафе было бы здорово?

Здесь в кафе очень приятно общаться. Теплая атмосфера, хорошая компания - что может быть лучше?
Bonsoir à tous, Sbiker one of my friend is Russian i ask her to respond to me in Russian : do you like Putin ?
She told me YES in Russian after in French it is a good thing for her to understand and speak French i don't understant a thing in Russian :badgrin: and she is very nice :)

Putin is not only one Russia man to like :)))
Putin a few years ago he came to France in Paris at the Ritz it was welcomed like a prince ... nuance/ the opposite in the documentery about him he was badly loved from the French but for the end of the documentery it was the opposite when He came in Paris.

No one knows, who is mr. Putin in reality. Still no one. KGB style - what do you want else? :)
I do not know much about his story but I know it is very powerful and it does not seem very convenient
Ummm...what do you smoke? Here in Alaska, it's legal to smoke marijuana...

I'm not a lover of cannabis, only tobacco.... but Alaska is becoming more attractive for me... :))
Not a fan myself, I am allergic to marijuana. A good craft-brewed beer or my own home-made mead serves me well enough for any celebration.
I am thinking of marketing some cannabis-friendly compost, though.

Some years I worked in Siberia and periodically think about any rotational work to view new places... But Vankor is too extremal for me, maybe to try something in Alaska? :-\ Do you know, has the visa regime at Alaska differences, or it's the same, like in other US?
It is Siberia that there is the baby mammoth well guarded :)


These Baby Woolly Mammoths Have Scientists Going Gaga | The Huffington Post

We have a bigger one not far from here :) But Siberia is real a place, where mammonths were evolved :)

спасибо, i adore those Mammoth this one where is he from ?
Hi America, I am up at your bedtime. It is coming up to 6am and I cant sleep so I got up.
There is a TV film channel starting at six but its a repeat, so I will have to watch a DVD.

High! You're only up, but I'm already at office and starting to work! For the change of one day, I was sick this week :)

You're in Greenwich area, I'm in +3 timezone (and my clients in +5 timezone :))
Time zone funny. If want to talk to my daughter (in Okinawa) I have to count -6 hours +a day.

While you all sleeping, let's organize the minute of depression about a targets we hadn't reached in our life... :)

P.S. Whining cat and whining fly,
Whining airplane at sky,
Eye is whining from shampoo....
Let yourself be whining too :)

ли я сказать вам, что кафе было бы здорово?

Здесь в кафе очень приятно общаться. Теплая атмосфера, хорошая компания - что может быть лучше?

Я был уверен, что вам понравится люди здесь. Они очень дружелюбны и понимания. Без политика, ни одна религия не делает его мирным.

Политика и религия - это вещи, которые должны помогать строить, а не разрушать. Человечество слишком увлечено войнами за ресурсы Земли, в то время, как давно уже пора осваивать Солнечную систему. В перерывах общаясь так, как общаемся здесь мы :)

К сожалению политика и религия очень поляризационный и многие американцы не могут обсуждать или принимать другие народы точки зрения в отношении либо.
Я должен предупредить вас, хотя, если кто решит перевести это, мы будет увещевал потому, что такие разговоры не допускается в кафе. Если вы хотите обсудить религии или политике, мы можем перейти к PM (личное сообщение) и обсудить там.
Time zone funny. If want to talk to my daughter (in Okinawa) I have to count -6 hours +a day.

ли я сказать вам, что кафе было бы здорово?

Здесь в кафе очень приятно общаться. Теплая атмосфера, хорошая компания - что может быть лучше?
Bonsoir à tous, Sbiker one of my friend is Russian i ask her to respond to me in Russian : do you like Putin ?
She told me YES in Russian after in French it is a good thing for her to understand and speak French i don't understant a thing in Russian :badgrin: and she is very nice :)

Well I know what da and net and spaseebo (sp?)is in Russian. After that it is all Greek to me.

Using tabbed lexicon, you could be understandable at all unofficial Russia, knowing only a few words, prepositions and rules of word-constructing... and some experience to use it :) But it's not a way to talk with respectable people :)

That's why I don't use my little translator program much to communicate with friends in other languages, because I don't trust it to say what I mean to say. It is useful in translating what they are saying. Unfortunately it doesn't include Russian. :(
You careful about the words you select. The difference between "allow" and "permit" may not seem significant to us in English, but they may be very different in other languages.
Yes Kat...We are heading north. it is a 6 hour drive tomorrow morning...We check out of the motel at 8 am and should get there between 2&3pm. We don't like driving at night to unknown turf, so barring no construction, floods, car troubles, pit stops for peeing and karma stretching her legs...We figure 3ish or so.

The man that contacted my ad lives near Chico, CA. Google images of Paradise and Magalia and you can see what a pretty place it is. Far from the ocean but LOTS of trees and greenery. Last night he and I were texting what would be for dinner Thursday night since I volunteered to do the cooking and invited him to join us in our first home cooked meal in 4 long months and the subject came up about fresh eggs. He wants chickens and a co-op...And so do I! He also said he has a nice back yard but the fence needs repair and I told him we would mend it and make it very Zen back there is we all split the costs and he said it sounded like a splendid plan!

He makes and produces new age music that is very ethereal..And has a studio in the back of the house..And he is a night owl like us. It all sounds wonderful...But I won't believe the change in our luck until I get there and live there for a month!

Meanwhile dentist here is all done and we are semi packed and ready to go.

I will be MIA tomorrow due to being on the road...But I will log on when we arrive there so y'all don't worry[emoji4].

Good to see you here Sarah! And thank you for checking on me. You are very kind to do so. And yes, I am serious. Anything or anyone that shows kindness at this time in Mrg's and myself a trials is MUCH appreciated.

Sent from my Z981 using mobile app
Yes Kat...We are heading north. it is a 6 hour drive tomorrow morning...We check out of the motel at 8 am and should get there between 2&3pm. We don't like driving at night to unknown turf, so barring no construction, floods, car troubles, pit stops for peeing and karma stretching her legs...We figure 3ish or so.

The man that contacted my ad lives near Chico, CA. Google images of Paradise and Magalia and you can see what a pretty place it is. Far from the ocean but LOTS of trees and greenery. Last night he and I were texting what would be for dinner Thursday night since I volunteered to do the cooking and invited him to join us in our first home cooked meal in 4 long months and the subject came up about fresh eggs. He wants chickens and a co-op...And so do I! He also said he has a nice back yard but the fence needs repair and I told him we would mend it and make it very Zen back there is we all split the costs and he said it sounded like a splendid plan!

He makes and produces new age music that is very ethereal..And has a studio in the back of the house..And he is a night owl like us. It all sounds wonderful...But I won't believe the change in our luck until I get there and live there for a month!

Meanwhile dentist here is all done and we are semi packed and ready to go.

I will be MIA tomorrow due to being on the road...But I will log on when we arrive there so y'all don't worry[emoji4].

Good to see you here Sarah! And thank you for checking on me. You are very kind to do so. And yes, I am serious. Anything or anyone that shows kindness at this time in Mrg's and myself a trials is MUCH appreciated.

Sent from my Z981 using mobile app
Good luck, Gracie. Enjoy the drive and let us know if housewarming vibes will be in order.
Well, the partner is now 66. He's planning on going to the SS office in Anchorage and see what's up. I came up to Willow with a pizza and his BD present (propane heated boot dryer). He was pleased. I'm getting ready to motor back down to the goat ranch and care for critters. I will be very happy to be able to stay up here full-time. I will mean giving up my teaching job, and a two-hour commute (one way) to regular work for a couple of years, but it's a trade off. As soon as I get a couple more notes paid off, I will be able to take a less stressful, and less well-paid, job and devote more time to my place. I am looking forward to semi-retirement.
Days are getting longer, gaining about 5 minutes a day of daylight. By late March, we'll greet the Equinox and celebrate another tick of the yearly cycle. Right now, it's +9 and sunny here. It's usually killer cold whenever it's beautiful here, at least in Winter.
Well, my battery is running low and I want to get packed and back to town. It still gets dark early enough that after 5 pm it's inconvenient to try and work outside.
Later, all!
She and hubbie are headed several hours north, Kat, where they will move in with a single guy, I believe, who needs a house mate and someone to share expenses. She will fill you in when she gets back here I'm sure.

Meanwhile, good morning all. Looking at all the rain in California now and thinking how Mr. & Mrs. G must be hating that by now. But California sure needs it. Looks on the radar that most of it is north of where they are right now.

Sunny and pleasant in Albuquerque--we will probably get up to or near 60 today. Sure doesn't feel like February.
I believe the Gracie story is correct. I check back in here on her and Peach, just to name a few. :)

I haven't seen Peach in a few days, btw. Is her hubbs having surgery today?

Thank you for asking about us.

No hubbie's surgery is on hold till they give him this dye on Thursday then another reading on Friday. By Friday the dye will be completly though his system and it will show the live and dead heart tissues. Then we go from there as to when his surgery will be. They won't do it if he has less than 50% of his heart tissue alive.

I am just starting to get over my head cold.
I really was miserable since I got it last Thursday.
I'm just starting to feel human again. :)
Good news is hubbie has not caught it!
I have used alot of disinfectant wipes !!!!! :lol:
Yes Kat...We are heading north. it is a 6 hour drive tomorrow morning...We check out of the motel at 8 am and should get there between 2&3pm. We don't like driving at night to unknown turf, so barring no construction, floods, car troubles, pit stops for peeing and karma stretching her legs...We figure 3ish or so.

The man that contacted my ad lives near Chico, CA. Google images of Paradise and Magalia and you can see what a pretty place it is. Far from the ocean but LOTS of trees and greenery. Last night he and I were texting what would be for dinner Thursday night since I volunteered to do the cooking and invited him to join us in our first home cooked meal in 4 long months and the subject came up about fresh eggs. He wants chickens and a co-op...And so do I! He also said he has a nice back yard but the fence needs repair and I told him we would mend it and make it very Zen back there is we all split the costs and he said it sounded like a splendid plan!

He makes and produces new age music that is very ethereal..And has a studio in the back of the house..And he is a night owl like us. It all sounds wonderful...But I won't believe the change in our luck until I get there and live there for a month!

Meanwhile dentist here is all done and we are semi packed and ready to go.

I will be MIA tomorrow due to being on the road...But I will log on when we arrive there so y'all don't worry[emoji4].

Good to see you here Sarah! And thank you for checking on me. You are very kind to do so. And yes, I am serious. Anything or anyone that shows kindness at this time in Mrg's and myself a trials is MUCH appreciated.

Sent from my Z981 using mobile app

Hope and pray that you all arrive safe and sound to your new adventures waiting!
It sounds ideal for all three of you.
I believe the Gracie story is correct. I check back in here on her and Peach, just to name a few. :)

I haven't seen Peach in a few days, btw. Is her hubbs having surgery today?

Good to hear from you Sarah.
Thanks! How's everything?

Well if death attempts come in threes I have one more to go. A tree I was cutting down barely missed me and I about did a header out of the shower the same day. :lol:




Always gets me in a better mood to face the world.
Be careful! Go steal those grandkids.. ,:)

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